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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

She quietly giggles before looking over at Jordan, "Something you need?" Might having a clue on what he is going to ask
'Wherever there's a window to break and a tender moment to fuck up, I'm there" he said before brushing himself off "IN all seriousness...dead people are talking to me, its annoying, what is this I'm hearing about something stronger than Thanos? Because quite frankly, that's a long fuckin list that relatively soon will include MY name."
"Well it's like a death letter. And it's Ivory, and I haven't read it yet...so you just think about that. Just read it at the end of the meetup or something. Besides, we might be getting Ice Cream but you heard Finn, talk about the future. And considering the future means Thanos as well as the dumb suicide plan you decided to set up, and not tell anyone...it's going to end up serious at some point."

Connor could see the shop Finn had pointed out as the place, up ahead. The blonde gave a light sigh, "It's his last words to alot of his friends. There'll be tears."

@Reaper @CasualDragon
Braziel shakes his head. "Hate to tell you, but not even the Phoenix Force beats Thanos. (True facts.) But i can sense something ancient that will come to our planet. To destroy us, i hope not. It can even defeat you Jordan. We just have to hope this being doesn't hate us."
"Doesn't sound creepy at all...unless it's constantly bugging you...... who told you this? We wanted it to be a secret before we tell everyone on the team." Letting Braziel's hand go but stays next to him on her bed just in case
"Oh boy..." Dimitri said as he entered and sat by Finn. "What's up, green machine? It's been a while! Hey.... You know I've always wondered how you actually get bigger. Like where does the stuff come from?!?!" @Crono @CasualDragon
(Not even slightly true. It's PIS and the fact of the matter remains that Thanos destroys galaxies, the Phoenix Force at full power destroys the universe. Not to mention that Thanos generally beats the host of the Phoenix Force and those don't have anywhere close to the full power)

"Blah Blah. I've been told I was weak my whole life and I'm still standing here."

"Who cares who told me. Dead person. Leave it at that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a powerful being to avoid, mainly because my very nature might piss it off and...this world ain't strong enough for two raging monsters...also...make sure the Avengers don't y'know...SHOOT it like they did ME. Well, not me..the Phoenix Force...which I am...but I'm also not...I don't have the time or the patience to explain it."
(Idk man...)

Braziel shrugs. "Never said you were weak Jordan. But it seems you aren't serious about this. Come back when you're serious, if that ever happens." He was getting annoyed by the boys ignorance.
”Well then, if anyone needs me I I'm just going to go get a mug of hot chocolate.. not like anyone would at the moment" Rayne mumbles the last part leaving her room to the kitchen letting them talk it out

( are those coordinates?)
Braziel looks at Rayne. "Rayne hold on!" But she was already gone. "Uggh." He suddenly hears Jordan spit out a bunch of numbers. "Woah woah. What do those mean?"
It always surprised Connor how quickly Dimitri's demeanor could change. Or atleast he did on the outside, they'd just come from what could arguably be their biggest argument ever. There was the time during the registration act, but that was just arguing, this had been Dimitri blatantly blaming Connor for their friends deaths. Two different levels entirely, and honestly Connor was still reeling from the events and it took longer for him to adjust. Smiling at Finn as they entered he took his seat, though he stayed quiet for the moment since Dimitri's loud voice was filling the shop and doing enough talking for all of them, though he couldn't help but add on, "It's because he eats his vegetables, unlike some of us."

@Reaper @CasualDragon
"It's the number of people that I have killed to make things right in the universe. Did you think I just stumbled onto these powers? That I just woke up one day the Phoenix Force...well...sort of. I was young when my powers developed, the strongest damn telekinetic this world had ever known, bar: NONE. Those powers ended up putting me into a self induced coma because I couldn't deal with them? So you know what I did? My mind traveled lightyears away, I became a GOD to a race at the age of seven. For hundreds of years I played God to this race until I got bored like ALL seven year olds who have no idea of responsibility. Fast forward a millennium later and I crossed paths with that race again. Thirty billion six hundred twenty seven million four hundred thousand six hundred twelve souls that had been corrupted by the thoughts of a seven year old, that had advanced in their evolutionary process millions of years before they should have, that had exhausted what should have been a process that would have made them ready to be able to handle their technological advancements..."

Jordan turned his head towards the sky, his face hardened into a mask of apathy "They were monsters. Every last one of them. The things they did to the surrounding races could not be justified by any standards of justice...So I pleaded with them to stop...but they had outgrown their need for a child God...so I killed every last one of them...but it wasn't good enough...their corruption had broken the will and minds of the other races...they were too deformed by the hatred of their Slavers...they too could no longer be allowed to exist....their existence would only spread more hate...more destruction" Jordan looked at his hand and made a fist, driving the point home "So I killed them as well. For hundreds of thousands of years after...my mind drifted in agony and rage...and sorrow....only then did I hear the thoughts of the Phoenix Force, only then did I hear the cries of a being with so much power unable to do what it was supposed to do...Scarlett Witch's spell to make the Phoenix Force leave Earth had pushed the universe's protector OUT of its universe...So I decided to help it. Funny thing about that, only 10 years had passed in this galaxy...this galaxy was unaffected."

