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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Fortune heard the lock click and open as the feeling in the pit of her stomach finally faded, telling her that her leash was home. She threw aside her mask into a pile of cloths that had now become her own pile of junk she refused to pick up. She huffed and landed face first on the couch, Bob came in and stretched as he sat down next to his sister.

"This place is filthy! How could somebody allow this to happen to a house?!"

"Simple, they start letting me live there." She picked herself up and called out to Kyuma, "So you know how you said going out to be some kind of bad ass vigilante was stupid? You were right, I got my ass kicked by two Avengers and put into the hospital....I also tried to get them to pay for the bill but I highly doubt they will so that's on you."

She got up and walked to the kitchen she began to rummage through the fridge while forcing Bob to rummage through the cabinets, "We got any food?)

@Kalin Scarlet, btw, you can't see or hear Bob,he's more like a personal ghost slave for Fortune)
Connor's heart sank at her words, he was tired of giving the bad news. Ivory's parents, then Dimitri, and now Cassandra, it was taking a toll. "Guess that you hadn't heard yet." Not that too many would have. "That last mission we went on." Connors hands involuntarily went to his hips because they just needed to be somewhere. "Helga, Kelai, Redd, Ivory. Those are the names of the one's we lost." Why he'd said it like that he wasn't sure, he'd honestly still not fully had time to grieve or go over his inevitable guilt trip. The blonde gave Cassandra a weak smile, "Dimitri read out his final words to the team over the commlink but we plan to put it up..." At Avengers Tower? It's gone smart guy. "..somewhere for anyone who wanted to see."

That reminded him that he still needed to deliver Tanya her letter, if they we're even back yet from their stupid solo suicide mission.
"Hmph," Cassandra nodded. She would've added some dark humor into the mix but she already recognized it was inappropriate to do it now. Cassandra wasn't really sure why she was being calm with this news. It could've been because she took Ivory's death into consideration before or she's seen enough allies dead that she didn't care to get emotional anymore. "Anything else you should tell me?"
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"Woah, they lost quite a few people." Terence felt a little sad for him. He hadn't lost anyone close to him so he didn't know how it felt like.

"Indeed. Quite saddening."

"Yeah. Anyway, her symbiote. Must be venom or an offspring for sure. It must be drugged or weakened and she doesn't wear it for more than two days because it would've taken complete control of her."

"Question is, do we destroy it? It is a feral klyntar."

"I'm not sure."

They were hesitant because she probably got used to wearing and other had no powers. Thy were considering her feelings.
Connor wasn't sure if he was irritated by the way she took the news or uncomfortable. Either way he wasn't frustrated, his tone was normal if not a little tense or snappy. "Anything else? Really? No, nothing else. I won't bore you with the details of how I watched the light in Ivory's parents eyes drain when I told them there son was dead or anything of the sort." He gave a light snort before turning to continue through the alley. What was it about today that had everyone pushing Connor's buttons exactly? Letting out a light sigh he decided it wasn't everyone else and that he was allowing himself to be pushed too easily. Everyone had their own ways of dealing and maybe hers wasn't obvious or in the moment. It seemed like his emotions weren't exactly calm ever since he'd been given these powers, whether it was psychological or not he couldn't tell.
Three seconds. It took three seconds, honestly Tech was disappointed about how little effort it took. "So what's the plan?" she aaked more amused than anything

Jordan scratched his head lazily and adjusted the earbud "Honestly, don't people realize you don't ask for shit buy threatening me? It's a sure fire way to make me say some very not PG things..."

Emile punches a wall and his fist goes through it "I get to drink whoever it is."
Pyrite looked down at his phone from his perch atop an old broken down building and whistled, "Damn, defiantly better than mine. Alright, well I guess I better make things look nice and tidy for the sideshow." In the code it was a simple address, a broken up building with boarded up windows on the corner of 149th and Fredrick Douglas, the inside wasn't impressive yet either, just a desk being held together with wood glue, a plastic chair and a lame laptop. He planed to expand, bu this is what he had for now, he planned to use the rest of the million he "borrowed" from Perry to better the place.

He sat down and stretched a bit before going back to trying to set up some kind of base for a way to monitor the Avenger's vitals and such during battles.

