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Fantasy Burning Skies

Bum Bear] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6837-beowulf/ said:
And in return, you stay kept within the thick glass of an inescapable cage. The human slaves you speak of treat their master like a mere house pet. Well, it is very fitting, seeing it is you after all. Ah, but is a Panda not a bear? You, who have stolen the name of the Pandas and place a simplistic color before it do not think of yourself as a bear? And no you simpleton, for one to drop something they must lets go of an object and gravity will then pull the said object down to the ground hence it has been dropped. With gravity being equated to none dropping is fairly impossible, and therefore as you yourself have stated, you have 'thrown' the mic instead of dropped it. You can drop things into the ocean but you cannot drop things beneath the ocean. Same logic applies here. Although I don't want to defame you any further I would have to say that your statement "you are one" is what has brought me to assume that you thought I was a panda. And if we were to talk about species my white, black, and Asian cousin is the first to come to mine on the endangered species list. However as a whole, there is only 'one of you' and a multitude of us. But if that was directed to me as an individual then I pity you who is incapable of standing on your own hind legs, as this 'Bear of Bum' has done. I would drop a mic, but it has melted already.


Oh golly! I was having too much fun conversating with my mammalian pal, that I haven't even started on my CS. I will be right on it.


Aye, hello to you my good fellow.
Whatcha character gonna be? ;3

Can't stand my hind quarters. And I concede this bout of wits to you.

I have no clue :D

I'm used to having the option of a multitude of species,

so having only two is somewhat restricting, but I

can make a human character for once. I want to make

something of a tribal character, someone more in tune with nature

and their surroundings then the more 'mordern' areas of this world.


I thank you for learning your lesson. However I feel as if you have misinterpreted my words for obvious reasons, so I will bestow upon you some knowledge that I hope you shall retain for later years (If life grants you such time). I was referring to the Idiom of 'stand on your own two feet'. I am quite aware your kind is capable of standing, but metaphorically you have yet to get off your stomach let alone stand on your hind legs.

A picture to help fuel your narcissism.


Well fought battle my friend.
@Daniel reaving ooc thread I said... All right, look, I think you've leapt before looking into this rp, so I'm sorry for asking this but are you actually interested in joining? If so, then please let me know what I can help you with. If you don't ask questions, then I can't help and it'll be another hit or a miss after editing your character. I know information is a bit scattered atm, I am sorry about that and I promise I'll sort it out soon, but until then, communication is key here.

@Bum Bear I like that idea. Would your character have been born before or after the dragons came? If before, then it's likely s/he might've met the first survivors from the kingdom of Zorta, maybe guided them towards areas of safety or exploited the knowledge thereof to avoid them. If afterwards though, boy, what a world to grow up in. Also, would your charry be on its own in a group? Would Ains and his fellows be seen as friends or intruders? Would they be acquainted with each other are they total strangers? A few things to consider, hope it helps.
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Most likely going to have been born before the dragons destruction since I think the greenery would be scarce due to dragons burning up the place. It'd make more sense to have her be born in a time where humans caused most of the trouble rather then the dragons. I doubt that she'd help people seeing as that would be a sure fire way to get herself killed. I think interaction would be cut to simple information gathering as life has taught her traveling in large groups is probably not the best way to be traveling if she didn't want to weigh herself down. As for Ain's and comp. neither friend nor intruders. Although I would like to keep her to follow her traditions of not befriending outsider, in this dragon infested realm I don't think it'd be wise to go throwing away valuable pieces of information all for the name of tradition. So their relationship would probably be, feign companionship in exchange for decoys and information. I hope these answer some of your questions.
Enkerzed said:
@Daniel reaving ooc thread I said... All right, look, I think you've leapt before looking into this rp, so I'm sorry for asking this but are you actually interested in joining? If so, then please let me know what I can help you with. If you don't ask questions, then I can't help and it'll be another hit or a miss after editing your character. I know information is a bit scattered atm, I am sorry about that and I promise I'll sort it out soon, but until then, communication is key here.
@Bum Bear I like that idea. Would your character have been born before or after the dragons came? If before, then it's likely s/he might've met the first survivors from the kingdom of Zorta, maybe guided them towards areas of safety or exploited the knowledge thereof to avoid them. If afterwards though, boy, what a world to grow up in. Also, would your charry be on its own in a group? Would Ains and his fellows be seen as friends or intruders? Would they be acquainted with each other are they total strangers? A few things to consider, hope it helps.
Yes i am interested in this rp or i wouldn't have put up a character base in the first place and yes i have read over the over view and all that and i wish to join my life is jus kinda hectic so i'm doing my beast to please every one with my character.
It's not everyone else you gotta worry about, it's just me and dw, I won't dismiss your charry out of hand. I do apologize for laying into you like that, I'll give you all the time you need to sort out your character, but I need to know if there's anything I should clear up. As you can probably tell, I'm still hammering things up as I go, so please, please don't hesitate to ask questions as it'll help me out too. And for the record, I guess 8 is good enough. Not sure what a kid will bring to the rp, but I'd be interested to see.
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As perfect as it was, I felt that my last post could've used a bit of editing which I have now done. So, I wonder what'll happen now. That's a dragon shouting, Vera. How do you feel about that?
Super long day at work guys. Not enough time to post, but I can go over a few things.

