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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor turned to see Dimitri and Hypnas enter. "I thought you'd left me for a second." Nodding at Dimitri mentioning Hypnas, the last time he'd seen her was just before the Massacre attack. The night he'd gone after Alex and ended up in Siberia for two months alongside Aedan. "You sure?" Connor blurted out suddenly, and half-regretted it. Is he sure? Of course he's sure, if he's letting her near Cassie. Plus he's your leader. There was a line and Connor tried his best not to cross it, like calling out Dimitri amongst a room of others.
With Dimitri introducing the woman who emerged as Red, Terry began to remember Redd. No one knew how he really died except for him. And Redd's death was all his fault. For now however, Terry choice to keep his mouth shut about it. Masking his sadness with over-exaggerated happiness, he began to pay attention to the new person. "Hi!" He smiled and gave her a short wave. "So... How could she help with our friend-I mean Connor's friend's illness?" Terry asked and turned over to Dimitri.
Raitei gazed around the room at all the other people. It seemed they brought a supposed healer to heal the mind of the girl on the couch. Whoever she was she seemed more afflicted by her memory loss then the other girl, Raitei thought about taking a shot afterwards with his esoteric lightning should this Redd's method not worked. Raitei looked upon Dimitri the supposed fearless leader with his head leaning side to side gauging his fearless leaderness. But wasn't sure what to make of him.
"No, Connor. I'm just gonna let a rando poke around in her head. I'm not sure at all." He said sarcastically, before poking him. "She has hypnotic abilities, Terry. Cassie has her memories buried somewhere, there's just mental blocks in between them and her." At this point he noticed Rairei standing next to Connor. "You're Thor's kid, right?"

@Newtype @Pyosimros
Jordan turned to leave without another word, there was nothing for him to say...he no longer considered himself part of this world...hell he didn't even consider himself human. That was the crux of the matter, Jordan no longer felt like he had a place to belong...he was an outsider with no place that he truly belonged. Even with the whole of the universe...I am still as alone as the day I fell into that coma... he thought before the telepathic being came back with a vengeance. This time he was prepared enough not to have his connection severed but it still gave him one hell of a headache. Jordan gripped the side of his head and continued to walk away from Pyrite and the others
Reaper said:
"No, Connor. I'm just gonna let a rando poke around in her head. I'm not sure at all." He said sarcastically, before poking him. "She has hypnotic abilities, Terry. Cassie has her memories buried somewhere, there's just mental blocks in between them and her." At this point he noticed Rairei standing next to Connor. "You're Thor's kid, right?"
@Newtype @Pyosimros
"Yes I am the son of Thor, wielder of lightning beyond lightning, trained by the mystic lightning monk, Prince of Asgard known as Raitei or Lightning Emperor if you prefer the english. I have come to join the mighty group of warriors my father once fought alongside in the defense of Midgard and beyond. I hear you're the Fearless Leader Dimitri, nice to meet you. I'd call you Sir Dimitri but it seems people in Midgard dislike terms like Sir according to Connor." Raitei responded.

"Well... I'm Dimitri... And I go fast." He said, considering writing a paragraph of introduction for himself as well. "Nice to meet you Raitei. I'm sorry for your loss." Dimitri remembered what happened to Thor, which in turn reminded him of the other avengers who had passed, although he tried not to show that his thoughts had gone down a dark path.
A window broke near the medical room in Stark Tower...and given the fact that there was only one person that Connor and Dmitri knew seemed to have a vendetta against windows and refused to use doors, it shouldn't have been too hard for them to make an assumption as to who it might be.
"I'll go check out whatever broke through the window," Terry sighed and put on his helmet. "I'll shout if I'm getting attacked. Or you could just hear fighting sounds," Terry said and walked out of the medical room. Looking to his right, there was nothing. On his left, there was something. "Hi Jordan."
"Indeed but at least my father died doing what he does best which is protecting others. But life goes on and eventually more pyre boats will sail down that river." Raitei replied with an exhale and then inhale. He turned around as someone remarked on his shirtless attire. "Well I don't need one to do battle and nor do I wish to hide my well toned physique." Raitei's face hardened as it seemed someone had invaded the Tower through a window, seemed the one who remarked on him not covering his torso went to check it out but Raitei did not drop his guard.
(I never said it was Jordan~)