Tech was the first on the scene but waited for the others. When Jordan and Emile arrived, Emile viciously ripped the door from its hinges and threw it across the street

"...Pretty sure it was open big guy" Jordan joked and headed inside
Pyrite looked up from his screen and sighed, he picked up the sword he had on his waist and put it in the corner, he dusted off himself and looked at the program one last tie before looking at his door frame and standing tall, waiting for them to walk into the room.

To say that Jordan was less than pleased to see Pyrite was am understatement. "Yea, no. You have approximately five seconds before Iv let Spyder kill you. Use it wisely." Jordan said coldly, he didn't like being told to do things, and it really annoyed him to find out that Pyrite was behind it.
LokiofSP said:
Fortune heard the lock click and open as the feeling in the pit of her stomach finally faded, telling her that her leash was home. She threw aside her mask into a pile of cloths that had now become her own pile of junk she refused to pick up. She huffed and landed face first on the couch, Bob came in and stretched as he sat down next to his sister.
"This place is filthy! How could somebody allow this to happen to a house?!"

"Simple, they start letting me live there." She picked herself up and called out to Kyuma, "So you know how you said going out to be some kind of bad ass vigilante was stupid? You were right, I got my ass kicked by two Avengers and put into the hospital....I also tried to get them to pay for the bill but I highly doubt they will so that's on you."

She got up and walked to the kitchen she began to rummage through the fridge while forcing Bob to rummage through the cabinets, "We got any food?)

@Kalin Scarlet, btw, you can't see or hear Bob,he's more like a personal ghost slave for Fortune)
" I wonder what makes you think I'm going to pay for that..." Kyuma said, descending the stairs. His hair was disheveled, and he rubbed his eyes gently as he joined her in the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out half a tin of left over Chinese food, as if out of nowhere.

"Im not rich, Fortune. Besides, I'm pretty sure you had it coming."
Pyrite smiled nervously and feigned cockiness, "Geez Jordan, that's four seconds ore than I need, give a guy a challenge." He laughed awkwardly before coughing into his hand, "Look...I could sit here and give you my story,tell you how and why I came to my senses, but I don't have the time so I'll keep it short. I'm sane again, and I need people to join the Avengers to help Thanos...Now hold up!" He put up a hand, "I know you three are either A) About to attack me or B)Leave because this offer is stupid in your eyes. But look, when it comes down it, Tech and Emile have shit else to do. What else are you gonna do for two months? Waste away in Jordan's mansion like you usually do? At least joining us would give you something to do. That's all I'll say on that."

"As for you Jordan...." He turned to the man and put his hands into his pockets, "You'd probably just say how this is to small for you, how this isn't something you should be getting in, and I just wanted to say....That you're absolutely right. If you manage to survive until the Pheniox gets here, you may very well be the one to be able to finally relive mutant kind of the hell it's been through, you may be their hope and to fight Thanos you're behind the scenes, I get it, housing a cosmic entity or power is hard work."

"I've seen it in work myself, I've seen what the Pheniox does and I have no doubt in my mind that with the right host, something wonderful can be done with the Pheniox, something most aren't ready for yet. You don't want people to become dependent on you. Now I could sit here for hours on end talking bout how wrong you are, or giving you facts about how that may happen anyways or never happen, but I refuse to. If there's one thing I've learned it's that there is never a definitive answer until one is found through trial, the problem is that such a test like this could ruin humanity. But if you do it enough it could save it."

"Hear me out, we beat Thanos and naturally you fight with us just this once. You dont need to talk to us EVER AGAIN if you want, but stand with us after we win. That way people have faith. I'll accept that you can't let them depend on you, but by making the public THINK the Avengers have an edge like you, public faith would skyrocket, we could be apart of the plan to bring humanity to a new age if we play our cards right..."

"We all need to do our part...So what do you guys say?"


Fortune snatched the tin from Kyuma and scoffed, "Of course not, I thought I saw trouble in Central Park and confronted this big asshole meat head, and for my efforts to try to help the city he knocked me the fuck out and nearly fractured my damn arms, thank god they can come off." She took a big bite of the food and in between chews continued, "Seriously though, how the fuck did you ever deal with those guys?"

