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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyrite backed away like a shunned puppy at the first sentence, looked down at the floor at the second, and began to snarl at the third, "god fucking DAMMIT JORDAN!!" He punched Jordan in the face, Pyrite knew that without becoming a cannibalistic monster the punch wouldn't hurt Jordan, but it helped dammit, "WHY ARE SO SO FUCKING PIG HEADED AND ON YOUR OWN DAMN DICK SO MUCH YOU CAN'T GROW UP AND REALIZE SIMPLE SHIT LIKE THIS?! WE ARE A TEAM, WE KEEP PEOPLE ALIVE, ALL PEOPLE, THE ENEMY, THE INNOCENT AND EACH OTHER NO MATTER THE COST!!"

He began to wail Jordan's face, "AND I KNOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND, AND GUESS WHAT FUCKER!!" He now said each word between each punch, "I'M! ON! THE! SAME! MENTAL! LEVEL AS YOU!!"

He stopped as he began to huff, he turned his head to the side and spit as he opened his arms wide, "You're looking at someone who can match you as you currently are,mentally and physically, just not at the same time. But the difference between you and me is I give a fuck, enough of one that even if it's a rampaging monster, even if I have to fight a teammate for a moment, I WILL ave them. Because I refuse to watch anyone else die, I've seen it to many times."

Jordan merely wiped the blood from his face after Pyrite's rampage and let the damage heal, it was very disconcerting to see how calm he was being, especially when compared to how he had acted during the Civil War. "And you seem to forget one very important thing, I am not part of ANY team, you consider yourself on the same mental level as me? Get real, I killed for necessity you killed for your own pleasure and power." Jordan smoothed his hair back "IF you are on the same level as me, you'd understand that death is UNAVOIDABLE. Be it old age, war or the ending of the universe itself...Death will claim you."
Pyrite smoothed his own hair back and took a breath, "I admit, what I did was fucked, really fucked. I have no doubt that karma will catch my ass one day and I'll die in the most grisly and terrible way possible. I'll give you that,but where you're wrong is your view on death. So what if death comes for us all? It coming to soon id the problem, lets say a boulder is about to fall on a person, they can't move. Lets say, in this metaphorical world, you walk away because you have more important matter to tend to. You let that person die because you think in the long run it doesn't matter when death comes."

"But the thing is...That person would have cured cancer if you kept him alive. Of course you would have never known, but he would have. More lives could have been saved by saving that one. People and things are like gears, each turn to make a bigger machine function. Some gears stop and the machine COULD keep going, but it would ultimately be slower." He pointed to the Orange Hulk, "The person inside of there could bring about world peace, could extend the average life expectancy, could be the one who inspires the person who cures an uncureable disease! But to know if he is we have to save him, and it's a risk you should be willing to take."

Quick somebody tell the orange hulk a joke!! That'll end this whole ordeal with my character real quick xD )

The orange Hulk heard yelling coming from the left, it was somebody giving them hell for fighting, and another person arguing back. He ignored the fact that the creature stabbed him in the chest with her horns, he then came up with a quick idea to end the bickering. He grabbed the creatures horns and he pushed her back, pulling her horns out of his stomach. He then started to spin around, holding the horns tightly, when the creature was spinning long enough he launched the creature towards the bickering people.

@Steel Zinogre )
"Wait!" It was too late, Rickey had been thrown into the air by Smasher. He wasn't ready either. But, he made do. As he fell, he began to spin in the air, aiming towards the Orange guy. He missed and hit the concrete next to him. "Well, this is a concrete fight." Rickey joked to himself as he got up from the ground. It wasn't a particularly funny joke. In all honesty, it was more of a pun. But he had to say something. He brushed himself off and his damage was healed.

His attention was then bought to two people arguing. One of them said they were getting unnecessary damage before Vanoss arrived? Rickey didn't know who Vanoss was, but the prior statement was false. "Actually, bub, I won't be injured from this tomorrow. In fact, bub, I will be healed from all this damage later on! And, I don't even know who you are bub. I don't care either." Now that he had said that, his head snapped back to the Orange Hulk.

@Robin man @LokiofSP @LucianGrey7971 @CasualDragon
Dimitri was about to call for an update on what everyone was up to, before Rush approached him from behind. Rush has sounded and looked normal, but his movements were awkward and rigid.

"Hey, D. Can you run our plan against Thanos by me again?"

Dimitri groaned. "You forgot already? Look, I appreciate you taking my place, but if it's too much I might need to do it myself to be sure."

Rush shook his head. "No, no. I just want to be sure."

"Fine fine.... Well first we get team one to distract him...."
Pyrite's eyes widened and glazed over when Minerva's body approached. It was to close to move out of the way fro, so the only way his mind saw a way out was cutting the thing. He put his sword out in front of him and grunted when Minerva hit the blade, letting gravity do it's job to allow Minerva to fall off.

@Steel Zinogre
Cassie groaned and sat up. underground bunker. how long had she been here? She hadn't had food or water in days, it felt like. She tried to remember how she got here, but only caught snippets of faces, blood, screaming, and... a black suit.

