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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
(When can we do Thanos time skip?)
(Well we can do it in a bit, we're still getting forces together and mourning and shit right? I mean, if everyone is cool with it we could but....I dunno)
Connor cleared his throat after the message was read out, trying to keep his composure. His voice ever so slightly higher as he did, "I'm just going to remind everyone that the Ice Cream shop is a no cry zone. So Finn I'm going to have to ask you to hold it together." He was teasing and trying to lighten the situation after the emotional letter.
After Dimitri read the letter, cassie felt depressed, and luna whimpered as tears ran down her face. "His life did not seem as honky dory as he mentioned." cassie muttered.
Pyrite simply sunk lower in his chair and buried his lips further into his ice cream, attempting to hide from the scene he now felt he was intruding in.
"He was rash and impulsive. Just what we needed. He kept us on our toes and hell had no fury like an angry savage. Damn, I'll miss him." Dimitri said while sitting down.
Reaper said:
"He was rash and impulsive. Just what we needed. He kept us on our toes and hell had no fury like an angry savage. Damn, I'll miss him." Dimitri said while sitting down.
"Not to mention we have savages as animals, like Minerva." Cassie added as luna licks her Ice cream, and purred at the cold sensation she got from it.
"Not to be rude but I'm pretty sure he was talking about the dead m-" He stopped himself from saying me and cleared his throat "Person who left the letter." He leaned back while mulling it over, muttering to himself, "How did the me here turn out so irresponsible, well at least I assume from what they've said. How could we end up so radically different?"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
"Not to be rude but I'm pretty sure he was talking about the dead m-" He stopped himself from saying me and cleared his throat "Person who left the letter." He leaned back while mulling it over, muttering to himself, "How did the me here turn out so irresponsible, well at least I assume from what they've said. How could we end up so radically different?"
@Steel Zinogre
"Lots of emotional issues, and a lot to figure out. That is where you seem to be fine." cassie said, not knowing much about ivory, but that was her first impression of ivory.
Connor let out a light huff, hearing some...alternate Ivory speaking about their Ivory along with Cassie. "I could ask the same thing." He started, turning to look at Pyrite. "How could you be so different from our Ivory? From what the girls and Perry said you aren't exactly like he was. Bit of a biter too." The blonde hadn't really planned to bring these things up now and here but it just kind of...came out almost defensively. "He had his moments but he deserved better." Like that normal life he wanted.
Pyrite sunk back into his chair, "Yo-You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about things I have no place to talk about." He looked down and suddenly became very interested in his ice cream cone, "He sounded like a decent guy if it means anything to you." His eyes darted around the shop as he coughed awkwardly into his arm, "So...Not to sound rude or anything but, why aren't people worried about Thanos, I was bed ridden during the attack but I heard about what went down. Everybody seems to walk around like nothing happened."

@Steel Zinogre
"We are, it's just..." Every time we try and talk about it, something goes down. Justice, Spider Invasion, Registration Act, Clones, Avenger Tower exploding, Skull Face.... we're all too busy fighting ourselves we don't see the real threat. I'm definitely taking a weeks vacation after this whole thing. Camping, beach, anything....nah.

"We we're unprepared once, and Marko paid the price. But we have multiple plans in the works." Do we? I mean Dimitri does, but he doesn't want to explain it. "Kinda... I mean he wants the stones right? Marko had some fake ones didn't he? We should use those to our advantage."
Pyrite raised a brow, "How the hell did Marko hold off Than-"He cut himself off, "Sorry, another thing I have no business in. Anyways, we have all the fake stones right? We could split the team up into six teams and then have some of the best and brightest of us try to make something to take care of him while he's off on his wild goose chase. Or ya know, something else, just throwing in my two cents."

