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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Braziel helps the children as he nods at Rayne. "Hello Rayne. What have you been up to?" He helps the children into the hospital side, and then Braziel picks up the colossal ship and sets it slowly down on the other side of the tower. "Shit parking." He mutters
Behind the door was Ivory's familiar face, but with recently cut short white hair and a skinniee body. It was Pyrite, with bags under his eyes and a face full of regret, his white hair had been cut and his old attire replaced by a purple hoodie and jeans "Um... hello, I heard about your loss over the comms, wanted to give my condolences, particularly to Tanya, if she's anything like she was back in my world, she's in a bad place right now."

@Pink Gorilla
"Yeah....yeah. I read you Cassandra." Connor said through the comms as he pushed himself out of the pilots chair. How had this mission gone so wrong? Somehow they'd left with half the team they'd sent in dead, and honestly Connor almost felt disoriented about the ordeal. He couldn't stop Ivory, he'd let Kelai go after Vicky on his own, he'd lost track of Helga, and he couldn't stop Redd for going back for anyone trapped. It was like it was a dream, but he knew it wasn't so he shook his head. "How's the kid?" He asked all the while moving towards the exit of the ship, he needed air and that meant getting out of this damned flying machine.

Jamie stared at Pyrite then slammed the door in his face. Vicky turned towards her.

"Who was it?" She asked.

"An asshole." Jamie signed.
"Redd's dead and Terry's having some sort of mental breakdown a few blocks away from the robot. What happened to you guys?" She asked. It seemed like much more people were harmed from this.
Jordan fell through the window of the girls' hideout, mainly because he was too lazy to actually make the effort to gingerly climb through the window. Jordan stood up and brushed himself off "You called?"
"Wow, insulting the one thing that could end everyone here without so much as a whisper" Jordan said clearly making small talk...he wasn't the best at small talk "I mean really, I saved you...you...you...and...wait where's the other one" He pointed at (insert the names of the girls he saved when he first appeared...y'know...the ones in the armored truck...that he made crash...and killed two random people....) he looked for Tanya, who he was pretty sure he had saved from buckethead during that whole registration crap "Not important, you'd think I'd at least get some sort of respect."
"I'm surprised you didn't hear the chatter over the commlink, we had casualties. Do you need help with them?" Honestly he wasn't in the mood, sure he cared about Terry's well being and recovering Redd's body but he didn't want to be dealing with it after that mission. Not that he wanted to find a hole to sink into, but a break would be nice, where he could grieve. However the fact was taking a break wasn't in the SuperHero job description, "Where are you located exactly?" Finally he stepped off the ship, glancing over at the base nearby.
(It is in Jordan's SuperHero job description, he doesn't do jack shit.)

A voice came from behind Connor "Would you like me to find them? I'm good at that..." But there was nothing behind him
Connor spun around to face whoever had spoken, only to find that nobody was there. His first thought was an enemy, but the fact that the voice had offered to help and hadn't sounded threatening had him ease off that idea. He had just come back from a mission though so anything could have snuck onboard the ship. "Who's there?"
"Between Oscorp and the ruins of Stark Tower. Just follow the two skyscrapers with holes in them," Cassandra said and crouched down. "Hey, what happened?" She said softly over to Terry.

Pain... So much pain... Terry thought as memories started flowing through him. He saw himself, but he didn't recognize the events. First, it was him rejecting the sign up and flying away. Second, it was him fighting for the opposite side. But now nothing really changed except public knowledge of him. "Yah... I'm fine. Headaches," He mumbled and slowly sat up.
Pyrite sighed and sat down, where did everything go so wrong in his life? Oh yeah, when he got captured like an idiot and got turned into a terrible hero eating monster. He looked down at his hands and rubbed his eyes, "I mean, I knew once the hunger stopped I would be me again but, I never stopped to think about it all." He rubed his eyes that was now to tired of crying to cry anymore, he was so utterly fucked! He wanted to go back to a time were he was just a simply techie among gods, back when he had freinds to talk to, back before he had seen enough shit to make him understand things he didnt understand!

Back before he killed for fun. Now all he was was a lost soul in a world he didn't belong, with the deaths of thousands on his hands. He got up and walked into the house, eager to make peace before he jumped off a bridge or some shit. He walked in on the girls and Jordan, and cleared his throat, "Look, Im sorry but I just want to talk."

@LucianGrey7971 @Pink Gorilla

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