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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite jumped on Jett's back and mushed him forward, attempting to dodge people and other obstacles as best he could, "Look here, you're still a fucking asshole, in fact the only reason I' even giving you a chance is because I know what it's like to be lonely. Don't look to into this either, this is a trail run friendship, by the end of the day if you win me over, you can stay.Just know that because of all the shit you've pulled today you get to start out at -500, good luck!"
@Steel Zinogre
Jett did appreciate his honesty, but he had to try hard. So he took the less crowded routes, and climbed buildings to avoid hurting other people. Then a helicopter shows up. Jett did what he could to avoid it, but without flight, he is useless.
Down by Broadway in New York, during what was another hustling bustling day for the citizens of New York. There was one person that was making his way through the busy streets as quickly as possible. He was around 6'3, so he stood out from the majority of these people. He was wearing sunglasses with jungle camo pants, with steel toe military boots, and a black t-shirt with a skull with cross bones on the chest.

He was about to cross one of the streets when he was pulled into a alleyway by three masked people. One masked person held a gun to the mans head. "Give me your wallet, phone, everything." He demanded, the man with sunglasses shook his head, obviously nervous out of his mind, he could feel his heart starting pump faster and faster. "No, you ain't having my shit." He told the masked men. One of the robbers pulled out a gun and shot him in the head. But by the time the bullet hit his head, the man with sunglasses began to change into something else.

The three robbers started to run when they saw what the man was changing into something familiar, most people would automatically call him The Hulk, but unlike the Hulk he wasn't green, but orange. The giant orange Hulk roared at the top of its lungs, the crowded streets started to panic when they heard the bellowing sound. The orange hulk made its way to the streets, he started with grabbing some empty cars and throwing them around.

@Ethan Hart )
The hunt was finally coming to an end. The army would be pleased, the humans would be pleased and Rickey could finally take some time off. However, he couldn't deny the request the army made. They were so scared and looked so powerless. They weren't lying either. They said that only he could track the person down. If they knew where his father was, they would have asked him. But, Logan or James, whichever one he went by now a days, was no where to be found. So, they had to settle for his son. Rickey Howlett. The reason why he was the only one who could hunt down this guy was because he was a shape shifter of some sorts. The person changed form. Only his scent was the thing that didn't change as much as everything else. And Rick was happy for that.

His smell had lead him to the big apple. New York. Oh, what a place. The scent was definitely stronger here then anywhere else he had visited. He could hear something too. But, he couldn't quite make out what it was over all the over noises around him. Sniffing the air, Rickey found the scent once more and began to follow it towards an alley. He heard that a robbery was taking place over the crowd. And the person who was getting robbed, was his target. Perfect. Slowly, Rickey walked closer to the alley. Suddenly, an orange monster ran out and started throwing cars around like toys. So, his target was a Hulk. Funny. His father also fought a Hulk before. Not just any Hulk, the Hulk. Time for him to follow in his footsteps.

"Hey bub!" Snikt. Claws out. "Make this easy on yourself and give up!" Rickey approached the beast at a snails pace and waited to see what this thing was going to do. If he done what he thought he was going to do, Rickey would end up hurting someone...real bad.

@Robin man )
The orange hulk looked over towards the source of the mans voice. He gave out another roar before he grabbed a large pickup truck and he threw it at him. The man looked familiar, kinda like an old member of the X-Men. But what was the name again? Well the Orange couldn't care what his name was, he just cared that he wanted a fight, the Orange Hulk will give him just that, a fight of the life time. After the truck was half-way towards the target with claws, the Orange Hulk took a leap and he punched the truck, in theory it should make the truck go faster, and then hitting the target.

@Ethan Hart)
Pyrite looked at the helicopter and cursed under his breath, he turned to Jett, "This is minus 100 points bird!" He jumped off Jett and with accuracy (And by accuracy I mean incredible luck.) Threw the nightstick threw the widow of the helicopter, hitting a passenger dead in the head, knocking him out. The pilot seeing Pyrite as the more deadly target, turned to chase him instead, as Pyrite ran off the rooftops, leaving Jett behind.

@Steel Zinogre
The reaction was what Rick expected. "Okay bub, looks like Grizzly is dealing with you." Rick began to run at him. The Hulk picked up a truck and threw it. It was no biggie. But then, it sped up. "Crap!" Instead of slowing down, Rick sped up. He charged towards the truck with no fear. Since he was closer to it, it was higher of the ground. It gave him just enough space to roll under it. "Nice try bub, but Grizzly don't go down that easy." Rickey jumped up and slashed, aiming for the monsters face. Once he landed, he got his footing and went to jump back.

