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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

As if on cue just to prove Ivory wrong, a small four story robot appeared and landed on a roof nearby.

"Its a figurative expression big guy..." Jordan said and looked away, "Where am I dropping you off? And by that I mean where am I taking you...I'm not heartless enough to dive bomb you on some random unsuspecting concrete..."
LucianGrey7971 said:
As if on cue just to prove Ivory wrong, a small four story robot appeared and landed on a roof nearby.
"Who the hell are you?! Answer me, or betty will tear you a new asshole!" He said, revving his gatling gun and aiming at the new bot, being sure to stay in character.
(I guessed that but I had to roll with it. Had to. :3)

"I'm being selfish by asking you not to be selfish. When lives are involved, especially the lives of your friends you have to look past it. You don't want to trust him? Fine, then trust me. He steps out of line and I'll freeze his circuits." Connor said with a smile. Of course he was being sarcastic, he didn't believe he'd ever have to but it was one way to try and make Ivory feel better about the situation.
LucianGrey7971 said:
The robot merely tilted its head before turning it away and ignoring Warpath
"Don't you fucking walk away from me! I asked you a question, and I expect an answer you scumbag!" he shouted furiously as he climbed the buildings to the rooftops, chasing the bot.
Ivory took a deep breath and held back tears, "Okay, fine. I trust you, just please be sure to watch every ducking move he makes." He called out to Redd, "Alright fine, you come with us, but stay as far away from me as you can. Got it?"

He got up and followed Kelai to the ship.

Ivory took a deep breath and held back tears, "Okay, fine. I trust you, just please be sure to watch every ducking move he makes." He called out to Redd, "Alright fine, you come with us, but stay as far away from me as you can. Got it?"

He got up and followed Kelai to the ship.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory took a deep breath and held back tears, "Okay, fine. I trust you, just please be sure to watch every ducking move he makes." He called out to Redd, "Alright fine, you come with us, but stay as far away from me as you can. Got it?"
He got up and followed Kelai to the ship.

Ivory took a deep breath and held back tears, "Okay, fine. I trust you, just please be sure to watch every ducking move he makes." He called out to Redd, "Alright fine, you come with us, but stay as far away from me as you can. Got it?"

He got up and followed Kelai to the ship.
Warpath gave up the chase, since the bot was faster than he. He then looked at ivory and nodded. "Fine....... Just don't attack me again out of no where, got it?" he said in his normal voice. It became apparent that the body change did not fool Ivory. (How the hell did ivory recognize him anyway, he changed his form completely.)
(I'd equate it to something like this, giant robots aren't an everyday occurrence, if you saw two in one day you'd probably assume they were related somehow. Of at least I would)
(Red talking robot kinda gives it away...kinda. xD )

"Well I can't watch him 24/7 but I'll do my best, qwack." I'll basically be busy watching myself. Connor looked at Redd, "Now that it's clear that it is in fact you. Be on your best behavior with each other alright?" He blinked in surprise as yet another robot stepped onto the ship. "Friend of yours?" He asked, looking at Redd.
Crono said:
(Red talking robot kinda gives it away...kinda. xD )
"Well I can't watch him 24/7 but I'll do my best, qwack." I'll basically be busy watching myself. Connor looked at Redd, "Now that it's clear that it is in fact you. Be on your best behavior with each other alright?" He blinked in surprise as yet another robot stepped onto the ship. "Friend of yours?" He asked, looking at Redd.
"I am not redd any more, New look, new name. I am warpath now. And i do not know who that fucker is." he said in the voice of Sgt. hartman.
(So I'm guessing they're going to fight whatshisskull?)

The Mech nonchalantly flipped Warpath the bird and gestured as though it were one of the girls on the price is right showing off a showcase
Braziel ponders. "If you could, drop me off to any large threat. Something that these avengers won't be able to handle, so I can get rid of these problems before Thanos shows."

