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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyrite looked around, and finally noticed where he was, he had his sword in Minerva's back, things had gotten worse and to many people were involved now. This NEEDED to end before something made it worse, "Okay, lets think, I need to end this without hurting the guy inside the Hulk, but while not damaging property...." He looked up and rushed forward as he finally had an idea.

He jumped on the Hulk's back and got close to his ear, whispering, "Once upon a time two satellite dishes met and fell in love, eventually they got married. The service was terrible, but the reception was great." He pulled back grinning, hoping if he could make the Hulk laugh he'd calm down.

@Robin man
xD @LokiofSP you get a cookie man xD )

The Orange Hulk felt something climbing into him again, he was about to reach up and grab the thing but he was hearing what MIT have been a joke. After the joke he started to chuckle. He then started full outburst of laughing, his laughs were deep and loud like thunder. As he kept laughing he started to slowly shrink, his skin started to fade back to his normal skin tone, and his muscle mass was decreasing rapidly. After thirty seconds he was back to his normal self, now chuckling. "Oh shit man, that's pretty funny." He said as he sat down.
Gwen looked at the now human hulk. "You could have killed me...." She said in a nasty tone under her breath "You could have killed everyone here...." She calmed down a bit "Its a relief your normal now...." She said to no one but herself
Smasher's grappling partner now shrunk down to normal sized left him pushing at the air. With a surprised huffing noise he toppled forward. He pushed off the ground to leap over the other now human hulk figure so that he wouldn't crush him when he came down. He also shrunk back down to size midair and even somehow managed to whack himself in the head with his leg. Due to his great thinking habits, Finn struck down onto the ground and groaned. "Should have seen that one coming." He mumbled rubbing his head. Unsteadily he pushed himself to his feet and stuck out his hand. "Finn Banner. You a good guy or do we need to lock you up?" He asked lightly intending it to be a joke, but also asking the question at the same time.
Raitei awoke with a start, he rolled off his bed and pointed his golden rod which he slept with at the door but relaxed as he saw it was still closed and heard Connor's voie through the door. He used his electromagnetism open the door and walked to it to tall to Connor. "Fearless Leader is present hmm... Well shall I here of this favor first?" He answered.

Connor was a little surprised when the door opened but Raitei wasn't standing there, instead making his way over. "Possible guard duty." It wasn't until after hearing himself say it did he realize he might be overreacting or going a bit far by enlisting Raitei's help. Better safe than sorry though, "It's nothing really. A friend of ours is resting, and she's lost her memories. Dimitri and I might be heading out soon so I was hoping you'd just keep an eye on her here at the tower, just in case." The blonde shrugged his shoulders, "I mean your already here and all." Admittedly he was a little embarrassed asking at this point, scratching his cheek gently. "Didn't mean to wake you or bother you. But you did want to know when Dimitri got here and all." A sarcastic smile crossing his face before he waved Raitei to follow. "They're up in the medical area."

Pyosimros said:
"Hey you guys want me to call everyone else in?" Terry asked everyone. It was apparent he wouldn't revive Cassie's lost memories since he has no memory reviving powers and Terry didn't know who she was either. Though if he called some more people here one of them might resurrect her memory. "Uh... 'Cassie'? Where were you before?"
@Reaper @sitanomoto

(Just in case, sorry for the repost)
Crono said:
Connor was a little surprised when the door opened but Raitei wasn't standing there, instead making his way over. "Possible guard duty." It wasn't until after hearing himself say it did he realize he might be overreacting or going a bit far by enlisting Raitei's help. Better safe than sorry though, "It's nothing really. A friend of ours is resting, and she's lost her memories. Dimitri and I might be heading out soon so I was hoping you'd just keep an eye on her here at the tower, just in case." The blonde shrugged his shoulders, "I mean your already here and all." Admittedly he was a little embarrassed asking at this point, scratching his cheek gently. "Didn't mean to wake you or bother you. But you did want to know when Dimitri got here and all." A sarcastic smile crossing his face before he waved Raitei to follow. "They're up in the medical area."

Raitei face changed at the mention of memory loss it seemed many in this world experience this but this was starting to get a little odd, but Raitei shrugged it off. "Understood, I shall guard this Tower and your friend with all my mighty power. So worry not Connor you can trust me to guard this tower." Raitei answered. "I shall speak to the Fearless Leader Dimitri soon."
Pyrite sighed out of relief and hit collapsed as he stretched out his leg, "Can't believe I didn't think of that before! And they told me my comedic genius would go to waste as a superhero!"

@Robin man
Connor nodded with a smile, "Gotta love that midgard enthusiasm, and thanks." Once they arrive at where Cassie and Terry are his pace slows as he turns his head curiously, "Where'd Dimitri go?" He asked, mainly looking at Terry as Cassie was probably just as confused on the subject.

@Newtype @Reaper @Pyosimros @sitanomoto
"You've...gotta be...kidding me! He was that monster? The person who was giving me TROUBLE?" Rickey clenched his fist as the reality sunk in. "What a huge pile of sh...ragh!" His claws retracted and Rickey stormed off. "What a load of bull..." As he walked away, he cursed and kicked the ground a lot.
Hypnas smiled. "Little Red Riding Hood?" She said. "Alright, Speedy Gonzales." Hypnas heard his question and put her finger on her lips. "Hmm.... Maybe I can, but it'll be bad memories." She looked apologetically at Dimitri and sighed. I've been trying to go good but it's hard to change your powers when you don't have anyone to practice on."

Cassie shook her head and then looked at Terry. "An underground bunker, apparently."
"Underground bunker huh? Call me when 2012's coming in late," Terry smiled and looked up as Connor entered the room again. He half listened to what he was talking about but it was enough to know what he was asking. "Dimitri... I have no idea honestly," He shrugged.
Cassie raised an eyebrow but said nothing to him about that, while another flash of memory appeared in her brain. Only two words: Obsidian Striker.
"Do you remember anything else? Someone else? Ummm..." Terry started to think for a second. The next few people he was going to mention were hit or miss. Maybe Cassie would've never met any of the people he was about to mention. "Jack...? Uh... Perry and... Robot ladies? That symbiote Massacre destroying stuff?"
Connor groaned lightly, "Does he have to run off all the time?" He wouldn't have gone to do...whatever it was without me would he? "Sorry Raitei." He said with a sheepish smile. "I know you want to speak to him and all." He nodded towards Cassie and spoke in a low tone, "She's the one, for the record. Though I'm not even sure if I'm leaving now."

Connor moved further into the room, closer to Terry and Cassie. "Throwing out names and events huh?" The blonde wasn't sure if that would help or not but it didn't seem to be bother Cassie much. Connor wanted to mention people, like her father, but that would mean telling her that he was dead and for now she didn't need to re-live that. "How about Finn Banner then? Maybe Steve Rogers, Captan America?"

@Newtype @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @Reaper
"Massacre?" Her eyes widened. She closed her eyes and clutched her head as a series of images, bloody, emotion filled, all flooded her mind all at once. "Agh!" She cried out. Then just like that, they were gone. She looked at Connor, fear in her eyes.
The elevator dinged as it arrived at its destination. "Damn.... That'll have to work At least she will know who she is." He smirked at the good comment. "You know, when I led the registration act, I put in a word that if anyone found you, you were to have a pardon. I didn't think you'd play along but I also didn't want you hurt. There's always a spot on the team for you, if you're ready." When the doors opened, he joined the rest of them. "For those of you who haven't met her.... Or have forgotten.... This is.... Well... I've always called her Red. She can help Cassie." @Newtype @Pyosimros

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