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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Tanya got caught up in fighting some of the guards at the base. Vicky went ahead and found Skull Face. She was about to fire when Mimic came out of no where and disarmed her. She threw Vicky to the ground and put a gun to her head. "Nice to see you again Vicky. How have you been?" Skull Face asked cruelly. @National
The lights started to flicker on and off in the base, the hallway having a very eerie effect to it. The hallway get chillier as a hollow wins chills the hall, the shadows consuming it. Suddenly, Mimic, Vicky and Skull Fave can hear screaming as several bodies drop to the floor. A few footsteps are heard down the hall until...... There was silence. Suddenly, black chi blasts down Mimic as Kelai grabs the gun and bends it in his hands. "Long time no see, asshole." Kelai says calmly to Skull Face as he helps up Vicky. He looked a bit different. The explosion at the buildings didn't leave him without some wounds. His right eye was covered with an eye patch, his entire chest covered with several scars."Did I miss anything Vicky?" @Pink Gorilla
"Oh, not much. Just a few minor details." Vicky said with a smile. "Thank you." Skull Face looked surprised, but then he smiled.

"I see your still kicking. I must say I am surprised, but it doesn't matter because this time I will make sure you are dead." He stated. The dead soldiers began to walk into the room.
Dimitri put a hand on Rushs shoulder. "Alright. I'll teach you. Thanos won't know what hit him." He said before hearing turning to Connor. "Hey.... Just... Thanks."
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sighs as he looks at Minerva, "Sorry, not much we can do with what we ha-" He growls as he hears Finn through his hacked comm, "Forgot to adjust the volume..Yeah Finn was it? You may or may not know me but I know you allot. Anyways, can I get thre-no four double scoups? One Mint Chip..." He looks at Brazil Rayne and Minerva, "And Chocolate, maybe just some frozen Greek yogurt and bannana?"
@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
With jett watching from afar, he makes his move and flies to Pyrite. Jett seemed to have taken a liking to him, and wanted Pyrite as his master.
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite stuck up an eyebrow at the sight of the giant bird, "What do you want pigeon?"
@Steel Zinogre
Jett looked at pyrite and shook his scales, and happily screeched. Jett then slowly walked up to him and rubbed the side of his headblade on Pyrite's leg.
Pyrite pushed the bird off him, "Stop! No, I do not need something like this right now!"

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite pushed the bird off him, "Stop! No, I do not need something like this right now!"
@Steel Zinogre
"Maybe if you are friendly back to it, it will leave you alone." Maxton said as he exited the building. "Besides, I think it likes you." He stated as Jett whimpered from Pyrite's rejection.
Connor's ice all but evaporated as Dimitri caved, "Yeah." He said plainly, while he was glad Dimitri had calmed and listened to some reason the speedster had still said things, even if it was out of anger or if it was how he really felt that didn't matter. Finn's voice came through the comm in his ear and Connor gave a half-smile as he clicked the comm on, "That isn't a joke directed at me or anything is it?" Then clicked the comm again and looked at Dimitri, "You owe me Ice Cream, what do you say?"

@Reaper @CasualDragon
Pyrite sighed, "If it'll piss off, then I guess I'll try to 'play nice' with the giant overgrown pigeon." He put a hand on Jett and awkwardly patted it's head, "There there birdy....Now please go away and get out of my life."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sighed, "If it'll piss off, then I guess I'll try to 'play nice' with the giant overgrown pigeon." He put a hand on Jett and awkwardly patted it's head, "There there birdy....Now please go away and get out of my life."
@Steel Zinogre
Jett whimpered as he was told to go away, but felt happy at the same time he was petted. "Dude, you need to work on your animal skills." Maxton said. "This thing really likes you, wonder why."
"Sure thing." He said, nudging Connor and starting on his way to meet Finn. "Its about time you guys eat something besides shawarma."

