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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor could practically hear the other boys gasp at hearing about Cassie and he couldn't blame him. "Alright, fine. Where then? You'll be there long before I will. Why the paranoia? You don't think there are others?" They couldn't exactly confirm whether that was the case or not. The blonde ran his hand through his hair as he gave it a thought, "I'm at the tower. We can meet at my house if you want? My parents wouldn't mind." Now he was pacing the hall, and thinking.
"The tower... Yea... That works. Stay there." Dimitri replied. The shock of losing Rush, killing Alex, and Cassie being suddenly back came over him gently, like a blanket from the stress of it all. He went to the door with a content look on his face, and zipped to stark tower, leaving the door open, and arrived into the room to join the other three.
Well that was easy. Connor thought, and no sooner had he thought it had Dimitri flew into the hall that Connor stood in. Looking to go into the medical area where the others were and Connor had to prevent himself from gasping at the sight of his friend covered in blood. The blonde practically shoved himself in front of Dimitri and strong armed him in the opposite direction towards a bathroom. "Your a mess." Connor told him softly, concerned more than anything. "You need to get cleaned up before anyone sees you, especially Cassie."
Dimitri looked at his hands and raised his eyebrows. "Y-yea... You're right... Mess." Was all he managed as he was pushed in the way of the restroom. He stepped in and closed the door, before sitting in the corner, tucking his knees close to his chest, and closing his eyes.
Connor had fully planned on going into the bathroom with Dimitri and help, but clearly it wasn't mutual since he found the door being shut to which Connor couldn't blame him. He did however hang around just outside the door, practically holding his breath as he listened for movement on the inside. But it was quiet, and Connor stood staring at the door with shallow breaths waiting for the sound of running water, but it never came.

Here he was with two of his closest friends, people he considered family. One hurt and confused, having lost her memories. And the other having gone through things Connor couldn't imagine, and possibly breaking down inside..that or stunned. Why did it seem like they we're cursed, forced into these kinds of situations? How much would they lose, and how would they come out on the other side? If they came out at all, some weren't so lucky.

Connor worked up the courage to knock gently on the door twice after a few agonizingly quiet minutes had passed. With his face pressed closely to the door, "Hey, you alright in there?" He found himself staring at the handle, and considered just going in. But he was giving Dimitri a chance.
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"Peachy." Dimitri answered, shivering. He felt Connor at the door the whole time, and wasn't sure what he was hoping he would do. Being alone was nice because Dimitri could deal with his emotions his own way, but perhaps having someone else to talk to would help more. Either way, he wasn't about to let Connor see him on the floor like that. He zipped to the sink and looked into the mirror. "I think the worst part was seeing Rush on the floor. It's like watching yourself die." He said to Connor though the door.
"I can imagine." Connor said, his forehead resting against the door. His thoughts going to Carter, he had mixed emotions about his clone, unresolved tension and he felt his hands start to cool and he clenched his fists in reaction to suppress it. Dimitri had not only seen himself die, in a way, but he'd killed. Just like with Massacre, and Connor hated it, but he couldn't preach right now. He wasn't allowed to talk on the matter so soon and without knowing fully what had happened, Alex was with Thanos so...

Connor lifted his head off the door, there was still no running water. He could practically see Dimitri staring at himself in the mirror with the cogs in his mind turning and finally Connor had enough. Looking down at his hand that was resting on the doorhandle he gave it a twist but didn't push the door open, "I'm coming in." Atleast he was giving fair warning, instead of barging inside. Then he pushed the door open, he kept his facial expression the same even if he shouted on the inside. Seeing his friend with so much blood on him, even after seeing it just minutes before, it still shocked him. And Dimitri was doing just what he'd imagined.
He turned to face Connor, still yet to start cleaning himself up. "You know what this means, right? I'm going to have to do it. There actually isn't anyone else who can." Looking down, he paused before continuing. "I'm sorry, Connor. I found another way and I didn't take the precautions to keep the plan up. Do me a favor alright? Take care of the rest of them. I'll never know how this leader shit will blow over with you and Cassie, but I know you were there when I needed you, so be there for her."
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It wasn't what Connor wanted to hear, not what he ever wanted to hear. His facial expression did change this time, somewhere between wanting to punch the guy and wanting to lock him away somewhere he couldn't ever get out. Instead he stepped by Dimitri without a word and opened a drawer, grabbing a hand towel out and a second for good measure. Then he turned the sink on and dipped one of the towels in, finally bringing it up to Dimitri's face he started to rub at the blood, he was careful with the strokes but not too gentle not that he had a choice. Connor was set to his task, and even though he was practically looking at Dimitri's face the entire time he never made eye contact.
"Connor... Ignoring it won't make it go away. I know it's hard, trust me, I have it a lot harder. Are you just going to ignore me in my last weeks?" He said, trying to get Connor to look up at him. As scared as Dimitri was, he knew the difference between the two of them was that Connor would have to live with what would happen in the battle against Thanos. "I'm sorry."
(I go night night now.)

