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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Gwen landed onto the ground when they landed like she was a pro "That felt... fun" she said laughing. Her smile faded as she looked up at stark tower. there was a part of the side that was still under construction. "......" she trembled and fell to her knees when she looked at it. Glimpses of the battle she had been in flashed into her mind as tears came to her eyes "I.... I remember.... I was up there.... the wires... and the... the symbiote.. but why was I up there..." she said as she looked back up "What am I....." she said as she cryed


Newtype said:
" Don't fall." Laxus said as lightning crackled around them. Then he took at lightning speed though using the Esoteric properties of his lightning to reduce the strain on Gwen. Once he was at the proper height above the city he flew towards the Stark Tower trailing lightning across the skupynfor all to witness. Then he stopped short of the building snd descended vertically landing in front odf the Stark Tower. "We have arrived Lady Gwen." Laxus announced.
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[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen landed onto the ground when they landed like she was a pro "That felt... fun" she said laughing. Her smile faded as she looked up at stark tower. there was a part of the side that was still under construction. "......" she trembled and fell to her knees when she looked at it. Glimpses of the battle she had been in flashed into her mind as tears came to her eyes "I.... I remember.... I was up there.... the wires... and the... the symbiote.. but why was I up there..." she said as she looked back up "What am I....." she said as she cryed


"Did you say symbiote as in those liquid organisms that solidfy when they attach to another organism? Well it seems as upsetting as they are making you following your leads is bringing back your memory. If you were at the top of this tower then we should fly up to the top of the tower, Lady Gwen." Laxus replied holding out his hand. "No need to cry yet, you don't have the whole story. Maybe you were actually doing some good or if not you could change your ways."
Newtype said:
"Did you say symbiote as in those liquid organisms that solidfy when they attach to another organism? Well it seems as upsetting as they are making you following your leads is bringing back your memory. If you were at the top of this tower then we should fly up to the top of the tower, Lady Gwen." Laxus replied holding out his hand. "No need to cry yet, you don't have the whole story. Maybe you were actually doing some good or if not you could change your ways."
"M-maybe......" she said as she stood up. "I just..... It's nothing.,.. lets go..." she looked up "Im ready to go to the top..."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"M-maybe......" she said as she stood up. "I just..... It's nothing.,.. lets go..." she looked up "Im ready to go to the top..."

Laxus took her hand and took off but at a slower but more scenic pace purposely giving Gwen some time to remember and think as he flew her to the top. He wondered if she was once possessed or possibly wielded a symbiote from how she said maybe to his question. As they arrived at the top Laxus set her down gently and let her remember.
Gwen looked out over the city "Laxus...." she said looking out "I remember...." she said as she walked closer to the edge, now standing on it "Just dont come after me..... I will meet you at the bottom" she said as she leaned forward and fell down of the edge with her arms spread out

Newtype said:
Laxus took her hand and took off but at a slower but more scenic pace purposely giving Gwen some time to remember and think as he flew her to the top. He wondered if she was once possessed or possibly wielded a symbiote from how she said maybe to his question. As they arrived at the top Laxus set her down gently and let her remember.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen looked out over the city "Laxus...." she said looking out "I remember...." she said as she walked closer to the edge, now standing on it "Just dont come after me..... I will meet you at the bottom" she said as she leaned forward and fell down of the edge with her arms spread out

"Odin the All Father!" Laxus exclaimed as Gwen jumped over the edge. Laxus leapt off the builiding and raced to reach the ground before her and set up to catch her if whatevee she was trying failed but he made sure not to look like it at all. She must be trying the suicide way to awaken her power or is attempting plain suicide.
Gwen crashed into the ground and smoke came up from the crash. Cracks came from the area of impact. As the smoke cleared, a girl made of completly metal stood up. She had her metal wings extended and was looking around happily "I remember who I am.... I am the Metal Mistress" she said happily

Newtype said:
"Odin the All Father!" Laxus exclaimed as Gwen jumped over the edge. Laxus leapt off the builiding and raced to reach the ground before her and set up to catch her if whatevee she was trying failed but he made sure not to look like it at all. She must be trying the suicide way to awaken her power or is attempting plain suicide.
Crono said:
Connor watched as Cassandra zoomed by him after they heard Amelia over the comm, clearly not bothered by his earlier remarks. A part of him wanted to say 'Forget it. No surprises, no more crap to pull today. I'll yell at the lot of you tomorrow.' But then he was never a very good procrastinator, he huffed before turning around to look down the alley. The blonde's eyes scouring the sides, going up towards the roofs and back down again. He was assuming that the guy he'd met earlier had stuck around, if not he was going to be talking to himself. "You know you could have come out and said hello." He called out, "Though I don't know much about how symbiotes co-existing or anything I can vouch for her. I've got to check on something, your welcome to come with if you'd want." He gave a light shrug before turning to leave hesitantly watching for any movement from the corner of his eye.
It seemed like there was always something to do, no reprieve. Pyrite was who knows where, and Finn and Dimitri had probably realized he'd gone by now. He only hoped they didn't think he'd ditched, hopefully Cassie or the other two had filled them in. To be fair he'd planned on returning with Pyrite, but everything had gotten complicated. It always did.