Jordan looked at the humans below and watched them go about their lives "Regardless of how I act before the time arrives, I understand more than ANYONE here that there are things that need to be done and I will DAMN for sure do them when they need to be done." Jordan looked at Braziel, his eyes burning with silent fury that he had never shown before "I don't NEED you to tell me how to act and when I should be serious."
Braziel sighs. God, he thought even gods were annoying. Brazuel is a demigod, and he has had countless encounters with gods as strong as Jordan. But they a had something. They all believed they knew what they were doing, because someone gave them the title of "god." A god is just a title, a word to give people belief. Braziel knows that these beings aren't all-knowing, not gods. Was there really a god? Or was it just a title to give to powerful beings. "You know Jordan, maybe you should listen from a different perspective. Are you really a god? To me, God is a title. A title given to powerful people. That doesn't necessarily mean these all powerful "gods" know everything. Oh no. Yes, you have seen more than we have. But have you used that knowledge correctly? Have you looked at it from every angle? Maybe you should learn more. It might help you in the long run, "god."" Braziel said that word with the most sarcasm someone could ever out on a word. He knew Jordan was an all powerful being, but it seemed as if this being was just a tad arrogant. Tad being an understatement. Braziel has seen much, but to Jordan he would call it a blink. Something all powerful beings needed to learn was humility, and how to be humble. He looks up. "You don't have to listen to me. You are powerful enough to do what you want. But is what you believe right? Justice is always wrong, you know why? Because justice is written by the most powerful."
Jordan immediately punched the wall next to him, it was quite the feat because he had managed to keep himself under control and not destroy the entire side of the building in his anger "Don't you EVER call me that again."
Braziel stands up. "I don't say these things to anger you. Alright, maybe a little. But I do want to share you my insight, being the second oldest being currently."
"I don't need the insight of someone who's only REAL concern is where his next fight is. I never asked for your help. You want to help the Avengers, good for you but I'm not an Avenger, and I'm sure as hell not your pupil. You know not what I believe in and you don't know a damn thing about me other than my power. If the being comes to Earth to kill, I'll willingly fight, but you do NOT get to lecture me on beliefs, on my attitude on ANYTHING." Jordan shot out of the room through the broken window with such force that the whole building shook.
Pyrtie watched Jordan fly out the window and whistled, "Damn, somebody's had their masculinity touched. Poor thing."
Jordan landed on an uninhabited island and screamed in rage and punched the ground, it groaned and cracked under the weight of the punch "I AM NOT A GOD!" Another punch, trees and foliage started to be displaced by the crumbling ground, roots now exposed. "A GOD WOULD HAVE NEVER FAILED THOSE PEOPLE!" Once more his fist struck the ground.

"A GOD WOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!" Again his fist made contact with the ground and shook the very sea bed the island was on

"A GOD WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CONTROL HIS POWERS!" Jordan's. first contact with the ground, but there was no force at all behind this one. His coma had been self induced...but not by choice...it had been self preservation, his telekinetic and telepathic powers were too much. If he acted on instinct, it was fine. However, when he consciously tried to do something, even something as simple as steadying his breathing, his powers took over and destroyed his body.

Broken legs, broken arms, a popped lung...he would have died had his mind subconsciously shut down his body and put him in that coma. Jordan growled and punched the ground, completely destroying the island, but he didn't surface, instead allowed himself to sink into the inky black depths of the ocean. I'm no God...I'm just a kid with an extremely crappy amount of luck, I can't even decide whether it's good or bad...If I have to keep others at a distance, then I'm just....Ah...I'm no human either...just a guardian. That's right, no-one thanks the guardian for doing his job...
Finn frowns at the unknown voice in his comm. "Well, why not. When you get a spare moment drop by, ice cream's on me." He directed his attention to the other person talking. "It'll be great to see you and Luna, coordinates are being sent through to you." And then Connor and Dimitri were there. "Nah man, not a joke. One does not simply joke about ice cream." He grinned. "And the power thing? Yeah, gotta be the vegetables. Or maybe it's the radiation filled blood... It is a good reason as to why you shouldn't eat your veggies though." He grinned. "Ice cream's on me, what do you guys want?"

@LokiofSP @Crono @Reaper
An hour or two passes, and a splash is heard as Braziel dives into the water. After a hit of searching, he finds Jordan's body, and pulls it up to the surface. There was no real island, since Jordan completely destroyed it. Braziel says one final thing before he starts to swim back with Jordan. "Everybody fails at least a little Jordan. Even gods. If that wasn't true, humans wouldn't have been created."
CasualDragon said:
Finn frowns at the unknown voice in his comm. "Well, why not. When you get a spare moment drop by, ice cream's on me." He directed his attention to the other person talking. "It'll be great to see you and Luna, coordinates are being sent through to you." And then Connor and Dimitri were there. "Nah man, not a joke. One does not simply joke about ice cream." He grinned. "And the power thing? Yeah, gotta be the vegetables. Or maybe it's the radiation filled blood... It is a good reason as to why you shouldn't eat your veggies though." He grinned. "Ice cream's on me, what do you guys want?"
@LokiofSP @Crono @Reaper
"sorry I'm late!" cassie said as she rode on luna to finn. "So..... What are you all up to?" she asked in a friendly tone.

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