@Robin man )
The Orange Hulk saw the smaller man rolling under the truck, he couldn't react to the dive to his face. He felt the claws slashing into his face. He closed his eyes and yelled in pain. He started swing around the air with one arm, hoping to swat him out of the air.

@Ethan Hart)
The attack connected. Good. Now, all Rick had to do was time his second attack. Rickey jumped up a second too soon and got hit out of the way. Helplessly, Ricky flew through the air and into a nearby building. "Okay bub...lucky hit. It won't happen AGAIN!" With a growl, Rick charged at the Orange Hulk. He jumped up once more but got hit once again. "Grr! Bub, you're pissing me off!" Once again, he charged at the Orange Hulk, but this time, he waited another second before jumping for his next attack.

@Robin man )
The Orange Hulk growled as he got sight back. He looked down at Rickey and he stomped the ground, causing the ground under him to shake and crack, causing a small earthquake in the area. He put his hands back and he clapped, doing the old thunder clap. He was currently trying to throw off the more agile opponent. He personally knew that the faster fighter can be a challenge to a big fighter.

@Ethan Hart)
His second attack missed, unfortunately. Once Rickey landed, a small earthquake made him loose his balance. Rick stumbled backwards as he tried to regain his balance. Just as he thought he was recovering, his ear drums burst. The Hulks signature thunder clap. How had his father powered through this. With his healing? His pure strength? Both? Whilst falling to his knees, Rick thought he may as well give it a shot. He slowly got back to his feet, still in pain. Then, he ran at the Hulk, slower then normal.

(@Robin man how long we planning on doing this? Should we finish it now? It seems fitting as I am slowed and your vision is still a bit blurry.)
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite looked at the helicopter and cursed under his breath, he turned to Jett, "This is minus 100 points bird!" He jumped off Jett and with accuracy (And by accuracy I mean incredible luck.) Threw the nightstick threw the widow of the helicopter, hitting a passenger dead in the head, knocking him out. The pilot seeing Pyrite as the more deadly target, turned to chase him instead, as Pyrite ran off the rooftops, leaving Jett behind.
@Steel Zinogre
Jett sighed, knowing that pyrite will not trust him after the helicopter showed up, so he decided to follow from a distance.
Pyrite was soon huffing as the day began to take effect on him, seeing Jett he turned around, "Bird, stop being stupid and get outta here, I dont want you getting shot!" Just then a shot was fired at Pyrite's feet, "JESUS!" He then continued running

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite was soon huffing as the day began to take effect on him, seeing Jett he turned around, "Bird, stop being stupid and get outta here, I dont want you getting shot!" Just then a shot was fired at Pyrite's feet, "JESUS!" He then continued running
@Steel Zinogre
Jett launched some scales strategically at the main rotor, stopping flight and crashes on a rooftop. Luckily the pilot was not hurt, but he grew afraid as jett came close, but instead of killing the pilot, jett releases the pilot from the crash, and then jumps down to the streets below, where the pilot safely gets off. "Why did you not kill me?" he asked jett, who simply climbs the building back to the roof.
Pyrite looks at Jett as he runs off and he gets annoyed, "He could have taken the helicopter down at any moment, but waited till he saw me get chased to act?" He sighed as he began to walk back to Conner, "Minus 200 points."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite looks at Jett as he runs off and he gets annoyed, "He could have taken the helicopter down at any moment, but waited till he saw me get chased to act?" He sighed as he began to walk back to Conner, "Minus 200 points."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett sighed out of frustration. "He should have killed me when he got the chance." he thought as he followed pyrite.
GeoStone said:
"Hey blonde" Terence said from the whole in the roof his voice disguised as like a deep kinda scary voice. What you'd expect a symbiote to sound like (venom, carnage) but not so hissy or evil like."Is your dad captain america and what is the deal with the guy who looks exactly like you?" He was a little bored and wanted to get the info. Also he wanted more on Thanos coming.
It was then that thw snowy haired man noticed the figure stalking him in the dark. He looked around to find a outline of a guy in an alleyway, "Didn't your mother tell you its rude to stare?"