@Kalin Scarlet
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LokiofSP said:
Pyrite smiled nervously and feigned cockiness, "Geez Jordan, that's four seconds ore than I need, give a guy a challenge." He laughed awkwardly before coughing into his hand, "Look...I could sit here and give you my story,tell you how and why I came to my senses, but I don't have the time so I'll keep it short. I'm sane again, and I need people to join the Avengers to help Thanos...Now hold up!" He put up a hand, "I know you three are either A) About to attack me or B)Leave because this offer is stupid in your eyes. But look, when it comes down it, Tech and Emile have shit else to do. What else are you gonna do for two months? Waste away in Jordan's mansion like you usually do? At least joining us would give you something to do. That's all I'll say on that."
"As for you Jordan...." He turned to the man and put his hands into his pockets, "You'd probably just say how this is to small for you, how this isn't something you should be getting in, and I just wanted to say....That you're absolutely right. If you manage to survive until the Pheniox gets here, you may very well be the one to be able to finally relive mutant kind of the hell it's been through, you may be their hope and to fight Thanos you're behind the scenes, I get it, housing a cosmic entity or power is hard work."

"I've seen it in work myself, I've seen what the Pheniox does and I have no doubt in my mind that with the right host, something wonderful can be done with the Pheniox, something most aren't ready for yet. You don't want people to become dependent on you. Now I could sit here for hours on end talking bout how wrong you are, or giving you facts about how that may happen anyways or never happen, but I refuse to. If there's one thing I've learned it's that there is never a definitive answer until one is found through trial, the problem is that such a test like this could ruin humanity. But if you do it enough it could save it."

"Hear me out, we beat Thanos and naturally you fight with us just this once. You dont need to talk to us EVER AGAIN if you want, but stand with us after we win. That way people have faith. I'll accept that you can't let them depend on you, but by making the public THINK the Avengers have an edge like you, public faith would skyrocket, we could be apart of the plan to bring humanity to a new age if we play our cards right..."

"We all need to do our part...So what do you guys say?"


Fortune snatched the tin from Kyuma and scoffed, "Of course not, I thought I saw trouble in Central Park and confronted this big asshole meat head, and for my efforts to try to help the city he knocked me the fuck out and nearly fractured my damn arms, thank god they can come off." She took a big bite of the food and in between chews continued, "Seriously though, how the fuck did you ever deal with those guys?"

@Kalin Scarlet
"Easily enough. I mean I'm much more sociable than you are. And pretty good looking, if I do say so myself." He said, snatching his food back from her and placing it in the microwave. "Anyways, you really need to set up an emergency number here, or something. It really sucks feeling the pull at random all of the time." He said, sitting on the counter. He ran a hand through his hair, and when he pulled away, it was back in shape. He looked over at Fortune, and gave her a smile.

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"Three things you got wrong their douche-nozzle. 1) Sanity is overrated, don't believe me? Tech's been provin' that shit for years. 2) I am not a Phoenix, I am no host, I AM the god damn Phoenix Force and 3) The public won't look at me like some kind of savior or godsend to boost their morale and faith, they'll look to me as a God, or a monster, a mistake. Sooner or later the Avengers will fall to public pressure...and they WILL try to kill me or rip my conscious away from my other half's. I don't TRUST one Avenger enough to willingly turn my back to them. As for Tech and Emile, if they want to help you, I don't have any control over them and they'll do what they want...Not like they haven't been doing that ANYWAY. But as for me, I told the Avengers once and I'll tell you now, if I need to step in and fight I will, but humanity needs to stand for itself." Jordan started to walk away and stopped "Besides...the Phoenix Force wouldn't even be close to returning to this universe within that time frame."

Tech looked at Jordan and shrugged "Right, send the girl with no offensive or defensive capabilities against Thanos, no wonder the Avengers lost to him. Whatever, I'll help."

Emile grunted "I wonder what he will taste like..."
Fortune sighed and snapped her fingers, a chair was brought to her and she sat down, "So I've been thinking about that, after trying it out for the last few days, this is gonna sound corny as all fuck by the way, I think helping people actually feels kinda good. I want to keep doing it and it feels like I'm filling a gap in my fucking miserable life, but I can't do that with this damn bond-thing we have."

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, "Not only that but between groceries and rent we're fucked, we would both be happier without each other in our lives, and there's no question we'd be better off, but we can't be, what the fuck are we gonna do? Stay in a five foot radius of one another until we're old and withered? Fuck that! I want a life separate, and I think it's about time we tried to find a way to do that."