First up @nottulfr, technically you didn't hijack @Daniel reaving's character, as in you didn't control what she did, thought or said, so by the rules of the rp, you're in the clear and as long as Daniel doesn't mind, then it's all good. Next time however, if you wanna remove any doubt, I suggest you talk to the other character's owner first or leave your post open ended e.g. 'Wanting to place her on the ground, he stood and reached up to grab her.' Then end it there and see how she reacts. Daniel could then have her accept the action and go along from there, or have her squirm and struggle but still be placed on the ground, or climb up out of reach, or... You get the picture.

That said though, I just realized that I did the exact same thing you did by having Ains pull down @StoneWolf18's character, Vera. So eh, stone, I'm not sure if pulling vera down without her approval is power-gaming or not so tell me if it is and I'll edit... Oh wait, I'm the gm. I, uh, I claim gm privileges. Idgaf if I'm power playing or not.

Jk. I guess all it really comes down to is whether the charry owner objects or not. If not, then assume s'all good, otherwise you edit your post post-haste, no ifs and buts about it. If you won't, that's when the banhammer comes out, so hopefully we never run into that situation ever.

Also, I has idea. What if the army of thralls that tore into Isabella's home had JUST happened and they are right the hell on their way towards the forest as they're following the dragon that just arrived? Eh? Ehhhhh? How's that for a situation?

Also, also @Bum Bear, when are we going to see your character? I, like... I just wanna see it already and after that whole clash of the bears thing with @Beowulf, there's gotta be something to show for it. I mean, I don't wanna get hype or anything, buuuuuut I've gotten hype. So... Hope you live up to it, no pressure.

And I just realized that I could've used all this time to post... 'orz

Well, whatever, I gotta sleep now. Got another long day ahead of me. Brb in a day or 2.
@Enkerzed Okay, thanks man haha, just wanted to make sure. Yeah, I agree that would be an awesome evemnt if the thralls were making their way after us as they follow Isabella!
Ah @Bum Bear, tis a problem I've had many a time. I wish you good fortune in your endeavour. You will find what you seek eventually, I'm sure of it.

@nottulfr and so shall it be. Everyone, prepare for your characters to collectively poop their pants. Things are gonna get interesting.
Sorry guys, still don't have any time to post. I promise that I WILL do it by tomorrow. I'll stay up late if need be. Don't care how zombified I'll be during work, this rp will NOT get backed up like my bowel movements... sorry if that was tmi. I'm seeing a doctor about it, I swear.
Well duds, I finally posted. @Bum Bear, you still having trouble looking for pictoirs? Coz I could help out if you like.