Kelai jiggles the keys of the large ship. "I'm driving by the way." He climbs on ad goes to the pilots pit, which was a huge room with multiple piloting stations, but it only took one to fly this thing. Kelai starts the ship, and it slowly start to fly up. @Steel Zinogre
LucianGrey7971 said:
(So I'm guessing they're going to fight whatshisskull?)
The Mech nonchalantly flipped Warpath the bird and gestured as though it were one of the girls on the price is right showing off a showcase
"Oh no you fucking didn't! you did not just fucking do that!" he said, but realized something, he had become more aggressive than he had before. "What has gotten into you?!" howard said in his head. "I do not know. but it feels kind of good. All this rage will be good for disposing of baddies." he said to howard in his head.
Walking to the ship was a... memorable experience. They were getting ready to head out on the mission they needed teamwork the most and two robots had shown up and proceeded to swear, argue, and display astounding qualities of testosterone that was only possible for high school football jocks. This was the opposite of teamwork and Finn was having none of it.

"Listen up. If you're going to be hostile the whole time then get the fuck out. You're robots so you don't really understand but the rest of us have a 90% chance of permanent death on this mission and the last thing we need is two members causing discord. If you can't pull yourselves together than we'll be better off without you where your fighting won't get us killed. Can you work together or am I kicking you out?"

@Steel Zinogre
The mech made a yawning gesture and gave a short dismissive waive before pretending like it was picking its nose. The message was somewhat clear "Yea yea, teamwork and all that crap...as if you could kick me out." The mech knelt down and seemed to power down
Ivory looked at Redd warily, this new attitude was putting him on edge. He scooched a bit further away in attempt to distance himself
CasualDragon said:
Walking to the ship was a... memorable experience. They were getting ready to head out on the mission they needed teamwork the most and two robots had shown up and proceeded to swear, argue, and display astounding qualities of testosterone that was only possible for high school football jocks. This was the opposite of teamwork and Finn was having none of it.
"Listen up. If you're going to be hostile the whole time then get the fuck out. You're robots so you don't really understand but the rest of us have a 90% chance of permanent death on this mission and the last thing we need is two members causing discord. If you can't pull yourselves together than we'll be better off without you where your fighting won't get us killed. Can you work together or am I kicking you out?"

@Steel Zinogre
Luna lands next to finn and helga run up soon after. "Fine, I will refrain from being my comedically rude drill sgt. character." Redd said in his normal voice. Cindy burns the webbing on her bed, and ran out, since the adam in her body healed her completely. She then came across cassie, who let her ride Ruin. "You thought you could leave without us, huh?" cassie said teasingly to kelai.
Richie and Strout both walk around in the ship. Richie scrambles over to the weapons and looks through them. "So this is S.H.I.E.L.D weaponry." Richie puts a hand over his mouth, hoping no one heard him. See, this giant helicarrier was stolen by an agency Tony Cage works for, the same one Kelai used to work for.

Braziel shrugs. "You are the almighty phoenix force no?"

Kelai laughs. "Nah, I just thought it was Tims to go. That Skull face is getting stronger with more and more time."
National said:
Richie and Strout both walk around in the ship. Richie scrambles over to the weapons and looks through them. "So this is S.H.I.E.L.D weaponry." Richie puts a hand over his mouth, hoping no one heard him. See, this giant helicarrier was stolen by an agency Tony Cage works for, the same one Kelai used to work for.
Braziel shrugs. "You are the almighty phoenix force no?"

Kelai laughs. "Nah, I just thought it was Tims to go. That Skull face is getting stronger with more and more time."
"I am strout." he said to cassie as he stroke Ruin's fiery mane, which felt like silk to the touch. He meant to say, 'This is a pretty horse. What is its name?' cassie looked at strout with a smile. "His name..... Is ruin." she said. she saw the stumped look on Richie's face.
The blonde smiled at Finn laying down the law, atleast Connor wasn't the only one trying to keep things together at this point. "You heard the bossman. Play nice, for all of our sake."

Connor could have literally facepalmed at Richie's words as whirled around to look at the raccoon, "Please do not tell me the Avengers are on board a stolen SHIELD vessel..." The thought had his fathers face looking at him with such an annoyed and disappointed look that only Steve Rogers could create. Rubbing at his temples he decided to take a seat and kept his hands pressed together, he knew he had to play it cool for whatever lay ahead to keep his newfound powers in check. Pun possibly intended.
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Richie does his best "Its not my fault I swear!" Sheepish grin as he slowly backs away from the weapons, grabbing a huge RPG as he does so.

Kelai switches on Autopilot as they continue to advance towards the base of Skull Face. "You could say it was stolen, or forcefully given to us."
(Nothing much. All of us including your characters are on a flying warship Kelai stole from Shield, which Connor just found out cuz richie spilled the beans a post ago, and we are heading for the base of skull face.

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