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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Braziel sits down next to her bed, as he looks at her. "You got hit. Don't worry, everything was taken care of.

The nodded figure stands up as it looks down its tundra. It sends out one final message. "Phoenix Force, also known as Jordan Grace, I am not here to fight you. Please, come speak to me." The voice would sound familiar to Jordan.
"Swear to God...or...y'know...me" Jordan muttered and took off into the air, breaking through the ceiling of Skull Face's lair and flew towards the figure
Braziel smiles as he slowly lays down the girl, tucking her up. "Stay safe." He whispers.

The hooded figure looks out in the distance as it feels Jordan. The figure speaks. "Nice to see ya Jordan. I was wondering if I could trade some words with you?" The figure looks down at the tundra
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite sighed as he walked on, "Great! Now we got a giant pigeon to worry about..."
@Steel Zinogre
"Maybe it has a point to prove. And i do not think that thing is a pigeon, since it has scales." maxton pointed out as Pyrite walked off.
Vicky still just stood paralyzed. "We thought you were dead."

"I will explain everything when we get back. Right now we have to get the rest of the kids out." Boss said. Mimic ran out of the room, realizing she was outnumbered. "They still have some in the basement."
"Yeah no shit, it was a comment I made that wasn't meant to be taken seriously." He walked off out of line of sight.

@Steel Zinogre
Jordan landed behind the hooded figure and made snow fly up around him "What? I'm a very important person and I am VERY busy doing absolutely nothing." Jordan stated without a hint of sarcasm
"Oookay.... Whatever that means, bud. I hope this isn't a serious letter or anything. We've had too much of that lately." Dimitri replied @Crono
The hooded figure chuckles. "Geez Jordan. Can't even remember me through my voice?" The nodded figure takes off its hood, and the face of Marko looks at Jordan

Braziel smiles as he let's Rayne hold his hand, making sure she was completely safe.
National said:
The hooded figure chuckles. "Geez Jordan. Can't even remember me through my voice?" The nodded figure takes off its hood, and the face of Marko looks at Jordan
Braziel smiles as he let's Rayne hold his hand, making sure she was completely safe.
(Well hot damn. I thought he really died.)
(Oh he did. Just wait)

Marko laughs. "Oh I'm dead alright. Trust me, this is just an astral image. I'm technically not real. I just came to warn you.

(K) @InsaneKiller19
"Great, just what I need...warnings from the dead...actually I've been getting a lot of that... A LOT" Jordan thought about it for a second "I might need therapy..."
Marko grins. "Nice to see you too idiot. I'm only warning you, not shoving a stick up your ass. Next time you see Braziel and Rayne, ask them what they saw. The Phoenix will have to protect humanity for once. Seeya." And with that, Marko disappears into the wind
"Hmm...Do what the dead person said...completely ignore it and continue doing absolutely nothing..." Jordan sighed heavily "Seriously, the next god damn thing that tries to order me around like I'm some kind of Hydra flunky is getting turned to ash." Jordan grumbled and took off into the air and flew off towards Rayne and Braziel
Wakes up in a cold sweat, she wasn't really shaking that much though she was shaking from the nightmare/ dream she had as she squeezed his hand a bit reassurance that it was just a nightmare/ dream @National
"Just a bad dream my friend, it was about the force that is stronger than Thanos." Rayne stutters not looking at him, having a scared look on her face
(To break up thins romantic moment, or not to break up this romantic moment...)

Jordan broke through the window and hit a wall hard before landing on the ground. "...Y'know, I should probably have more respect for other people's things as well as not be so lazy that I just don't try to look cool or regal and instead look like a complete idiot because its easier....but for the life of me I just...don't...CARE" he said and stood up

(Was there ever any doubt in what I would do?)
Braziel looks over at Jordan. "Thank god I don't own this place." He says as he looks at Jordan. "What brings you here friend

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