Also, once I get home from work, i'll be working on the overview and adding a few bits that weren't mentioned before. Would like to put em up here later and see what you guys think when I have the time, so just a lil heads up.
So, info dump ahead:

  • Dragons usually don't sleep until they've found thralls to protect them. Those that fail to find a sufficient number to guarantee safety or any at all will most likely drop where they are or find some secluded area to hibernate, having reached the very limits of their energy expenditure. Hibernation can last for months or years on end, depending on how active the dragon was when awake.
  • Dragons with thralls tend to sleep for shorter periods of time, but are also likewise less active, having the luxury of keeping their energy reserves topped up at all times. They are therefore easy to predict in terms of
  • Dragons will compete with other dragons for ownership of thralls. This is done exclusively through the sound of their cries, which they use regularly to ensnare stray thralls or steal them from other dragons.
  • Oddly enough, dragons don't seem to need to eat. They've never been observed using their massive fangs for anything other than offensive purposes or cannibalizing other dead dragons. A popular theory is that the dragons are their own food source, though they have never been seen to prey upon on each other whilst alive. This suggests that cannibalization of the dead is not necessary for survival, though what purpose it serves is unclear. Another theory is that dragons obtain their energy from sunlight, though this would conflict with how some dragons have been known to hibernate inside dark caves, well away from any sunlight.
  • Thralls will always follow a dragon's call, though whether it is the one that first ensnared them or some other dragon is entirely unknown and seems to be up to chance.
  • It is unknown how long it takes for a thrall to become a full fledged dragon, though it has been observed that the initial stages are always the quickest. First come the scales, which could take less than a year to cover most of the body, then after a few weeks or months, secondary features such as horns, claws, wings or a tail may develop. No matter what stage however, a thrall is always susceptible to a dragon's cry. It would take a truly Herculean amount of willpower to resist the call and becoming ensnared.
  • Asides from superficial changes, thralls also become stronger and faster, and age seems to no longer be an issue after a certain point. An elderly person turned thrall may still be frail during the initial stage of their transformation, but after enough time, it will be as though they have become completely immune to the effects of age. Likewise, a child's physical attributes will become increased, though they'll retain their size and for all anyone knows, it'll remain that way until the transformation is complete.
  • No thrall has thus far been able to breathe fire. Perhaps that is a change that only occurs until after the transformation is complete.
  • A dragon's scales is NOT as hard as steel, but they are still considerably tough and thick, enough so to render penetration nearly useless. An arrow will pierce no further than its very tip and a spear or sword point applied with force will usually go through a few inches before getting stuck in the dragon's skin. Its underbelly however is much more soft and vulnerable, though perhaps difficult to access as a dragon would sleep with its belly towards the ground. The joints and lines between scales are also more vulnerable, though also difficult to access.
  • Known vital areas for slaying dragons include the eyes, the throat and the heart. These are the only targets that will guarantee an instant death, though each option carries a high risk of failure. They are as follows:
    The eyes are the easiest vulnerable point to exploit, being the most exposed, but there is always the chance of missing the brain when striking through the eye. The attacker would also be at the most risk of being burned by the dragon's flames, having to be near its head to strike and being the first one to be seen by the dragon should the attack fail.
    The heart is protected by the sternum and rib cage, which are hard enough to break steel upon. One would have to strike at a precise angle to slip a blade between rib bones whilst avoiding the sternum at a certain point, which can be hard to identify. Even then, one would have to apply enough pressure to penetrate through skin and muscle tissue to pierce the heart.
    The throat is the least optimal point to strike, as the the main arteries are more difficult to pinpoint than the heart or brain, and the skin cannot simply be sliced through, even if it is on the underside. Death is not guaranteed to be instant either, even if the arteries are severed as a dragon could take a while to bleed to death.

