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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Short sprint?" He hacked out with a half chuckle in-between breath's as he straightened up and looked at Night. "Fifteen minutes of almost constant running isn't what I'd call short." The mention of his fathers stamina got him thinking, No he probably didn't have that kind of stamina his father had when he'd had the Super Soldier serum in his veins. Even now after Steve had lost the serums abilities and even aged he wondered if he had more, an amusing thought at least. "Shadow travel hmm? What's that like, if it feels anything like flying then no thanks." The blonde smirked, "And you could have mentioned that sooner, not that I don't mind a run every once in a while."

Though Night calling him out on being out of breath got him right in the pride. Connor glanced at the entrance, "So uh, more friends of mine are here. I wouldn't make them angry if I we're you, and don't mind me if I start getting loud with them. Trust me, they have it coming." A light sheepish smile going across his lips.

@Pink Gorilla @GeoStone @Pyosimros
Pyrite looked up to see the blue Avengers symbol that looked almost like it was made of...Electricity? He breathed out a small laugh as he made a pun under his breath "Shocking" Looking back to Emile and Tech he waved, "Look, I'll be back, but I think somebody needs help. I'll stop by Jordan's mansion and see if I can't just carry the stuff from there or some shit." With that, he opened the window and climbed up the building to the rooftop and began his run to the giant symbol.

Gwen was fully metal when she was grabbed. She said muffled "Is that anyway to treat a lady... That just needs help." Her wings unfolded and took his hands off her face "Its hard to breath in this form enough... I dont need to be suffocated..." @LokiofSP

((Badum tsssss... Nice one @LokiofSP
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Pyrite raised a brow upon realizing the metal woman in front of him, realizing that if a fight did break out, there would be no way to keep quiet, he decided to hell with it and wrapped his entire arm around her with a grunt, "Answer my question, who are you and why are you here? Last chance." He knew on the inside that if she was innocent, there would be hell to pay, but he also couldn't just let a potential threat just run free, especially one he knew nothing about.

@The Unamed Character
"Alright then" he said to the blonde. He wondered why Connor might yell at his friends but he did not ask. He didn't want to get into their personal business between friends.

"How shadow traveling feels is a little hard to explain," Night thought to Terence. "But it doesn't feel like flying." Night had been with Terence for a long time, but never thought to describe how shadow travel felt.

"I know. Let's talk about it later, right now kinda isn't the time." He actually never thought of it before, since it was normal to him.
Cassandra was about to go to Amelia, but started running towards the Avengers symbol. And then swinging towards it. Looking up at it, she saw something or someone shining above. Shooting a web upwards, Cassandra was propelled upwards and saw Pyrite grabbing the girl. She already knew Pyrite was bad, so she needed to stop him. Connecting another web on the ledge, she zipped upwards and went into the sky, dropping down and kicking him. "Attacking a metal lady on a giant building? Ooo bad. Attacking the metal lady while Venom's near? Even worse."
Pyrite hit the ground hard and looked up to see Casandra, "Oh, fuck me." He stood up and looked her dead in the eye, "Look, I'm alright now I swear, some shit was messing with my head, I fixed it, I'm better now. I didn't know who she was and couldn't risk a security breach in the Avengers Tower, so I was trying to get info which I still don't have!" He picked up his sword and gently threw it to Cassandra, "Look, as a sign of trust, take it until you feel safer around me, just help me figure out what she's doing here."

Connor shrugged, he could understand that now wasn't the time. But shadow traveling didn't sound too fun, for whatever reason the thought of it just made him think of flying. Stepping up he banged on the large door a few times, tempted to just try and walk in instead of knocking but he was with someone he'd just met so best not to look too much like a crazy person so quickly and not make anyone inside uncomfortable with said stranger. "This surprise had better not be Skull Face's head on a pike or something..." He muttered with a huff, Amelia had seemed oddly alright and almost happy on the comm so he wasn't sure what to think.

@Pink Gorilla @GeoStone
"Honestly.... I am here to help....." she said "I seem to have lost most of my memory and have recently had some returned...." she said "I want to help kick some ass"

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Laxus after making sure the symbol would last for about 30 more seconds turned around to look at those who answer the call. He tapped his rod on the ground unleashing a light boom. "Greetings I am Raitei son of Thor, I have come seeking the Avengers and my father's killer." Laxus said tapping his rod again. "Are you two of the Avengers?"

@Pyosimros @LokiofSP @The Unamed Character
Pyrite face palmed, "Oh my fucking god!" He then pinched the bridge of his nose, "Well....We're both kinda members of the Avengers, I don't have an official communicator yet, and I don't know about her." He turned to Gwen,"Look, I'm really sorry, I thought someone was breaking in or something."

@Newtype @Pyosimros
"No problem.... I think I was part of the Avengers at one time.... all i remember is sorta fighting and being responsible for the hole in the building up there." she said embarresed and pointed up

@Newtype @Pyosimros
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Cassandra threw the sword a few feet away from her and morphed one of her hands into a blade. It was something the symbiote learned after bonding with Scorpion a long time ago. She was about to speak, until the sound of lightning hit which made her look over. "I'm more so with Project Rebirth. Not with the Avengers," Cassandra said. Or what's left of the program.
Kios arm turned into a blade like shape "Im sorry for morphing. I have a bit of distrust for symbiotes..." she said, glaring at Cassandra "One impaled me and almost killed me. you cant blam me for the distrust"

Pyrite put an arm onto Gwen's hand and shook his head, "Symbiotes are like people, they're defined by the choices they make, don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch." He looked at the three in front of him, "So I take it your here because of Thanos right?"

@Newtype @Pyosimros
"That is reassuring, that means I should wait here for the Avengers to return from their recruitment?" Raitei asked. He pictured the children of the former Avengers running about this Earth recruiting other heroes he was glad things weren't as bad as they seemed. The death of his father made things in this world seemed ten times worse then they were.

Cindy then hangs up, and heads on down to perry's place. "Attuma and tigershark will not think about finding me here." she muttered as she climbed through the window, laid on his bed, and fell asleep, while turning invisible, due to a gene that allows her to do so while being still. Attuma and Tigershark come up to the surface, and looked around the beach. "Find her, Tigershark, all of atlantis will fall with her demise...." attuma said grudgingly. Jett flies into the air, and sets off to find pyrite. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
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Pyrite yawned and stretched, "Sorry, just a bit tired, anyways look, the Avengers Tower is right here, set up rooms and all that stuff. We need you here so you can be ready, eventually our fearless leader will come and talk to you, I have things to take care of however." With that said Pyrite picked up his sword and jumped off the edge towards Jordan's mansion.

@Newtype @Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite yawned and stretched, "Sorry, just a bit tired, anyways look, the Avengers Tower is right here, set up rooms and all that stuff. We need you here so you can be ready, eventually our fearless leader will come and talk to you, I have things to take care of however." With that said Pyrite picked up his sword and jumped off the edge towards Jordan's mansion.
@Newtype @Steel Zinogre
With seeing Pyrite jumping off the building, he swooped in and caught pyrite on his back, and then landed on the ground, letting him get off his back.
Pyrite frowned as he climbed off, "Completely unnecessary, it you were trying to impress me you failed, only a plus 5, you're still at -695, pick up the pace bird." He began to make his way back to Jordan's mansion when he spotted some commotion by the beach, he bit his lip and hit his comm, "We got a situation by the beach, I'm a bit tied up so I can't take care of it."

@Steel Zinogre

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