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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Our intentions are to protect the earth and it's good people," he said with the same tone he had started with. "But maybe you don't believe me. I see the way you're looking me up and down and I've seen it before. We aren't a feral symbiote and his host. Not all klyntar are like venom or carnage." He said that defensively. Both him and night hated it when people sterotyped klyntar to be like venom and other feral symbiotes. They are the ones that gave the klyntar a bad name throughout the universe.

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Connor sighed, "I'm looking at you that way because you showed up claiming to have been spying on us and basically demanding information without offering as much as a fake name or hello. Not because of the symbiote, I know all too well they can be dangerous. Both Iron Man and Quicksilver we're killed by one, Massacre. And they we're family, but there was also someone else I considered family who had one as well, so I know they aren't all bloodthirsty as well."

The blonde cleared his throat, "Your clearly the
don't read a book by it's cover type, so how about you take your own advice and take your assumptions elsewhere."
"Is it necessary I give a name? Do we have to go through the formalities? You can call us Night. I'd prefer to get to the point. We want to help with the Thanos situation. We're sure you could use more people considering your friend Perry made a deal with your look-alike. But maybe you don't need more people. We would like to contribute though." Terence wanted to help the planet with this adversary as much as he could. Maybe he was going about in a weird or wrong way, but he was just a little eager.

"Why even try? We could just fight alone."

"We both know that wouldn't work and that teamwork is the best option here." He told Night inside his head.

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"No, it wasn't completely necessary. We'd love the help against Thanos, but if your going to be fighting alongside us you should really try and be a bit more friendly and a little less aggressive." Connor shrugged, "The look-alike is a clone of me. Harry Osborn III decided to clone me and imprison me for more than a month while my clone was out there pretending to be me. Carter attacked my father, which I'm guessing you heard me mention. Osborn decided I wasn't worth keeping around anymore but before he could kill me that symbiote friend I mentioned arrived and saved my life. That enough info for ya?" His tone was passive, he'd since calmed from his heated conflict with Carter.

"Now...it's on surveillance that someone who looks just like me attacked the station." He said nodding towards the camera's, "I'm sure this place will be crawling with officers soon and I'd rather not be here when they sit it was him. It can be straightened out by the Avengers as a whole but I doubt they'd listen to me, plus there are others I need to check up on." Not that he was a fan of leaving the building busted with bodies inside, but sirens blaring closer told him that help was on it's way. "So I'm heading out, you coming with or have you got better things to do?" He didn't wait too long for an answer as he headed for the door.
Terence followed and decided not to answer. It wasn't necessary since the blonde could just see if he would follow. "Finally," he thought. "Wasn't being aggressive though. Just got to the point. I was just being defensive when I was talking about klyntar. But whatever." He thought.

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Connor saw that Perry was still on his phone, and deciding not to bother him he continued through the door, he could catch up if he wanted to. While he may have been walking now with his back to the stranger, he still kept his guard up. Besides, his shield was holstered on his back so any literal backstabbing would be a bit more difficult to attempt. "Maybe I'm just a sucker for names, manners, and formalities before going straight to personal and dangerous information. Mine's Connor by the way, Connor Rogers." His identity had been out for quite some time, it wasn't like he could really hide it very easily with who his father was afterall, and admittedly he got sick of being called Wonderboy.

