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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor rubbed the back of his neck, "Of course they're going to have a funeral. All four of them are gonna get an Avenger Service. Helga though we don't know much about her, fought alongside us. Redd even though a bot still had a soul. Kelai even though not technically an Avenger, and having killed an Avenger, deserves it as well." The blonde raised a brow, "I didn't exactly have time to figure anything out as far as arrangements with Ivory's parents because they we're too busy grieving and hating my guts. So you know, I figured I'd give it a day or two before bringing it up to them."

"He went to the trouble of writing the least you can do is read it."
Finn purchased the ice cream and manhandled the abundance of cones back to the group before distributing them. "What letter?" It was still a little unsettling seeing Pyrite with them. But Pyrite wasn't Ivory, and the quicker the two were distinguished, the quicker they would grow to accept the new member. He took a lick of his double chocolate brownie before looking around at the mismatched group and rubbing Luna's head again.
CasualDragon said:
Finn purchased the ice cream and manhandled the abundance of cones back to the group before distributing them. "What letter?" It was still a little unsettling seeing Pyrite with them. But Pyrite wasn't Ivory, and the quicker the two were distinguished, the quicker they would grow to accept the new member. He took a lick of his double chocolate brownie before looking around at the mismatched group and rubbing Luna's head again.
luna sat next to finn, and purred as she licked her ice cream. she had chosen strawberry with some graham crackers. she purred with every lick, savoring the flavor. "Thanks, finn." cassie said as she licked hers, which was rocky road.
Pyrite gently took his cone of mint chocolate chip and studied every bodies facial expressions, eventually he sighed and sat up, "Alright I get it, I'm making you guys uncomfortable because of how much I look like your dead friend, I'll go now, I'm sorry."

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @Crono @Reaper
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite gently took his cone of mint chocolate chip and studied every bodies facial expressions, eventually he sighed and sat up, "Alright I get it, I'm making you guys uncomfortable because of how much I look like your dead friend, I'll go now, I'm sorry."
@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon @Crono @Reaper
Luna then looked at pyrite, and then sniffed him. To her, he looked no where near like ivory, since his scent was completely different. she then screeched for him to stay, since she viewed him as a nice person.
"I have that feeling as well you're not the only one who thinks of him as suspicious." Rayne's voice sounded scratchy because of her dry throat. " can you please go get me some water?" She asks before scrunching her face up a bit from the feeling of her dry throat @National
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Braziel nods, and he leaves the room as he walks down the hall. After a bit of mis navigation, he finds aachine for water, and fills up a cup. He starts to walk back to the room, and he opens the door. @InsaneKiller19
He saw her get thrown across the room by a hooded guy, she screamed out in pain the best she could before he kicks her in the face multiple times. He was about to grab her by the neck and smash her against the wall before noticing him, he left through the broken window leaving her there on the ground. Rayne's body was throbbing in pain, as she was bleeding from multiple stab wounds @National
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Brazilels eyes widen as he growls, and he charges at the man, but not fast enough, since the man got away. Braziel rushes to Rayne, and he holds her close. "Rayne. Rayne stay with me." He jumps out the window, and starts to run to the only place he could think could help. The scientist lab she worked at with her friends. He gets to the front door and breaks it down. "Rayne needs help!" @InsaneKiller19
The hooded man was there with two people, one of them was hooded as well while the other was the doctor that supposedly helped her. They had her friends tied up, it was all just a trap knowing that he was going to come here with her. "Hello there.." the fake doctor said with a smirk, "Have you come to try and save your little friend? How sweet" he said sarcastically before adding on, pulling out the real cure that will help her "Would you like to play a game? You can either save her friends and let her die or you save her and her friends die..." Unknown to them all, Corvus and Odis was listening waiting for the right time to jump in and help out @National
Braziel holds Rayne protectively, he snarls. "How pathetic. You don't even dare to face me like men, and instead play "god", and force me to choose. Let them all go, or I will slowly drain out all your blood like a wet towel until you die." Braziel looks at the nodded man, wanting to kill him. Braziel knew theseen had the upper hand. Braziel was much more powerful, but they had the cars stacked against him. @InsaneKiller19
"Le-t them g-o!" Trying to act tough despite being in so much pain. She started to see darkness, as she fell into a coma. The hooded man only watched her, not acknowledging him before looking away with a quiet sigh not wanting to watch any further. He must have known her, by the way he was acting. The two guys came in through the broken down door, and started to attack the other hooded figure and doctor leaving him with the hooded man as he was standing besides her friends not moving an inch
Braziel, in a pure rage and fury, started to advance towards the figure. He raises his free hand and brings it down on the hiided figure. @InsaneKiller19
He stumbles back as the hood falls down revealing his face, he didn't fight back only watching her sleep as he let him do whatever he wanted with him knowing he was very angry
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The man grunts and coughs up blood, he pulled something out from his suit before laying a small box on her lap before waiting for him to finish what he started. A tag on the box says to; Rayne from; a memory with a friend @National
"Your right." He said to Pyrite, taking his vanilla cone away from his face and looking down the bar towards him with a straight face. "It is weird, and personally I have some reservations and questions when it comes to you joining. But if your serious about trying to join up with us you can't go running off when an uncomfortable situation arises. Cause that's going to happen a lot."
He looked to the door, "I understand that, I just-" He stopped himself, now was no time to cause a dramatic scene he sat down, slouching a bit, "So alrightyy then, this Ivory here, I understand your having a funeral for him? Him and I are similar, to say the least, but I also need to know the differences because I want to help you plan it. So what was he like? If you don't mind me asking of course, hell I'm a random stranger, I completely understand if you want to be left to do this by yourselves."

@Steel Zinogre
Braziel hesitates a tad. "What kind of question is that? Of course I care for her. And I'm about to destroy thean who almost killed her." @InsaneKiller19
"Then you don't the full story...if you would let me explain, you might have a full understanding." He says calmly, obviously he wasn't afraid @National
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Braziel breathes heavily. He was known as one of the strongest berserkwe warriors, but it seems as if he losing a bit of his berserker side. He rests a hand on the mans neck. "I can crush an island with just a single punch. Choose your words wisely." @InsaneKiller19
"I have known her since we were children. We were best friends, until I died." He then goes to explain they're history, before he adds on "I never meant to hurt her, I was forced to do it" he then waited for the final blow (Be creative on the history if you want) @National
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Jordan ruffled his hair in frustration as he walked through the streets, today sucked...REALLY bad. Not only had he been talking to dead people Never a good sign... but he had learned that something much more powerful than himself...Or the Phoenix Force...or Me...Us...It...Shit this is confusing. Seriously, I'm not a host, I'm the Phoenix Force, but I'm not, I'm the damn Nexus of Psionic Energy, Guardian of Creation...but I'm ME....Any input there chicken? Jordan thought to himself, and was met with a warm feeling in his mind, along with a scolding feeling from having called it chicken. Fine, fine...Sir OMNIchicken Nexus of all that was is and ever will be McCluckenstein... the fifth. Anyway I figured you didn't know, this is just as new to you as it is to me...Also, any idea what the big thing is? And should I start running for cover NOW, or when it comes?

The warm feeling returned and Jordan stopped walking and shouted "Well NONE of those sound like things I want to deal with! Jesus! I am pretty sure that of this moment, I'm the only person in the universe who has the unfortunate task of one of those, and Thanos knocking at his door!" Jordan ran his fingers through his hair again let out a frustrated sigh "It's like the Omniverse itself said 'Hey, Fuck that guy! And that planet...in fact, fuck that Universe!' I'm gonna sue..."

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