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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Kelai's state was making it more difficult to keep up with him, as Connor was attempting to be more cautious and watch their six as well. "She's probably busy with the guards. Why are you so worried all of a sudden?" He asked as he power walked to keep up, glancing back down the hallway behind them.
Kelai catches a bullet and reflects it right back into a guard. He grabs the corpse and chucks it down the hall, knocking out two other guards. Suddenly, a huge robot started to charge towards the two. Kelai's left fist gets surrounded by black chi as he slams his fist into the robot, crumpling its face in like tinfoil. "Something isn't right. Something feels off Connor." He says as he continues down the path. He looks down the hallway, and randomly picks one. He lifts his food up and slams the door in. @Crono @Pink Gorilla
An Apex Gravios appeared, and a Flame Diablos right next to it. Luna and helga growl at the new creatures as the gravios roared, and the Flaming diablos charged the two of them, hitting Luna's left eye, and gouged it out. Luna grew enraged from the pain, and smacks the flaming monster with her tail, stunning it. Helga focused on the Apex Gravios, punching its face continuously while the slime explodes on its face. the gravios fired a beam of flame, and put her to sleep with gas it excretes. She fell asleep, and luna shot a spike at helga, putting her into rage more powerful than any apex monster. Helga's slime turned yellow as she roared, howeevr, the Gravios stood its ground, and bites her leg. Helga slugged the monster on the back, breaking the shell and exposing the muscles and tissue within. The diablos then turns to rage, and then charged at helga, Stabbing her with its horns, the horns puncture her shell, and tear her heart and other organs apart. Luna sees the horror of her friend being killed, and ran off to find finn, scared and afraid of her own safety, she turned invisible as Helga was eaten alive, while still trying to fight. @CasualDragon
Skull Face stood up an put his hat on. "Let this game commence. But right before we do, ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce our mystery contestant." He said. A sudden telepathic shriek went through everyone's head. The dead guards began to rise off the floor and stand in weird bent positions. They would move haphazardly, making quick bursts of movement, then slow, as if time was speeding them up and slowing them down. Suddenly, they froze and open their mouths, making one distorted voice. "Hello, again." said Hollow.
Kelai watches the corpses wake up, and he grits his teeth. "Now we have a big problem." He grits his teeth as on of the guards club his shoulder. He cleanly cuts the guard down and starts to slaughter through the zombies. "Where are you Vicky? Can you see Skull Face?"

Richie pulls out his gun and blasts down the guards outside. "These guys are assholes."
Connor didn't have long to register the rising corpses before Kelai was already making his move, Connor threw his shield past him to take out a few of the guards but as he sprinted to catch up to both of them and re-acquire his weapon he was stopped by the shrieking in his head. Any amount of calm and concentration was broken as he clutched at his head, the ice started seeping along the floor and climbing the nearby walls. The first few zombified guards that tried to take advantage of this found themselves slipping and falling on the ice. The blonde was slightly aware, having one eye cracked open through the event.

The moment it was over he tried to collect himself, one guard did make it over the ice, grabbing his shoulder Connor was spun around, his palm pushing against the mans chest as the ice started forming and spreading slowly. As much as all this Ice was helping it only served Connor's own panic as he backed away, almost slipping on his own ice.
Pull yourself together! The blonde fumbled to grab his shield, running after Kelai and smashing any of the guards that got in the way against the wall as he went. Something was going down clearly, someone had made contact and hadn't reported to the others, Kelai had been right and if he still was that meant Vicky and Tanya we're in trouble. "Someone tell us what the hell is going on!?" He called out through the comm as he ducked a pair of swinging arms.
Rayne walks through the streets with nothing on her mind at the moment, so she just decided to wander around with nothing to do. She honestly didn't mind, she'll figure it out sooner or later anyways
Vicky stared Skull Face down. Skull Face turned towards Helena and Mimic. "Watch the hallways, dearies." They nodded and left the room. Vicky took advantage of the distraction and fired her fist at Skull Face, but Haven just kicked it out of the way. Tanya was the one to answer the comm.

"We are with Skull Face. Be advised. Helena and Mimic are watching the hallways leading up to the room." She said. The zombie guards began crashing through the ceiling at Connor and Kelai, trying to smash their heads. Jamie kept trying to pick them off, but they got up after each shot.
Kelai fires a blast of chi through the jorde, trying to get a clearing through the zombies. He grabs Connors shield and throws it with unimaginable strength, be a heading many of the corpses before it slams back into Kelais stomach. He grunts as he gives it back to Connor. "You keep that." He says as Kelai's chi rips apart surrounding corpses.
Smasher vaguely notices a small Luna worming through the soldiers his way and goes in the direction she had come from, tossing corpses over his shoulders left and right. There was a brief moment where he wondered why there were so many guards but he dismissed it as he continued on. As weird as things were, the walking dead wasn't even a thought that crossed his mind.

