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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jordan looked down onto the city with an expressionless face, he had long since pushed the thought of an entity stronger than him arriving to the back of his mind. It truly did not concern him...unless it was here to destroy this world...or him. Then, and only then, would all hell break loose
When the crowds of people were behind him he made sure no one was around and morphed his suit on. He then shadow traveled to the station and saw a hole in the roof and shadow traveled on top of the building. He glanced down at the scene before him of dead bodies, debris, and two people that looked exactly like the guy he was following.
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite whistled as he got closer, twirling a nightstick as he did so. When he got to Jett's face he crouched, "See pigeon? I knew you were no ggod. Who knows what would have happened if I trusted you? Probably would have ended up as a stain on the curb.....Actually I now wish I had got on your back. Anyways, I'm putting you down before you hurt something else."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett looked at pyrite, and looked down. He did not want to die, but what pyrite had said really hurt him, so he ran off into an underpopulated area, and looked around for a hiding spot, but could not find any.
"Unnecessary killing I'm sure. Sickening, but this situation is interesting."

"I'd have to agree with you there Night," he thought. "Let's not interfere until it gets real bad."
Pyrite ran after Jett and got on his back, after a bit of struggling to stay on he raised his club and hit him once on the head with all his force.

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite ran after Jett and got on his back, after a bit of struggling to stay on he raised his club and hit him once on the head with all his force.
@Steel Zinogre
The hit only stunned jett, but cut Pyrite's hand, due to the scales. he whimpers as fell to the ground, a shiny tear falling from his face as he lay there, broken and hopeless. "I wanted a friend....... but now I die alone...... no one will love me...... no one will care." he thought as he prepared for the final blow.
Connor was aware of Pyrite leaving and a part of him was angry and upset at himself, he'd known he couldn't trust him...but he'd tried. It didn't help his attitude after seeing his clone for the first time face to face, and he ran to close the distance between the two angrily.

Carter simply smiled as Connor rushed towards him, "Look at you, all bent out of shape!" He mused, and thrust forwards with his sword, the strike could have been deadly to anyone who'd kept charging but Connor had sense to slide to a stop. "Nah uh uh. I've been given amnesty by Parker here, in return for help against your Thanos problem. Now..." Carter stepped over Connor's shield and stepped up towards him, sword in its sheathe. "...you can't go breaking an Avengers oath, can you?"

Connor looked at Perry with a look of shock, "Why would you--?" Ice started spreading from his feet's vicinity and he clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms and drawing blood in an attempt to stop it. His face snapping back to look at Carter, "You almost killed my dad, don't think you get pardoned for that no matter what you do."

"Almost!" Carter spouted, "I needed him alive for my story and cover to stay sound, I did enjoy leaving him in a pool of his own blood though." He snickered, and was caught off guard by Connor's frozen fist connecting with his face that sent him reeling backwards. He spat blood on the ground before eyeing up Connor.
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Pyrite walked to Jett panting, the nightstick still in hand,he raised it one last time but after looking at Jett's face, couldn't bring himself to kill it........So he swung down on the wings so he couldn't fly and dropped the nightstick. He wiped his mouth and took out his phone to call animal control, as it dialed he turned to the bird, "You're lucky ya overgrown pigeon, I don't kill, not anymore. But after that shit you pulled at the station, I refuse to let you run off alone in the city so you can kill people or drop giant fucking birds into a building!"

@Steel Zinogre
Cindy walks about the streets, sad and heart broken. she holds a letter from Shield, telling her that Namor was assassinated by Tiger Shark and his boss. "Why....? Why now.... of all times...?" she said as she tried to hold back her tears, be strong, but alas, she could not. She started to bawl as she mourned, feeling alone. She had tried to call perry multiple times, but no answer. @Steel Zinogre

Jett tried to get up, but had some trouble doing so. Eventually he gets up, and stumbles into an alleyway, where he awaits his lonesome fate. "No one will care..... no one will forgive.... No one will love you...." his conscience told him as he hid his face behind his holey wings, wanting to be alone, as he was all his life.
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"This identical twin, or clone, left Captain America in a pool of his own blood. Come on, this guy's dad can't be Cap. He might have the shield and everything but no way."
Pyrite followed the giant creature while the truck came and sat on the wall oposite of it, "Might as well make sure you don't leave while we wait."

@Steel Zinogre
Terence continued watching the situation unfold. Learning all this new information, seeing the relationships between this people. He found it interesting. Too bad a full scale fight might not break out since a deal was made between that Perry and the clone\identical twin. He was a little disappointed.
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The large brutish figure of Spyder slammed into the ground behind Pyrite. He stood up slowly and hovered over the smaller man, his back also turned "....."
"Alright, I'll give you that free shot." Carter said with a grin, wiping the blood from his mouth on his sleeve. "Amnesty is still a thing though, so you make another move on me and you've broken it."

Connor moved forwards a few steps and retrieved his shield, eyeing Carter the entire time. He wanted nothing more than to say to hell with whatever agreement Perry had made and take his clone down, but that's what Carter wants and it's why he keeps egging him on. "This isn't over." The blonde said, it was directed at Carter but also at Perry and Pyrite if they could hear him.

Carter smirked and walked right on by Connor with his sword sheathed, "I'll be in touch." He told him as he passed by, walking right out the front door.

Connor stood looking at the mess around him inside the station before his eyes settling on Perry, "Why would you ask for his help, give him a deal? Especially without asking me?" He was aware of the big picture, that they did need help, that Carter could potentially be of use. But at the same time the situation with Carter was personal for him. Carter had made it personal, not because they looked the same, but because of what he'd done.
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Pyrite frowned and threw his nightstick at him, "Well fuck you to!" He sat there for a few moments quiet as he began to think back on all the fucking trouble this thing had caused him. He slowly dawned upon something as he remembered all the details he missed and refused to put together, "Oh my fucking god, why didn't I realize this before?" He whispered as animal control arrived.

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite frowned and threw his nightstick at him, "Well fuck you to!" He sat there for a few moments quiet as he began to think back on all the fucking trouble this thing had caused him. He slowly dawned upon something as he remembered all the details he missed and refused to put together, "Oh my fucking god, why didn't I realize this before?" He whispered as animal control arrived.
@Steel Zinogre
Jett then realized he really was at fault, the cow, the other seregios, none of it would have happened if he had not shown up. Tears run down his face as he prepared for his fate. (What was the realization?)
(Peter Parker got his abilities from a radioactive spider, that makes him a mutate. Emile or Spyder had his abilities develop naturally, thus making him a mutant)
"Hey blonde" Terence said from the whole in the roof his voice disguised as like a deep kinda scary voice. What you'd expect a symbiote to sound like (venom, carnage) but not so hissy or evil like."Is your dad captain america and what is the deal with the guy who looks exactly like you?" He was a little bored and wanted to get the info. Also he wanted more on Thanos coming.
Pyrite jumped on Jett's back and mushed him forward, attempting to dodge people and other obstacles as best he could, "Look here, you're still a fucking asshole, in fact the only reason I' even giving you a chance is because I know what it's like to be lonely. Don't look to into this either, this is a trail run friendship, by the end of the day if you win me over, you can stay.Just know that because of all the shit you've pulled today you get to start out at -500, good luck!"

@Steel Zinogre

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