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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"What the hell!?" Perry exclaimed as he swerved away from Helena and darted into the ground. For a few seconds, he was dazed and he slowly stood up and shook his head. When he looked up, he was in shock. Ready to disarm them all, he was already too late when Ivory knocked them all out. For now, he couldn't focus on the children and he looked over at the villains. He would request a pick up on the children later anyways. Shooting a web over at Helena, it quickly swerved and stuck to the wall behind her. Projectiles can't hit her... He thought and used the web on the wall to swing closer to Skull Face.
Kelai growls as he looks at The Boss. "I am guessing this was some type of plan, and hopefully not a betrayal. You wouldn't harm Vi- all of your own girls, would you? Aren't they your pride and joy?" Kelai's chi slithers around, the chaos around them still unfolding. @Pink Gorilla
Ivory was a wreck, he kept shaking and wouldn't seem to come out of it....

....Until he did He slowly got up as he realized this had happened to many times, and although it hurt to see things the way they were, he couldn't just sit here and let everybody down, that's what it meant to be an Avenger, to NEVER back down, and it was about time Ivory started doing that.

He turned to Conner, "A-Alright, we need to call a tactical retreat before it gets to bad, we have useful info, lets use that and plan more of a plan instead of some half assed revenge fueled rampage."

"It's like you read my mind." Connor said, that had been his plan after sorting Ivory out, to try and get a retreat going. But hearing Ivory say it, was like confirming his thought process. The blonde pushed the commlink button in on his ear, "I'm sounding the retreat. Everyone start grouping up and backing off, if they take this chance to retaliate we can't all be caught up in it. So some of us take the north exit out of the base and rest take the south exit. We'll rendezvous at the ship." Turning his eyes back on the battle he watched and waited from behind his shield, he and Ivory could make an easy escape from their position off to the side but Connor had no plans on leaving until he saw the others getting away first.
Boss just stared at Kelai, but looked at Skull Face, seeing he was distracted. She signed 'Get the kids out, but don't tell the others. She grabbed her helmet and ran. Helena shot a blast right infront of where Perry was crawling.
Ivory nodded at Conner's instructions and began to pull Perry away while he called out on comm, "Alright! We need a tactical retreat everyone, I repeat, tactical retreat!"

@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
LokiofSP said:
Ivory nodded at Conner's instructions and began to pull Perry away while he called out on comm, "Alright! We need a tactical retreat everyone, I repeat, tactical retreat!"
@Steel Zinogre @CasualDragon
Cassie growls. "Why?! We can..... Fuck it! Whatever!" she shouted as her and minerva follow the group, cindy was met by the group as they enter the ship. Warpath cocks his gun with loud gears cranking, and pondered whether or not he should shut himself down. for good.
Vicky answered her comm. "I am being held hostage by one group of the dead soldiers. It is in one of the rooms in the base."
Ivory looked at Cassie, "Just because you're doing fine doesn't mean everyone else is." He threw Perry away and let him run, "You get to the ship as well, I think I'm gonna make sure that everyone gets out with Conner."

@Steel Zinogre @Crono @Pyosimros
Kelai nods to no one. "Alright Vicky, I'm coming!" Kelai could feel the island start to shake and crumble. It was on the verge of collapsing. Kelai runs down the hall and slams through each room, continuing to search. At the final door, he takes a deep breath and kicks it down. @Pink Gorilla
The dead soldiers turned to him and began to charge. Vicky was sitting in the back of the room. ( the dead soldiers I am basing them off of are actually a lot more fucking terrifying then I imagined.)
The retreat was looking good other than the one complaint, and Kelai was headed to get Vicky and their foes had yet to try and actually stop them or chase after them at this point. Connor questioned if this was a good thing or not. Finn and Perry we're of the last to fall back as well as Ivory who had stayed behind like him to make sure everyone got out. Though there hadn't been a peep from Tanya and the other girls in a long while, there was always the possibility they we're with Vicky. The fact that the building was starting to shake a little was certainly amping up the urgency to leave, but the blonde didn't trust this to have gone so smoothly. No, something was off, they'd been too ready for this attack and if they weren't just going to take the Avengers out then they had to have another objective. Before he could put another thought into it he almost lost his balance and turned to look at Ivory, "We've gotta go!" He said then started sprinting towards the exit, nailing a few of the dead with his shield as he went. Perry had webs and Finn...well Finn had Smasher, they'd be right behind them.

@LokiofSP @Pyosimros @Pink Gorilla @CasualDragon
kelai shouts back into the comm. "Fall back big guy. Don't come. Well be fine everyone. Just get to safety." Kelai rips through the first two guards, and he continues to attack. He rips down another, but two of them slash his chest. Two nice gashes appear, and he crushes the two undeads skills in. He hurries over to Vicky. "Are you okay?" He starts to unbind her. @Steel Zinogre @LokiofSP @Pysimros @CasualDragon
Ivory simply stood his ground and looked down for a few moments, "Conner. I-I'm sorry." He shoved him back with the child soldiers before placing a thick barrier between them. He handed Conner four different letters with different names on them, "Make sure these get to the right people, I'm gonna make sure this place goes down, that way maybe I can stop kids from becoming what I became." He took off his mask and gave Conner one last smile, "Don't be mad please." He gave one last saute and ran deeper inside...

"I said go away Redd. Get out, or I'll rip you to pieces." Kelai says, seriousness and coldness in his voice as he breaks his comm. He breaks Vicky's binds, and the building starts to shake more violently, piece of the roof collapsing, and a large piece of it blocks off Redd. @Steel Zinogre @Pink Gorilla
(Really dude. I had like an entire thing I wanted to do, but you just completely throw that out the window. Stop godmodding. @Steel Zinogre )
Vicky stumbled along, not going very fast. "My head hurts.." She mumbled and kept walking.

(Is it cool if all the children are already on the ship? I kind of want to make everyone's character confused
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Vicky stumbled along, not going very fast. "My head hurts.." She mumbled and kept walking.
(Is it cool if all the children are already on the ship? I kind of want to make everyone's character confused

(You mean the kid soldiers? Yeah, I could edit my post if you want)
National said:
(Really dude. I had like an entire thing I wanted to do, but you just completely throw that out the window. Stop godmodding. @Steel Zinogre )
(do whatever you like, I just removed it.) Redd then fights his way out of the base, knowing kelai will survive. "Hope he will be fine." he said as he turned into a tank and rolled away.
Connor struggled against the barrier after shoving the letters into his suit, "Dammit Ivory don't do this!" He called out watching Ivory's figure disappear. "Your always so rash and think too much on your own." Connor said grumbling emotionally, which of course kickstarted his powers. Though this time he focused that raw emotion into his hands, just enough to freeze a single part of the webbing and broke free. He was sure to clear the frozen sections and connect the still sticky parts for those still inside before rushing off down the hallway after Ivory and clicked on his comm once again. "Your not Ivory the lonesome hero, your an Avenger, a part of a team and your going to realize that if I have to shove the idea into your head over and over!"

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