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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ben blinked a few times, "Well, I mean yeah but, I usually don't like to wake her up to early. You sure you can't just talk to me and have me pass a message or something?"

"I mean..." He was going to shatter Ben's world, then Ben was going to shatter his wife's world. That wasn't fair and it wasn't right in his opinion, that it'd be better for him to do it so that Connor himself was the bearer of bad news rather than Ben. "...it's kind of important. Would it be alright to wake her? I don't mind waiting, and if you'd really rather not I guess that'd be alright." Would it though? This wasn't fair at all, not to them and not to Ivory. Damn that kid.

Braziel nods. "Of course. I remember when the gods created some of the first ever constellations. Pegasus, Virgo, cancer, Pisces, minotaur, Orion's belt. Those are my favorite."
Ben sighed, "One minute, be right back." He ran upstairs and everything was fine for a few moments before a loud yell and crash was heard. Ben came back out with Larua and a big bump on his head. Laura looked at Conner menacingly with her tired eyes, "This better be good..."

She smiles, "Yep....and don't forget the big and little dipper as well.." She chuckles. She closed her eyes and imagined a nebula before opening her eyes, she brought her hands up as an exact replica of a nebula appears above her hands. "The pillars of creation.." she whispers
Seeing Ben injured and Laura's uncomfortable looking glare Connor thought giving this news might actually be the death of him. But maybe that'd be deserving. Connor gave a light huff, he'd be telling them here out in the open? He'd honestly hoped to maybe tell them inside their home on the couch or something but not that the setting truly mattered. There was also no point in beating around the bush, awkwardly he reached for the letter that was addressed to them and pulled it out and held it out for them to take. "We...just got back from a mission." Yeah let's not mention the part where it was a stupid mission that they wen't into blind. "I-Ivory didn't make it back." Let's not mention the fact that he ended his own life. "And we're...I'm..." As the words went on it was becoming more difficult to keep himself together, fighting back the tears and trying not to choke, "...sorry. I'm so very sorry that I couldn't stop it."

There was silence as Ben's small smile left his face and shock took Laura's face. She quickly took the letter and stormed inside, slamming the door behind her, she was done, ready to just give up, she'd been through this before, that face, the way his sentence was put together told her the entire story, she holed up in her room and began to cry. How do you lose a child twice in one lifetime? It was stupid, the entire reason they came back to try again at life had died on a damn mission, yet another person gone through the line of duty in her life.She slowly opened the letter in hope of some sort of comfort...

Ben on the other hand let out a chuckle and smile, not one of happiness, but the kind you give when you know that you've received bad news, yet still hope against hope you heard it wrong, "What did you just say? For a moment there I thought you said that Ivory didn't come back." He gave another nervous chuckle, "Age does some things to you right?"

Nicky in the helicarrier went to her dad,"Are you sure you saw what they did with the tower"

"Don't worry Nick you will be with them" Nick Fury said to his daughter,after Nick Fury had kids he lightened up a little.
Connor gave a light wince at the door slamming, a part of him wanted to run but that was something he wouldn't allow. The blonde tried to give a comforting smile as he gave a light shake of his head, wiping one of his watered eyes with his suit sleeve. "H-he's gone Mr. Reilly...I was there...I saw it happen...I'm sorry." He took an unconscious step back, just for more space maybe. There wasn't anything he could say to help, that it was quick, that he didn't feel a thing? There was a silent pause before he said, "He didn't suffer."

Ben stumbled back and leaned against his wall, "I...." He wiped his eyes of tears and put his hand over his mouth, "Thank you...Conner, we just need some time to...Process this." He walked to his door, "Oh my god, not again...." He walked inside and collapsed on his couch.

Nicky got to the invisible building waiting for her to uncover and hacked into the intercom of the avengers kids,"Hey guys get to downtown New York if your not busy" Nicky said going to a bench to sit down and read a book
Braizel smiles up at the night sky, when suddenly, he reels back, something was trying to go inside his body, but it was invisible, and it had no feeling. Braziel holds his face as he stands up and he puts his hand in his throat, and he pulls out whatever was trying to inside him. The thing solidified, and it seemed to be a spirit. The spirit howls as it disperses, and Braziel just looks at his hand. "No... The time is near." @InsaneKiller19
Connor nodded emotionally at Ben, "Yeah, I understand." He watched the man disappear into the door before turning and slowly walking away. He squeezed his eyes shut to push away any of the tears and wiped at his face as he left. He couldn't allow himself to breakdown and grieve, no..not yet. Pulling out the other three letters he stared down at them, the next one was meant to be for the entire team. But they we're so spread out and some weren't even contactable right now, should he wait? No...he'd read it out over the comm and make sure anyone who didn't hear it did hear it eventually.

