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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

InsaneKiller19 said:
"Well I didn't say that, and my excuse?! NOT ONLY THANOS IS COMING, SOMETHING MORE POWERFUL THAN HIM IS COMING AS WELL. THAT'S OUR EXCUSE..." Her team/family went to go check out what is with the yelling only to find Maxton with Rayne and Braziel. They slowly walked over, "Spacer, who's this?" one of the guys asks. She sighs and rubs her face, "This is Maxton...and he was getting chased so he is going to stay until whatever is trying to eat him is away." Rayne then yawns, rubbing her eyes "I'm going to get more hot chocolate.." she says tiredly as she drags her half sleepy body to the kitchen leaving them there
"Shit...... never thought I'd hear of his power hungry ass again." Maxton said as Rayne yelled at him. "Nice to meet you all, and thanks for letting me stay here too." he said to the group.
Pyrite raised a brow, "So you're smart eh? I bet you plan to use that against me huh? Well unfortunately for you I've seen to much shit, hell I may just be on a higher level of human understanding and understanding by now. I also literally cannot allow myself to die so you've got a real challenge on your hands." He looked at their motions and rushed forward, slicing through the alpha's head, "Going off of your body motions and your raptor like appearance I'm guessing you're some kind of descendant of the raptor, which typically hunt in large packs. So it stands to reason you'd want to get more right?" He shook the blood off his blade, "To bad I can't let you do that."

@Steel Zinogre
Out of nowhere, a raptor screams as it launches into another raptor, the two beasts exploding. Braziel walks over. "Hello comrade."
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite raised a brow, "So you're smart eh? I bet you plan to use that against me huh? Well unfortunately for you I've seen to much shit, hell I may just be on a higher level of human understanding and understanding by now. I also literally cannot allow myself to die so you've got a real challenge on your hands." He looked at their motions and rushed forward, slicing through the alpha's head, "Going off of your body motions and your raptor like appearance I'm guessing you're some kind of descendant of the raptor, which typically hunt in large packs. So it stands to reason you'd want to get more right?" He shook the blood off his blade, "To bad I can't let you do that."
@Steel Zinogre
The minions scream as they surround the Gendrome, and growl at him, while some whimper out of worry of losing their leader. One of the minions starts barking as it Picked up Maxton's smell. Then a raptor with a purple sac on its throat appears, and starts barking commands to help the Gendrome and its pack with getting in. The little Wroggi work on the doors, sidechecking it until it gave in. "OH COME ON!! Why does every thing have to try to kill me!?" he said as he unjammed his pistol and opened fire on the wroggi and genprey.(Smaller version of Gendrome.

Meet Great Wroggi.)


National said:
Out of nowhere, a raptor screams as it launches into another raptor, the two beasts exploding. Braziel walks over. "Hello comrade."
"Thank the fucking heavens! Help me with these Dinos!" Maxton said as he reloaded his pistol, with the great wroggi spitting a massive poison ball at Braziel, but ha dno effect in the demigod.
One of the girls smiled, "Don't mention it, a friend of Rayne's is a friend of ours." As the others nod. Before screaming and running off to hide. Rayne comes back drinking her hot chocolate only to find this, she sighs setting it down before turning into her hero form. She ran over and went to help Max, attacking the raptors
InsaneKiller19 said:
One of the girls smiled, "Don't mention it, a friend of Rayne's is a friend of ours." As the others nod. Before screaming and running off to hide. Rayne comes back drinking her hot chocolate only to find this, she sighs setting it down before turning into her hero form. She ran over and went to help Max, attacking the raptors
"Rayne! the orange ones spit poison, Be careful not to get hit!" Maxton warned as he stabbed a Genprey.
Pyrite sighs, "Well looks like your damn stubborn as well, set on a prey you won't give up huh? Guess I won't be biting the bullet today....Dammit" He rushed forward and cut deep into ones side before slicing anthers tail off.

@Steel Zinogre
Braziel rips off the orange ones head as he uses its body as a club. He crushes two others before dropping the mangled corpse. "Anything else we should know?"
Stops watching him and then changes back before stumbling back, one of the guys catched her as she drops back. Before helping her stand, she waves him off and slowly walks over to her mug and drinks the hot chocolate with droopy eyes
National said:
Braziel rips off the orange ones head as he uses its body as a club. He crushes two others before dropping the mangled corpse. "Anything else we should know?"
"I don't know, But maybe killing them would be a good....... aaaw shit." he said as he heard minerva roar, and quickly ran towards the horde. She punched the small ones away as the big ones jump on her. Minerva thrashed about, trying to throw off the alphas. @InsaneKiller19
She finishes her cup of hot chocolate before running back, turning into her hero form and helps attack some more. Hearing what max said, she does exactly that not in a happy mood
Pyrite whistles at the sight of the beast, "Okay, well then. I hope your on my side....But I suppose it'd be smarter to kill you just in case you're not." He raises his sword

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite whistles at the sight of the beast, "Okay, well then. I hope your on my side....But I suppose it'd be smarter to kill you just in case you're not." He raises his sword
@Steel Zinogre
Minerva looked at pyrite, and then growled as her fur turned gold and her arms turn red. She roars as she threw the two alphas at him, and roars once more as punched the ground and pulled a massive chunk of concrete from the ground, and hops back 4 feet before chucking the massive piece of concrete at him.
She takes the hit for him, having her arms out. Since she pushed him away, she took the impact instead of him. And being tired didn't help, as it pushed her up to a wall crushing her between the concrete and the wall
Pyrite stood still for a moment and allowed the things to fly at him but eventually his mucles moved on their own and he cut through one beast then used the other as a platform to jump off of. He climbed up the concrete at leaped at Minerva, yelling as he managed to plunge the sword into he back.