Connor had seen Pyrite head in this general direction when chasing the large bird, and it was the same way Perry had planned to take in pursuit. The sirens we're really closing in now and the blonde started feeling uncomfortable, deciding to slink off into an alleyway to cut across rather than the sidewalks though he did try to be casual about it. Something he hadn't felt the need to do since the Registration Act where he was branded an enemy by many. Face scrunching at the thought of why he should feel the need to, was he embarrassed..? Maybe it was guilt, Carter was basically supposed to him, in a way.
Cassandra heard there was a jail break. Or at least that was what she was told. From not that far away, she couldn't see any inmates attempted escape. It was probably because either some other people put a stop to that or the prison was extremely empty. Either way, she needed to investigate further. With four soldiers behind her which usually become more of a liability than help, Cassandra felt like she could get more work done. Opposed to some random person in the Avengers who would likely bug her to a point that the help was far outweighed. "We're moving in. The four of you, guard the two entrances and make sure any stray inmates don't escape," She ordered and started swinging towards a window and kicked through it. Cassandra couldn't hear any sounds that stuck out. Well other then two familiar voices paired with a voice somewhat changed by something. Looking off the rail, she saw who it was. There was Perry on the phone. Vaulting over to rail, she landed on the first floor and looked over at him. He seemed to be busy with something. Decided it was probably nothing, she left the prison and saw Connor and the faint outline of a person. "More new people in your group?" Cassandra asked Connor as she caught up with him.

"Wait what? Who died?" Perry said with a somewhat quiet tone. It must've been important if she was getting extremely emotional over it.
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Terence dissappeared into the shadows of the alley Connor went into without a sound. He decided to stay in the shadows as much as he could to not be seen by other people or enemies. He did a good job of staying out of the public eye. He didn't want publicity or fame or people to know he existed. A shadow.

"Looks like we're helping his friend from earlier." He remembered the friend of connor that had been in the station and seeing him run off.


Pyosimros said:
Cassandra heard there was a jail break. Or at least that was what she was told. From not that far away, she couldn't see any inmates attempted escape. It was probably because either some other people put a stop to that or the prison was extremely empty. Either way, she needed to investigate further. With four soldiers behind her which usually become more of a liability than help, Cassandra felt like she could get more work done. Opposed to some random person in the Avengers who would likely bug her to a point that the help was far outweighed. "We're moving in. The four of you, guard the two entrances and make sure any stray inmates don't escape," She ordered and started swinging towards a window and kicked through it. Cassandra couldn't hear any sounds that stuck out. Well other then two familiar voices paired with a voice somewhat changed by something. Looking off the rail, she saw who it was. There was Connor talking to some other person, and there was Perry on the phone. Vaulting over to rail, she landed on the first floor and looked at the two. "More new people in your group?" Cassandra asked Connor and gestured over to Terence for a few seconds.
"Wait what? Who died?" Perry said with a somewhat quiet tone. It must've been important if she was getting extremely emotional over it.
(Wait, we already walked/moved away from the station. I'm pretty sure. I think. Just a little confused)
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Pyrite looked around and noticed S.H.E.I.L.D soilders coming in, knowing that they probably had files on his he put up his hood and began to walk away, "Maybe Stark Tower is open, might as well start to see if I can't start setting up for the next two months."
Connor was about halfway through the alley when he heard the familiar voice from behind, turning he spotted Cassandra. Though the stranger had disappeared from view, Connor guessed he was still somewhere nearby considering he seemed to know how to stay hidden as nobody had noticed him at the station until he'd let himself be known. "Uh, yeah." He said, scratching his cheek a little confused at only seeing her but pushed past it with a light smile. "What are you doing here?"
Pyosimros said:
Cassandra heard there was a jail break. Or at least that was what she was told. From not that far away, she couldn't see any inmates attempted escape. It was probably because either some other people put a stop to that or the prison was extremely empty. Either way, she needed to investigate further. With four soldiers behind her which usually become more of a liability than help, Cassandra felt like she could get more work done. Opposed to some random person in the Avengers who would likely bug her to a point that the help was far outweighed. "We're moving in. The four of you, guard the two entrances and make sure any stray inmates don't escape," She ordered and started swinging towards a window and kicked through it. Cassandra couldn't hear any sounds that stuck out. Well other then two familiar voices paired with a voice somewhat changed by something. Looking off the rail, she saw who it was. There was Perry on the phone. Vaulting over to rail, she landed on the first floor and looked over at him. He seemed to be busy with something. Decided it was probably nothing, she left the prison and saw Connor and the faint outline of a person. "More new people in your group?" Cassandra asked Connor as she caught up with him.
"Wait what? Who died?" Perry said with a somewhat quiet tone. It must've been important if she was getting extremely emotional over it.
"Daddy....... My dad was killed." she replied as she tried to calm down, but had too many emotions to do so. "Assassins killed him......"
A anonymous email was sent to Tech, Jordan and Emile.

