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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Odis nods, "I think so too!" he smiles "I like you already" but then he adds "You know, family wise not um...." coughs and looks away hiding his face away. Corvus just pats his shoulder, "Easy there kiddo, don't want your dad to find out your already going shy again.." Odis shots his head up, "Of course not, me shy? Well I doubt it. I don't look shy, do I? Wait no I'm not, of course I am not shy why would I be shy..." before sighing and hides his face, placing it on the table mumbling "Sugar rush.." Corvus just smirks before his armor and weapons disappear, he just smirks @Steel Zinogre
InsaneKiller19 said:
Odis nods, "I think so too!" he smiles "I like you already" but then he adds "You know, family wise not um...." coughs and looks away hiding his face away. Corvus just pats his shoulder, "Easy there kiddo, don't want your dad to find out your already going shy again.." Odis shots his head up, "Of course not, me shy? Well I doubt it. I don't look shy, do I? Wait no I'm not, of course I am not shy why would I be shy..." before sighing and hides his face, placing it on the table mumbling "Sugar rush.." Corvus just smirks before his armor and weapons disappear, he just smirks @Steel Zinogre
Chaoseater and her armor Disappear, only her tight fitting clothes remain. "It's nice to know I am not the only child of a horseman, really nice." she said with a smile, her shirt slightly tearing at the top. (Could you put a link for their cs? i cannot find it.)
Terence had listened to the conversation for as long as they were in the ice cream shop. After he felt like he heard enough he left after finishing his ice cream and walked to an alley where he morphed his symbiote suit on and dissappeared into the shadows. He wanted to see if any crime was happening or any more info on Thanos visiting.
InsaneKiller19 said:
@Steel Zinogre [/color]
"Look, I know you like slashing things, but you must control those urges. I must say, whoever made your armor, is obviously gifted." she said as she sat down, and watched the two boys interact.
Pyrite leaned on the window of his police car in boredom as he drove to the station. He couldn't reach his hacked comm and had no other way to contact people.Looking out his window he saw Jett on a rooftop and tried to hide from the beast as best he could in fear of what it might do to the car.

@Steel Zinogre
Connor watched with a raised brow as Cassie strolled over to two others, striking up conversation and watched them curiously as he continued with his comm. "Lieutenants? Great. Ready? ...." The blonde turned his head and glanced at Rush and Dimitri then at the others. "We've got time, we'll make it work."
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite leaned on the window of his police car in boredom as he drove to the station. He couldn't reach his hacked comm and had no other way to contact people.Looking out his window he saw Jett on a rooftop and tried to hide from the beast as best he could in fear of what it might do to the car.
@Steel Zinogre
Jett followed the police car quietly, and swiftly. He flew in the air as fast as a missle, and landed on top of the station as soon as the car stopped in the front.
( I said hacking not slashing xD ) Corvus, "Well it is one of my favorite pass times....sheesh. Your worse than my dad.." Odis laughs, "That's funny...he never says that." Corvus looks at him, "But he shows it in his soul.." Odis chuckles a bit awkwardly, "Oh yeah.....kinda forgot you can do that.." Corvus then nods before looking at the door, "Looks like the horses are acting up..." Odis goes to stand but is stopped by Corvus "I'll go check on them. You stay here.." he then walks out, glancing over to connor before away and leaves. Odis slowly sits back down and just stays silent before looking at cassie, "So how have you been? How's war doing? Are you really a hero? Have our friend Rayne join you guys already? What's it like being a hero? What is your hero name?" He asks all these questions cheerfully, his happy meter not changing a bit @Steel Zinogre and @Crono
Pyrite was dragged through the prison and put into a cell while he awaited a chance to call someone. He was at the phone when he realized he had absolutely nobody to call.

@Steel Zinogre
InsaneKiller19 said:
( I said hacking not slashing xD ) Corvus, "Well it is one of my favorite pass times....sheesh. Your worse than my dad.." Odis laughs, "That's funny...he never says that." Corvus looks at him, "But he shows it in his soul.." Odis chuckles a bit awkwardly, "Oh yeah.....kinda forgot you can do that.." Corvus then nods before looking at the door, "Looks like the horses are acting up..." Odis goes to stand but is stopped by Corvus "I'll go check on them. You stay here.." he then walks out, glancing over to connor before away and leaves. Odis slowly sits back down and just stays silent before looking at cassie, "So how have you been? How's war doing? Are you really a hero? Have our friend Rayne join you guys already? What's it like being a hero? What is your hero name?" He asks all these questions cheerfully, his happy meter not changing a bit @Steel Zinogre and @Crono
"Lady agony, and being a hero is exhausting, but fun." she said with a smile. (Last post!!! Goodnight.)
Connor caught Corvus' glance and watched the guy leave through the front door, his gaze returning to Cassie and the other stranger afterwards. Something felt off, or maybe Connor was paranoid and curious combined but he stood from his seat with a smile to Finn, Dimitri, and Rush. "I'll be right back." He told them, moving carefully over the small patch of Ice he'd made under the table.

Once out the door he spotted Corvus walking towards a pair of horses, his head cocked the side gently.
Horses...in the middle of the city, outside an Ice Cream parlor. Don't see that everyday. They didn't seem too happy themselves really either, "Horses huh?" He spoke towards Corvus as he neared with a smile.
He looks at Connor and spoke, "Yes, is there a problem with having horses here?" Before calming the two horses down as he could tell that they were bothered by something @Crono

( waiting on u from my second to the last posts when using Rayne
@National )
Connor shook his head from side to side lightly with a smile, "I don't...think so." To be honest he wasn't sure of the cities rules when it came to horses. "You don't see them too often around here, except for the occasional Officer's who ride them." The blonde stepped closer, "My name's Connor by the way. Do you mind?" He asked Corvus, ready to pat one of the horses on the forehead after it was calmed but didn't want to be rude.

