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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Pyrite was quiet for a few moments before a few giggles got through, "Yes! I had no idea you were in larger sizes than me, oh god!" He fell on the ground laughing.
"We nephilim are 7 feet tall. I am not like shaq, who is somewhere in the 6 foor range." cassie said as she crossed her arms and turned away, feeling embarrased. "I never wanted to take my armor off because of my size."
It was odd hearing his name from Pyrite's mouth, with Ivory's voice. Momentarily he wondered how Pyrite even knew his name, though he shouldn't be surprised he was, or maybe he was just more surprised he'd used his name rather than a nickname or something along those lines. Connor was about to push on the subject of Cassie stopping with the sword thing when Pyrite beat him to it, and when she came out in some awkwardly tight clothing combined with the look on her face he couldn't have stopped himself from spurting out a laugh if he'd wanted to.

After the small laughing fit started to subside he wiped a tear from his eye, the smile staying on his face. The realization that he'd laughed hit him, when was the last time he'd actually laughed? It was a sad thought to be honest but it was nice, having a laugh. "We'll try to get you something that fits better later." He told her, regaining his composure.
Crono said:
It was odd hearing his name from Pyrite's mouth, with Ivory's voice. Momentarily he wondered how Pyrite even knew his name, though he shouldn't be surprised he was, or maybe he was just more surprised he'd used his name rather than a nickname or something along those lines. Connor was about to push on the subject of Cassie stopping with the sword thing when Pyrite beat him to it, and when she came out in some awkwardly tight clothing combined with the look on her face he couldn't have stopped himself from spurting out a laugh if he'd wanted to.
After the small laughing fit started to subside he wiped a tear from his eye, the smile staying on his face. The realization that he'd laughed hit him, when was the last time he'd actually laughed? It was a sad thought to be honest but it was nice, having a laugh. "We'll try to get you something that fits better later." He told her, regaining his composure.
"Sure, when these clothes rip when i walk." she said out of humility and defeat.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Sure, when these clothes rip when i walk." she said out of humility and defeat.

Pyrite sighed and took off his own shirt and hoodie, leaving a wife beater on, he tied the hood around her waist and gave her the shirt to put on, "Put on the shirt, then unzip the hoodie, that should hold you until we get better clothes, and even if it rips you'll be covered up."
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sighed and took off his own shirt and hoodie, leaving a wife beater on, he tied the hood around her waist and gave her the shirt to put on, "Put on the shirt, then unzip the hoodie, that should hold you until we get better clothes, and even if it rips you'll be covered up."
"Thanks. I will not forget this." she said as went into the restroom, and did as pyrite instructed. "Much better.." she said as she exited the restroom.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Thanks. I will not forget this." she said as went into the restroom, and did as pyrite instructed. "Much better.." she said as she exited the restroom.

Pyrite sat down, "There ya go, see? Now sit down and enjoy the day with some ice cream."
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sat down, "There ya go, see? Now sit down and enjoy the day with some ice cream."
"I will.... but I feel this to be a little...... Revealing." she said as she sat down, other men taking notice of her rather voluptuous figure. "Hey, check out that giantess." one man whispered to his friend, who simply had awe when he saw her. "Turn around...." she commanded.
Pyrite shrugs, "So what? Fuck them, sit down and don't let the intrude on your good mood."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite shrugs, "So what? Fuck them, sit down and don't let the intrude on your good mood."
@Steel Zinogre
"Alright....." She said as a waitress brought some water. "Wow miss, that hoodie looks rather excellent on you." she said in a kind and cheerful tone. "Why...... thank you." cassie said as she blushes a bright tomato red.
(Sorry got real busy.) @InsaneKiller19

