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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

InsaneKiller19 said:
"Woah woah woah we just got here....from, I think the island is skull island?" He looks at his cousin. Odis shrugs not knowing what the name is either before looking at him, "We can help you guys, but we won't be joining you. Anti heroes sounds cool..." Odis says. Corvus nods, "Yes we will help....." Odis then snaps his fingers sitting up, "That's it! Since you like saying hell a lot, you can be called The Sinner.." Corvus shrugs, "Sounds fine with me..." Odis grins and then pulls him into a hug, after getting off his horse. Corvus just awkwardly pats his head, "You know I don't like hugs.." he replies, but Odis doesn't budge "Your getting one wether you like it or not.." he said sternly. Corvus sighs, knowing it might take a while before he lets go @Steel Zinogre and @Crono
"You two sound like children, i mean seriously." cassie muttered as she looked around, but had an odd feeling running in her head.
After a few minutes of debating and memories of his life swimming in his head, Pyrite finally remembered a number, and dialed Conner in hopes that he would get some kind of way out.

Connor chuckled and retracted his arm from rubbing the horse. "I wasn't asking you to join us, I mean when the time comes we'd be grateful for the help when the time comes though." Though they wouldn't be taking anyone who couldn't hold their own into this fight, no sense in taking anyone who couldn't. There was no need to throw lives away like that. "Nice to meet you both." His eyes wandering towards Orvis as he clung onto Corvus. "I'm Connor, by the way."

His phone buzzed inside his suite and he pulled it out, looking at the number curiously. Holding up his finger at the others as a sign that he'd be a minute he answered and stepped away towards the nearby alley. "Hello?"
Pyrite cleared his throat and gave a fake smile that was apparent through his voice, "Hey Elsa! Um, you remember how like thirty minutes ago I was eating ice cream? Then a giant pigeon, dinosaur, thing dropped a dead cow in the middle of the city? Well I tried to roll that cow away somewhere, and long story short, I'm currently in prison."

While looking around he noticed one of the people he saw at the ice cream shop earlier go to answer a phone call. So he sat on a bench across the street and pretended to use his own phone while using his enhanced hearing to listen in on the phone call. (If you are till near the ice cream shop and it's the alley near it)
(Yup it is.)

Connor put his hand to his face and rubbed down roughly with a sigh, "Call me Elsa again and I'll tell them your a super villain and to put you away for life, got it?" It was an empty threat of course, and while he didn't fully trust Pyrite somehow he was the one getting the call. Maybe that was Pyrite's plan, use Connor's honest to good personality to his advantage. It was Dejavu, Ivory had managed to get himself arrested as well and Connor tried to help and ended up just getting himself arrested so that he could atleast get to Ivory. This time however it was going to be different, he wasn't willing to get arrested for Pyrite anyways.

The blonde was pacing back and forth in front of the alley, glancing at the other three and horses occasionally with the phone still against his ear and the other hand on his hip. "Yeah, I'll head straight to the station now. Just don't...piss off any of the officers alright? Play nice."
"You don't even have to tell me. I'm basically in your head. Let's follow." Night said to Terence.

"Alright then. I won't explain the plan. We've done this type of stuff before." He waited on the bench still looking at his phone waiting for the stranger to go get his friend.
Pyrite sighed in relief, "Thank you Conner, you have no idea how much this means to me."He put down the phone and was escorted to a cell. People were all around, all of them recently put in. The all wore civilian clothing and such, Pyrite sighed and began to twiddle his thumbs as he went through his mental list once more, "Lets see, what should I be called?... Max? No to overused....Morgan? Hm, that's a maybe......Rusty?"He slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes, "Never mind, that name's hella stupid.

Connor put his phone away and stepped back over to Cassie, Corvus, and Odis. "Nice meeting you but duty calls." Kinda. With a wave he turned to head down the sidewalk towards the station, deciding to walk. Pyrite could sit in the cell for a bit while Connor took his time, payback to an extent, he mused.

A few grunts could be heard nearby the stations holding cell area. Then Carter stepped towards the cell's with a smirk on his face , "My, my, how the mighty have fallen." He said, staring at Pyrite all the while wiping the blood off his sword from the two officers who'd decided he wasn't worth being a visitor. "From Cannibal psycho to a docile little child trying to fit in with the Avengers. It's pathetic really."
Pyrite shrugged, "I could literally not give any fewer fucks hearing that from you. You're a washed up faker who keeps on swearing to take his originals life, but you're so damn worthless you can't even bring yourself to kill one damn meek crying defenseless girl in a tower. Face it, in the larger picture, something you can never see due to how far up your own ass your head is, your so insignificant that I could literally step on a piece of dog crap, and that would affect the universe ten times more than anything you've ever done."

When Terence heard Connor start to walk towards the station he stood up and put his phone in his pocket and walked a safe distance behind Connor as to not seem suspicious. "This is just a guess but I'm guessing he has ice powers. His friend called him Elsa."

"Also he messed up in the shop and froze the floor under his feet."

