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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

TheMADQ said:
(Just wondering if anyone has any free characters. Or if there are am y hero's that want to fight a villain who arn't already)
(I think mot of us are tied up at the moment, I do know that @Pyosimros is free though)
Cindy finds a book that she was locked in thanks to ivory being overprotective. The book was called The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. "Huh. This looks old, but looks good to read too." She muttered as she turned on a light and set off to reading as she removed her suit, and found some comfy clothing to wear. Minerva grew worried about Luna as she curled up in a corner, whimpering and occasionally screeching, since she wanted helga alive again. With what had happened, Luna could not take anymore, she was beyond the breaking point, and was now in a grieving/ depressed state. Minerva goes off to fins finn, but tells luna first before leaving her. On Deck, Warpath reflects on his actions towards ivory, and feels regret, and pain from the memories. "I wish I could start over....... Maybe stop Hades from hurting ivory." redd said in a sad tone. "But alas...... Time travel isn't an option at this point." he said as he continued to look at the stars. Cassie was slicing zombies apart, and raising her own army as she assisted with Skull Face.
Ivory realized he was holding Skull Face's actual head and gagged as he wiped his hands on his hood. H picked up Skull Face, "Alright, come on, we're putting you away for a long time, and by long time, I mean forever."

@Pink Gorilla
Mimic dodged Connor's attack and ran up to Ivory. She grabbed his shoulder and went to elbow him in the face. Haven took the punch to the stomach, but hardly even flinched. She just grabbed his head and started bringing down towards her knee.
Ivory took the punch and stumbled, he looked up at Mimic and back to Skull Face. He turned back and attempted to throw an uppercut and then following up with a leg sweep.

@Pink Gorilla
Kelais head collides with her knee, shooting his head right back up. He stumbles back, blood dripping from his nose. His Chi enwraps his fist until the color turns black, and he fires a much nastier, much more power full punch to the stomach. @Pink Gorilla
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Connor took this time while she was distracted to retrieve his shield, rushing down the hall he bypassed Mimic and Ivory heading straight for Skull Face. "She can't keep both of us here, swap out Ivory. We'll take turns." He said into his comm, raising his shield up in front of him as he neared the man attempting to tackle headlong into him.

@Pink Gorilla
Helena fired a rail gun shot at Connor's shield to launch him. Haven doubled over, took a few deep breaths than stood back. Mimic did a backflip to dodge his fist and elbow.
"I'm here!" Perry called out through his comm and kicked though the wall with assistance from his suit. "So. Who're we beating up today?" He asked as he walked inwards though he suddenly froze and looked at all the dead bodies. "He killed that much people!?" He shouted over at Connor. Oop! He's busy! Perry thought and his catapult boots propelled him todays Helena.
Haven blocks the kick, but gets hit by the uppercut. She stumbles backwards as her helmet begins to malfunction. Haven shakes her head and began stumbling away. Helena laughs because as soon as Perry would get to here, he would swerve away. Skull Face escapes Ivory's grip with the help of the dead soldiers. The zombie soldiers began to come towards Ivory. "Wait, bring out the new recruits." He smiled wickedly.

Quickly, the dead soldiers brought, several different children armed with guns. "Let's see how they fare in a fight. Kill him." The children look scared, but they all pointed their guns at Ivory.
Kelai growls. "You're a cruel bastard Skull Face!" He jumps up and throws a jump kick, hoping to knock out Haven. He started to wonder... Was Vicky okay? Where was she? "Where did you take Vicky?!" He shouts at Haven. @Pink Gorilla
Minerva then launches herself at Skullface, and missed the mark and whiffed him. Cindy Grew bored of the book, and found a lock picking kit. "Cool, now i can get the hell out of here." she said as she put on her suit. she grabs the lockpick kit, and gets to work. "we'll see who's the bitch now." she muttered. @LokiofSP
The kick didn't hit Haven, but knocked her helmet off. At first, she held her head, but then she lifted it. The face revealed to be The Boss' face, her blonde hair down around it. She looked at Kelai nervously.
His jaw couldn't have dropped any lower. His eyes widened like a dying fish as he looks at The Boss in awe and shock. "You're.. Alive?" Kelai stumbles back a little. "Now I know why you were beating my ass... We all thought you died!"
Ivory looked at the kids and instantly stumbled back in horror, not just at the sight of trained child soldiers, but of the familiarity of the situation. He looked between each one of them and saw different bloodily faces, some mauled with claw marks everywhere on their faces, others with bite marks and entire chunks of skin ripped off. He began to breath heavily as he fell to his knees and put his hands to his face, all of them looked at them with their beady little damn eyes and teary eyed expressions, they ranged from eight years old to fifteen in his mind. He looked at the one in the front and lost it.

