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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"They have come this far and turned out fine, Connor." Boss said quickly, not appreciating his accusing looks and judgments. She looked at Night and gave a small nod and turned back to Connor.
"Why have them refer to us as my name?" Night asked inside Terence's head.

"Because that's what all the klyntar refer to us as, I'd rather not give my identity yet, and we have never had a super hero name since we do a good job of hiding from the public eye and work in the shadows. Literally"

"Alright then. I see your points. Also, that pun physically hurt me."

"Mission accomplished," he joked.
"Yeah, they are fine. You don't have anything to say about that first mission? The one that cost lives? Redd, Kelai, Helga, Ivory? The mission was a mistake and I stand by that." Connor did take a second to re-evaluate what he'd said so far and a light huff escaped his lips as he brought his hand to his forehead, he was angry at them for leaving but he didn't want to fight. "And I'm not saying that's their fault, wasn't anyone's fault." Someone should probably be telling me that since it's coming out of my mouth yet I don't believe it. "Everyone was riled to an extent for some retaliation, just some more than others is all."
Boss stared at Connor. She didn't show emotion on her face, but her eyes were ice. Helena walked up to Boss and whisper in her ear. "He is lying. He believes it's the girls' fault they died." Helena stepped away and Boss nodded.

"I think it is time for you to go, Connor. This was a great, hope to see you again." Boss said without any hint of emotion.
(No, I knew, I just thought they were talking about the girls had died. Seriously so many people have died in this RP...and miraculously Jordan has only killed one person...of merit.)

Jordan continued to lazily float through the air when he felt a harsh interruption in his mind, a conscious was touching his without meaning to. The touch was so sudden that it had temporarily loosened his connection with the Phoenix Force and he plummeted to the ground below and hit hard. Jordan laid there, still as death before staggering to his feet minutes later, broken bones slowly snapping back into place. "What....in the seven circles of HELL....was THAT?!" he growled in anger, there were only a couple of things strong enough to do that and he would have sensed them coming...whatever the conscious was, it had been on Earth this whole time.
(That internal monologue was directed more at himself, just fyi. Connor blames himself for the misfortune of the mission more than anyone else, and Dimitri basically saying that it was Connor's fault didn't help matters either. Just clarifying, though obviously Helena can tell he's lying but not about the reasons why, so your post makes total sense and I might be typing this for awkwardly no reason.... xp)

There was a moment Connor opened his mouth to speak again before he paused and took the hint he was getting. He might be dense at times but a hint he could certainly get, he hadn't been here more than five minutes before getting asked to leave, when they we're the ones who put out the call for anyone to come by. In that moment he felt like the odd man out, not that it didn't happen often around them. Boss and the girls, they we're family to each other, but Connor and the others could at best be considered extended family.

Connor forced a faint smile across his lips as he nodded, "Yeah. It's good to see your still alive, and that your all alright." Being asked to leave hadn't exactly been high on the list of what was going to happen when he got here. He'd planned alot of yelling, but he hadn't got much of it out considering the
surprise had been...well a surprise. "Sorry I keep jumping around and dragging you about." He told Night as he stopped beside him on the way towards the door. "Your probably welcomed to stay here if you'd like, though that's obviously not my call to make."

Once he exited out the door he turned his nose up to the sky to see the lightning symbol was gone, though he knew where it had originated from. Somewhere near where Avengers Tower stood, likely the tower itself. Connor wasn't about to sulk but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't feeling deterred from the days events atleast.

@GeoStone @Pink Gorilla
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite shook his head at Gwen, "Nah, sorry..." He looked up and saw Cassandra, "Yo! Hold up, the giant pigeon-dinosaur thing has got it, wait your turn!"
@Steel Zinogre
Jett roars as he swooped up attuma and tigershark in his talons. HE flies off far into the sea, and tossed them into the ocean, where he judged that it goes down to the twilight zone.
Pyrite whistles without looking up from his game of Candy Crush, "Wow, way more powerful than I though, borderline broken. Though you did kinda go unnecessarily brutal with the whole, "Apex" and stabbing him thing, so you only get 200 points, putting you at about -295, still way better than before."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite whistles without looking up from his game of Candy Crush, "Wow, way more powerful than I though, borderline broken. Though you did kinda go unnecessarily brutal with the whole, "Apex" and stabbing him thing, so you only get 200 points, putting you at about -295, still way better than before."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett started to drool as his stomach growled, sounding like a very loud drum. He started to feel weak as he returned to normal, and collapses from exhaustion, fatigue, and hunger all at once.
Pyrite huffed and finally looked up from his phone and put it away, "Great, now there's a damn giant bird on the beach who's passed out, more than likely due to food loss with no source of food in sight...Fuck my life and this damn bird." He got up and looked around, spotting a supermarket he went in and grabbed the biggest steaks he could get, throwing down some money on the table he rushed to Jett and put the food in his mouth only to realize fatigue was also the problem.

He stood up and dusted off his hands, "Fuck this, if it wakes up, it can take care of itself from there, I'm out!" He left the beach.

@Steel Zinogre

Pyrite arrived at Jordan's mansion and knocked on the door hoping whoever was in currently understood why he was here.

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite huffed and finally looked up from his phone and put it away, "Great, now there's a damn giant bird on the beach who's passed out, more than likely due to food loss with no source of food in sight...Fuck my life and this damn bird." He got up and looked around, spotting a supermarket he went in and grabbed the biggest steaks he could get, throwing down some money on the table he rushed to Jett and put the food in his mouth only to realize fatigue was also the problem.
He stood up and dusted off his hands, "Fuck this, if it wakes up, it can take care of itself from there, I'm out!" He left the beach.

