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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

She opens the door and lets him enter, before walking in behind him "Hey guys! Long time no space!" There were a group of people, looking like scientists as the room was huge with a lot of equipment and data to study the stars and space. Whatever they need, they all walk over. There were 6 guys and 5 girls not counting herself to say the least. "Hey Spacer, who's this?" One guy asked looking at Braziel. Rayne smiles, "Haha very funny, and this is my good friend Braziel. He is new.."
Maxton wanders the city, and begins to wonder what had become of the great city. "This place has seen better days." Ruby said as she scanned the area, looking for any bogeys or what not. @Anybody
Braziel grins as he holds out his hand. "Hello. I come from Greece, 2000 years ago." Not the most normal greeting you hear everyday.
"I'd say. You won't go on another mission with my team without me, got it? You can go on a suicide mission if you want, but don't drag anyone else into it." In the back of his mind, he knew it wasn't fully Connors fault, but he was angry and Conner was near him.

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Before they got a chance to ask him a bunch of questions, she raised her to silence them "1) its his choice if he want a job here or not 2) I don't need anyone to look after me while I do field work 3) I am just showing him around and 4) we have to warn you guys about something."
Braziel nods. "Yes, dire news in fact. Something very ancient shall come to Earth. Something that can end the entire earth in just a single breath."
"Oh great, just exactly what we fucking need, why can't it just be rainbows and bunnies.." she walks into the room further to see what data they have collected so far she mumbles a variety of cursing words. The group just watches her not going even near the girl, they knew when she needed her space when she like this
" very interesting to say the least, sometimes she is pretty predictable and other times she's not really so it's a normal thing being around her for all of our lives working with her. She is going to need someone to work with because honestly we trust her about what she does and her passion for her work. It's just that she'll need a partner to look after her and babysit her in the sense of way that you will find out later...." She yells not looking at them, "DON'T YOU DARE....I AM capable ON MY OWN WITH NO HELP.." the girl sighed, "She needs someone more than she thinks, she may have a positive attitude towards life or not but we can tell you this. She is one stubborn girl with a strong and caring heart.."
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Connor was a little taken aback, Dimitri had even said My Team, not The Team or Our Team. It wasn't about leadership, Connor didn't want the role, he was even proud at Dimitri stepping up. It was the way Dimitri worded it as if to exclude Connor from the team, and it hurt. "I-I.." He opened his mouth to speak, to yell actually. It wasn't my mission, I didn't put it together. I was practically against it but others wouldn't listen. But he wasn't about to spout excuses no matter how true they we're.

Maybe Connor wanted to get back at him, or maybe he was trying to give tough love, it was hard to tell which side his reasoning fell on. "How about you own up to your mistakes as the leader then? You should have shut it down. You should have
been there! Atleast I was! I'm the one that just came from telling Ivory's parents that their son is dead, something the leader should do. That could have just as easily been you or Ivory telling my parents that it had been me." Connor snorted angrily and looked away from Dimitri and off in a random direction, "You blame me if you have to but you need to own up to your own mistakes too."

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Braziel smiles. "I'll make sure to watch over her. She seems like a very intelligent girl, and she is. Powerful as well." He watches as she continues to work. "She seems to care a lot about her work and you all. She called you all her family."
" yeah she's like family to us, we always call her spacer because of her love for space. There is one thing to calm her down pretty easily though it doesn't work at some points at time so its very important to know when it will work and when it will not work on her." She smiles, "Indeed she is, it's what makes her special to us. Knowing the group will agree with me we are thankful that you will watch over her.." the others nod in agreement
... Kyle took out one of the thug's molecules and looked at it curiously as the thug exploded,The blood of the thug went everywhere and his gut were stuck to the brick wall that was surrounding them both,Kyle crushed the molecule that was in his hand and started walking out of the alleyway ...
Braziel smiles. "Of course. She is in safe hands." He opens his massive hands as he looks looks over at the group. They all seemed so supportive of her, her family. Her friends. He turns back to her. "How is it going Rayne?"
Just when she was about to say something, she sniff the air and look at them. "Do-" the girl started, then started to laugh with the group as they watch her run to the kitchen in a childish manner to the smell of hot chocolate. " I thought she will never leave this room.." One of the guys said and he pulls out a photo album that they kept secret from her about her when she was a child. "She doesn't like photo albums" stating that the chocolate was just a reason for her to leave the room so that they can look through the photo album without her knowing @National
Braziel watches Rayne run out of the room to the chocolate drink. He holds in a laugh as the scientists show him the photo album about her. "Wow, these don't look that old." He says as he looks at the photo album.
They show him their favorite memories about her in the full album like her first planet she went to and how she travel through one universe to another. Before showing him the others as to when she was 10, she was work on a little scientific project with different metals. And the time when she was 13, she was playing an instrument but that was the only time that she picked up an instrument. They told him how good she was back then but they were sad to see that she never picked up the instrument again, they kept it just in case. Afterwards the group decide to go check on her, so when they walked into the kitchen they saw her drinking her hot chocolate looking like the little girl who was in love with hot chocolate.... which was a past memory and they will cherish that forever as well @National
Braziel smiles. He wasn't just determined to protect Rayne, but he was now determined to protect all of this. Her cherished scientist family, her passion for the things she loves, her memories. Braziel has always been a protector and warrior, not being much good for anything else. So he was now even more devoted to protect her
"Any faster and the love your life would have been gone quickly." One of the guy teases they know that she loves her hot chocolate so much, if someone even dared going an inch near it she would protect it with her life. Rayne blushes and looks away, drinking the chocolate drink slowly embarrassed by what he said
(I gotta sleep. Night.) Braziel looks at them with a serious expredsion. "We still need to show you the threat that Is coming."
"You have no idea why I missed that mission, do you? I'm not going to be here forever, hell I won't even be here this time next month. They need someone to step up. I thought it was you...." @Crono
Connor shook his head lightly in frustration, "What are you eve--" It didn't take much to put two and two together. A secret plan Connor and the others weren't allowed to know about until Thanos showed up? His claim of not being here after that just now. The blonde's gaze snapped back to Dimitri in shock and anger, "Don't you fucking dare pull a Marko!"


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