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Smasher leaped up and landed in front of the debate duo before grabbing onto Minerva's horns and getting back into the shoving match with the Orange Hulk. This was getting them nowhere though, so it seemed like it was time to end this somehow. He thought back to how his father used to get him to calm down, but his memories consisted of the Hulk being bigger and stronger, so Smasher would be bashed into the ground a couple of times and he would change back. That wouldn't be the case with this person though who obviously wasn't a prepubescent child. He tried to look at kid Wolverine apologetically but didn't keep his attention averted long enough to see if he got the point across. With a grunt of apology he pushed Helga to the side before running at Hulk the second. He would have to leave the plan up to the others.

@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP @LucianGrey7971

sitanomoto said:
Cassie groaned and sat up. underground bunker. how long had she been here? She hadn't had food or water in days, it felt like. She tried to remember how she got here, but only caught snippets of faces, blood, screaming, and... a black suit.
Her head was reeling as she looked around the room. She looked at a metal stairwell and tried to stand. Shakily she stood and used the wall for support and staggered to the stairs. At the top of the tall stairway, she looked at a pair of silver elevators and walked wobbily to them and pushed the button.

"Incoming alert:" Friday said in the livingroom. "Unauthorized use of Elevator One."
Connor lay on the couch in a deep comfortable sleep that he'd probably needed, it'd been maybe an hour or two before the alert from Friday sounded. The blonde may have been pretty out of it, but he wasn't so out of it that a potential threat being in the building wouldn't wake him up, he slumped forwards to stand up, still getting his bearings. His hand going to his face to wipe at the drool on his cheek, "Friday you've gotta give me more than that" He called out as he moved towards the elevator doors, "Friend or Foe? Hositle or non-hostile?!" He slipped the shield of his back just in case and slipped it loosely on his arm, if this went bad then he and Raitei we're the only two in the building.
The elevator dinged open and Cassie staggered out and fell to her hands and knees, panting heavily. She groaned, not noticing Conner at all. Her world was spinning and she couldn't think straight.
(I'm eating so slowish replies. :3)

Connor had stared intently and tensed when the elevator doors had opened, he was momentarily stunned at seeing Cassie even as she fell to her hands and knees. Normally he might have tried to catch anyone but his body wouldn't move, and his mind raced with thoughts. I'm dreaming, I have to be. Cassie's been gone for months, this isn't real. I'm still asleep on that couch. The blonde put it off as some sort of hallucination, after losing Ivory and having the worst few days of his life he stared down at the disoriented girl.

Putting the shield on his arm loosely had been a mistake because now it fell to the floor loudly, flopping a moment before settling. "C-Cass?" He said in a low town, voice cracking in the process.
Cassie looked up. Her eyes were blank, no recognition of Connor at all. She seemed to recognize her name. "Who...." Her voice was raspy, like it hadn't been used in months, or like she had screamed it to that point. "Who are you?" She asked, then tensed as an intense pain in her side flared up and she collapsed, clutching her side.
(Not sure if she's in suit or not but yolo.)

Hearing Cassie's voice broke him out of whatever diss-aray he was in, and went she went over he went down with her in a flash. She didn't recognize him, which lead to a million questions but for now she clearly needed help. "Just trust me." He said quietly, hoping that when he scooped her up in his arms with a grunt with the intent to carry her to the medical area.
Cassie nodded. She felt him lift her up and she winced as the pain in her side stabbed at her again. He didn't seem to be distrustworthy so she let him carry her. Not that she could have fought him anyway. She was too weak.
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"Hey Connor wait up!" Terry shouted over to him but it seemed like he already left. In most cases, unauthorized use usually means, 'Whatever in there probably wants to kill you.' Because of this, he felt like if he saw a dead Connor he would blame himself for it. Putting on his helmet, Terry started to catch up to him. Across the hall he saw him talking to a figure and he began bringing her to the medical hall. As he neared, he started to see who that figure was. Some lady she had never met before. "Do you know her?"
CasualDragon said:
Smasher leaped up and landed in front of the debate duo before grabbing onto Minerva's horns and getting back into the shoving match with the Orange Hulk. This was getting them nowhere though, so it seemed like it was time to end this somehow. He thought back to how his father used to get him to calm down, but his memories consisted of the Hulk being bigger and stronger, so Smasher would be bashed into the ground a couple of times and he would change back. That wouldn't be the case with this person though who obviously wasn't a prepubescent child. He tried to look at kid Wolverine apologetically but didn't keep his attention averted long enough to see if he got the point across. With a grunt of apology he pushed Helga to the side before running at Hulk the second. He would have to leave the plan up to the others.
@Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP @LucianGrey7971
(Helga is dead, But i think you mean Minerva)
Connor smiled inwardly, atleast she wasn't fighting him. Moving swiftly towards the medical area he set her gently on the stretched out chair, "Friday, scan her for injuries that would require immediate attention." He said, eyes unconsciously looking up at the ceiling as if the A.I. existed there. Turning his head he looked at Terry, guessing the boy had arrived while Connor was asleep. The words he wanted to speak we're on the tip of his tongue, before looking back down at her. "This is Cassie Stark."

@sitanomoto @Pyosimros
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre](where do i even come back in? Idk what to do.)

(Well you saw what just happened to Minerva right? We're till fighting Orange Hulk, start there)

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