As he rounded the corner he heard a voice he didn't fully recognize over the comm's, asking for a meetup. "Who is this?" He asked after clearing his throat. Cassandra still hadn't answered him and he wasn't sure if that meant he wasn't needed or if he was needed even more than he initially thought.

Richie also picks up the comm. "Yeah, who the hell now has access to an avengers comm? And I'm surprised a lot of people know you, because you sound like a total dumbass." Richie was in a real salty mood, still angry about everything that happened. @WoodenZebra
She was looking at the sky before looking over, quickly she got up and had a worried and concern look "What happened? Are you okay?" she stepped towards him
Connor took a breath, "Yeah Nicky, we've met a few times when we we're younger. It's Connor Rogers, still how did you get into our commlink?" Dumb question, she is Fury's daughter afterall.

"Wow, she has a pretty sharp tongue. If everything is so easy to hack, remind me to hack Connors Instagram. And if I'm a jackass, you are a bitchass." Richie grabs his guns and grenades as he turns on his ship, and pilots over to Connor. The ship lands next to Connor as Richie honks the horn, scaring the neighborhood cat into a coma. "Let's go Connor. We gotta meet your girlfriend, Mrs. Fury. More like Mrs.bitch." He opens the hatch to let in the blonde.

Connor wasn't really in the mood to ask either of them to lay off the language, and he knew if he said anything to Richie the raccoon would likely blow up at him so he wasn't about to open that can of worms. "Don't mind him, we took some hard hits today. We're all...dealing. Why do you want to meet?" The blonde kept his pace though he didn't really have a planned destination. Heading in the general direction of downtown as well as where Cassandra, Terry, and Redd's robot corpse was supposed to be just in case he decided to head towards either.

And then Richie was there in his ship, honking and Connor shook his head. More flying. Shrugging he climbed aboard, "Guess it's a good thing I don't mess with social media then huh?" He told Richie as he walked into the cockpit. "You done yelling at me yet?" He asked, though Richie had been yelling at the Avengers as a whole he was a part of the Avengers so...

Richie just stares at his fuzzy dice he has for his ship. "I never had beef with you Connor. I'm mad at the girls. Still mad that we can't save more than we get killed." And with that, Richie flies them off to the park.

After completely demolishing a tree during landing, Richie larks his ship as he presses a button, opening the hatch. "She's located here."
Dimitri decided it was high time to check in on the team. He pressed his finger to his ear to turn on his comlink. "Report, team. Where is everybody?"
She then looked out at the night sky, she tiled her head and stepped a bit closer to the edge "Something......doesn't feel right.." she whispers, burrowing her eyebrows in confusion @National

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While Ben was stuffing his sorrows, his wife came down and threw a bag at him, "You. Me, pier now. Read this." Ben picked up his bag as he fumbled out the door after his wife, struggling to read through his shaking hands.

Dear Mom and Dad,

As you probably know by now as my friends have told you, I died.

They hailed a cab as Laura gave the address, he was still barley comprehending anything, he could only hope that this letter gave him some kind of solace.

But don't worry, I wanted to leave you guys some kind of present before I left, and because of all you did for me, I tried to get you two.

"STOP THE CAR!" Was shouted and a 50 dollar bill was hastily thrown as Laura dragged him through crowds of people.

So go to the pier, it'll be there waiting for you.

They pushed through the crowd of people until eventually they stopped and he heard Laura gasp

-Your son,

Ivory D̷a̷l̷a̷i̷


He put down the letter to see the sight for himself. In front of him was a boy with red hair and bandages on his face and arms. He sat on the hood of a rented car and swung his legs while twiddling his thumbs, he looked through the crowd worriedly before spotting them his face lighted up as he tackled them into a hug, they hit the floor embracing while his parents cried, "I hope you like this present..." Ben looked at him through teary eyes and smiled, "It's the best one I've had in all my life."


The car door slammed and the engine started up, Laura turned to Ivo-no Rusty he said is what he wanted to be called. He wanted to throw away his past and finally move on, starting with a name given to him by a fake family, "So, Staten Island? Why there and not say, I dunno San Francisco?"

He simply smiled and looked at the fading city skyline as they drove away. He had done so much in this city, met so many people, done so many things, he couldn't say goodbye, not completely, "Figured it'd be a bit more homey ya know?"

He did it all for this, so his friends could become better, so he wouldn't weigh him down. So HE could become better and live a simple life with his family, who knew, maybe one day he'd come back a new man, ready to stand by his friends once more.

But for now he just rolled down the window and took in a deep breath as he drove off to a new life....

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