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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyrite caught the laptop and upon inspecting it gave a small smile as he thought of fond memories, "You said when you were kids? She had this thing with her constantly in my world..." He bashed Jett's head with his fist, "Excuse him, he's not housebroken yet." He nodded at Olivier, "Thank you so much, this helps me so much." He climbed on Jett's back, "Ya know, I know you'll probably say no, but we really could use you if you wanted to help. I'd understand if you wanted to stay, but my door is open."

@Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971
(So last night I speed read all of Deadman Wonderland...to the tune of Saint Asonia...that's not the important part but they are an amazing supergroup, and now I literally have three other manga's open on my computer waiting for me to read...I need help.)

Olivier walked back inside without another word and wnet to her room and opened her closet. She frowned hesitantly as she looked at the costume she had Tech make her before Jordan had came back...maybe it was time for Crossbones to return?
Pyrite raised a brow, he turned to Jett, "Should I take that as a no?.....Eh, I'll give her five minutes." He simply sat there for a few moments doing nothing before he looked down at Jett, "So....Safe to say you passed the test, just don't expect any special treatment....But I suppose this does mean I have to name you? I like Pigeon, I've been calling you that for forever anyways."

@Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite raised a brow, he turned to Jett, "Should I take that as a no?.....Eh, I'll give her five minutes." He simply sat there for a few moments doing nothing before he looked down at Jett, "So....Safe to say you passed the test, just don't expect any special treatment....But I suppose this does mean I have to name you? I like Pigeon, I've been calling you that for forever anyways."
@Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971
Jett etched a message onto the floor with his claws 'My name is jett, what's yours? Master?' he then looked up at pyrite, waiting for his answer.
Pyrite rolled his eyes, "First off, I think Pigeon is better, second....Morgan? I think that's the best I got currently."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite rolled his eyes, "First off, I think Pigeon is better, second....Morgan? I think that's the best I got currently."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett growled at the word pigeon, and etched another message. 'Pigeon is demeaning to me. could you at least show a bit of understanding?' was what the message said.
Olivier jumped out of the window and landed behind Pyrite and Jett, decked out in complete black except for the skull cross emblem on her chestplate. Her mouth was covered by a half mask that had the rendering of a skull's jaw on it. HEr arms and legs were covered by black metal guantlets and greaves, other than that her joints were exposed for maximum movement.

(Jordan: Someone PLEASE shut that pigeon up)
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"Understanding to what? Be fucking happy I'm even taking you in, I was literally arrested and almost killed twice today because of you." He looked up in search for Olivier, "Don't care if it's demeaning or not, it's your damn nam-"

He was cut short by the sound and feeling of glass coming down, his eyes glazed over as he put up a hand to block the glass and then used his other to grab his sword and point it at the source. It was like that for about ten seconds before he blinked and his eyes seemed less hazy, he looked down at his weapon and sheepishly put it back, "Sorry bout that, it just kinda happens when I see potential danger..."

He stuck out a hand to help Olivier up to Jett, "Come on, I got a little place set up."

@Steel Zinogre
Olivier pulled out a small capsule with Tech's logo and pushed it. It exploded and a hoverboard appeared (That's right people, Tech is so insane that she invents things from animes) and hopped on it
LokiofSP said:
"Understanding to what? Be fucking happy I'm even taking you in, I was literally arrested and almost killed twice today because of you." He looked up in search for Olivier, "Don't care if it's demeaning or not, it's your damn nam-"
He was cut short by the sound and feeling of glass coming down, his eyes glazed over as he put up a hand to block the glass and then used his other to grab his sword and point it at the source. It was like that for about ten seconds before he blinked and his eyes seemed less hazy, he looked down at his weapon and sheepishly put it back, "Sorry bout that, it just kinda happens when I see potential danger..."

He stuck out a hand to help Olivier up to Jett, "Come on, I got a little place set up."

@Steel Zinogre
Despite feeling degraded, Jett decided to put up with Pigeon for the time that Pyrite is his owner. he then lowered his body, making it easier for olivier to hop on his back.
Pyrite whistled at the hover board, "Alright, so this..." He handed her a slip of paper, "...Is the address to the base, it's a small abandoned apartment complex. You may wonder why we don't use the Tower, well simply put the other Avengers don't really trust me yet, certainly not enough to trust people I recruit, even those who do good. Beyond that, the Avengers have a no kill rule, something I don't want to hold us back, so until they take us in, we're like a small sub-group of Avengers, a kind of....Secret Avengers if you will..."With one final smirk he kicked Jett in the hide, "Away Pigeon!" He yelled as they took of to the base.

