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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Fortune had been walking through the park when she had seen a ship crash down, sensing a potential bad situation had slipped away to get into her "costume" and reappeared.
"Remember what we practiced, put your hands on your hips, puff out your chest and put on the most heroic and commanding voice you can muster. And remember, no cursing!"

"I still don't get why I have to fucking do this, there are Avenger's for shit like this." She sighed and did as he asked, "Hold feinds! I come in the name of justice, I am......Okay the name is a work in progress"

"Beautiful, like reading an old Captain America comic! I would shed a tear if I could."

"Leave now and I may- I may..." Her eyes twitched and she yelled, "FUCK IT! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" She huffed for a few moments before regaining composure, "That felt so much better!"

Bob fell to his ghostly knees and wailed,"Why?! She was doing so well!"

@Steel Zinogre @InsaneKiller19
"M'am, I suggest you calm the hell down before I will defensive;y open fire." Maxton said as he giggled at Braziel's joke. "Good one big guy, Your brains are bigger than Drax's, which is mostly a good thing." he said, hoping braziel will not take his comment as an insult. @InsaneKiller19 @LokiofSP @National
Fortune looked around awkwardly at Rayne's comment but fell enraged once more at Brazil's. She got on her tippy toes to attempt to meet his eyes but was still to short, so she forced Bob to lift her up until she met eye level with the huge man. To the outside eye however she was levitating, "You got a fucking problem with how I talk Beefcake? Well grow the fuck up! At least I don't take steroids until my dick is microscopic, like you clearly do!"

She blinks and then just stands besides Max, feeling a bit comfortable with him. She just decided to listen to them, watching the scene play out "Do you have to yell?" she asks her after a moment of silence
LokiofSP said:
Fortune looked around awkwardly at Rayne's comment but fell enraged once more at Brazil's. She got on her tippy toes to attempt to meet his eyes but was still to short, so she forced Bob to lift her up until she met eye level with the huge man. To the outside eye however she was levitating, "You got a fucking problem with how I talk Beefcake? Well grow the fuck up! At least I don't take steroids until my dick is microscopic, like you clearly do!"
He then pulls out his silenced magnum, Clearly tired of her potty mouth. "One more time, Calm the hell down before I open fire on your hostility." Maxton said to Fortune in the calmest tone possible. "And that Beefcake is of godlike proportions, so i suggest you show some respect." (I thought of that one indiana jones scene where he shot a guy showing his swordsmanship.)
(That was a funny scene.) Braziel looks at the girl. "My penis is at fine proportions thank you very much. I am sure your ancestors felt it." Which couldve been true, since he was from an ancient time. He feels another presence with the girl, but he couldnt put his finger on it.
Her eyes widen a bit looking Braziel before looking away awkwardly, coughing a bit "I'm just gonnna um.....check out the pod....you guys are free to join after this um...conversation.." she walks over to the pod, not daring to look back as she started to blush
Fortune hushed the other two, "Hush kids the adults are speaking." She turned to Brazil and her eyes twitched under her mask ask she got deathly quiet, "Did you just make a joke about fucking my ancestors?" She began to laugh as she slowly began to descend and in the blink of an eye did a 180 and screamed at the top of her lungs, "FUCK YOU!" All the sudden Bob had squeezed Maxton's gun shut and had slapped Rayne as Fortune herself darted around Brazil, scratching him occasionally

"Fortune what the hell?! We could have used diplomacy!"


@Steel Zinogre @InsaneKiller19
National said:
(That was a funny scene.) Braziel looks at the girl. "My penis is at fine proportions thank you very much. I am sure your ancestors felt it." Which couldve been true, since he was from an ancient time. He feels another presence with the girl, but he couldnt put his finger on it.


LokiofSP said:
Fortune hushed the other two, "Hush kids the adults are speaking." She turned to Brazil and her eyes twitched under her mask ask she got deathly quiet, "Did you just make a joke about fucking my ancestors?" She began to laugh as she slowly began to descend and in the blink of an eye did a 180 and screamed at the top of her lungs, "FUCK YOU!" All the sudden Bob had squeezed Maxton's gun shut and had slapped Rayne as Fortune herself darted around Brazil, scratching him occasionally
"Fortune what the hell?! We could have used diplomacy!"


