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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"That's probably the call for, 'let's go and check out what he/she's doing'," Cassandra suggested and began running. "Try to keep up," She said over to Connor. "What is it Amelia? I'm not a person for surprises. And if it's either the Carnage or Toxin symbiote I'll kill you." @Pink Gorilla @Crono

"Okay..." Perry took a deep breath. "I'll deal with Tigershark. You should either get to somewhere safe or protect yourself for a little while. He may be going after you as well."
Pyosimros said:
"That's probably the call for, 'let's go and check out what he/she's doing'," Cassandra suggested and began running. "Try to keep up," She said over to Connor. "What is it Amelia? I'm not a person for surprises. And if it's either the Carnage or Toxin symbiote I'll kill you." @Pink Gorilla @Crono
"Okay..." Perry took a deep breath. "I'll deal with Tigershark. You should either get to somewhere safe or protect yourself for a little while. He may be going after you as well."
"But where?! I know of no places to go other than your place!" she said in fear and worry. With the assassination, she became seriously paranoid.
Gwen walks out of the hospital, looking at her patient slip from the reception desk. The people from the hospital seemed so nice, they didnt charge her for her visit. She checked why she was in there and her slip said 'major electrocution and impailment.' "What happened to me.,...." she asks herself

"I think it would be better if you just came to see it yourself." Amelia said, making a glance at the Boss. She wasn't sure hoe they would take it. Amelia herself wasn't to sure how to feel about it. On one hand, she is super glad, but on the other, Boss worked with Skull Face for whatever reason.
Fortune growled and snatched back the bowl, seeing it was now empty however she sighed, "Well I know where he lives, he's more like a man for hire or some crap, hell maybe he could even cut our deals with the devil and let us keep the benefits." She shrugged and stood up, "He's supposedly the best in his field, either way we should stop and get some more Chinese food and head out to see him, hell, I'll even think about paying."

@Kalin Scarlet
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen walks out of the hospital, looking at her patient slip from the reception desk. The people from the hospital seemed so nice, they didnt charge her for her visit. She checked why she was in there and her slip said 'major electrocution and impailment.' "What happened to me.,...." she asks herself

The skies began to darken as a thunderstorm suddenly rolled in above Gwen, thunder boomed as lightning flashed in an array of colors. Then a lightninf sturcked the ground near Gwen depositing Laxus in all his mythic glory. The storm faded as he said "I may not know what happen to you but do you know what is happening in this world?"
Newtype said:
The skies began to darken as a thunderstorm suddenly rolled in above Gwen, thunder boomed as lightning flashed in an array of colors. Then a lightninf sturcked the ground near Gwen depositing Laxus in all his mythic glory. The storm faded as he said "I may not know what happen to you but do you know what is happening in this world?"
Gwen jumped back. "Uh....who are you... and what just happened...." she asked baffled "And... I dont remember anything besides my name... which I just learned.."
Finn stood up and picked up the napkins and stuff that was scattered around the table. It seemed like something had come up that required Avengers attention. He tossed the trash away before going back and sitting back down with Dimitri. "Way to go man, you scared them all away." @Reaper
Kyuma laughed, patting her shoulder as he walked towards the door. "I won't make you completely change your character. Let's go, I'll buy." He says, opening the door for Fortune. @LokiofSP
Connor watched as Cassandra zoomed by him after they heard Amelia over the comm, clearly not bothered by his earlier remarks. A part of him wanted to say 'Forget it. No surprises, no more crap to pull today. I'll yell at the lot of you tomorrow.' But then he was never a very good procrastinator, he huffed before turning around to look down the alley. The blonde's eyes scouring the sides, going up towards the roofs and back down again. He was assuming that the guy he'd met earlier had stuck around, if not he was going to be talking to himself. "You know you could have come out and said hello." He called out, "Though I don't know much about how symbiotes co-existing or anything I can vouch for her. I've got to check on something, your welcome to come with if you'd want." He gave a light shrug before turning to leave hesitantly watching for any movement from the corner of his eye.

It seemed like there was always something to do, no reprieve. Pyrite was who knows where, and Finn and Dimitri had probably realized he'd gone by now. He only hoped they didn't think he'd ditched, hopefully Cassie or the other two had filled them in. To be fair he'd planned on returning with Pyrite, but everything had gotten complicated. It always did.

@GeoStone @Pyosimros
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Gwen jumped back. "Uh....who are you... and what just happened...." she asked baffled "And... I dont remember anything besides my name... which I just learned.."

