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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite frowned as he climbed off, "Completely unnecessary, it you were trying to impress me you failed, only a plus 5, you're still at -695, pick up the pace bird." He began to make his way back to Jordan's mansion when he spotted some commotion by the beach, he bit his lip and hit his comm, "We got a situation by the beach, I'm a bit tied up so I can't take care of it."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett looked on the beach as Attuma and Tigershark walk to the streets. "Attuma, How will we dispatch of the false princess? Feed her to sharks? let the kraken maul her to pieces?" Tigershark asked, with attuma replying with "No, I will slay her myself, and claim atlantis' throne myself, with you as second in command."
Pyrite frowned and rubbed his chin, "Atlantis?False princess? What do they me-" His eyes went wide as he grabbed his sword from his hip and ran, reaching a railing he jumped from it and landed in front of the two men,"Excuse me sirs, but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to step back into the water, you're making people feel afraid and quiet frankly what you're talking about sounds a bit....FISHY!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite frowned and rubbed his chin, "Atlantis?False princess? What do they me-" His eyes went wide as he grabbed his sword from his hip and ran, reaching a railing he jumped from it and landed in front of the two men,"Excuse me sirs, but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to step back into the water, you're making people feel afraid and quiet frankly what you're talking about sounds a bit....FISHY!"
@Steel Zinogre
(That pun was so bad, that it gave me cancer.) "Who are you to adress Attuma like that?!" attuma exclaimed as tigershark growled. "We are Namor's daughter. move or i will rip your eyes out and use them as part of my chum dish!" Tigershark snapped.
(I refuse to apologize) Pyrite began to giggle, "Okay Plankton, I'll give you the secret formula, just please don't hurt me." He fell on his ass laughing, "You guys are so priceless and cute!"

@Steel Zinogre
(OMFG! the puns are real!! Run!!) Attuma growls as he readied his trident to kill pyrite. Before he could do so, Jett dive bombs, and swoops up Tigershark. "What are you doing?! I am Tigershark! Prince of the SEA!!" he exlcaimed as jett threw him to the ground, and picked him up again. "What are you?! Why do you fight for the inferior surface dwellers?!" he shouted as jett slammed him on a large rock in the tidepools. @LokiofSP
Pyrite waved at Jett, "PLUS 200 POINTS!" He then turned back to Atumma, "So Hukauna Matata, you give up yet?"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite waved at Jett, "PLUS 200 POINTS!" He then turned back to Atumma, "So Hukauna Matata, you give up yet?"
@Steel Zinogre
"NO! I will not stop until Cindy Gunnz Is dead!!" Attuma said before Jett threw Tigershark at him, and roared as a black mist comes out of him, Indicating his transformation into Apex form. "What the.....? How did you tame such a creature?!" Attuma exclaimed as He skewered Tigershark with his sharp horn, missing all vital organs.
Raitei thanked the sort of Avenger before entering the Avenger's Tower. He quickly searched for a room worthy of a Prince of Asgard or an awesome wielder of lightning. It's up to him for now to hold down the Fort but who knows when the situation may call him to battle.
"Plus another one hundred, making it up quick!" He turned back to Attuma, "Oh him? He just started following me like the annoying shit he is, however he's provig more useful than I originally thought.....Eh, he still has about 800 points to go." He snapped his fingers, "By the way, did you know that he's just level one? Yeah! Level two is me, and if your lucky level three is the entire Avengers! Basically you're fucked! Still wanna stay and fight?"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
"Plus another one hundred, making it up quick!" He turned back to Attuma, "Oh him? He just started following me like the annoying shit he is, however he's provig more useful than I originally thought.....Eh, he still has about 800 points to go." He snapped his fingers, "By the way, did you know that he's just level one? Yeah! Level two is me, and if your lucky level three is the entire Avengers! Basically you're fucked! Still wanna stay and fight?"
@Steel Zinogre
Jett then shook his tail, launching Sharp scales at attuma, causing deep gashes in his flesh. "I will not give up!!!" attuma shouted as he gets up and Charged pyrite, with jett blocking the path, and the trident piercing jett's hide, missing all vital organs, but barely. he then roars in pain as he thrashes about.
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite leaned on the railing, "Still not on level two yet Jett, keep on going."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett grabbed the trident, and pulled it out of him. There was no bleeding, but Muscle tissue was visible. "You are one stubborn animal! You will pay with your life!" Attuma shouted as he went to retrieve his trident.
Cassandra lept down. As much as she disliked Pyrite, whoever they were fighting was worse. Gaining speed, she shot a web at one of the buildings and swung into the air. Now that she was falling where she wanted to, Cassandra shot a couple of webs below Attuma and launched herself with more speed. Kicking Attuma, she morphed her hand into a blade and looked over at Tigershark. "Looks like your friend caught a dose a Venom." And now I regret that as soon as it comes out of my mouth.
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Pyrite shook his head at Gwen, "Nah, sorry..." He looked up and saw Cassandra, "Yo! Hold up, the giant pigeon-dinosaur thing has got it, wait your turn!"

@Steel Zinogre
Quiet opened the door to see Connor. She gave a slight smile and walked away, leaving the door open for him to walk in. All the girls, including the Boss, looked towards the door. "Hey." Allison said.

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Connor strode in maybe two steps, enough to clear the door so it could be shut, assuming Night followed him in and someone did indeed decide to shut it. Pausing before the third step he stared at the group of them, eyes fixated on The Boss momentarily in surprise and confusion. Glancing at the others individually for a moment to try and gauge the situation by reading their faces.

After his momentary shock wore off he cleared his throat, "First off, I'm glad you all seem to be alive since..." This lead to his second general topic, his voice getting a little louder, "..you decided to fly off on a mission without letting your friends help!" The blonde wasn't angry, at this moment seeing them all alive including The Boss who everyone had thought was dead wouldn't allow it, he was more frustrated than anything. "Finally," He started, nodding at Boss, "You guys told everyone she was dead, what's that about?"

@Pink Gorilla @GeoStone
"We actually thought she was dead." Vicky stated. Boss stepped forward.

"I faked my death so that I could get closer to Skull Face. I knew he was training child soldiers. He offered me a position because of my previous experience. I wouldn't have been able to find them all if I had said no. I just didn't think you guys would have gone after him so quickly." She said.
Terence followed behind Connor, but not to close. He looked around and saw all the people present as Connor started talking to them. First normally then gradually to a yell. He understood why the blonde yelled, he was just a little frustrated and was concerned for his comrades. He stood silently behind Connor as they talked to each other, not wanting to intrude.
"Well some of us can be very quick to jump at revenge, or be rash." His words more or less directed at the girls as his eyes swept over them accusingly, though there had been others. The only reason Connor had opted in was to try and keep the mission from being a failure where everyone perished. And yet four comrades died, so he hadn't exactly accomplished that. "I couldn't exactly physically stop them, twice I might add. Your kids are too stubborn for their own good."

Connor heard the steps directly behind him and suddenly felt a little embarrassed at ignoring Night's presence. Stepping out of the way so Night was in clear view he turned sideways so he could see everyone, "Sorry, this is Night. Just met him not too long ago. Night, these are the girls." He swept his arm out as if to show them off. The fact was he wasn't sure if they'd rather use their hero names or real names with someone not only that they'd just met, but someone Connor had just met himself. Though to be fair he'd just shown Night to their base so it might not be the biggest deal honestly.

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