"Why Connor. Me keeping a hold of my emotions? That's all I do, do I not in fact look like an emotionless beast?" His voice did choke up a bit but he cleared it away and hoped nobody else heard. New leaf man, turn over a new leaf. With the way things were going though there would be no more new leaves to flip over. He sighed and licked up some of the dripping trails that were winding down the cone. "Something that's come to mind, is that Thanos isn't going to be on his own. Even Thanos has to know that he can't take over our world on his own. He's going to have an army, and with an army you have some people who step up. Thanos can't get the stones on his own, it would be almost impossible. You mentioned splitting the stones up. What if we did more than that? Split them up as far apart as we can, place another fake stone in plain sight, then hide the other fake stone around the same area. That way we're really wasting their time. The problem would be, where would we find another set of fake stones?"
"But then we have to ask ourselves honestly, would they fall for that? What' stopping them from finding one fake stone and then torturing the location of the others out of one of us?" He took the final bite of his waffle cone and wiped his hands and mouth, he closed his eyes for a few moments and smiled, "No wait, that's it! Finn, you're a genius! We could leave the fake stones somewhere on Earth, lets say we keep a small squad of four Avengers in Stark Tower guarding one set of the fake stones! We could then split up throughout space, Atlantis, anywhere that would make it difficult to fight in and keep the army stretched thin, we continue the trend of a small squad of two or three for each one of the fake stones, meanwhile a larger squad made of our heaviest hitters take the fight to Thanos while he's unguarded with our secret weapon, which hopefully we should have by the, and take care of the purple guy!"

He stood up and started pacing, smiling like a madman all the while, "Of course we'd need to expand the roster, gather everybody, acquire some sort of living spaces for everybody, train with some of our more experienced members, and create the weapon. But we have like two months so we'll be fine." He turned back with a wide grin spreading across his face, "It's a loose plan and it definitely isn't the most sound plan, hell there's even a low survival chance but hey! We have a starting point! We raised our chances from zero to about thirty in a few seconds!"

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @Reaper
"My thoughts exactly." Connor nodded at Ivory and Finn's words, staring intently at his scoop of ice cream as if trying to think things through, something he was never really good at. Then Pyrite was off, brain going into overdrive, "Seems your more like our Ivory than I thought. One problem though, Thanos isn't going to sit back. He'll be going after one of the stones himself, any single squad would be wiped out if he showed up. We can plan all we want but there is no way to tell exactly where he'll be or where he'll go."
He wiped his head back and gave a mischievous smile, "Then we'd just have to give him something he couldn't ignore. Like perhaps one giant demi-god named Brazil?"

Terence shadow traveled in an ally close to an ice cream shop to get some ice cream since he felt like giving himself a treat. He had a pitch black hoodie and black pants which was just the symbiote. He went to the cashier and ordered his ice cream. "Medium Cookies and cream in a cone." He payed the guy the price for it and just looked around as the guy made his cone. He saw a group of people talking and decided to see what was up. After he got the cone and thanked the cashier he sat in a chair on the other side of the room and used his enhanced hearing to peak on the conversation while licking his ice cream cone. "Why so interested in what they're talking about?" Night asked Terence inside his head.

"I'm just curious." He thought.
Pyrite frowned, "See Cassie, no, I don't want to risk upsetting the balances of the universe like that, Death is a naturally occurring force that would take thousands of years to replace, during that time overpopulation would skyro-" He paused and squinted his eyes as he looked around before sitting down, "Sorry, felt like somebody was watching us....."

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @GeoStone
"Listening actually." He thought.

He kept listening in on the conversation while seeming normal. Licking his ice cream, checking his phone every so often.
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LokiofSP said:
Pyrite frowned, "See Cassie, no, I don't want to risk upsetting the balances of the universe like that, Death is a naturally occurring force that would take thousands of years to replace, during that time overpopulation would skyro-" He paused and squinted his eyes as he looked around before sitting down, "Sorry, felt like somebody was watching us....."
@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @GeoStone
"There are many forms of death, My Uncle is one of them." cassie said as she took out a photograph of him and her when she was only 5. "He has been around for ages, taking souls of the damned and innocent, and set them to their proper places, either in heaven or hell. But souls that are lost, he uses for his power." she added as she put the photo away. "He has faced beings stronger than thanos, and legions of hell with only him and my father, second uncle, and my aunt. Thanos would have slim chances, especially with those space rocks he has for power." she said, getting really cocky.

Here is death from Darksiders, one of the four horsemen portrayed in Darksiders.)
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