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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Braziel stands up as he gently pushes Fortune back into the bed. "You aren't in the condition to recklessly get into trouble yet. And I did feel something, so I punched it."
Fortune rubbed her eyes and shrugged Brazil off, "Oh my god, you hit my fucking stand..."

Rayne chuckles a bit at what she said, thinking it sounded pretty funny before stretching her arms not realizing how tired she felt. She just hoped the others won't notice anytime soon, she wanted to be ready to fight of thanos with the rest and now that she learned from her good friend that something or someone is stronger than thanos exists or is real or something...they will be in a lot of hurt. Rayne just hopes it won't be that way
Braziel grimaces. I don't do good in cooped up places. I feel unsafe, like I will break something, which is probably true." Braziel takes a step forward and stands in front of Fortune, and he picks up the girl andays her on the bed. "Back in my day, we used chains to hold down reluctant patients."
Braziel nods. "They did not. Said they felt like prisoners." Braziel let's go of Fortune. "Fine. Do what you want. I could care less." @InsaneKiller19 @LokiofSP
She sighs, "You know you can never change her mind. She is her own person after all.." she stands up and then sat back down, she chuckles "Great...my legs fell asleep.."
Jordan had decided to follow the girls from a distance, more or less annoyed that they said that no-one could stop them, mostly to make sure the idiots didn't just throw away their lives...which is what they were seeming to do
Braziel sighs. "That's fine. I am sure she has had a tough life. There must be some reason at least." Braziel stretches his hands as he sits back down on the floor this time. @InsaneKiller19
"Yeah.." she sits down on the floor and leans against the bed, "Well you don't have to worry about any bill....I can handle that for you.." she replies before stretching out her legs "Man I just realized how sore my legs got.." as a few pops could be heard
Braziel smiles. "That's good. I still don't fully understand the modern currency. Too complicated for my taste."

Richie snarls. "Those stupid girls. Kelai died to protect one of them. A pretty vain sacrifice if you ask me."
Laughs, "Don't worry about it, if you need any help I can help you...especially with money" her voice laced with amusement
Connor gave a light huff at the silence around him, seems he might have indeed scared the boy off. Either that or he was just more comfortable making himself scarce, scratching the back of his head Connor muttered an apology just in case he was indeed nearby before pushing off the aircraft and heading off. The stranger hadn't said a word after offering to help, Connor probably hadn't made a great first impression. There was nothing he could do to go after the girls, sure he could try and start up the S.H.I.E.L.D. craft again but he'd barely gotten auto pilot on last time. So while he still thought they we're being stupidly foolish he trusted them to stay safe and come back, he did have to yell at them some more afterall.

"Cassandra, I'm on my way to you if you still need me. I've got a detour to make first though." He said into the comm, staring down at one of the other letters Ivory had left him that was labeled for the boys parents. They deserved to get and read theirs before anyone else. Connor was going to have to do something he'd hoped he'd never have to do, explain to someone's family why their son wasn't coming home. His father had done it more times than Connor would ever know, and Connor had even seen a few from the car. Now it was his turn and he was trying to prepare himself as he walked along the sidewalk heading for Ivory's place.

@LucianGrey7971 @Pyosimros
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Braziel looks up. "Really? I tried to be a bouncer for a club, but I sneezed and blew up a really important mans car. It's hard to find a job when you are pulled 2 thousand years into the future.
"Yeah sure...and I might not understand how you feel, but it sure must be strange taken from your timeline and be put into someone else's." She cracks her neck and smiles, "But being here doesn't have to be a bad thing you know, you get to learn new things. But what I said was true, if you have any trouble you can always ask for my help. I will be willing to lend my support..."
Jamie opened the side of the helicopter and watched the city fade into the distance. They arrived at the destination and they all got off. They discussed their plan and went to their positions. Jamie found a good sniping spot. Allison turned invisible and began to infiltrate and take out some of the guards. Amelia circled the base and provided details. Liona was in charge of figuring out where any children or hostages may be. Tanya and Vicky infiltrated to try and find Skull Face.
Ben got up with a yawn, he smiled as he was ready to meet the day. Getting up from bed he did his morning routine, get up, shower, brush teeth, eat, look for a job on the computer. It was long and tedious process, but if they wanted to keep living in New York and it's damn expenses, it had to be done. He grabbed his phone as he sat down and frowned as he saw Ivory hadn't responded yet, being an Avenger was hard of course, but he really couldn't even spare a text?

He sighed and looked to see his trash once again overflowing, standing up he got ready to put it away as he grumbled, "I bet you Peter has a son who takes out the trash and actually visits once in awhile." Collecting the bag and putting it in a knot, he began to lug it outside when he saw one of Ivory's freinds. His mind raced quickly as he thought, "Crap, this is my first time around one of my sons friends! This i my chance to cement myself as the cool dad that I know I am!" He gave a smile and waved, "Hey...Conner is it? Hows it going..... dog?" He mentally groaned and face palmed. "That's it, I officially failed as a human being"

Braziel smiles. "Thank you very much Rayne. I appreciate it. I am sure I will soon be able to fit into this world. Soon." He gets up and holds out his hand to help her up. "You seem tired. Did you meet your friend in space or something?" He was guessing those things would tire her out.

Far out in the mountains, a hooded figure sits on the top of a cliff, looking over aarge tundra. Their was a small herd of elk and few other herda of animals as the nodded figure watches. (Time for one of those epic talks. Cmere Mr op fire bird. @LucianGrey7971 )
She laughs, taking his hand and gets up "You can say that yeah, and no problem I am willing to lend a hand. And risk my life for them, it's just what I do" she grins before putting the chair back and then started to head out "Come on.."
Braziel follows her as he look so it I'm the night sky. It was a nice night out, and it was definitely one of the nicest views he has seen in his entire life. Definitely.

The hooded figure flies up a bit more and lands on the highest peak in the world, a secret to humans. He calmly sits there, and he sends a telepathic message to the Phoenix to come visit him
After the bill has been paid, she leaves the hospital with Braziel before looking up at the sky in awe. She then smiles and takes his hand, "I know a perfect view of the sky..." she then flies the two on top of a tall building before landing on it. Rayne lets go of his hand and sits at the edge, looking up smiling before looking at him "Care to join?" she asks
Connor had been so focused on trying to figure out what he should say as he neared the building he didn't even notice the man until he'd been spoken to. It was then that he realized it was Ben, the man seemed so ordinary if not awkward...not to mention oblivious to what had happened. The blonde put up a front with a half smile that was meant as a greeting, he didn't want to look happy exactly but he didn't want to look like he felt, a miserable mess. "Oh, hey Mr. Reilly." Connor said in greeting as he stopped in his tracks. "I'm just uh..." I'm just here to tell you that your son is dead.

He couldn't let onto it, but at the same time he felt he shouldn't tell Ivory's father alone without his wife present. And at the same time, asking to speak with both of them might give it away. But really he had no choice, "...coming by to talk, about Ivory that is. Is Mrs. Reilly home too?" His front was holding but the nervousness and emotional bit of knowing he was about to shatter Ivory's parents world was playing on his emotions, causing him to tense to keep his newfound powers from showing up.


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