@GeoStone @Pyosimros
He followed the blonde by hiding and traveling inside his shadow. Night and himself didn't have any plans beside helping him at the moment. "Me and Night will talk to her later. Do not worry," he said from Connor's shadow. "I'll tell you more on the klyntar later if you'd like"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen crashed into the ground and smoke came up from the crash. Cracks came from the area of impact. As the smoke cleared, a girl made of completly metal stood up. She had her metal wings extended and was looking around happily "I remember who I am.... I am the Metal Mistress" she said happily

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen crashed into the ground and smoke came up from the crash. Cracks came from the area of impact. As the smoke cleared, a girl made of completly metal stood up. She had her metal wings extended and was looking around happily "I remember who I am.... I am the Metal Mistress" she said happily

"Well miss Gwen can you now tell me about yourself and this world?" Laxus asked maybe killing the mood a bit. He was relieved she wasn't attempting suicide as he dusted himself off and coughed a bit because he was previously covered in the smoke cloud.
Newtype said:
"Well miss Gwen can you now tell me about yourself and this world?" Laxus asked maybe killing the mood a bit. He was relieved she wasn't attempting suicide as he dusted himself off and coughed a bit because he was previously covered in the smoke cloud.
Gwen looked at him. "This is earth.... i cant remember much but......" she said then her eyes went wide and she fell to her knees "That day..... I used the wires to channel electricity through my body...... then I went straight into the symbiote..... its claw... it went straight through me.. and then..." she shook her head "I.... I did good... I was afraid I was evil..."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen looked at him. "This is earth.... i cant remember much but......" she said then her eyes went wide and she fell to her knees "That day..... I used the wires to channel electricity through my body...... then I went straight into the symbiote..... its claw... it went straight through me.. and then..." she shook her head "I.... I did good... I was afraid I was evil..."

" I know this place is what we used to call Midgard. Sounds like villainy still plagues this planet. I did hear that electricity causes symbiotes to back down. I think it was very noble of you to sacrifice yourself to defeat such a nefarious monster. So Metal Mistress it's hard for me to think you did battle alone as even my father fought alongside a team. Do you know where the other heroes can be found or shall we search the city together? " Laxus said he was using his Supernatural Senses to already lock on to a general area where several possible heroes could be found.
"This was the last place I saw any heros.... was here...." she said looking up "I dont remember who.... but almost all of them were here...."

Newtype said:
" I know this place is what we used to call Midgard. Sounds like villainy still plagues this planet. I did hear that electricity causes symbiotes to back down. I think it was very noble of you to sacrifice yourself to defeat such a nefarious monster. So Metal Mistress it's hard for me to think you did battle alone as even my father fought alongside a team. Do you know where the other heroes can be found or shall we search the city together? " Laxus said he was using his Supernatural Senses to already lock on to a general area where several possible heroes could be found.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"This was the last place I saw any heros.... was here...." she said looking up "I dont remember who.... but almost all of them were here...."

" That leaves option 2, I not really good at this acute sensory stuff but I got a general area we should look for some." Laxus said slowly rising into the air with an aura of lightning. "Also you can call me Raitei, though its Japanese because I learned most of esoteric lightning powers in Japan under the study of a mystic lightning monk. He gave me that name which means Lightning Emperor."
Gwen'as wings flapped and she started to go into the air "Welp... lets go...." she said laughing "I missed flying...." she said with a smile "Im still baffled how a metal girl with metal wings can fly"


Newtype said:
" That leaves option 2, I not really good at this acute sensory stuff but I got a general area we should look for some." Laxus said slowly rising into the air with an aura of lightning. "Also you can call me Raitei, though its Japanese because I learned most of esoteric lightning powers in Japan under the study of a mystic lightning monk. He gave me that name which means Lightning Emperor."
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Newtype said:
"Maybe the properties of your metal go beyond natural metal like how my lightning goes beyond its natural counterpart. Okay so let's signal the other heroes, the death of my father tells me that heroes must work together now more then ever." Laxus said as he charged esoteric lightning in his rod then released it in the area above forming the old Avengers symbol his father showed him made out of lightning in the area above.
@Crono @Pyosrimos @GeoStone @Pink Gorilla
"Just know one thing..... I will do it all again if it means I can save someone else...." she said looking down "I also remember I have nothing to lose... cause I have nothing...." she looked back up "But.. .that is sometimes a good thing"
"I can't tell if your just shy or creepy." He told Night jokingly, with a raised brow at his own shadow on the ground as that was where the voice had come from. Stepping out of the alley he tried to catch a glimpse of Cassandra as he started jogging down the sidewalk along the buildings, but something else caught his eye. Sparkling above the city was an Avengers symbol...made out of lightning? Well that can't be good, can it? Luckily the base he was headed to was on the way towards where the symbol was originating from. So he could stop by, yell at them, find out what the surprise was, yell at them some more, give Tanya her letter, then maybe find out what the lightning symbol was about.

Once he'd arrived in front of the base he was panting, since instead of jogging he'd sprinted because of the possible urgency of everything. Normally that sort of run wouldn't have put much of a dent in him, but it'd been a long day. So he paused just outside the base and lurched over with his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
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The Hulk took his opportunity to go for a final hook. He ht the Wolverine on his right side. The Wolverine would in theory should fly towards the ice cream shop that was close by.

@Ethan Hart )
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He got out of Connor's shadow and formed back to normal, standing beside him. "I'm guessing it has been a tiring day for you since that short sprint tired you out. I'm sure since you are the son of Cap you have his stamina. Also, I could have shadow traveled us both here." He was a little surprised that the blonde was tired, but he didn't show it in his voice, as not to offend him.

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