@Steel Zinogre
"So it's a speed thing then?" Connor asked, and suddenly Rush was there. And the clone was offering to take his place and Connor wanted to yell at Dimitri to accept, but he stopped himself. Yeah, Rush was a clone created by Osborn, and yeah okay Connor may have a bone to pick with his own clone and maybe a part of him wanted a clone to die rather than his childhood friend and sure that was selfish but Connor could never say that. He could never ask or agree with someone throwing their life away. But there was more at stake, so much more.

"Let him." Connor finally croaked out after keeping quiet, looking at Rush. "I don't have a clue what your talking about but if he can do it then let him. If he can't, then train and help him so he can. And you choose
someone to confide in, someone who understands more about...whatever the hell this plan deals with. Then that person and Rush can find a way for him to live through it, do your research there has to be a way. I don't value a life over any other, but the earth needs Dimitri Maximoff leading the Avengers. Leading them, not sitting behind working on a suicide plan, and not going through with said suicide plan."

@Reaper @Pyosimros
Perry pulled out his phone, noticing that he received a text from Cindy. Quickly texting back, he said he didn't really care and he was wondering where she was now.
Braziel holds Rayne close. "Hey, you okay? Its okay, I'm here." He holds her in a baby cradle I'm one hand as he rips open the raptors. "Pyrite, stop being a dumbass. Minerva is on our side." Braziel slams away all the raptors that were kn Minerva's back. He carries Rayne back to the building, and hands her to one of the scientists as he snaps a raptor in half that was coming for them. @InsaneKiller19 @Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP
Minerva grabbed the sword out of her back, too pumped with adrenaline to even care about pain at the moment. She then beats her chest and turned to fire a beam of electricity at the packs of raptors, killing many, but left others to flee as their leaders are dead. She then looked at pyrite, electricity dancing off of her massive mane. @LokiofSP @National
Pyrite looks back widely at Brazil as he picked up his sword, "I don't know HOW you know that name or how you know who I am, but don't call me that....Please." He looks at Minerva, "I don't know what you are and i don't care. All I see is a giant animal that could be a potential threat if I trust it, believe me when I say that if we were to fight I would win after a bit of time." He began to circle her, twirling his blade as he did so, "But I also figure if I'm here and can't die, I should start trying to make amends, and maybe even a few friends. So against better judgement I'll trust you, just know that if you try anything, you'll be a nice new rug." He sticks out a fist, "So what do ya say?"

@Steel Zinogre @National
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite looks back widely at Brazil as he picked up his sword, "I don't know HOW you know that name or how you know who I am, but don't call me that....Please." He looks at Minerva, "I don't know what you are and i don't care. All I see is a giant animal that could be a potential threat if I trust it, believe me when I say that if we were to fight I would win after a bit of time." He began to circle her, twirling his blade as he did so, "But I also figure if I'm here and can't die, I should start trying to make amends, and maybe even a few friends. So against better judgement I'll trust you, just know that if you try anything, you'll be a nice new rug." He sticks out a fist, "So what do ya say?"
@Steel Zinogre @National
Minerva looked rather hesitant, and looked at braziel, and then Back at pyrite, she gently Bumped fists, and then calmed down as the pain sets in, she growls as she felt the cut in her back grow slightly with every breath. @National @LokiofSP
Braziel huffs. "Good, now that that's settled." Braziel walks over to the scientist office, and he opens the door. He goes inside, and he looks down at Rayne. He smiles as he moves her hair out of her face. "You okay there?" @InsaneKiller19
While walking, Finn heard Connor and Dimitri squabble a bit over the comms before they met up or something and the earpiece went quiet. There was the part of him that wanted to meet up with them, to meet up with anyone and work their problems out as a team, but there was also the nagging thought in his mind that they wouldn't want to meet up with him. He had now failed to protect nine people who had been important in their lives, and a whole slew more had gone missing. He shook his head, going on about this wouldn't bring them back. Why do I have to go on about things like this? In the end he decided that he wasn't going to meet up with them, but he would leave his comm in. He would leave it in and he would go get an ice cream. Maybe a two scoop. He had walked two or so blocks when he paused and pushed a finger to his comm. "Anyone want an ice cream cone and a hearty chat about the future?"
CasualDragon said:
While walking, Finn heard Connor and Dimitri squabble a bit over the comms before they met up or something and the earpiece went quiet. There was the part of him that wanted to meet up with them, to meet up with anyone and work their problems out as a team, but there was also the nagging thought in his mind that they wouldn't want to meet up with him. He had now failed to protect nine people who had been important in their lives, and a whole slew more had gone missing. He shook his head, going on about this wouldn't bring them back. Why do I have to go on about things like this? In the end he decided that he wasn't going to meet up with them, but he would leave his comm in. He would leave it in and he would go get an ice cream. Maybe a two scoop. He had walked two or so blocks when he paused and pushed a finger to his comm. "Anyone want an ice cream cone and a hearty chat about the future?"
"I would, As well as luna too." Cassie said as she dried luna off from her bath. "Where are you? I will meet you there finn." she asked as Luna shook off any remaining moisture from her fur, making it fluffy and poofy.
Pyrite sighs as he looks at Minerva, "Sorry, not much we can do with what we ha-" He growls as he hears Finn through his hacked comm, "Forgot to adjust the volume..Yeah Finn was it? You may or may not know me but I know you allot. Anyways, can I get thre-no four double scoups? One Mint Chip..." He looks at Brazil Rayne and Minerva, "And Chocolate, maybe just some frozen Greek yogurt and bannana?"

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon

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