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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

A strange figure watches Victoria's family, unseen, and unknown to everyone, except maybe Vision. The figure watches as he looks at Victoria with the baby, the baby that was hers and Marko's. The figure watches calmly as Rayne visits them, and then leaves right after, not even her noticing he was there. @InsaneKiller19
( YES PLOT TWIST xD ) She was smiling while looking at her daughter, rocking her in her arms while walking around the living smiling as the baby was sleeping. Victoria kisses her forehead and whispers, "Don't worry about a thing sweetheart, even if Marko won't get a chance to be here...he will always watch over us. I just know it, and I know he loves you very much like I do...our little girl." She stops and looks around holding her daughter protectively, feeling like she was being watched
The cloaked figure appears outside the house, satisfied with what it has seen. He gets to the edge, ready to fly off, tugging his mask over his face so he wouldn't be recognized. @InsaneKiller19
She walks towards the front door and opens it, Victoria took one step out of the doorway looking at the mysterious figure "Who are you" she calls to him
Amelia dropped Allison off and Allison cloaked herself while Amelia circled the building. Tanya lowered Liona and Liona set off to secure the perimeter while Tanya told her where all the guards were. Vicky shot her hand at a wall so she wouldn't hit the ground hard. She set Jamie down and Jamie cloaked herself.

"How is everyone doing?" She asked over the comm.
The mysterious figure only sets down a package. He jumps up and flies away, not to be seen again. In the box was the power stone, and a note that read, "Alexandria was always one of my favorite names."

Kelai grabs his comm. "Just fine. I made my entrance that involves me crashing a scouter plane into their base." A large alarm was sounding off. "Wow that's really loud."
She walks over and then noticing he was gone, she sighs before looking down. Victoria smiles watching her wake up, "Morning my little flower.." She looks in the box and smiles seeing the power stone, but then looking at the message "Alexandria... That's pretty" she then looks at her "What do you think kiddo.." She claps making Victoria laugh "Alexandria it is..come on, I'm sure great uncle Mega Vision would like his power stone back." Alexandria giggles as Victoria picks up the box and walks inside kicking the door behind her. She walks over to her uncle and puts the power stone back, as Mega Vision was holding Alexandria playing with her little hands
Once he'd gotten low enough the parachute had opened up and Connor took hold of the straps, directing them to speed up his descent. He might not handle flying well but he could certainly land, because landing meant the flying was over...and that was a happy thought. Once he was close enough, just a few feet above the ground, he pulled the straps that let him slide out of the parachutes grasp and fall down. The blonde hit the ground running as he clicked on his earpiece after hearing the others, "I'm on ground level."

He was jogging alongside the building when he heard the footsteps from behind, turning his head he could see several guards with raised weapons pointed in his direction. Connor wasted no time in raising his shield for protection against the glass as he slammed through a window, rolling inside and ducking around a corner. It was only then did he realize how stupidly stupid this plan was, it wasn't even a plan honestly. Dive in and run around, that seemed like what they always did, except with the person they we're up against that was going to get them killed. They should have coordinated and created squads, had a plan other than find the guy and attack. They needed more intel, more of an idea of what they we're getting into before going in head first, and dammit where was Dimitri to do his job?
Kela jumps from behind Connor and dispatches two guards that were about to shoot the blonde Wonderboy. "Let's stick together. We'll work better as a squad." Kelai looks down the hall, signaling that the coast was clear. @Crono
Allison began dispatching off several different guards around the building and Liona took out the patrols. Jamie got rid off the watch tower guards and took her post in one of them, scouting the area. Vicky walked into the base with Tanya and fought off the guards when she realized something. "Guys, be extra careful. Something isn't right here...":
"It's like you read my mind." Connor told Kelai after watching him take down a pair of guards, the blonde then dashing down the hallway alongside him. Slowing down by a pair of Elevators he gives the other boy an arched brow, "So what do you think the chances are of a secret underground lair?"

Hearing Vicky over the commlink he sighed, "What, we're you hoping he'd be greeting us with open arms? Everyone try and buddy up, we don't need anyone getting caught out while they are alone." He added for safe measure.
With strout and richie walking with the team, Helga and luna walk to a different area, while Warpath carries cassie in his cockpit. "This will be fun." he said as cassie chuckles.
Richie sees a group of guards, and Richie grins as he pulls out his large space bazooka. "Now, let's see what this baby can do." He smirks as he fires away, and huge blasts of concussive energy blow apart the guards. "Headshot."

Kelai rips his hand straight through a guards stomach, and his chi slithers around and slits two guards before he continues to follow Connor.
Finn tucked and rolled when he hit the ground. When he had stood up and gotten a hold on his barings he peeled off the parachute and cords before heading to the hole that had been blasted in the building. So much for stealth. Guessing the others were somewhere else he ventured in to search for the Skull guy. Find him, call for back up, try to kill him. Find him, call for back up, try to kill him.

The place was massive, doors and rubble were everywhere, soldiers were everywhere. Finn ducked behind a stray piece of ceiling to avoid one group of jogging slabs of muscle and closed his eyes. He could either try to take them out using whatever he could find and use as a weapon, or he could shift. What if that brings every damn person my way? Well, that would clear the path for some of the others hopefully, and besides Finn was a terrible fighter. He let Smasher take over and quickly he jumped out and beat the now small looking group to a pulp before lumbering on his way.
Vicky and Tanya began looking through several different rooms, taking out more guards as they went. Finally, Vicky opened a door to find Skull Face sitting in an arm chair. He was holding a book and was wearing glasses. He licked his thumb and turned the page. "Good evening ladies." He looked up at Vicky who had a mixture if anger and fear in her face. "You look like you have seen a ghost." He stated. Haven just stood by his side, not saying a word.
Kelai felt as if something was wrong. He pulls out his comm as he snaps a guards neck. "Vicky, Tanya, are you guys okay?"
There was a roar from above that Connor recognized as Smasher, Kelai had lagged behind slightly in the hallway. Rounding a corner he spotted a pair of guards ahead, looking up in confusion at the noise and crashing from above. "Thanks Finn.." He whispered with a smile, reeling his arm back and sending his shield flying at the two oblivious men. One doubled over while the other fell over unconscious, but before the first could regain his composure Connor had already covered the distance between them and brought him down with a knee to the face.

Grabbing his shield he realized his hand was once again letting out a chill, a few specks of frost covering his glove. Giving it a quick frustrated shake he willed it to stop. Something was clearly bothering Kelai he realized as he turned back to look at him, which in turn was making Connor anxious himself.
"All I see is a dead man." Tanya stated.

"Oh, just wait. Let's play a game shall we? Like when you were kids. First let me introduce a few new players, as you brought a few yourself." He gestured his hand towards Haven. "This is Haven." Mimic and Helena walked into the room. "You already know they are. And we have one mystery guest!"
Whatever Kelai felt, he hated it. He motions Connor to follow as he fgoes down the corridor to search for her. Hr flips over a guard and slams two others against each other so hard, that their skulls caved in.
(We are in a base to defeat Skull Face.) Kelai gets closer and closer. Something that pissed off Kelai, it was that he didn't have the feeling of fear, which pissed him off. He couldn't tell if someone was too strong for him, or couksbt be scared for others, which he thought was a disability. But he was worried for Vicky. "Vicky, where the hell are you?"
Cassie slashes at the guards of the back door, as Warpath followed in his Tank form, he keeps his guard up. "Scan for any power generators, we need to open the front door for our friends who have not gotten in." cassie commanded as Warpath did so. "Found one, it is up ahead, with a turn to the left, and then a right." he said as he rolled slowly.

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