"Pity talk gets you nowhere with me." Connor said without pausing and an emotionless tone, still trying to clean Dimitri's face and hands. Still not meeting his eyes he continued this time with a lightly annoyed tone, "Your talking like you've already given up. That you've resigned yourself to the fact that your destiny is to die and it pisses me off." With the towel covered in blood he turned to put it under the water source and wring out as much as possible. The towel would be ruined so he was trying not to use the second one atleast.

"There's still time, we can still look for another way. And in the event we don't find it you train your sorry ass off, or do whatever you have to do to better your chances at surviving it." Connor still didn't know the specifics other than it having to do with Dimitri's speed, so he guessed. And Connor wouldn't ask, because Dimitri wouldn't likely divulge the information.

The blonde turned back to continue, except he didn't. Instead he locked eyes with Dimitri. "And when the time comes. You fight, you fight to stay alive Dimitri. Because if you don't I'll never forgive you. I don't know what you and Marko saw but the future isn't set in stone. There is
always a way, but you'll never find it if you don't open your eyes. Stop thinking like a dead man and think like a man with something to lose because....dammit we should all be worth trying for."
"Pity gets you nowhere with me"

"It got you to start talking, didn't it?" He asked with a smirk. As Connor continued, Dimitri's expression grew more and more grim. After a few seconds of silence, Dimitri's jaw dropped and he clapped in happiness. "We have time?? Isn't set in stone??" He grabbed Connors head. "I love you, you big fat genius! Oh my, I think I've figured it out. And I think it's time you know our plan." @Crono
Dimitri grabbed Connors arm and zipped him into the room with Cassie and the others. "Hey! Cassie, sorry that I'm a mess. It's great to see you! We can catch up soon, but right now there's work to do... Wait... Did he say memory loss?" @sitanomoto
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Another flash of memory when Dimitri appeared. Again, just the face, but no name. "Who are you?" she asked. His platinum hair made her smile, but she didn't know why. It was... comforting... like the other boy- Connor's- smile was comforting.
"Who am I? You don't recognize your own husband?? Nah I'm messing with you. It's Dimitri! Mercury! Silver streak! Remember? Son of quicksilver?.... Do you remember who you are?" He asked, lighthearted but a bit concerned. @sitanomoto
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Connor would have laughed at being called a genius had he not been being dragged away at high speeds. Something even after all these years, he hadn't fully gotten used to. Next thing he knew they we're in front of Cassie and Terry, but instead of the earlier pained an panicked Cassie, this time she had more of a smile going. As if to be more comfortable or content, and that was good. But if they we're leaving like he guessed Dimitri planned they needed someone to look after Cassie. What if the tower was attacked? What if she tried to escape into the streets and disappeared again? And while Terry was a dependable hero he was still young, and not at one hundred percent at the moment. "You two take a moment. I'm going to see about some added security." The blonde said and jogged away, winking at Cassie before he left.

Eventually coming to a halt in front of the room Raitei had claimed he knocked on the door, "Hey Raitei you still in? Fearless leader Dimitri's here, and I could use your help with something. A favor."

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She laughed a little and winked. "Didn't know I was married." She paused "I know my name at least," she muttered. Cassie caught a flash of a nightmarish image and winced. A man with silver hair, impaled on a black spear.... A man in red armor, eyes closed and not moving. Then, as quick as it had started, the memory was gone. She looked at Dimitri and tried to smile again.
"I know someone who might be able to help your memory. I haven't made contact with her in a while, but she's our best bet. What all do you remember, Cass? Do you remember the name Ivory?" He asked, sitting down across from her. @sitanomoto
Again, a face. "Ivory..." she mused. This time it was a longer flash, a name, and a laugh.... A laugh that sounded like hers but scarier.... and darker.... "Ivory....." she whispered a flash of recognition in her eyes. "Ivory!" she whispered. Then she looked at Dimitri, her eyes going back to dull as the memory slipped away. "I had something...." she muttered softly.
"So a lot of your memories are still up there. You just can't access them. Now with the original problem, how to contact her..." He said, turning the tv to the news. There was a man speaking over a forecast as Dimitri zipped away. A few seconds later he joined him. "Yea, yea, yea, weather. Really interesting dude., hell you might even get one day right. Red, if you're watching this, you're needed at stark tower. I'm not sure if you're still alive, much less in New York, but I would owe you one." @sitanomoto
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Hypnas sat on her couch. She had kept off of the streetsfor fear of being caught. The news was on. Ugh. Weather. Suddenly, a familiar face appeared on the screen. "Red, if you're watching this, you're needed at Stark Tower." Finally! the first action that she had had in weeks! She got up, put on her jacket, and walked out the door. Stark tower was just a few blocks away, and with her hood up, she made it unnoticed to the base and entered via elevator.

"Unauthorized use of Elevator 1" Friday said. "It's Hypnas."
Dimitri stepped into the elevator and playfully flipped her hood back. "Its okay, Friday. Little red riding hood is with me." Pressing the elevator button, he stood next to her. "We have someone who has amnesia. Can you help her?" @sitanomoto
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"Hey you guys want me to call everyone else in?" Terry asked everyone. It was apparent he wouldn't revive Cassie's lost memories since he has no memory reviving powers and Terry didn't know who she was either. Though if he called some more people here one of them might resurrect her memory. "Uh... 'Cassie'? Where were you before?"

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