He arrived at where Helga was but upon seeing the scene in front of him, was unsure of what to do. There wasn't really anything he could do other than beat the snot from the monster before him. After stomping what felt like the same guard into the ground for the umpteenth time, Smasher was not thrilled to watch him get back up along with the others. He would have to rip them apart, but the little zombie torture family would have to wait. He held his head down and charged towards the beast that was in front of him, ignoring the blasts from the various types of firearms around him.

@Steel Zinogre
CasualDragon said:
Smasher vaguely notices a small Luna worming through the soldiers his way and goes in the direction she had come from, tossing corpses over his shoulders left and right. There was a brief moment where he wondered why there were so many guards but he dismissed it as he continued on. As weird as things were, the walking dead wasn't even a thought that crossed his mind.
He arrived at where Helga was but upon seeing the scene in front of him, was unsure of what to do. There wasn't really anything he could do other than beat the snot from the monster before him. After stomping what felt like the same guard into the ground for the umpteenth time, Smasher was not thrilled to watch him get back up along with the others. He would have to rip them apart, but the little zombie torture family would have to wait. He held his head down and charged towards the beast that was in front of him, ignoring the blasts from the various types of firearms around him.

@Steel Zinogre
Luna wanted to help Smasher, but she had too many feelings and emotions going through her head as she hid. Minerva observed Smasher, and decides to destroy the other beasts that were attacking him. With her fur turning gold, She roars and flails her arms about, Getting their attention. She then shoved her arm into the ground, and pulled out a massive chunk of earth, which she threw at the apex Gravios, and homed in on the Diablos of flame with her aerial spinning attack known as the Thunder Wheel, smashing its head in as she lands the final blow, once the monsters were dead, she looked at Smasher, and walked up to him, and sniffed him, and looked around his whole body, since she was getting to know him. She liked his build, and she looked at him, and held out her hand for a fist bump.
Ivory hit the ground with a thud once again. The soldiers began to stumble towards him once more as he got into his typical sloppy boxing stance once again. He swept the leg of one followed by an uppercut to the next and and quick tendril lashed out to one behind him. He shuffled back and looked on once again at the massive hoard in front of him, fifty or so men who refused to stay down crowded his hallway as he began to run out of options. He could fight one-on-one, hell maybe even a five-on-one if he was in the right mindset. But fifty-on-one was a death wish that he was realizing might actually com true, he looked around for any options he could think of when he spotted a small vent on the ceiling, seeing no other option he jumped to the wall and crawled into the ventilation, the shuffling and moaning behind him a reminder of the threat he faced.

He came to some sort of cargo holding space and assessed the damage, a few rips here and there and one or two bruises, not a big deal. He felt the hilly air bite his skin in the wide open room, he looked around and saw vents all around the room, possibly leading all throughout the building. He sighed and picked up his comm, "Uh hey, remember how you guys said use the buddy system? Yeah well I didn't do that, got my as-I mean but kicked, and ran away. Anyways, I'm open to help anybody who needs it so that said, anyone need any help out there?"
LokiofSP said:
Ivory hit the ground with a thud once again. The soldiers began to stumble towards him once more as he got into his typical sloppy boxing stance once again. He swept the leg of one followed by an uppercut to the next and and quick tendril lashed out to one behind him. He shuffled back and looked on once again at the massive hoard in front of him, fifty or so men who refused to stay down crowded his hallway as he began to run out of options. He could fight one-on-one, hell maybe even a five-on-one if he was in the right mindset. But fifty-on-one was a death wish that he was realizing might actually com true, he looked around for any options he could think of when he spotted a small vent on the ceiling, seeing no other option he jumped to the wall and crawled into the ventilation, the shuffling and moaning behind him a reminder of the threat he faced.
He came to some sort of cargo holding space and assessed the damage, a few rips here and there and one or two bruises, not a big deal. He felt the hilly air bite his skin in the wide open room, he looked around and saw vents all around the room, possibly leading all throughout the building. He sighed and picked up his comm, "Uh hey, remember how you guys said use the buddy system? Yeah well I didn't do that, got my as-I mean but kicked, and ran away. Anyways, I'm open to help anybody who needs it so that said, anyone need any help out there?"
"Hold on, Ivory. Warpath and I are in the base looking for a power switch. We will help you soon" cassie said before she went into the power room, and slashed the power controls.
Connor didn't have time to ask who the hell Helena was before he heard the crashing, watched as time slowed and the living corpses fell from above. There was little time to dodge, and in doing so he found himself slamming into the wall. Before he could even fight back Kelai had ripped the shield from his grasp, "Hey!" He called out, turning his back on Kelai as he went through series of kicks and hits to the dead on his side, annoyingly enough they weren't too bothered as they'd just get right back up.