(I'm out for the night as well. Laterz.)
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Finn tried not to laugh when Connor tried to re-cool his ice cream and failed, but he also failed. He chuckled a bit. "You tried, that's what matters. Maybe they have a mind of their own?" He joked. He tipped his head back and unceremoniously shook the last chunk of the ice cream into his mouth. There was admittedly more ice cream than he had thought there was and his cheeks ended up puffing out a little. As he slowly worked on chewing the brownie pieces he listened to Richie mention Lieutenants. "So we have two people who feel like they were being watched, two more people ride up on horses, a huge bird drops a giant dead cow on the road. We actually can't go anywhere."
Ruin then clops onto the streets, running towards the Ice Cream parlor. Dust followed him in the sky as cassie waited outside in her armor and sword, with her tight clothes underneath. "Good boys, now, who's hungry?" she asked the two as ruin stopped in front of the group, his fiery fur waving in the wind.@InsaneKiller19 @Crono
Corvus seemed hesitant before he nods, grabbing the rein on his steed. He leads the black horse towards Connor, it started to freak out but he calms the horse down before motioning Connor to pet him @Steel Zinogre
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Connor reaches his hand out to rub the horse's head, "That wasn't so bad was it?" He joked, turning to look at Corvus as he continued. "He not used to cities as much? You just seem new to town, with not knowing if it was alright for the horses to be here and all." Smiling towards Cassie and Odis as they both exited as well, then turning back to Corvus.
Terence found no crimes, not even petty ones. So, he decided to go back and look for the group of people at the ice cream shop earlier to know more on the Thanos situation. Maybe even help. So he shadow traveled back to the alley nearby and formed on his regular clothes and just walked around the block near the ice cream shop.

"At least it's Thanos. Imagine if it was Galactus."

Night made a kinda of hissin/growling sound inside his head. "Don't even mention Galactus. You know klyntar have a fear of him."

"Yeah I know. It's just fun to poke at sometimes."
InsaneKiller19 said:
Corvus seemed hesitant before he nods, grabbing the rein on his steed. He leads the black horse towards Connor, it started to freak out but he calms the horse down before motioning Connor to pet him @Steel Zinogre
"I do not know yet, but i need a calming ride to get me thinking straight." cassie said, trying to wrap her head around the thanos situation, but found nothing in mind as a solution.
Corvus nods, "We came from an island...me and my cousin. We are new here, and we both know very very little about wherever we are." Odis nods in agreement. "And we find out we have another cousin!" Odis adds patting Cassie's head casually with a cheerful look before looking at her "You can ride with me if you want, Oh and my hero name is Wolf or....well I am not sure about the whole hero thing, and of course I would never be a villain..." He thinks about it before shrugging it off and continues to hug his horse. Corvus shrugs, "Not sure if we even consider ourselves as heroes..." He mumbles. Odis looks at him, "Well.....there could be anti heroes.....can there?" he asks both Cassie and the other guy that cassie must know. @Steel Zinogre
InsaneKiller19 said:
Corvus nods, "We came from an island...me and my cousin. We are new here, and we both know very very little about wherever we are." Odis nods in agreement. "And we find out we have another cousin!" Odis adds patting Cassie's head casually with a cheerful look before looking at her "You can ride with me if you want, Oh and my hero name is Wolf or....well I am not sure about the whole hero thing, and of course I would never be a villain..." He thinks about it before shrugging it off and continues to hug his horse. Corvus shrugs, "Not sure if we even consider ourselves as heroes..." He mumbles. Odis looks at him, "Well.....there could be anti heroes.....can there?" he asks both Cassie and the other guy that cassie must know. @Steel Zinogre
"Yes, there can be anti-heroes." cassie answered casually. Dust sat on odis' shoulder, and looked around. "Oh dust, you are such a lover ain't ya?" she asked the crow, who simply cawed in response.
Odis looks at the crow and pats it's head, smiling a bit "Dust reminds me of Uncle Death's bird.." Corvus cracked a small smile, knowing what he was talking about before having a straight face again "Yeah...." he says quietly
"Well, your in New York if that helps." Looking from Odis to Corvus as the two spoke, "Your heroes? Well we're actually in need of help. We're the Avengers if you've heard of us, we're recruiting anyone strong and willing to help fight a threat to the world that'll be here in less than two months. We lose, the planet is destroyed, no pressure though right." Straight to the point, if the sound of Thanos scared them away then it was for the best. The Avengers needed those who could push past the fear.
"Woah woah woah we just got here....from, I think the island is skull island?" He looks at his cousin. Odis shrugs not knowing what the name is either before looking at him, "We can help you guys, but we won't be joining you. Anti heroes sounds cool..." Odis says. Corvus nods, "Yes we will help....." Odis then snaps his fingers sitting up, "That's it! Since you like saying hell a lot, you can be called The Sinner.." Corvus shrugs, "Sounds fine with me..." Odis grins and then pulls him into a hug, after getting off his horse. Corvus just awkwardly pats his head, "You know I don't like hugs.." he replies, but Odis doesn't budge "Your getting one wether you like it or not.." he said sternly. Corvus sighs, knowing it might take a while before he lets go @Steel Zinogre and @Crono

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