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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
Connor had heard the footsteps of someone closing in on him from behind, a part of him believed it was one of his friends or someone who'd been living in the tower. Though he had his suspicions he quickly flipped to live footage of the room in time to find it was a stranger, he tensed in that brief second expecting an attack. Instead a billowing voice had him turning to face Raitei in a moment of shock, but moments later it seemed clear he wasn't interested in a fight and even claimed to be Thor's son.
The blonde knew Thor had a son, but he'd never actually met him. Connor flashed a smile and shook his head lightly, "No, can't say that I am. You'd be looking for Dimitri. I'm Connor Rogers," Holding out his hand in an offer to shake before giving embarrassed grin, realizing he wasn't too knowledgeable with Asgard customs other than what he'd learned from Thor. So his hand out in front may or may not mean anything to this guy, "It's good to see you following in your fathers footsteps, though I do wish it was for better reasons and under better circumstances."

"Nice to meet you Sir Connor Rodgers. I may have come a little earlier then I thought I would due to my father's death but I did learn a few things about this world. Most of my time in this world was spent training with a Legendary Mystic Lightning Monk who taught me how to wield my own powers and dubbed me Raitei." Laxus said shaking Connor's hand. "Better circumstances possibly but better reasons I don't see that ever. I have taken a liking to this this realm which was once called Midgard. I taken a liking to those knights of the Dark Ages who went by the titles of Sir and I feel the heroes of today are the knights of today. Which is why I may sometimes call you or other male heroes Sir. So when can I expect the Fearless Leader Dimitri to return?"
Connor shook Laxus' hand before releasing it, "So I don't suppose I could get you to not call me Sir then?" He asked with a light chuckle, not being the biggest fan of it but he wasn't one to tell people what to call him. He couldn't prevent the smirk at the nickname for Dimitri, one he'd used recently "Well, Fearless Leader Dimitri was out getting Ice Cream last I heard. But if you just want to meet him to ask to join, I'd go as far to say you don't have to." Connor gave a light shrug of his shoulders, "Your Thor's son, Raitei your pretty much a shoo-in. I mean there's still alot to go over and figure out, I'll leave all that to him but you can consider yourself an honorary member of the Avengers big guy, glad to have you. Not that you didn't seem to make yourself at home already." Connor gave him a cheeky grin with the tease, though he wasn't sure how that'd go over with the Asgardian.

Connor's smile faded ever so slightly for a moment, "And my condolences about your father. I was there to witness his death, but couldn't do a thing to prevent it." Honestly the blast that had killed Thor had nearly wiped him, Kelai, and Cassandra out as well. There was no way to tell what would have happened to the three of them had he not shielded them all with his shield.

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Alexander lit a cigarette outside the shop, before turning to Rush. "So, you gonna tell me what this big Thanos plan is?"

"Hehe, sorry buddy. I can't. Bosses orders."

Alex narrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm putting my life on the line for the team. The least you could do is let me know what I'm risking it for."

"I can't tell anyone. Sorry. Thanos has people working for him, and there are a lot of new recruits. Besides, I'm the one needed for the plan, everyone else will be under distraction and protec-"

Alex shot out a tentacle through Rush's torso. After a beat, he retracted it. Rush hit the ground with a hard thud.

"You were right not to tell me the plan. Not so right telling me they needed you."
There was a slight scraping of concrete as a silent and camouflaged Alex moved away from the body and the one that had killed the guy. He knew when it was time to go, especially since he had "recorded" some pretty messed up shit...So much for teamwork, the Avengers would be lucky to survive each other
"No I... I got this," Hazel mumbled and began getting some control. "And no. I don't have any medical powers. Who has medical powers these days? They're stupid."
"I'm fine." Rick watched as the Orange Hulk got bombarded with attacks, only to not be phased by them at all. "Okay bub, now you're pissing me off!" Rickey charged past the Orange monster, slashing at it's leg as he zoomed by. He then jumped up behind him and went to sink his claws into the monsters skin. Once in, it would be hard to get him off. But, it was still a risky gambit. If the monster turned around and hit him away, it would seriously hurt. But he had no choice. "Distraction!" He yelled to the others as he began to stop gaining hight. "Now!" Falling closer to the Hulk, Rickey could only watch and wait to see the outcome.

@Steel Zinogre
"Well then in that case, Ima need you to take the girl in the giant crater to the nearest hospital." He pulled out his sword as Rick sunk his claws in, "Meanwhile I...." He began to run, "Have business to attend to!" He jumped up and used the Hulk's neck as a place to lace his feet and stabbed his sword just below the creatures neck.

@The Unamed Character @Pyosimros @Ethan Hart @Robin man
The Hulk felt the claws digging into his back. He roared once in pain as he started to shake around, wanting to throw the damn thing off of him, then he felt another blade piercing into his flesh, right around his neck area. He roared more as he reached down and grabbed the person that was on his chest, and he threw him off of him.

