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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"If there was any conceivable way to avoid it, I would. But we are talking about universe shattering power that I'll be just feet away from. There is no choice, Connor. I have to do it, and it will almost certainly kill me. If you can think of a better plan, I'm all ears." Dimitri began to walk away.
"Yeah." Connor started, as he walked after the speedster,"Let me be the one to do it. I don't know what this plan is but why does it have to be you? They need their leader, if that wasn't made clear today I don't know what would."

"What are we doing here?" Terry asked Connor and Dimitri as he began to shake his head away from the past thoughts. "Someone's dying?"
"Because" he started. "It's something that requires my powers and experience. Trust me when I say I know what I'm doing." He told Connor, still too angry to acknowledge Terry.
Connor glanced at Terry, glad to see he was in alright shape after what Cassandra had said about him earlier. Trying to motion with his eyes that he was acknowledging him but not answering. "I don't accept that." Connor said to Dimitri, allowing Ice to flow along the ground below him and spreading outwards and eventually reaching Dimitri's feet. "Your not the only one with powers remember? I'm going out on a limb and saying this has something to do with being an inhuman right? Last I checked I was forced into becoming one." His tone was a frustrated one, for many reasons.

"If you knew what you we're doing maybe they'd still be alive, maybe you would have stopped the mission or gone to lead them. You can't know everything Dimitri, no leader does."

@Pyosimros @Reaper
National said:
(I gotta sleep. Night.) Braziel looks at them with a serious expredsion. "We still need to show you the threat that Is coming."
"I posted all the data that we know so far in they're database so no need, plus....looking at they're data. It looks like...I don't know what but.....thanos might not be alone..." She shivers a bit, sipping her mug "And in all honesty, I am kinda scared..but enough of that now. I must enjoy my drink and make sure no one touches it when I am gone!" She hisses at her friends, as they laugh. "Oh come on, we bought it for you...at least you can do is say thank you." Rayne mumbles, "Fine.." before adding on "And thank you.." She gets a refill before jumping off the counter top and walks over to Braziel "Wanna see the rest of the place? I did say I was going to show you the secret rooms.....one of them is my bedroom, so....you get to see that too.." She chuckles a bit, avoiding his face as she starts walking "Onwards!" Holding her mug in the air before drinking the chocolaty drink. The team laughs watching her before going back to work, letting her show him the rest of the place @National
Cindy roams the city in a short dress and flats, trying to get to the store to get some items to make dinner for everyone. she then gets her phone out and shot a quick message to perry, asking him what he wanted her to make for dinner. Maxton looked around in the quiet streets, seeing if anything unusual is running about. he found a small box of 5.56 mm bullets, and picked it up for his SMG. "Nice find, but we need to look some more." ruby said as maxton scoffed. "If anything, we might find some rats in an alley." he replied. @Pyosimros
Braziel watches the girl jump around. It was scary that something could kill them all. But he had a strange confidence that all will be well. All he could do was hope. It was one of the strongest reassurances in the world. His face slightly colors as she mentions her room, and all she does is just walk by him like nothing happened. "Women." He mutters as he follows her. @InsaneKiller19
"I heard that.." she told him, showing him the secret rooms that actually would never be thought to be found where they were.When they got to her room, she slammed a button and the secret door opened up. It didn't look like a bedroom, except for a mattress with blankets and a pillow, a desk for all her art stuff, and a dresser. Anything else would have looked like another work place, as she had computers, a specialized telescope she built herself. Data reading papers on the walls near the computers, drawings on her desk. And a window to help use her telescope, as it had a stool for her to sit down on
Braziel looks around. "Wow. Why work at the office when you basically live in one. This is very comfy." He looks around, making sure not to touch anything, since he didn't want to break it. @InsaneKiller19
She watches him chuckling, "Yeah...it may not be much but I always make due, besides....it's better to live like this since I won't have to worry about being away from work. When I do work here, this is where I sleep and work. When I am out, whoever I need a place to sleep I always come back here...saves me money to be honest. And I won't be away from my family.....well, since I don't remember what my father and mother look like.." she walks inside quietly and goes to check the drawings on the desk
Braziel looks at Rayne, and he puts his hands on her shoulders gently. "It's alright. My mother and father were never there. Mother was dead, and father disappeared. But you have your new family." @InsaneKiller19
Tenses up slightly, forgetting what it felt like before calming down slowly and nods "Yeah....and you got all your friends to help, even me to accustom you to this time.." she smiles before turning around "So, what did you think of the whole building?" she asks as she was holding a drawing of different kinds of plants from different planets all on one paper
Brazie looks at the picture. "It was all fantastic. You have such a great group of people, and the entire facility looks like a dream come true for you. I'm happy for you." He looks at the beautiful drawing, then he looks at her. "You never have to feel Aline. Not only do you have them, but you have me as well. I'll always keep you safe." @InsaneKiller19
She chuckles, "I had a feeling one day they would want one....oh well, I guess I should pay you every hour for your babysitting.." she teases smiling, before handing the drawing to him "Here, you can keep it...it may be an old drawing, but you should have it.."
Braziel tenderly takes the drawing. "It's beautiful. Thank you Rayne." He gives her a hug as he rolls the drawing and tucks it into his shirt pocket. "I know what the ancient thing might be. But for now, let's not worry about it."
She hugs back, "Your welcome.." she grins before nodding "Agreed, right now..we have to worry about thanos before anything else.."
She sits on the desk and thinks, "Hmm...well I do have two in mind but, I haven't seen the two guys since they were like little.."
Maxton stopped in the middle of the street, to find a pack of raptorial creatures of green and beige coloring, with the biggest just killing a rabid dog for his pack. The big alpha stops tearing the corpse apart, and looked at maxton. It then starts to make screeching and screaming sounds, commanding the minions to attack Maxton. HE was outnumbered, and had no choice but to run. He brought out his trusty m4 assault rifle and started to gun down the creatures one by one, until the alpha was running next to two small ones. He pulled the the trigger, but the gun jammed, and tried his other weapons, but they both jammed as well. "Shit! where the hell did these things come from?! Hydra!? A.I.M?!" Maxton exclaimed as ran toward the building that Braziel and Rayne were in. The raptor monsters kept running, assuming he was in an alley next to the building.

