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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Scanning....." A blue ray of light hit the girl and the AI made a few beeping sounds. "She has a broken rib, and she's malnourished but that's all I could find."
Terry narrowed his eyebrows are a few seconds and looked down at 'Cassie' in confusion. "Yah I know Stark. I don't know Cassie though," He said looked back at Connor with his confusion slowly erasing itself.
LokiofSP said:
(Well you saw what just happened to Minerva right? We're till fighting Orange Hulk, start there)
(alright) Minerva stopped, for she saw no use for fighting the orange hulk, and jett landed next to her and screeched, trying to say hi to her. Maxton came up to the scene, with Strout with him, holding him on his shoulders. "What's the Sitch? I heard about a HOLY SHIT!!" maxton shouted, seeing two hulks instead of one. "I am Strout!!" the tree shouted, trying to say 'Stop this useless quarry!' as he made roots into the ground, and made a wall, separating the two beasts from each other. @Robin man @LokiofSP @CasualDragon @The Unamed Character
An uneasy chuckle escaped his lips, "C'mon Cass, with the way your acting I would have thought you had atleast three broken ribs." Connor moved to the nearby stocked cabinets and pulled out an IV bag. Once he'd returned he reached up and pulled up her sleeve, "Just a pinch, this'll help. Get you back on your feet and give you some of that nourishment." He told her and inserted the needle and quickly connected the tube, checking things over to make sure the line was clear. Connor wanted to be happy, to hug her, ask all the questions so many of them had after she left. But if she didn't know who he was then she wouldn't be of any help with those questions, so for now he'd help her and be patient.

Blinking he raised a brow at Terry, "How have you managed to not know who Iron-Girl is. I mean you sort of showed up after she...left. But between the media and just common knowledge on the second generation of Avengers I'd have thought you'd know of her atleast."
She's family. He wanted to add, but decided not to.

@sitanomoto @Pyosimros
"Look man. I'm going through memory problems right now," Terry started. He didn't really know how to explain this, but he had to try his best. "One second I thought I was with Act with..." He stumbled a few seconds. He couldn't remember who he allied with. Though him being with the act wasn't true anymore, he felt like he was. "And another second I thought I'm against the act with all of those robo-ladies," He finished and took another breath. "I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't know who Iron-Girl is."
Connor narrowed his eyes at Terry curiously, what was with all the memory loss all of a sudden? He genuinely wondered if someone was somehow altering everyone's memories but that was a long shot. "The Act? You mean the registration act? Terry, that ended almost three months ago. How hard did you hit your head exactly?" His tone was one of someone who was concerned though a hint of teasing was there.
Cassie opened her normally sparkling brown eyes, but these were dull.

"She felt more pain because of her starvation. She would have been fine if she was healthier," Friday said, somewhat defensively.
"I didn't hit my head. I was slapped across the head with magic. Which I guess would be worse," Terry shot back and crossed his arms. He wasn't that offended or angry however. He looked down again to see that Connor's friend has probably woken up. "Well your friend's awake. Hello~..?" He smiled and waved his head over her face a couple times in boredom.
Cassie jolted back in surprise, her eyes quickly going from dull to bright with fear. "Who are you?" She said quietly. "Where am I?" She looked at Connor and a flash of something flickered through her brain. She tried to hang on to it but couldn't and it slipped away before she got the chance to examine it carefully.
"Yah Connor, who are you?" Terry smirked at him teasingly as he patted him on the back for a few seconds. It was either whoever they were talking to was a clone or identical twin, someone suffering from amnesia, or Connor's gone mad. "I'm Nova. As for where we are, I'll let your friend talk."
Connor rolled his eyes at both Friday and Terry's words, sitting down on a seat nearby so that he was level with Cassie. "Your okay. That's Nova, and I'm Connor. You know me, you just...don't seem to remember. Your at Avengers Tower, Stark Tower. Your home." The blonde smiled at her to try and keep her calm, though he was worried himself. "You have to remember something. Somehow you knew to come to the tower, but maybe that was just instinct buried deep down inside."
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Wait, I didn't get notifications, what's going on?)

(Nutin really)

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((Does anyone watch RWBY???))

(I remember when I watched it when it was just a Rooster Teeth people thing and it was on it's fourth episode *sigh* )

(#Hipster xD )
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"Damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!!!" Dimitri shouted, stomping on what was left of Alex, before contacting Connor over the comlink. "Connor! We have trouble... I mean... We are in troubl-... Fucking hell.... Rush has a hole in him and Alex attacked me and I-..." @Crono
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Connor winced lightly at hearing his name yelled through the commlink, it was Dimitri. Thing was he wasn't yelling to be funny, he wasn't yelling in his anxious tone or his I'm your lord commander tone. No, this tone had the blondes face hardening. He wanted to tell Dimitri that Cassie was back, wanted to figure out what the hell his friend was bumbling and angry about, he'd even opened his mouth to reply after clicking the earpiece. But Cassie was sitting there, already confused to no end and he didn't want anything stressing her out or the sort so he gave Terry a look. The kind of look you give someone when you want them to either keep someone distracted or just keep an eye on them.

Then he smiled at Cassie, "I'll be right back." He told them, moving around the chair and out into the hall. Far enough that they couldn't eavesdrop. "Mitri calm down and take a breath!" He called out into the comm, cutting Dimitri off, he was half-yelling but in a hushed voice. "What happened? Are you alright? What about Rush? And what's this about Alex attacking you!?" Connor's thoughts immediately went to the Alex he hadn't seen in months, surely he meant that other one, the one who'd warned them about Osborn's A.I. but even still why would he attack Dimitri?

@Reaper @Pyosimros @sitanomoto
Dimitri took a deep breath and put his hand on his forehead, accidentally smearing blood on it. "Apparently he worked for Thanos. I don't know if he is a real clone of where he even came from, but he killed Rush and tried to pose as him to ask me what our plan was. I responded by saying the plan faster than any human could make out, but Rush could've.... Either way he didn't understand so I knew something was up. We got into it and I killed him pretty hard." @Crono
Connor sighed as he took it all in, resting his head against the wall. In a moment of frustration he pounded his fist against it, how did things always end up like this? So screwed up. "Alright. I...uh..." Connor knew what this meant, that Dimitri would take Rush's place now that he was dead. And while he didn't know much of Rush the Dimitri clone had seemed decent, and he was willing to take Dimitri's place. So Connor understood to an extent what they'd lost, "Cassie's back." He blurted.

Connor flinched at his own words, that wasn't what he'd planned to say. Now was certainly not the time, but he'd said it, he was ass deep now. "But she's lost her memories." The blonde shook his head, "But I've got it handled. If Alex was working for Thanos he probably knows a lot about our fighting strength. Maybe even our weakness' if the guy's been watching us. Why the hell would a human turn against his own planet? His own kind?" He was rambling again, "Do you need me there? Say the word and I'm on my way." Dimitri had dodged the question of his own health, though Connor guessed he was alright, just distraught. Connor absently glanced back in the direction of the medical area where Cassie and Terry we're.
Upon hearing what he said about Cassie, Dimitri placed his hand over his mouth in shock, accidentally leaving a blood hand print. He looked around at the gory mess of his apartment, before responding. "Yes... We should meet, but... Not here."
There it was again. The flash of memory that showed Connors face but not his name or anything else. "Stark tower...." As Connor left, she put her head in her hands and did her best to recall something. All she got was a blurry image of a face... Whose face it was she didn't know. Something hit her like a brick. "Connor...." She whispered his name. She knew he could be trusted, at least, she thought she knew. Somehow....

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