@Ethan Hart @LokiofSP is your sword made of vibranium or adamantium?)
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Alright, because ill let it slide, because the inky two metals that could pierce Hulks skin are vibranium and adamantium

LokiofSP said:
(I never specified mine, I just said it was an ancient blade infused with magic.)
[QUOTE="Robin man]Alright, because ill let it slide, because the inky two metals that could pierce Hulks skin are vibranium and adamantium

(I understood that, I just always thought a magic sword could work, never found any different. If you really want I could change it)
Crono said:
Connor shook Laxus' hand before releasing it, "So I don't suppose I could get you to not call me Sir then?" He asked with a light chuckle, not being the biggest fan of it but he wasn't one to tell people what to call him. He couldn't prevent the smirk at the nickname for Dimitri, one he'd used recently "Well, Fearless Leader Dimitri was out getting Ice Cream last I heard. But if you just want to meet him to ask to join, I'd go as far to say you don't have to." Connor gave a light shrug of his shoulders, "Your Thor's son, Raitei your pretty much a shoo-in. I mean there's still alot to go over and figure out, I'll leave all that to him but you can consider yourself an honorary member of the Avengers big guy, glad to have you. Not that you didn't seem to make yourself at home already." Connor gave him a cheeky grin with the tease, though he wasn't sure how that'd go over with the Asgardian.
Connor's smile faded ever so slightly for a moment, "And my condolences about your father. I was there to witness his death, but couldn't do a thing to prevent it." Honestly the blast that had killed Thor had nearly wiped him, Kelai, and Cassandra out as well. There was no way to tell what would have happened to the three of them had he not shielded them all with his shield.

Raitei responded with a little of the "umph' out of his voice. " Yeah my father was always like that he was a Protector and he loved protecting." Then Raitei voice went back to normal "I shall await the arrival of Dimitri then or till my aid is needed. Till we meet again Connor." Raitei then exited the room and went to the room he had chosen for his sleeping quarters it was more modest then what you'd expect of Asgardian royalty. He layed on his bed and still gripped his rod which his own father has forged with his hammer Mjolnir, Raitei wondered where that was now.
(See I thought you might, wasn't sure.)

Pyrite went flying head first into a wall as once again his eyes glazed over. He turned in the air so his legs would take the impact and a loud crunch was heard. When Pyrite's eyes stopped glazing over he went wide eyed and found his left leg removed from socket. He winced and dragged himself to a car, he whistled for Jett and kept low behind a car.

@Steel Zinogre
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LokiofSP said:
(See I thought you might, wasn't sure.)
Pyrite went flying head first into a wall as once again his eyes glazed over. He turned in the air so his legs would take the impact and a loud crunch was heard. When Pyrite's eyes stopped glazing over he went wide eyed and found his left leg broken. He winced and dragged himself to a car, he whistled for Jett and kept low behind a car.

@Steel Zinogre
Jett heard pyrite whistle as he went to find him, he found pyrite next to a car, and picked him up onto his back, and silently and quickly got out of the fighting area, since he was looking for a building with a big plus sign on it, since he associates it with medical help.
Connor gave a nod and a small wave as Raitei returned to what the blonde assumed was one of the empty rooms he'd taken up in. That was one mystery solved atleast, just a new comrade rather than some threat that needed dealing with. They could certainly use the help with Thanos' inevitable return.

He sat himself down on the nearby couch deciding to take a moment and relax, though it might have been a mistake considering less than three minutes later he'd managed to pass out right there with his head lolled against the back of the couch. The last forty-eight hours catching up to him all at once and hitting him with a deep sleep.
Pyrtie crawled back to the car and picked up his leg. He unbuckled his belt and put it in between his teeth. Taking one last breath, he grabbed his leg and began to twist and bend it as he attempted to set it back into place. His screams were muffled by the belt as he grinded his teeth into the leather, once he finally fixed his leg for the most part he began to breath heavily and tried to stay awake through the pain. He then picked himself up and began to limp towards the battle.

@Steel Zinogre
Smasher noted the advancing Orange Hulk and slowly moved towards him. Maybe he could be calmed down or something. That original plan went out the window though when the person who had flown through the shop launched himself towards the Orange Hulk and everybody else followed suit. The Orange Hulk wasted no time in shaking off his opponents. Smasher ducked his head and propelled himself as fast as he could towards the Orange Hulk in the hopes of headbutting him.

@Steel Zinogre
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@CasualDragon its the battle of the century! An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object!)

The Orange Hulk was still trying to shake the Wolverine off his back, he could feel the claws digging into his back, luckily he didn't hit his spine, that would temporarily paralyzed him, giving the heros enough to time to force him to revert back to his normal form. He then saw the green hulk charging at him and then head butted him. The force behind it force the Orange Hulk to go back before he caught himself, and he started to slowly push against the Green Hulk, looking at him right in the eyes, still mad out of his mind.
Robin man] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12566-casualdragon/ said:
@CasualDragon[/URL] its the battle of the century! An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object!)
The Orange Hulk was still trying to shake the Wolverine off his back, he could feel the claws digging into his back, luckily he didn't hit his spine, that would temporarily paralyzed him, giving the heros enough to time to force him to revert back to his normal form. He then saw the green hulk charging at him and then head butted him. The force behind it force the Orange Hulk to go back before he caught himself, and he started to slowly push against the Green Hulk, looking at him right in the eyes, still mad out of his mind.
Minerva saw the two hulks fighting, but knew that the green one was her master, so she focsued, and turned her fur to gold as she channeled electricity throughout her body, and roared as she beats her chest. @CasualDragon @Robin man

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