There was an oof followed by the returning of his shield and he couldn't stifle the laugh, "Yeah, I think I will. Next time you...no, how about we not have a next time." The good thing was he didn't have to try and be gentle when he bashed his shield against their heads, they we're already dead so there was no point in holding back. "I hope your good on your feet!" Connor yelled out over his shoulder as he crouched down and placed both hands on the ground. Ice started spreading and cracking along the floor up and down the hallway, it was less about concentrating and more about just letting go, so he realized. It wasn't exactly like he'd had time to try and figure it all out before this messy business started. "Let's go!" He told Kelai and made a running effort before jumping onto his shield, using it as a sled of sorts and bowled through most of the corpses left standing
It's a good thing I've done this before, even if it didn't end well the first time. No the first time he'd ended up on his ass with an avalanche chasing after him. As long as he didn't fly out a window, this he could do.
Kelai slides on his knees, following Connor right behind him. "Now this is fun." He exclaims as he somersaults and continues to slide.
As the new creature showed up, Smasher decided to leave the big monster to it. It had a better chance anyways. He went back and started ripping the soldiers in half, and breaking the weapons to the point of unusable. When the room was... not very clean, Smasher returned the first bump before running and blindly breaking down doors and walls. He had no idea where all of these creatures were finding him. Find Skull guy, kill Skull guy, get what's left of Helga's body, get out.
Minerva followed luna and kept close, since luna was going back to the airship, so she will not end up like helga. After luna entered the ship, minerva sneaked in, and the door slams on its own. luna jumps and turns around, finding minerva following her. Then they growl and grunt at each other, communicating to eachother. 'What the hell!?' she said in screeching and growls as minerva replies, 'I want to leave this place, for too long I have lived on that hell hole of an island, where i have lived for 40 years!' she said though grunting and growls. Cassie and Warpath keep their guard up as they head to ivory, and as the backup generators activate. "We are coming to you, and do not give redd any shit when we arrive." cassie said as she sneaks along the dim corridors of the base, heading to ivory's location. @LokiofSP @CasualDragon
Ivory's eye twitched, "I don't need help! I was offering it, and besides there's about fifty undead guards between me and you guys, maybe more so stick to your da- I mean stick to your dang mission. Also fu- I mean scre-....You know what, you don't get to judge and reprimand me about how I treat Redd, he messed me up more than I was and killed my best friend! I can't think straight anymo-" He cut himself off realizing how emotional he was getting, "Just stick to your mission, find Skull Face and leave me be."

@Steel Zinogre
LokiofSP said:
Ivory's eye twitched, "I don't need help! I was offering it, and besides there's about fifty undead guards between me and you guys, maybe more so stick to your da- I mean stick to your dang mission. Also fu- I mean scre-....You know what, you don't get to judge and reprimand me about how I treat Redd, he messed me up more than I was and killed my best friend! I can't think straight anymo-" He cut himself off realizing how emotional he was getting, "Just stick to your mission, find Skull Face and leave me be."
@Steel Zinogre
"He still does not realize...... That it was not me who harmed him." redd said as cassie groaned. She then summons two Zombies that are very big in the upper body and arms. "Go my children, Kill them all." Cassie said as the two tanks charge the huge horde.
"I HEARD THAT!" He got into a vent and began to crawl, "Look, I understand it wasn't you Redd, but imagine this if you can, a man comes to your house and kills your family while leaving you to die. On your death bed, he comes to you and says sorry, that it was a different personality, but not to worry! Because he has it "under control" now! You wouldn't forgive him and the cops would arrest him, that's why I will NEVER trust you Redd, I called you family and accepted you, and I almost died for it."

@Steel Zinogre
Kelai slips in and crashes into the room with Skull Face and the girls. "I gotta kill the guy who hired me already? You gave me a good pay too." He gets up and faces Skull Face. "Any last words, or any wills or testaments that you want me to give to your kids?" @Pink Gorilla
LokiofSP said:
"I HEARD THAT!" He got into a vent and began to crawl, "Look, I understand it wasn't you Redd, but imagine this if you can, a man comes to your house and kills your family while leaving you to die. On your death bed, he comes to you and says sorry, that it was a different personality, but not to worry! Because he has it "under control" now! You wouldn't forgive him and the cops would arrest him, that's why I will NEVER trust you Redd, I called you family and accepted you, and I almost died for it."
@Steel Zinogre
Redd took a moment, and realized that ivory just proved a point. "You are right........ It may be meaningless to you..... But I am sorry." he said, accepting what ivory had said, and respected it.
Skull Face gave a chuckle. "Oh, I have plenty more words to speak. Haven, take care of him." She nodded and stepped in front of him. Unknown to Vicky, a zombie soldier came up behind her and grabbed her. It got ahold of her arms. Tanya began fighting others of so she couldn't get to her.

"Shit!" She yelled.
Ivory sighed,"I really

don't care if your sorry Redd, just know that the moment you step a toe outta line, you're scrap." He saw an open ventilation ahead and began to crawl faster, however he was so focused ahead that he forgot to look down at a vent that was coming up and landed on Kelai with a hard THUMP.


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