@Steel Zinogre @InsaneKiller19
"Goddamn, do she kiss her dad with that mouth?" Ruby said as maxton groaned. "Shoot, I wish the cap were here to shut her up." maxton replied to her.
She rubs her cheek as she got slapped, before growling at Fortune "Hey bitch! Get the fuck out of here and come back when your fucking calm!" she yelled at her "And for your friend, I hope he dies a painful death..." She then blinks stepping back a bit "Um....my bad.." she gulps never yelled before as she then just goes to the pod and examines it, trying to clam herself down
InsaneKiller19 said:
She rubs her cheek as she got slapped, before growling at Fortune "Hey bitch! Get the fuck out of here and come back when your fucking calm!" she yelled at her "And for your friend, I hope he dies a painful death..." She then blinks stepping back a bit "Um....my bad.." she gulps never yelled before as she then just goes to the pod and examines it, trying to clam herself down
(Sorry, quick FYI, Bob can't be seen unless someone has a similar thing as he is, or there is a legitimate reason in RP that made it so. It's not even something she can control, like she turns his visibility on or off, it just works that way)
Braziel grins as she scratches his skin, only scratching the spots that were itching. "Thanks for that." He looks at Max's gun. "He felt it again! The presence.

Richie lands his ship as hr walks out muttering. "Cmon Strout, I wanna buy some supplies to make your room on my ship so you feel more comfortable. " As Richie he walks, he spots Maxton. "No way..." he whispers
LokiofSP said:
(Sorry, quick FYI, Bob can't be seen unless someone has a similar thing as he is, or there is a legitimate reason in RP that made it so. It's not even something she can control, like she turns his visibility on or off, it just works that way)
( just pretend she yelled at fortune only then
National said:
Braziel grins as she scratches his skin, only scratching the spots that were itching. "Thanks for that." He looks at Max's gun. "He felt it again! The presence.
Richie lands his ship as hr walks out muttering. "Cmon Strout, I wanna buy some supplies to make your room on my ship so you feel more comfortable. " As Richie he walks, he spots Maxton. "No way..." he whispers
"I AM STROUT!" Strout said with excitement as he saw maxton. 'It's one of Peter quill's kids!'
She looks over seeing strout and Richie, she waves at Richie rubbing her cheek with her other hand before checking out the pod again
Richie grabs one of his Space rifle and puts in a spceial gag bullet inside. Whatever it hits zaps them with a slight shock. He fires it right at maxtons ass to get his attention.
Fortune smiled evilly as an idea popped into her head, "You like that?! Then how about this!" She reeled back a leg, "FUCK YOU!" She kicked him the his genitals (Really not sure what word to put there, so Ima be safe, lol) so hard that her leg went flying off, she smiled for a few moments before frowning, "Oh great! Now I gotta take care of this!" She began to hobble to her leg.

Bob looked on in horror, "Oh my god....Why?! What sort of eternity have I been forced into?"

@Steel Zinogre @InsaneKiller19
Brazuel grins as his nuts get hit hard, but there was no pain. "Blessed by the god of love herself, Aphrodite. The genitals harder than iron."
Fortune grumbled as she put her leg back on, "I really hate this fucker now..." She fixed her leg and walked up to him, "I don't know what you're smoking but clearly it shouldn't be done in front of children in a public park. There are no gods and this isn't Greece dummy! Now go back to your crack den, please and thank you."

Much harder than steel. I exceed even vibranium. A demigod is nothing to mess with. I remember fighting Thor.." he lost thought as he was thinking about their glorious thoufht before he snaps back go reality, and he looks at Fortune. "I know this isnt Greece now, we are in America. But do you ever wonder who is watching?"
National said:
Richie grabs one of his Space rifle and puts in a spceial gag bullet inside. Whatever it hits zaps them with a slight shock. He fires it right at maxtons ass to get his attention.
Maxton felt the shock and looked at richie and strout. "Hey boys! How you lovebirds been?!" he called.

LokiofSP said:
Fortune smiled evilly as an idea popped into her head, "You like that?! Then how about this!" She reeled back a leg, "FUCK YOU!" She kicked him the his genitals (Really not sure what word to put there, so Ima be safe, lol) so hard that her leg went flying off, she smiled for a few moments before frowning, "Oh great! Now I gotta take care of this!" She began to hobble to her leg.
Bob looked on in horror, "Oh my god....Why?! What sort of eternity have I been forced into?"

@Steel Zinogre @InsaneKiller19
Fortune was about to do something witty when he heard him ask who was watching, she snorted, "Okay big guy, now I know you're on something, nobody is watching us."She turned to Rayne, "Do you believe this guy?"


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