"I'm sorry Connor. But your father was also the same person who hired super-villains to join his side as well. This isn't so different, well other then the fact that I'm offering big pay of course," Perry explained. Though he was sure that his comment probably set Connor off even more. If this was any other situation, Perry probably would've given him a friendly hug and asked something like, 'Where were you?!' But noticing the tension, he refrained from doing that. "Anyways, I'm going after Pyrite," He said, successfully ending the conversation and he used some gestured, calling his suit. "You know where to find me if you can't find me," Perry said and ran in the direction of where Pyrite went. Though making it a few steps he saw Pyrite coming and Spyder behind him. "That's convenient."
"So if Captain America's done it then it's surely justified for you to do it yourself then?" Then again his father would likely look past the attack if it meant help against Thanos, but that wasn't the point. If the roles we're reversed Connor believed Steve wouldn't have offered if Connor had been the one attacked. And Perry was off before Connor could mention anything about Pyrite trying to join, and that he wasn't quite sure if Pyrite had just lead him to the station as a trap for Carter or not.

At first Connor was ignoring the voice as Perry disappeared, not fully realizing it was talking to him until he noticed he was the only person available. Looking up towards the hole though he couldn't spot where or who the voice was coming from, just that it was from above, he narrowed his eyes a moment.
Why does everyone feel the need to ask? "Does the suit and shield not give it away? Or because I don't wear a cap on my head anymore is it harder to tell?" His words came out a little more snappy than he'd meant to and his stance softened as he took a breath. "Why so interested?"

@Pyosimros @GeoStone
Cindy sits at a bench, and calls perry as she sobbed her eyes out. The phone rings, but found no answer from him. "God dammit Perry! Pick up the fucking phone!" she shouted out of frustration and stress. "He has not been around a lot lately, maybe it's business? Or he cheating on you." she thought, but paid no mind to it, for Namor was dead, and she could not do anything at this point but grieve. @Pyosimros
"Because I'm the guy that's been spying on you and your friend's conversations for the past hour or so and I wanted to make sure." He jumped down from the roof and landed in front of Connor. "Was the guy that looked like you a clone or your twin?" Terence wanted to get as much information as possible from the blonde. He didn't care if he struck a few nerves.
"Usually you're mister nice guy and are considerate of people's feelings." Night thought to Terence. Night was a little surprised by Terence's tone and how he was going about getting the info.

"I just need information Night. No time for being nice or considerate. Have to treat this seriously. Earth is in possible danger and because of Thanos no less. I'll see if I can help with stopping him or at least getting rid of him." @Crono
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Looking back, Perry saw a symbiote. Just in case, he booted up his gear for sonic attacks. The gear was originally intended for Ivory if he got out of hand and in some rare cases, Cassandra. The guy seemed to be trying to take information from Connor. A little too much that it seemed suspicious. And that wasn't even accounting the stalking claims. "Look. You're trying to drain a lot of information from my friend. We don't even know who you are-" Perry stopped when he heard a ringing sound from his helmet. "Someone's calling..." Perry mumbled. Ignoring everyone else for a little bit, he answered the call not really bothering with checking out it was. "Hello?"
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Pyosimros said:
Looking back, Perry saw a symbiote. Just in case, he booted up his gear for sonic attacks. The gear was originally intended for Ivory if he got out of hand and in some rare cases, Cassandra. The guy seemed to be trying to take information from Connor. A little too much that it seemed suspicious. And that wasn't even accounting the stalking claims. "Look. You're trying to drain a lot of information from my friend. We don't even know who you are-" Perry stopped when he heard a ringing sound from his helmet. "Someone's calling..." Perry mumbled. Ignoring everyone else for a little bit, he answered the call not really bothering with checking out it was.
Cindy was heard sobbing, not knowing that perry answered her call. She cups her hands on her face, and sobbed. "why..... did he have to die?" she whispered, but clearly audible on perry's end.
Connor raised an eyebrow as the guy jumped down in front of him, and normally tones or attitude of someone he'd just met might not phase him. However, today his buttons we're getting pushed one too many times and his patience was at it's limit. "Spying on us and you fully admit to it? I can't tell if you just have nads or just don't care." Then Perry was coming back followed by answering his phone, so Connor turned his attention back to the stranger.

"Look. You want information? How about coughing up some yourself. Like Perry said, we don't know you or your intentions and you want me to just tell you everything you want to know. Either way, that guy." Connor jerked his thumb up towards the door Carter had exited from. "Is none of your business." The blonde crossed his arms over his chest as he looked the guy up and down, another symbiote... one of these things popped up every few months with someone.

@Pyosimros @GeoStone

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