"Oh yeah, forgot I heard that. Good thing I have you with me."

"Of course."
"Why am I doing this," Perry mumbled and walked into the jail. It was relatively empty, something he didn't expect. It kept him on edge. Wearing nothing but civilian clothes makes it more so. Turning a corner, he found the reason for the silence. Though now he could hear words. Two guards were dead on the floor with multiple stab wounds and as Perry started to focus ahead, he saw the person he was looking for in a cell and the Connor clone. Or at least he'd assume so. Leaving one fist open in the need of webs, he looked at the two at a safe distance. "Hello murderers and cannibals of the world!"
Carter couldn't have kept his laugh inside his cheeks if he'd tried. "You've got some serious anger buried deep inside huh?" He was more amused than anything at this point. "You've got all this talk but you see where you are and you see where I am." Carter started mimicking a mouth with his hands, "Still just as whiny as before. I don't have to explain my plans or actions to someone like you, why don't you just dimension jump right on out of here huh? There's nothing for you here and clearly nobody wants you around, hell I saw you take that dive off the bridge on the news, even you know I'm right." He started pacing in front of the cell, enjoying the looks from Pyrite's cell mates that the two we're getting.

"We'll see how long it takes before you slip up, and when you do those Avengers will be quick to turn on you. We'll just see if they'll be merciful or if karma for all those lives you've taken slaps you in the face head on." He shrugged with a grin before hearing an obnoxious voice from behind. "Really? I can't get five minutes before one of you shows up?" He rolled his eyes, "Pally here asked for a bailout so I decided to help him out, what brings you by Parker?" Carter flashed a toothy grin at Pyrite. Connor wasn't the only one on his shitlist anymore.

Connor walked along towards the station which was still a few blocks away, his thoughts on what he was actually doing. He was on his way to bail an alternate dimension version of a dead friend, who was a clone, out of jail. That was a mouthful. Though he wasn't completely oblivious to the one following him he chalked it up to the fact that they we're just heading in the right direction. Turning a corner he waited a while before doing a quick glance over his shoulder to check and see if he was still there, and of course he was. Now it was starting to become a thing, and for once Connor wished he was in civilian clothes rather than his suit with the shield on the back. He stuck out like a damn sore thumb.
"Look. I want to strike a deal here," Perry began and walked a few steps closer. "Thanos is coming and he's probably gonna kill us all. So we need extra help. What's in it for you guys? Well for one, I could pay you both large sums of cash," He paused for a moment and pointed at them both with two fingers. "And, I could break you out without S.H.I.E.L.D. or anyone running after you," Perry finished and pointed at Pyrite. "Or we could go the other way. I could kick your ass and stuff you into that cell with cannibal Pyrite Labeouf," He shrugged and put his hand down.
Welp that hit right on the mark, not only did Carter just lay out every single thing that kept him up at night, but now he was in a situation with Perry around the corner and Conner on the way in between them was a murderer with a wicked blade. He stood up and walked to the bars, hoping to make the best of a bad situation that he knew Carter could make worse if he played his cards right. He stood up and gave a small tired smile right back, "You know what? I hope you're right. I hope that one day karma catches up to me and I die, I hope even more that you're the one who pulls the trigger, I hope people curse my name and spit on my grave, but I also know we have to put that behind us right now."

"Carter, I can't get any redemption, no matter what I do. But you can, I beg you to take Perry's offer, what you want to do is worthless, trust me when I say I know that. You destroy Conner's life and kill him, then what? What do you do next? I'll tell you, you die because you're the only one left to fight Thanos. You have a rare chance to turn your life around, do what I didn't and take it."

@Crono @Pyosimros

Pyrite cleared his throat, "Morgan!" He winced, the name sounded worse out loud, but he had to stick with it now, "Pyrite wasn't really a proper version of me, Morgan is my name now."

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Jett was about to enter the station by busting the roof down somehow, but was shot by seregios scales from a bigger, and Apex seregios. The scales hurt, but did not leave anything but a bruise. the bigger seregios then slams him into the roof, riding him to the bottom of the station, where the group saw jett getting mauled. Jett fought back, since he became infected with the same virus that changed the bigger one into a killer. "Fight dammit! Fight!" jett's instinct shouted as his scales rise from his body, and he roars with rage as he used the opponent's lust for victory against him. the two fight, but jett feigned death as he turned apex himself, his scales getting harder, muscles getting slightly bigger, and a black vapor emanating from his body, just like the bigger one, but one thing the other did not have, was jett had intelligence, and once apex, he used his tail to trip the adversary, and bites the big brute's neck, and biting hard and deep. Black blood from the virus drips as the big seregios' life fades away one drip at a time. to finish the job, jett scratched the big one's belly, and left massive gashes, where tissue is torn almost to the vital organs. Jett then roars out of victory and happiness as he looked at the group of people that witnessed the whole battle. @Crono @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
The blonde rolled his eyes at Ivory's words, "I hadn't realized just how sad you'd gotten. Doesn't suit you at all, it's kind of awkward actually." Carter snorted at Perry's threat and looked at him, "Parker, you couldn't stuff me anywhere. I know something you could stuff though, my foot, your ass." Then Pyrite was telling Carter to take the deal, seriously? Narrowing his eyes at Pyrite he slapped the blade against the cell bars to make a loud metallic noise, "I'm not some damned soul that needs saving, especially by the likes of you."