A small girl stood among the broken pieces of glass and looked around with an expressionless face ".....Jor...dan?"
(Oops xD )

Terry blinked at the girl and noticed it wasn't Jordan at all. "Great now I'm seeing things now," He mumbled silently and he began to wonder why or how a little girl could destroy the glass. Though it wasn't really that impossible. "Er... Sorry. Buff dude with black hair's definitely not you. Are you okay? You just... Went through glass," Terry said with a slightly concerned face.
The girl closed her eyes and raised her chin slightly, as soon as she did, everyone could feel her mind touch there own before shrinking away seconds after "....Not here..." she looked disappointed before her stomach growled loudly "...."
Without turning around to see who entered through the window, Dimitri groaned. "She's fine. You're going to have to not break our windows, alright?" He turned to Terry. "Not jordan... Well she's half Jordan..."
Terry felt a short prickly sensation on running through his head but he dismissed it as another side effect. "Yes... Not here because~" He looked behind him and then back. "Because... The kitchen is the right place for you!"
The girl tilted her head at Dmitri's words "Half...Jor...dan? I,,,don't...know that...name" she said and contemplated using her powers to figure out who it was, but then heard the mentioning of a kitchen and forgot all about it "Food?"
Hypnas smiled. "Thanks for the support." She walked over to Cassie and knelt. "Hey there," she said gently.

Cassie looked wary. She knew something about the girl was a little off... It looked like she was going to regret what she was about to do.

"Alright, you're going to have to relax for this to work," Hypnas told Cassie.

Cassie jumped and looked at Luna. "Hello there." She whispered.
Connor smiled sheepishly at Raitei over the Sir comment, "Well some might, heh. I'm just not the biggest fan of having the title Sir. That's something more along my fathers type." Though technically Steve might say something similar, Connor felt it fit him more thanks to the age. Not that the title was fully about age, just more of Connor's outlook on it.

When the glass broke the blonde couldn't help but look for Cassie's reaction curiously, then Terry had gone to investigate and found a young girl who seemed more or less hungry. "Get her something to eat." He told Terry, "A sandwich or something atleast, you want me to come with?" There was slight hesitation after he'd said it, he wanted to be here for Cassie as this went down but at the same time there we're alot of people here that would do fine. And Connor wasn't sure about Terry's sandwich making skills, the kid might accidentally feed the girl soap or something. Plus she clearly had some sort of powers, to make it through a window of the upper floors. He wondered if she'd come here for a reason or by pure luck or accident.
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"You might want to take it slowly, Red. She's having a rough time with her memories as it is." Dimitri said. Connor still hadn't heard his plan, but with the arrival of so many others, Dimitri decided it might be best to wait. @sitanomoto
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sitanomoto said:
Hypnas smiled. "Thanks for the support." She walked over to Cassie and knelt. "Hey there," she said gently.
Cassie looked wary. She knew something about the girl was a little off... It looked like she was going to regret what she was about to do.

"Alright, you're going to have to relax for this to work," Hypnas told Cassie.

Cassie jumped and looked at Luna. "Hello there." She whispered.
Luna then rubbed her cheek on Cassie's legg, and then sniffs her out. She was curious about the 'new' person she just met, and purrs as she laid next to her.
Cassie smiled at Luna's reaction and scratched her behind the ear. "Where did you come from?" She said softly. She heard the sound of shattering glass and another memory flashed by, too fast to catch.

Hypnas watched Cassie closely and looked at Dimitri. "Are you sure about this, Speedy?" She asked, standing. "I'm afraid that if I bring back nightmares, she might turn hostile again."
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled at Luna's reaction and scratched her behind the ear. "Where did you come from?" She said softly. She heard the sound of shattering glass and another memory flashed by, too fast to catch.
Hypnas watched Cassie closely and looked at Dimitri. "Are you sure about this, Speedy?" She asked, standing. "I'm afraid that if I bring back nightmares, she might turn hostile again."
Luna groweld at Hypnas, saying 'If she does, i will smack reality into her.' she then purred as cassie stark scrathed behind her ear.
"Yes, I'm sure." He lied. They needed Cassie back. It was a risk, but one he wanted to take. "Besides, we have enough people here to diffuse it if something goes wrong."

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