The blue hair, the pretty electric blue lipstick and eye shadow, the confidence in her eyes and the puffed out chest. He reached out a hand to who used to be his best friend, his redemption.

And then the blue hair became matted with a deep red blood, they blue lipstick rubbed off, replaced by a busted lip, one of her oh so beautiful eyes ripped out, the other open wide in confusion and apology, the puffed out chest now replaced with bite marks and scars, only one word left her lips, "I'm sorry I made you do this."

He yelled one last time as out of pure instinct tentacles pushed the kids out and left them on the wall knocked out, Ivory however was left in a huddle as his memories flashed before his eyes.
( plot twist )

Victoria leave Alexandra at the house with her dad and uncle, as she walks in the street looking around for something or a specific someone. She looks around aimlessly to meet Rayne at a cafe
At his own house, Dimitri laid an enormous diagram on his desk. This was the plan he had been working on, ever since the last attack by Thanos. After feeling a presence behind him, Dimitri sighed and turned to face his clone, Rush. Before he could open his mouth, Rush spoke.

"I want to help you with Thanos. I want to be in the fight."

Dimitri looked up and to the right in thought, before replying. "Maybe. Let me ask you something. Are you scared of Thanos?"

"No! Of course not."

"Then I can't let you fight him. If you don't have a realistic view of your opponent, you're primed to lose. He is the single most threatening life form in the universe, and if that doesn't scare you, you're either stupid or-"

"Crazy. I know. I know the odds and I trust your plan as leader. Speaking of which... Why aren't you out there? Leading the fight against the skull?"

"I'm working. And maybe they should get used to fighting with their more permanent leader. Conner will do a great job, I know it."

"You're not saying what I think you're saying.... No. You can't, Dimitri. You can find a way."

"This is the only way to be sure we beat him, once and for all. I have to lay down on the wire. No? You don't get to tell me I can't, anymore than I could tell Marko... He couldn't..."
Stratos was walking around a city in between and a city full of action and adventure,he was traveling towards the other city since the one he was in was pretty much junk with no value at all, he ran quickly towards the city getting closer and closer soo seeing a tower with the words 'avengers'
ayumukatsuchia said:
Stratos was walking around a city in between and a city full of action and adventure,he was traveling towards the other city since the one he was in was pretty much junk with no value at all, he ran quickly towards the city getting closer and closer soo seeing a tower with the words 'avengers'
(Crap! Kinda awkward to bring this up now, but currently I'll give you some major events that happened last. Currently Iron-Man, Quicksilver and Thor have all died, Stark/Avenger's Tower was blown up, and about 9/10 of the current Avengers are off fighting a major threat. I'll get you something more in depth when I wake up.)
(@ayumukatsuchia Actually the Avengers Tower is currently a pile or rubble. :x )

An unconscious layer of Ice covered Connor's shield as the shot rang out, he had little time to adjust his shield to take the impact of the shot, it threw him off balance and back against the wall, ice shards shattering off the shield and falling to the floor below. Looking up to see Perry's arrival followed by the child soldiers, which was a shocker. Then Ivory froze which made Connor clench as he expected the worst. But Ivory got through it, until he didn't.

It was then that he realized just how unprepared for this they we're, this was a spur of the moment revenge mission and nobody tried to stop it.
He was supposed to stop it, Connor was supposed to be a voice of reason, but he was so caught up in this stupid pride and powers that he became a part of the problem in the end. They'd come here with the numbers, but this fight here and now things we're going downhill fast, and half of the team that had come on this mission weren't even here. There was no way to know how many more surprises Skull Face had up his sleeve, undead guards, soldier kids, Hollow, Helena, Haven, and Mimic? Not to mention the man himself.

These thoughts we're hitting Connor as he sprinted to Ivory's defense, keeping himself between the boy and the battle. Holding his shield up he looked over his shoulder at Ivory and grimaced, "Ivory, I need you to get a grip right now. You need to be able to get back to the ship, we can't spare anyone to get you there so you've got to figure it out."
Smasher lumbered forward when the kids came out. They were his age. These kids were his age and younger. He snorted and ran forward. Reaching out his hand he tried to push them around only enough that he could start to pry their guns away, but there were a lot of kids. Still he steeled himself and moved forward. Worse came to worst Connor had his shield and could block some of the bullets.

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