He wasn't stupid though, he brought his hand up to his chin, and thought about it. "I just killed five cops..." Holding his sword out he pointed at the two closest, in the room. "...and still you ask for my help. Your either stupid or hopeful, maybe both. What makes you think the rest of your team is willing? I mean you did take
him, " Carter nodded his head towards Pyrite in his cell, "so I'd guess there's room for crazies." About then was when the explosion came from behind Perry as the roof caved in towards the main part of the station and Carter looked on in curiosity.
Pyrite shrugged, "Well, I tried." he was about to back up when the roof caved in and destroyed his cell, he would look at the sight before him but upon seeing the massive pigeon from earlier that put him in this mess to begin with, he ignored it. He rushed forward and picked up two nightsticks from the dead guards and turned to face Carter, "If you're not gonna help, I'm bringing you in "Edge" come on, hit e with your best shot." As he finished his sentence the Apex's blood sprayed over him and multiple emotions filled his body. Rage, fear, disgust, mostly disgust though, as a scream got caught in his throat and made the scene before an outsider look like Pyrite did something terrible.

@Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @Crono
LokiofSP said:
Pyrite shrugged, "Well, I tried." he was about to back up when the roof caved in and destroyed his cell, he would look at the sight before him but upon seeing the massive pigeon from earlier that put him in this mess to begin with, he ignored it. He rushed forward and picked up two nightsticks from the dead guards and turned to face Carter, "If you're not gonna help, I'm bringing you in "Edge" come on, hit e with your best shot." As he finished his sentence the Apex's blood sprayed over him and multiple emotions filled his body. Rage, fear, disgust, mostly disgust though, as a scream got caught in his throat and made the scene before an outsider look like Pyrite did something terrible.
@Steel Zinogre @Pyosimros @Crono
Jett roared, reacting to the Officer's scream, and turned and ran on all fours in a different direction, leaving scratch marks from his hard, and sharps scales. The blood of the fallen apex monster now pools around the body, black as night, with the viscosity of thick slime. Jett was only trying to defend himself, but made the situation even worse when the Frenzy Virus changed him into an apex killer. It was not his fault, but it will be viewed as such later.
"He glanced, I'm sure it's not a coincidence."

"Course of action?"

"Just continue. No point in doing any of the other options."

"Alright." He heard an explosion in the direction of the station from his enhanced hearing. "You heard it too"

"Of course. Let's just continue following this guy to the station."
It wasn't until Pyrite screamed that Carter actually realized just how much of a different person he was now. Though seconds before Pyr- Morgan was ready to fight him, even after he'd started considering the deal.

Connor was considering his options when he noticed the people on the sidewalk we're herding towards him, away from the station. Some we're talking about the station and Connor groaned, he didn't have time to figure out what this potential stalker was about, possibly just a journalist or something. Instead he sprinted forwards, dodging through the crowd and half onto the street as he made his way to the station. I swear this guy is more trouble than Ivory was already, and Ivory was heaps of it.

With the front door half off it's hinge he stepped inside to see a scene he wasn't quite sure he could put together. A bird creature going crazy, another dead, a large hole in the roof, Pyrite covered in blood, dead officers, Perry?...and him..or rather his clone. He stood staring blankly for a moment as he analyzed before he pulled the shield off his back and threw it straight at Carter, "You!" He yelled out.

"Me!" Carter yelled right back amused with a grin as he brought his sword up defensively and spread his feet to ready for the impact, the two vibranium weapons crashing into each other and making a reverberating like noise before the shield fell to the floor.
Pyrite began to breath in and out, he was covered in blood with bodies everywhere, a situation he was all to familiar with. He calmed himself down with a few breaths when the clanging of vibranium brought him back to reality. He weighed him options and decided that Conner could take his clone, and it was better to track down the giant killer bird. Running from the situation and following the trail, he eventually came to Jett and began to stalk the creature...

@Steel Zinogre
The noise hit jett like a truck, since his ears are not used to the loud sounds of metal colliding with metal. he screeched, sounding like a really high pitched eagle, since the pain hurt him a lot. He then kept on running, fleeing the scene. he tried to fly, but a massive hole on the webbing of his wings prevented him from doing so. He is now grounded, and pounded the ground with his front talons out of frustration. @LokiofSP @Crono @Pyosimros
Pyrite whistled as he got closer, twirling a nightstick as he did so. When he got to Jett's face he crouched, "See pigeon? I knew you were no ggod. Who knows what would have happened if I trusted you? Probably would have ended up as a stain on the curb.....Actually I now wish I had got on your back. Anyways, I'm putting you down before you hurt something else."

@Steel Zinogre

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