Braziel looks over, and he sees Rayne fall over. His eyes widen as he runs over to her. He gently holds her I'm his broad arms. "Rayne? Rayne what happened?" He spots the little dart, and he removes it. "Rayne, Rayne what's wrong?" @InsaneKiller19
( It's cool ^^ ) she leans against him, her body went limp as the posion was spreading fast in her whole body. Rayne had shallow breaths, groaning in pain every now and then as her skin looked very pale @National
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Braziel for once was scared. He was always a warrior, ways able to protect someone from a sword attack, or take a bullet for someone. But medical treatment? He was truly the worst at it. He picks up Rayne as he runs into the main land. "Rayne stay with me. I'll find you a doctor!" @InsaneKiller19
"Than-" she coughs hoarsely, waking up a bit. She looks around weakly, feeling as though everything was moving fast only as blurr. Rayne grips onto him softly trying to stay awake for the sake of it
Btazuel holds her ose as he bursts into a hospital. He barrels down the rooms as he grabs a doctor. "I need your help please. It's a life or death situation for her." A few nurses take Rayne away from Braziel as they all take her to a room. A few minutes later, Braziel walks into the room, worried sick. He looks at the doctor. "How is she?" @InsaneKiller19
He sighed, "Your friend is lucky but not much, we were only able to slow down the spreading poison. Once we get a few blood samples and figure out how it's affecting her. Then we can hopefully make an anidont for her.." He takes some blood from her arm and places a bandage on it before leaving him with her as they go try to figure it out. Rayne coughs waking up, wheezing a bit as she adjusts to the lights. The poison affected her eye sight a bit as she only see blurrs and not the full thing. She moved her hand around, trying to figure out where she was
Braziel gently holds her hand. "Hey Rayne. It's me Braziel. You are in a hospital. You were poisoned, and they are.going to find out what it is. How do you feel?" @InsaneKiller19
She holds onto his hand, calming down she continues to lay on the bed "Everything hurts......only seeing blurrs aren't helping as well" she coughs, feeling frightened
Braziel kneels down, and he softly lays his free hand on her cheek. "Hey hey, don't worry about it. The doctors are gonna come in, give you a cure, and you will be just fine." Brazeil was hoping this was how it would go down, but poisons took SO many lives away from his life. @InsaneKiller19
"Alright...." Dimitri said, clearing his throat. "Is now a good time to read it, Connor?" He asked, hating to spoil the lighthearted mood in the air. @Crono
Leans into his hand, nodding " I'm sorry for worrying you, if I just had not looked for you guys. But my concern for you guys took over and I had to find out if you guys were okay.." A tear slides down her cheek, as she looks down. Before he had a chance to speak the doctor came in with the cure in a syringe, "We finally made the cure, the only thing is though that you would have to stay here. The antidote won't work in its full potential until maybe a few days or weeks so until then, you would have to stay here so we can monitor your progress and your friends could visit whenever he likes if that is what he wants." Rayne nods and continues to hold his hand, squeezing it a bit when he injects the cure but then loses her hold on his hand as a doctor then left saying something about checking on other patients
Braziel holds her hand as he watches the cure injected into her. It was strange. Randomly, Rayne gets shot with a poison dart, and then Brazuel isn't harmed. They must've known Braziel was immune. And he never knew that cures word make someone go to sleep. Something felt off for him. @InsaneKiller19
"What are you thinking about?" Rayne asked him as she places a hand on his cheek rubbing it with her thumb. Clearly not asleep and wide awake though her eyes look a bit misty, trying to sit up but the pain didn't allow her to as she bites her lip feeling the pain running through her body. So she just laid on the bed, not moving knowing if she moves anymore the pain would be somewhat excruciating @National
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Braziel gently holds her hand that was touching his cheek. "It's nothing. It's just strange how you get a poison dart in your neck, and once we came here, that doctor looked a bit suspicious. It's probably just me not having enough sleep." @InsaneKiller19
Dimitri stood and cleared throat. "Actually... No... He deserves better than this. What'll it take to give him a funeral? A real one? I don't think it would be practical to find him in the rubble, but we could make a headstone and say some words about him."

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