So what do y'all guys think?
Enkerzed said:
So, info dump ahead:
  • Dragons usually don't sleep until they've found thralls to protect them. Those that fail to find a sufficient number to guarantee safety or any at all will most likely drop where they are or find some secluded area to hibernate, having reached the very limits of their energy expenditure. Hibernation can last for months or years on end, depending on how active the dragon was when awake.
  • Dragons with thralls tend to sleep for shorter periods of time, but are also likewise less active, having the luxury of keeping their energy reserves topped up at all times. They are therefore easy to predict in terms of
  • Dragons will compete with other dragons for ownership of thralls. This is done exclusively through the sound of their cries, which they use regularly to ensnare stray thralls or steal them from other dragons.
  • Oddly enough, dragons don't seem to need to eat. They've never been observed using their massive fangs for anything other than offensive purposes or cannibalizing other dead dragons. A popular theory is that the dragons are their own food source, though they have never been seen to prey upon on each other whilst alive. This suggests that cannibalization of the dead is not necessary for survival, though what purpose it serves is unclear. Another theory is that dragons obtain their energy from sunlight, though this would conflict with how some dragons have been known to hibernate inside dark caves, well away from any sunlight.
  • Thralls will always follow a dragon's call, though whether it is the one that first ensnared them or some other dragon is entirely unknown and seems to be up to chance.
  • It is unknown how long it takes for a thrall to become a full fledged dragon, though it has been observed that the initial stages are always the quickest. First come the scales, which could take less than a year to cover most of the body, then after a few weeks or months, secondary features such as horns, claws, wings or a tail may develop. No matter what stage however, a thrall is always susceptible to a dragon's cry. It would take a truly Herculean amount of willpower to resist the call and becoming ensnared.
  • Asides from superficial changes, thralls also become stronger and faster, and age seems to no longer be an issue after a certain point. An elderly person turned thrall may still be frail during the initial stage of their transformation, but after enough time, it will be as though they have become completely immune to the effects of age. Likewise, a child's physical attributes will become increased, though they'll retain their size and for all anyone knows, it'll remain that way until the transformation is complete.
  • No thrall has thus far been able to breathe fire. Perhaps that is a change that only occurs until after the transformation is complete.
  • A dragon's scales is NOT as hard as steel, but they are still considerably tough and thick, enough so to render penetration nearly useless. An arrow will pierce no further than its very tip and a spear or sword point applied with force will usually go through a few inches before getting stuck in the dragon's skin. Its underbelly however is much more soft and vulnerable, though perhaps difficult to access as a dragon would sleep with its belly towards the ground. The joints and lines between scales are also more vulnerable, though also difficult to access.
  • Known vital areas for slaying dragons include the eyes, the throat and the heart. These are the only targets that will guarantee an instant death, though each option carries a high risk of failure. They are as follows:
    The eyes are the easiest vulnerable point to exploit, being the most exposed, but there is always the chance of missing the brain when striking through the eye. The attacker would also be at the most risk of being burned by the dragon's flames, having to be near its head to strike and being the first one to be seen by the dragon should the attack fail.
    The heart is protected by the sternum and rib cage, which are hard enough to break steel upon. One would have to strike at a precise angle to slip a blade between rib bones whilst avoiding the sternum at a certain point, which can be hard to identify. Even then, one would have to apply enough pressure to penetrate through skin and muscle tissue to pierce the heart.
    The throat is the least optimal point to strike, as the the main arteries are more difficult to pinpoint than the heart or brain, and the skin cannot simply be sliced through, even if it is on the underside. Death is not guaranteed to be instant either, even if the arteries are severed as a dragon could take a while to bleed to death.

So what do y'all guys think?
Cool. So now I know how to pace the mutations. ^^
I wasn't getting alerts, but I figured it out. And it all seeks cool. Guess Stone's character has a godly amount of will power.
Beowulf said:
I wasn't getting alerts, but I figured it out. And it all seeks cool. Guess Stone's character has a godly amount of will power.
Just about...x3
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Beowulf said:
I wasn't getting alerts, but I figured it out. And it all seeks cool. Guess Stone's character has a godly amount of will power.
I wonder why that happens. For that matter, who else isn't getting notifications? Should we just tag anyone we want to respond in each of our posts in case that happens? Hm... Well anyways, I've posted.
Enkerzed said:
I wonder why that happens. For that matter, who else isn't getting notifications? Should we just tag anyone we want to respond in each of our posts in case that happens? Hm... Well anyways, I've posted.
Go into preferences and select a thing that will send you alerts for any followed thread, no mattered how long ago you last viewed.

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