@Kalin Scarlet
Jordan merely shrugged "Have fun, I would love to help but, y'know, duties and whatnot. I mean, if you needed me to school Thanos in galactic one-on-one street ball, THAT I could do. But I somehow don't get the notion that Thanos even knows what B-ball is."
Pyrite wanted to reach out and tell Jordan he was wrong, but he couldn't, he knew that he was busy doing things Pyrite had no matter in, and besides, he should've known to stay in his boundaries and worry about his goal, keeping everybody alive.

He clapped his hands, "Okay then! First things first Tech, I don't want you on the front lines, not even close. You proved you're ten times better than me at codding, hacking and the whole nine, so I want you to be our TECH support!" He laughed at his own joke before realizing he was the only one doing so, "*Ahem* But yeah, I'm thinking you use that giant robot of yours while monitoring people so they don't die and shit."

He turned on his heel to face Spyder, "As for you, I'll cut you a deal. For every day of training and as long as you stick with us, I'll not only let you consume every villain we find, but once a month I'll tie myself down and let you get a full drink of me. NOT UNTIL I DIE! Just enough that you're satisfied. Sound good?"

Emile groaned loudly at Pyrite's bad joke "My god, your humor is about as bad as Tech coming up with names for her crap. And no offense, but this whole conversation is starting to sound really gay..."
Pyrite rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, it's been awhile since I've cracked joke that weren't the description of the many ways I'd eat somebody." He shrugged at Emile's comment, "I dunno, take it that way if you want, I'm sure Tech would enjoy the show at the very least." He walked to the corner and picked up his sword, spinning it once in is hand before putting it back on his hip, "Anyways, I gotta buy some crap so this setup can do something, Tech, there any particular equipment you want? Everyone has a preferred set up."

LokiofSP said:
Fortune sighed and snapped her fingers, a chair was brought to her and she sat down, "So I've been thinking about that, after trying it out for the last few days, this is gonna sound corny as all fuck by the way, I think helping people actually feels kinda good. I want to keep doing it and it feels like I'm filling a gap in my fucking miserable life, but I can't do that with this damn bond-thing we have."
She sighed and rubbed her eyes, "Not only that but between groceries and rent we're fucked, we would both be happier without each other in our lives, and there's no question we'd be better off, but we can't be, what the fuck are we gonna do? Stay in a five foot radius of one another until we're old and withered? Fuck that! I want a life separate, and I think it's about time we tried to find a way to do that."

@Kalin Scarlet
Kyuma took a moment to think about what she'd said."Well, as much as I've loved having you here..." He replied sarcastically, turning towards the pile if clothes on the floor."You're right. We've got to find our what's going on here. But how do you suppose we do that, when our only lead is in the freaking underworld? " he asked, removing his food from the microwave, and handing it to Fortune.

"I mean, unless you know a demon around here, somewhere, that could tell us what we need to know, we're kind of lacking in options."

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Fortune shoved the food into her mouth and thought for a few moments, after she finally finished chewing she looked back up at Kyuma and snapped her fingers, "I don't know any demons, but I do know about a necromancer guy-thing."

@Kalin Scarlet
"A necromancer guy-thing, huh? Well, its not exactly what we need right now, but he might have some answers for us. Let's try it. Do you know how to get in contact with him?" Kyuma asked, returning to the fridge, and grabbing some soda, which he split with her. He also took the food back, and had a few bites, himself.

Helicopters arrive back at the girls base and the children began walking into the base. Helena got off with the Boss and the girls followed suit. Amelia began speaking over the comm. "If anyone is available, we have a pretty big surprise..." She stated. @anyone
Pyosimros said:
"Two reasons really. The first one is that I came here because my dad and Perry's dad are having a little hangout thing right now. And the second reason is because I heard radio signals from cops and they all ended with the sound of death so I came to investigate. I see you guys are still finding members?" Cassandra finished and looked over at Terence who just emerged. "More of an ally," Cassandra corrected. "My name's Cassandra Thompson. Nice to meet you."
"He died!?" Perry exclaimed. He couldn't believe Namor would be killed from assassins. He didn't really know what to say next.
"Yeah......... Tigershark and his boss did it...." she said as she wiped her tears. "Now what am i going to do? I can't do anything at this point."
Gwen wakes up in the hospital. She sits straight up in her bed and puts her hand to her head "Ugh.... what happened..." she said. "I cant remember anything...." she felt a sharp pain in her arm.

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