(Meet gendrome, the monster that chased maxton for his next meal.) @InsaneKiller19
Sensing someone coming, she quickly grabbed Braziel's hand and runs towards the person bringing him along before stopping to see Maxton. She lets go of his hand and closes the door before looking at him, "What the hell?!" she screams at him
Pyrite walked up to the monsters, water dripping from head to toe on his body, he sighed and raised his sword, "So clearly doing the job myself won't do, so why don't you guys take a shot eh?"

@Steel Zinogre
InsaneKiller19 said:
Sensing someone coming, she quickly grabbed Braziel's hand and runs towards the person bringing him along before stopping to see Maxton. She lets go of his hand and closes the door before looking at him, "What the hell?!" she screams at him
"Nice to see you too! I almost got eaten by a pack of fucking raptors, What's your excuse?!" Maxton exclaimed from pure fear and irritation. "Goddamned guns jammed up, too many to do melee with, What was i supposed to do? Set my self up as lunch for them?!"


LokiofSP said:
Pyrite walked up to the monsters, water dripping from head to toe on his body, he sighed and raised his sword, "So clearly doing the job myself won't do, so why don't you guys take a shot eh?"
@Steel Zinogre
The Gendrome looked at pyrite, and make some barking sounds, telling his minions to get the rest of the pack. The alpha raptor then nodded, showing some signs of intelligence.
Dimitris body heated up, melting the ice around him. "It has nothing to do with being an inhuman. It's the other side of my family tree. That's all I'll say."

"I'll do it." Was heard behind Dimitri. Dimitri whirled around to see Rush watching the two temperatures mix on the ground.

"I have your genes. I can do it."

"No you can't. You've never done.... It.... Before. I have."
"Well I didn't say that, and my excuse?! NOT ONLY THANOS IS COMING, SOMETHING MORE POWERFUL THAN HIM IS COMING AS WELL. THAT'S OUR EXCUSE..." Her team/family went to go check out what is with the yelling only to find Maxton with Rayne and Braziel. They slowly walked over, "Spacer, who's this?" one of the guys asks. She sighs and rubs her face, "This is Maxton...and he was getting chased so he is going to stay until whatever is trying to eat him is away." Rayne then yawns, rubbing her eyes "I'm going to get more hot chocolate.." she says tiredly as she drags her half sleepy body to the kitchen leaving them there

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