@Steel Zinogre

Pyrite arrived at Jordan's mansion and knocked on the door hoping whoever was in currently understood why he was here.

Jett awakens some time later, as the sun goes down. He saw the steaks that pyrite left, and ate them slowly, savoring the flavors that the meal had offered. Feeling rested, full and energetic, he takes to the air, to find pyrite.
Unfortunately for Pyrite, Olivier did not...at all, in fact, it was the opposite. Olivier came out strapped with some pistols and a shotgun
Connor had a moment when he cursed himself for his forgetfulness and turned on his heel, returning to the inside of the base. "Forgot something." He said loud enough so everyone understood his return though he was walking straight towards Tanya, reaching into his suit he pulled three letters out. Looking them over he grabbed the one addressed to Tanya and held it out towards her. "It's from Ivory, I guess he wrote them as a just in case kind of a thing." The blonde told her with a low tone as he put the last two away again, he gave her a nod before turning and heading for the exit once more.

@Pink Gorilla @GeoStone
Pyrite pushed air through his lips the moment he saw Oliver, he waved, "Hello maid lady! I need to retrieve a few things so Tech can actually do shit on something besides a shitty outdated Dell laptop! So if you could just..." He put a finger gently on the pistol and attempted to push it away.

@Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971

(@Crono had it buts it's coo')

Dear Tanya,

Okay so this is the hardest one to wright so far, because unlike the others this is the only one I'm really unsure of what we'd be by then.

If I haven't told you by now, I




Care about you. I don't know how to put it into words but I do, I can't help feeling this way and it's something I've been struggling to come to grips wooth for awhile now. If you ever receive this I just want you to know something that kept me going when I lost someone I cared about.

One day you'll see them again, one day you'll move on and when you meet again, you'll have many more stories to share.

I hope you find somebody one day who isn't as broken or beaten as me, someone who can make up their mind, who you won't have to worry about going crazy, someone who deserves you more than me.

I really have no idea how to end this, so let me just write this:

I really couldn't help F̷a̷l̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷l̷o̷v̷e̷ ̷w̷i̷t̷h̷ caring about you,


@Pink Gorilla
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Pyrite's eyes widened, "Really?! Oh my god she is literally the dream of everything I have ever wanted to be now! Why is she so much more skilled than my version?!" He then face palmed once more as he realized Tech's last words to him before he rushed off, he hit his head against the door frame, "Oh my fucking god this is awkward...." He turned back to Olivier, "Look Olivier, I'll drop the formalities, I know who you are and your skills, or at least a general idea, you COULD shoot, but I can tell you right now you won't kill me."

"First, even if I wanted to let you shoot me, which I do, I can't so I'll probably end up hurting you, second, I have a giant dinosaur thing."

@Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite pushed air through his lips the moment he saw Oliver, he waved, "Hello maid lady! I need to retrieve a few things so Tech can actually do shit on something besides a shitty outdated Dell laptop! So if you could just..." He put a finger gently on the pistol and attempted to push it away.
@Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971

(@Crono had it buts it's coo')

Dear Tanya,

Okay so this is the hardest one to wright so far, because unlike the others this is the only one I'm really unsure of what we'd be by then.

If I haven't told you by now, I




Care about you. I don't know how to put it into words but I do, I can't help feeling this way and it's something I've been struggling to come to grips wooth for awhile now. If you ever receive this I just want you to know something that kept me going when I lost someone I cared about.

One day you'll see them again, one day you'll move on and when you meet again, you'll have many more stories to share.

I hope you find somebody one day who isn't as broken or beaten as me, someone who can make up their mind, who you won't have to worry about going crazy, someone who deserves you more than me.

I really have no idea how to end this, so let me just write this:

I really couldn't help F̷a̷l̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷l̷o̷v̷e̷ ̷w̷i̷t̷h̷ caring about you,


@Pink Gorilla
With a bit of time consumed, and Pyrite's scent trail finally found, he followed it, to pyrite's position. upon finding him, he landed, and shook his body, getting some blood flowing throughout his entire body.
Olivier felt the beast land and looked at Pyrite then loosened and tightened her grip on the gun, deciding what her next move would be. Though it was clear that the words "need a bigger gun" were clearly running through her head
Pyrite noticed her loosen her grip and he smiled, "See? Now look, I understand that using tactics like this to get you to ease up is fucked up, but it was either that or risk hurting you. Now look, if Tech doesn't need the gear, at the very least is there anything I could use? It would help me, I'm not the best but I'm pretty good, if she has anything it would help GREATLY."

@Steel Zinogre
Olivier stared at Pyrite with expressionless eyes before lowering her pistol (AND THEN BLASTING HIM ACROSS THE LAWN WITH THE SHOTGUN!! Jk) and walked inside for a few minutes before coming back and tossing Pyrite a laptop that had a spray-painted blue T that closely resembled Taskmaster's logo. In the middle of the T was a smiley face. "I'm pretty sure she used to use that when we were kids..."
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite noticed her loosen her grip and he smiled, "See? Now look, I understand that using tactics like this to get you to ease up is fucked up, but it was either that or risk hurting you. Now look, if Tech doesn't need the gear, at the very least is there anything I could use? It would help me, I'm not the best but I'm pretty good, if she has anything it would help GREATLY."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett growls at olivier as he came closer to pyrite's side. he shook his body again, loosening his razor-sharp scales.

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