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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Brziel nods. " I got vibranium as a reward. The black panther is inactive right now."

Richie continues to drive at top speeds, the ship starting to leave the atmosphere.
Terry was afraid if he zipped to the helicarrier in a few mere seconds it would hurt Redd even more. For now, Terry took his time to the helicarrier, it was better then ripping Redd to pieces. "Almost there. Just hold on," He mumbled again as he saw the helicarrier on the horizon.
Pyosimros said:
Terry was afraid if he zipped to the helicarrier in a few mere seconds it would hurt Redd even more. For now, Terry took his time to the helicarrier, it was better then ripping Redd to pieces. "Almost there. Just hold on," He mumbled again as he saw the helicarrier on the horizon.
"Can't.... Hold out..... Much.... Longer..." redd said as the power drops to 5 percent and slowly dropping.
"Risk taking time," Terry gritted his teeth and shot through the air in a yellow blur. Navigating through most of the towers, all was left with the carrier itself. "We're here. I'll get you into the repair-" He quickly cut off when he felt as though he took a drill to his head without his helmet. "Argh!' He shouted and dropped Redd on instinct to touch his head. "No!" He screamed and zipped towards the falling robot.
"Just gotta..." Pushing a button and pushing a lever forwards the craft started to rise. The news of Kelai's likely death had him angry and sad at the same time, there was a button that he spotted that had the blonde letting out a sigh of relief, it helped knowing someone had gotten Redd out as well. Hitting auto-pilot and putting in the co-ordinates for New York, once the craft started moving on it's own he slouched back into the seat.

A knot hit his stomach as he closed his eyes but it wasn't because of the flying. No, it was because of just how much they'd just lost.
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Pyosimros said:
"Risk taking time," Terry gritted his teeth and shot through the air in a yellow blur. Navigating through most of the towers, all was left with the carrier itself. "We're here. I'll get you into the repair-" He quickly cut off when he felt as though he took a drill to his head without his helmet. "Argh!' He shouted and dropped Redd on instinct to touch his head. "No!" He screamed and zipped towards the falling robot.
Redd plummets to the ground, and then powers down, due to critical damage, and he had no more power. Now he was a lifeless husk.
Richie and Strout leave the atmosphere in the space ship, and they zoom straight towards the moon, soon to collide and crash into the moon, nearing death. "If they dies, why don't I go with them?!" Richie shouts as they rapidly close in.
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Rayne gets off as she lands on the ground and then places her headphones on her neck as she listens to music looking around
National said:
Richie and Strout leave the atmosphere in the space ship, and they zoom straight towards the moon, soon to collide and crash into the moon, nearing death. "If they dies, why don't I go with them?!" Richie shouts as they rapidly close in.
"I AM STROUT!!" he said as he bitch slapped Richie with his massive hand. 'Because I don't want to fucking die like a bitch like you do!!'
Richie bitch slaps him back. "Hey. Back up you tree, or I'll let my dog friends piss on you!" Richie pulls up the ship as they hover above the moon.
National said:
Richie bitch slaps him back. "Hey. Back up you tree, or I'll let my dog friends piss on you!" Richie pulls up the ship as they hover above the moon.
"I am Strout." Strout said, saying 'Suicide is never an answer. I know you have lost many friends, but being a bitch won't cut it, and they would never want you to do that. They would want you to be strong, and tall as a tree.'
Stratos jumped down with her and waved "I'm....uhmmm...stratos" he said thinking of his name at first, he pointed to the building she was on "you wanna join the battle against thanos?"
"Redd!" Terry cried. It was already too late. Though he couldn't think of the death caused by himself and he had to avoid crashing onto the pavement. "Come on pull up!" He shouted to himself and slowly started going up. The speed he was flying with however quickly got out of control and he shot through two skyscrapers before he hit another wall.
Stratos was sat down next to his tower before yang whispered in his ear "chaos, death is near." Stratos got up quickly as yin and yang formed physically out of his aura and spoke at the same time "you can save them....".Stratos felt where the chaos was and tried to focus on where it was he closed his eyes hard and pictured the area as he traveled threw a abyss of sadness which was him teleporting, he exited the abyss landing ontop of a plane " there "
"I'm no bitch. And trees have no feelings." He said coldly as the plane continues to hover. He takes a U-Turn, and gets ready to go back to earth. "I just can't believe you call yourself heroes. It seems more of us die then get saved." He says into the comm, talking to everyone.
The SHIELD craft arrived back in New York just as Richie spoke into the commlink, Connor grit his teeth as he turned it off so he couldn't hear the rodent anymore. Not that he blamed Richie, he understood that he'd lost his closest friends. But he wasn't the only one who'd lost friends, and the raccoon was right. They had lost more than they saved, Connor understood that well.

The auto-pilot had the ship landing by the warehouse that the girls had been using as a base. Though after the landing Connor made no immediate movement to get out of the chair or leave the ship.
Stratos once again arrived at the new avengers tower he made, he had a bit of blood in his eyes. Stratos yawned and sat down and closed his eyes using creation to renovate the new tower, he would then open his eyes yawning.
All the girls immediately got off the ship and ushered all the kids into the base. They spoke to no one else other than the kids. Tanya left for her room in tears as the rest of the girls got sleeping bags out for everybody. (TanyaxIvory ship is dead to...)
(Vicky and kelai shop is alive, but vicky doesn't know it.)

Brazisl helps the children inside as he picks up the heavy equipment and takes it inside.
Looks at him, "I am already joining the fight...and I am Rayne, nice to meet you" Before helping Brazisl. Corvus and Odis got off and brought they're steeds along, they looked around in utter confusion as they didn't know where the hell they were at
"Hello? Tanya? Allison? Anyone?" Cassandra said through her comm. Whenever I'm on a mission something bad happens to the others. When I'm back everything just ended, She thought and began walking through the streets. First, she saw a collapsed building with dead bodies scattered inside. It's not like she's never seen anything like this happen in other places but she didn't expect it to happen here. "But villains are attracted to this place like flies," She mumbled and kept walking. Next, she found a giant broken robot. "Redd," Cassandra sighed and looked up. There were two giant holes through two skyscrapers. Redd could've been thrown but the robot should've been able to survive. "Redd's dead," She announced through her comm and put on her symbiote. Now to find what was making those holes, She thought and swung forwards. 750 ft later she stopped abruptly when she saw a familiar yellow and black figure curled up in a ball. "I found Nova."

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