"I have a proposition for you, I would like to meet at a discreet location, but I'm not in one of the most trusted people in the world right now and I'd prefer not to be interrupted. In the code of this message is an encrypted code that should be relatively easy to crack for someone of Tech's skills, especially since I'm out of practice.Once she cracks it the location will be sent to all of you.

Oh and before I forget, just in case you deiced to ignore this message, I've got some extra incentive, I've timed this message to blow up three things, Jordan's mansion, Tech's little toy mecha and a hospital full of kids, it'll detonate in thirty minutes unless you come here. See ya soon!"



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"Two reasons really. The first one is that I came here because my dad and Perry's dad are having a little hangout thing right now. And the second reason is because I heard radio signals from cops and they all ended with the sound of death so I came to investigate. I see you guys are still finding members?" Cassandra finished and looked over at Terence who just emerged. "More of an ally," Cassandra corrected. "My name's Cassandra Thompson. Nice to meet you."

"He died!?" Perry exclaimed. He couldn't believe Namor would be killed from assassins. He didn't really know what to say next.
Pyosimros said:
"Two reasons really. The first one is that I came here because my dad and Perry's dad are having a little hangout thing right now. And the second reason is because I heard radio signals from cops and they all ended with the sound of death so I came to investigate. I see you guys are still finding members?" Cassandra finished and looked over at Terence who just emerged. "More of an ally," Cassandra corrected. "My name's Cassandra Thompson. Nice to meet you."
"He died!?" Perry exclaimed. He couldn't believe Namor would be killed from assassins. He didn't really know what to say next.
(Still hidden. Didn't emerge)
"Well, we do need the help with Thanos. So every little bit counts." Hadn't he just been yelling at Perry for that exact argument with making a deal with Carter? "About those deaths..." He started, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck and not making full eye contact with Cassandra, "..it's going to be my clone on any of those security recordings or witness's. So there's a chance the authorities and public might get a bit trigger happy with pinning the blame on me, ya know since he technically doesn't exist and all. I don't suppose you could help me out with that?" Connor didn't really like asking favors but he wasn't afraid to ask when he needed to, and now was likely one of those times. "Cause last time some of us got arrested it had a hand in bringing the registration act back."
"Another klyntar and its host. I don't think they are connected to the hive mind."

"Must be an offspring or something of the venom symbiote Flash Thompson had. Let's absorb a chunk of it and get some of its memories to know for sure. But let's wait to do that." They stayed transformed as a shadow and continued to watch the conversation.
"I'll get onto that later. Any updates on Thanos?" Cassandra asked him. She heard the name get thrown around a couple times, and it was made obvious that he was coming for a second round. Probably sooner then she would've thought.
"Not much. There's a plan in the works..." At this moment he realized the people he'd left at the Ice Cream parlor before everything got complicated, "...we just need to train, plan, recruit over the next month and a half. Then take the fight to him, so to speak." Connor was glad she'd agreed to do him the favor though she didn't seem too bothered by it. Was he just being overly cautious or paranoid then?

"How's the uh..symbiote? Last I heard you'd lost it or something. Sorry I hadn't checked in or something, been busy lately."
Terrible excuse, even if it's true.
"It's all good. Not that I ask it anything though, being the quiet sonuvabitch it is," Cassandra smiled. The only time it ever spoke was whenever it takes over her or her father's body completely. Other then that, it tries to persuade her into thinking things by manipulating her thoughts at times of distress. "How's Ivory? I heard something happened to him. Would suck if he died cause he has uh..." She began to think for a moment before coming up with something to finish the sentence. "Three girlfriends right? I mean... Do they even know that he's dating each of em' or is it just a secret thing."

(Yup. But the kill 'switch' *coughBOMBcough* got ejected)
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