Rush walked with them. Even though he just agreed to take Dimitri's place, he was more excited for ice cream than anything.
"I don't know and I don't care. Look, right now my priority is to find the Avengers, maybe do something with my damn life besides kill people, and I don't need an overgrown pigeon-dog thing right now." He gestured to Jett while he still petted him, "I mean look! Maybe if this thing was like a cub or some shit, I'd care for it....Probably not but still! It'd be easier to feed, transport and train. This is a full grown adult, who eats more, is to big to transport, and is to old and wild to need an owner."

@Steel Zinogre
Kelai grins as he cracks his neck, cracking his knuckles as he looks at the corpses. "Think an explosion is enough to defeat me? What am I, three?" Kelai fires a huge blast of energy down the hall as he starts to slaughter the corpses
"You guys joining us?" Connor called out at Terry and Richie before walking on after the two speedsters.

"Not to make what I hope is a more upbeat upcoming chat with Ice Cream involved but..." Connor pulled one of the letters from his suit and held it out to Dimitri. "It's addressed to the entire team Ivory wrote it just in case I guess. We're never all in one place so I figured you could read it when we get there, with your comm on. That way everyone can hear. And anyone that misses it can hear it later, and you should be the one to read it. Cause I'd probably turn into a blubbering mess before it was over and not be able to finish anyways." The blonde cracked a smile. "And while it's nice of you two to walk with me you don't
actually have to wait for me, you could have both been there and back ten times by now."

@Reaper @National @Pyosimros
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Jordan gingerly stepped over the more than likely dead bodies in skull face's lair and started to walk through it very nonchalantly
"I guess I will just have to kill-" He stopped. There was a gunshot and now Skull Face was a crumpled, bleeding body on the floor. Standing behind him was HAven and Helena.

"Nice shot, Boss." Helena stated. Haven removed her mask to show the Boss' face.

"I am quite impressive." Boss stated. Vicky stood there with her mouth open in shock. "Hey, Vick." Boss said nervously.
Kelai looks at Boss. "Would you look at that. I totally didn't known she was alive." He says sarcastically, helping Vicky up, ready for the dramatic sob drama that was about to unfold.
LokiofSP said:
"I don't know and I don't care. Look, right now my priority is to find the Avengers, maybe do something with my damn life besides kill people, and I don't need an overgrown pigeon-dog thing right now." He gestured to Jett while he still petted him, "I mean look! Maybe if this thing was like a cub or some shit, I'd care for it....Probably not but still! It'd be easier to feed, transport and train. This is a full grown adult, who eats more, is to big to transport, and is to old and wild to need an owner."
@Steel Zinogre
"You do not know if it is wild or demesticated. Point being, if it likes you, adopt it. You take care of it, and it will take care of you. and also, It is big enough for you to ride on its back!" maxton said, bringing a good point home. "It is big enough to hold 3 people approximately.
The hooded figure watched on its mountain top. It laughed as Jordan ignored him. This time, the mental message was a bit stronger as he waits on the mountain top.
Pyrite smiled, "Oh goodie, someone wants to challenge on of the smartest people alive. Lets deconstruct this, first, I highly doubt some eccentric billionaire would adopt this, second I don't WANT anything to take care of me, third so what? It can carry me, hooray, now it'll eat even more of my food, and take up even more space. Hell all you did was attack my weakest arguments and yet your points were STILL refuted." He laughs as he begins to walk away, "Tell ya what, you keep em, I insist if you know so much about him. I need to go to an ice cream parlor, if I'm right it's the one our parents took us as kids..."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite smiled, "Oh goodie, someone wants to challenge on of the smartest people alive. Lets deconstruct this, first, I highly doubt some eccentric billionaire would adopt this, second I don't WANT anything to take care of me, third so what? It can carry me, hooray, now it'll eat even more of my food, and take up even more space. Hell all you did was attack my weakest arguments and yet your points were STILL refuted." He laughs as he begins to walk away, "Tell ya what, you keep em, I insist if you know so much about him. I need to go to an ice cream parlor, if I'm right it's the one our parents took us as kids..."
@Steel Zinogre
"Well, no need to worry, since it is a good..... Shit." Maxton said as jett flew off, and scoured the ground for any large animals that he could kill. "It will be back." he said as he watched the Wyvern from a distance.

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