(Yes I just did that....Goodnight @Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite whistled at the hover board, "Alright, so this..." He handed her a slip of paper, "...Is the address to the base, it's a small abandoned apartment complex. You may wonder why we don't use the Tower, well simply put the other Avengers don't really trust me yet, certainly not enough to trust people I recruit, even those who do good. Beyond that, the Avengers have a no kill rule, something I don't want to hold us back, so until they take us in, we're like a small sub-group of Avengers, a kind of....Secret Avengers if you will..."With one final smirk he kicked Jett in the hide, "Away Pigeon!" He yelled as they took of to the base.
(Yes I just did that....Goodnight @Steel Zinogre @LucianGrey7971
Jett then takes off, like a jet engine in the sky. he followed pyrite's directions to the base.
Tanya read the letter and burst into tears. Boss began walking towards her, but Tanya quickly walked to her room and locked the door. Boss had a solemn look on her face as she stepped back. It hurt her that she couldn't protect the girls from everything. She was also angry at Connor, but she will deal with that later. She just walked to her room as well and closed the door.
Connor made a decision as he left the facility. That he was taking the rest of the day off, he was going to go home...no not Avengers Tower but his actual home. He was going to tell his parents that he loved them, because after seeing Ivory's parents and what they wen't through he felt like he didn't tell them he loved them enough. Shower, change clothes, relax, maybe go out for a stroll. The Ice Cream parlor had meant to be a little downtime but that had only lead to more craziness. The parlor. Yup, he'd totally just left his friends there without even saying anything to them. He'd stop by there before he went home, he should probably stop by the tower after that signal as well....

The blondes face scrunched up in annoyance, why the hell did he always feel like he had to check on everything? He was asked to stop by the station for Pyrite, that had ended terribly. He'd been asked to stop by the base, and he'd essentially been kicked out. Letting out a light groan he turned to head for the Parlor once again, he'd have Dimitri buy him another cone. It'd be worth it, if they hadn't already left. Connor did glance over his shoulder briefly and searched any nearby shadows with his eyes to see if Night was coming though it was hard to tell.
Finn stared a bit in shock at the person who seemed to land inside the Ice Cream parlor. He glanced at Dimitri for a moment to see if he had noticed before rushing over to the guy's side. "Hey. Hey are you okay? Who or what did this to you?" He looked around to see if he could find the perpetrator but in his wild looking he wasn't fully paying attention. People didn't just fall from the sky so something was obviously happening. Other patrons were moving towards the back of the shop and away from the smashed window and wall combo. "HEY. IF YOU DID THIS SHOW YOURSELF." Sure it was cheesy but the day had been long and logical thinking was running short.

@Robin man @Ethan Hart @Reaper
The Hulk heard someone yelling from the ice cream parlor. He roared one more time before he grabbed a passing bus, lifting it over his should and he threw it towards the building like a football.

@Steel Zinogre )
Gwen saw the bus flying towards the Parlor. She turned into her metal form and ran in front of the parlor and stops the bus from crashing into the building bycatching it and placed onto the ground. "What was that for!!!" She yelled at the Hulk

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
Hazel was bored. Extremely bored. Hanging out with some friends and eating ice cream helped, but she felt like she was missing some action. Just as Hazel was about to walk over to the rest of the X-Men with some length away, she heard a crashing sound. "I'm going to check out what's going on," She announced and handed her ice cream to one of her friends. "Don't eat any," Hazel said and began dashing towards the noise. As she approached, she saw a metal lady, some dragon creature, and an Orange (Right?) Hulk.
Pyosimros said:
Hazel was bored. Extremely bored. Hanging out with some friends and eating ice cream helped, but she felt like she was missing some action. Just as Hazel was about to walk over to the rest of the X-Men with some length away, she heard a crashing sound. "I'm going to check out what's going on," She announced and handed her ice cream to one of her friends. "Don't eat any," Hazel said and began dashing towards the noise. As she approached, she saw a metal lady, some dragon creature, and an Orange (Right?) Hulk.

The Hulk some a woman and a creature standing in front of the parlor. He saw another person running towards the carnage. He was outnumbered, but that doesn't mean much with a hulk. He charged towards the ice cream shop. He leaped across the street, landing on one foot, before he landed his other foot, he went for another thunder clap right in front of the lady of metal, and the creature.
Gwen didnt move "Now.... how about we rumble...." Gwen said as she threw the bus aside like it was a ball of paper. she turned to Titanium steel and planted her feet to the ground as to not get shaken by the monsterous being in front of her. Her wings planted into the ground firmly in front of her in order to stay in place.
(I'm just gonna have Connor divert since there's enough people there. :P )

Connor got maybe halfway to the Ice Cream parlor when the lightning symbol from earlier wouldn't stop nagging at him and eventually he gave in, like always. Ice Cream could wait, duty calls, and so on. In the end he'd arrived back at the Avengers Tower, having not visited since it being re-built he curiously walked inside. Thought to be honest whatever was trying to get their attention could be long gone by now, he rode the elevator up to the large penthouse area and stepped over to the nearby holo-screen where anyone with clearance could access the security footage of the tower.

"Alright, let's see if we can't find what was going on earlier..." He mumbled, biting at his thumb gingerly as he stared at the screen, the other hand moving the footage along.


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