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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"It's Ivory's final words to the team, guess he wrote them out at some point before the mission. He managed to shove them in my hands before the island went down." He said answering Finn's question before turning his attention back to Pyrite, though he was staring at his cone with a smile crossing his face. "Our Ivory was....complicated. Erratic, selfless, mood swings, I could probably keep going."

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @Reaper
Pyrite pushed air through his lips and buried his mouth into his ice cream, "I can't help much then, never mind." He looked up, "Huh, things are pretty peaceful here right now. Do you guys not have the city blow up on a daily basis or something?"

@Steel Zinogre
Connor let his forehead fall to the bar in despair, "You've gone and done it now. You sad the q word." The first time they've had a moment in forever and of course someone does, it was inevitable. Raising his head up again he gave the ice cream a lick, "We'll figure out the dreary stuff later. Finn wanted to talk future, that's what he said." Connor raised a brow at Dimitri, "Now either read the letter so we can continue or give it here and I'll do it, procrastinator."
"I'm not procrastinating. I just thought there might be a better time." He opened the envelope and turned on his comlink, in case anyone who wasn't there wished to witness.

"Right then. Here I go.

Dear everyone,

So I don't know what to put in this letter that I haven't already said.You guys are the most amazing and courageous people I've ever met, I started out scared and confused, I was lost and you guys took me in and treated me like you knew me your whole lives.

You stuck by me when I was down and picked me back up, even when I was a brat, even when all I did was hold you back, even through all the bullshit I caused, you guys treated me like a person for the first time in my life since I was ten. I thank you for that, it meant the world to me to actually have people I could call friends for the first time in my life" Dimitri paused to wipe the damp spot on the page, presumable Ivorys past tears.

"Which is why I'm sorry I did this, from the way I treated all of you after some of the things we did, to how I left you, I can never know how I did it, but knowing me it was probably something stupid.

So yeah...I dunno what else to write.

Dimitri, don't do anything stupid after I'm gone. Seriously man, I don't want to see you upstairs until you're an old dude

Finn, for the love of god don't blame yourself for anything that happened, it was my choices that led me to this, you didn't have anything to do with it, also, thank you for being the reason I fought to control my own monsters after seeing yours.

Jordan, if you somehow get this (Which I highly doubt you will) I know we didn't see eye to eye, but I want you to know that you really did touch my life, you opened my eyes man, so thank you.

Thanks for a wonderful life

Braziel, through is ballistic fahe, slams his fists Intl the man stomach, a crater surrounding the man. Braziel repeats this over and over and over, the ground shaking and breaking after each hit. @InsaneKiller19
He falls to the ground, coughing up blood. She wraps her arms around the box, calming down snuggly into him while murmuring something @National
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Braziel stops his rampaging as he pulls back his fists. He was impressed that this man wasn't dead. True endurance right there. He stands back up as he holds Rayne protectively, watching the man closely @InsaneKiller19
When he noticed she was having a nightmare, he gets up and runs a hand across her cheek. Smiling a bit as she slowly calms down. Odis frees her friends, before handing the cure to Braziel @National
Braziel gently slips the cure through her skin as he injects her with the cure. He throws away the needle as he stands up, glaring satthe man still. Braziel was still suspicious. @InsaneKiller19
After he watches him inject the cure in her, he just limp walks away. Not trying kill her and not attacking him back, he just left out of his own will. Rayne shivers feeling cold, so she curls up against him trying to feel warmth @National
Braziel holds Rayne close as he walks back inside. He grabs a large chunk of debris and throws it out the building. He sets her on her bed and grabs a blanket, putting it over her so she had something warm. He holds her hand as he watches the girl calmly rest. @InsaneKiller19
Holds his hand, sleeping peacefully. All the others went home, so it was pretty quiet in the building. Rayne woke up 30 minutes later, slowly opening her eyes @National
Yawns and then smiles back softly, " starting to feel better.." She then notices the box, Rayne sits up and open the box. Pulling out a keychain with a small flower charm dangling from the keychain @National
Braziel sits down, looking at the keychain. "The man who attacked you, I didn't pick up his name, but apparently you guys knew each other pretty well." @InsaneKiller19
"He never really had a name, and we did. When I found out that, this building that he lives in was burned down I thought he died with the building. I just wish he would have told me sooner, I believe that from all those days ago my best friend was dead." Rayne sighs and then places the keychain on her nightstand along with the box @National
Braziel stands up. "I apologize. I thought he was trying to kill you, so I attacked. Bad mistake." @InsaneKiller19
"You were only trying to do what you thought was right, you didn't know. And its not really his fault either, you see he has this condition. He can't really tell what's right from wrong, so you would imagine that he get manipulated easily from this condition." She says before walking over and giving him a hug "And thank you" Rayne smiles at him @National
Braziel hugs back as he smiles. "Of course. That was much too worrying for my health. I was going to go ballistic." Braziel looks around. "Where are the two people who helped me?" @InsaneKiller19
Laughs, "Well you don't have to worry anymore. You mean Corvus and Odis? Probably doing other things, or listen to our conversation right now." They walked inside, and looks at the two. @National
Braziel looks at the two. "You know them? Thank you for your help you two. You saved us there." @InsaneKiller19
Odis smiles cheerfully, "Your welcome!" He notices his cousin hasn't said anything, so he nudges him with his elbow "Say something.." Corvus grunts and waits outside for him. Odis sighs, " sorry about my cousin " @National
Braziel nods. "No problem. He might just be shy. I am forever in your gratitude, anything that you need, I can get for you. Anything that is reasonable of course." @InsaneKiller19
"He isn't shy, just antisocial in the he is a very serious person." He nods " ok thanks, we should probably get going we will deal with the hooded person and the doctor...well fake doctor. Whenever you guys need us, we won't be far away" he waves goodbye before leaving with his cousin. @National

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