" Well you seem very distressed miss even if you lack any useful information I shall remain with you for a little bit longer. It seems you have a case of amnesia and the only thing you do know if your name. If you want your memories back you should start with what you do know. So what is your name?" Laxus replied with a royal accent.
As Rick went to attack the Hulk, he got hit way. Helplessly, he flew through the air. Finally, he crashed through the window of an ice cream parlor. Glass flying everywhere, Rickey received plenty of cuts all over. He got up and looked around. "Great..." His skin began to pull itself back together as Rick scratched his head. "God damn it!" Rickey yelled as his claws popped out yet again. "Who the hell done that? When I find you, bub, you'll regret it!" He looked towards the door and began to walk towards it. Pushing tables out of the way, he tried to get back towards the Orange Hulk.
Newtype said:
" Well you seem very distressed miss even if you lack any useful information I shall remain with you for a little bit longer. It seems you have a case of amnesia and the only thing you do know if your name. If you want your memories back you should start with what you do know. So what is your name?" Laxus replied with a royal accent.
"All this piece of paper says Gwen..... It also says i was severly electrocuted and impaled..." she said shrugging "Now how could that happen..." she said rubbing her head "And who the heck are you?"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"All this piece of paper says Gwen..... It also says i was severly electrocuted and impaled..." she said shrugging "Now how could that happen..." she said rubbing her head "And who the heck are you?"

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"All this piece of paper says Gwen..... It also says i was severly electrocuted and impaled..." she said shrugging "Now how could that happen..." she said rubbing her head "And who the heck are you?"

" Well Gwen I am Laxus son of Thor. If you were electrocuted and impaled that means someone with a similar skill set to my own is running around being I wasn't the one to impale you." Laxus replied with a thinking look. "Is there anywhere for you to go or anywhere you can pursue information on your attacker?"
LokiofSP said:
Fortune stepped through and went to the doors, she smirked as she did so and whispered to Bob, "Told you that if I offered he'd buy."
@Kalin Scarlet
"Well, I guess that we should be quick about this." Kyuma said, as his dragon gauntlet appeared on his arm. He draped an arm around Fortune's waist, and leapt into the air, landing a few blocks away. He did it once again, and another time after that to bring them within a couple blocks of the Chinese restaurant.
Newtype said:
" Well Gwen I am Laxus son of Thor. If you were electrocuted and impaled that means someone with a similar skill set to my own is running around being I wasn't the one to impale you." Laxus replied with a thinking look. "Is there anywhere for you to go or anywhere you can pursue information on your attacker?"
"I remember like... a glimpse of something...." she said sighing. "It makes no sense.... but... I remember a tower.... it has a large s on it..."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"I remember like... a glimpse of something...." she said sighing. "It makes no sense.... but... I remember a tower.... it has a large s on it..."

" My Father told stories to the other warriors of Asgard of a Tower with the word 'Stark' on it, maybe you're remembering that tower. If you can only remember glimpses then those are our leads and we should follow them. Do you know where this Tower is or if we can find others who do know? I can sense several others who are different from most people in this town. Do you think they would know?" Laxus replied tapping his rod on the ground once lightly.
Fortune pushed Kyuma off her as soon as they landed, she was blushing furiously, "What the fuck?! Give me some damn warning next time asshole!" She put a hand on her chest and breathed in and out.

@Kalin Scarlet
"I... I dont know.... but.... there was a big blob and then..... thats it...maybe this stark tower is it.... " Gwen said straining her brain "But lets go... I think it is that one" she said as she pointed towards the tall skyscraper

Newtype said:
" My Father told stories to the other warriors of Asgard of a Tower with the word 'Stark' on it, maybe you're remembering that tower. If you can only remember glimpses then those are our leads and we should follow them. Do you know where this Tower is or if we can find others who do know? I can sense several others who are different from most people in this town. Do you think they would know?" Laxus replied tapping his rod on the ground once lightly.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"I... I dont know.... but.... there was a big blob and then..... thats it...maybe this stark tower is it.... " Gwen said straining her brain "But lets go... I think it is that one" she said as she pointed towards the tall skyscraper

Laxus replied "Well then shall we fly to it then, if you're comfortable with flying of course?" Laxus offered his hand to Gwen as he set his eyes on the Stark Tower. He floated a little bit off the ground and pointed his rod at his destination.
"Ok..." she said as she took his hand ready to take flight "I dont know if i am gonna like it... but im ready..."

Newtype said:
Laxus replied "Well then shall we fly to it then, if you're comfortable with flying of course?" Laxus offered his hand to Gwen as he set his eyes on the Stark Tower. He floated a little bit off the ground and pointed his rod at his destination.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Ok..." she said as she took his hand ready to take flight "I dont know if i am gonna like it... but im ready..."

" Don't fall." Laxus said as lightning crackled around them. Then he took at lightning speed though using the Esoteric properties of his lightning to reduce the strain on Gwen. Once he was at the proper height above the city he flew towards the Stark Tower trailing lightning across the skupynfor all to witness. Then he stopped short of the building snd descended vertically landing in front odf the Stark Tower. "We have arrived Lady Gwen." Laxus announced.

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