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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Kelai grimaces as he chucks a guard that was chasing him, and he goes to grab the zombie that was holding Vicky, forgetting about Haven.

Kelai feels the slams of Ivory's body, pushing him down to the ground. "Oof!" Kelai says as he slams to the ground.
Cindy lay on a bunk on the airship, bored out of her mind. She took the earpiece out of her ear and turns it off. "When did he start caring so much? i want to help, but NOOO! He has to lock me in here!" she muttered. Redd sighed, and turned off his comms. "We gotta find skull face, and end this." cassie said as she picked up Kelai on comms, and tracked the signal to him. @National @LokiofSP
Ivory got up and untangled himself from Kelai, he looked around the room, "Well at least now I know who needs help the most." He began to stumble towards Skull Face, "Stop! You're under arrest!" He fell before Skull Face's shoes, "As soon as the world stops spinning that is...."

@Pink Gorilla @National
Minerva exits the ship, feeling that something was wrong in Skull Face's base, and also getting worried vibes from Luna. She swings quickly on vines, and dashed quickly to Ivory's aide after killing some guards. Minerva stared Skullface down, and her fur turned gold as she channeled the energy into her rage. And strout breaks down the door, with richie on his shoulder. "I AM STROUT!" the talking tree said, meaning 'Stop, Villain!' @Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP @National
(Sorry, I just got MGS V so i have been kind of playing that...)"Oh, the gang is all her. Haven, I've got errands to run take care of them." He opened the door behind him and walked down the hallway. Haven looked down at Ivory and Kelai, put a foot under them, and kicked them towards the wall. Helena blew out a wall. "It was getting a little cramped." She stated.

Terry was in front of an apartment building he assumed Fortune went before seeing her in the graveyard. He heard there was a battle going on but there was a lot of them then there is villains so they should be fine. It wasn't like he was there to help in most of the conflicts anyways. Wondering if he should go through with a request, he finally shook his head and knocked on the door. (This isn't for anyone btw)
Ivory got up and shook his head, he looked at Haven and then back to were Skull Face left through, he leaped up and ran to the hallway, placing webs behind him as he went, he called after him, "HEY! I CAME TO FIGHT YOU, NOT SOME SECOND RATE LACKEY!"

(Eh, I hope you enjoy it, never played a Metal Gear game, are they good?)

@Pink Gorilla
(I've never played an MGS game either...though Phantom Pain is currently downloading on my One. Probably won't get to play til tomorrow though.)

Ivory and Redd's bickering over the comms was getting old and Connor was supposed to be the one babysitting them. But at the moment he was dealing with this Icey floor that he'd created, half purposefully but had ended up making everything a bit more difficult after he crashed into the wall while riding his shield. Kelai had gone ahead and before he could catch up there we're loud crashes and explosions ahead in one of the rooms which told the blonde that the battle had started. Before he could rush to catch up however he spotted someone leaving said room, and well...he could pretty much match the face to the name, Skull Face. The head baddy huh? Lovely. Of course the moment he'd get split from the others this would happen, "Let's see if you can play catch!" Connor shouted as he threw his shield horizontally down the hall, he could hear Ivory yelling from further along past Skull Face which let him know he wasn't actually alone.

@Pink Gorilla

(YAAASSS! They literally within the first 20 minutes, put in a child Psycho Mantis, A flaming dude who looks like Satan, A Flaming Unicorn, AND A FUCKING FLAMING AND FLYING WHALE! A WHALE!) Mimic grabbed the shield in an instant and smiled. She threw it down the other hallway. Haven nodded at Helena and she began running after Ivory, cutting the webs with her knife. Helena looked towards the others and pointed her gun at them. "This should be fun!"
Ivory looked behind him to see Haven chasing him and he got his ass in gear as he ran faster, he even began to run up on the ceiling to make himself harder to reach.

(Okay....I guess? That sounds more like an acid trip than a game, is Metal Gear drugs? @Pink Gorilla )
(But I'm buying AC Rogue first ._.)

Perry woke up from his desk when he heard faint chatter from his comm. He hasn't talked to anyone in the group for a while and they were probably doing something unimportant. Grabbing it and placing it on his ear, he spoke. "Hey do you guys need help now?"
(Connor's shield hits more friendlies than foes. lmao)

Connor frowned at seeing his shield tossed off by the foe that had cut in between him and Skull Face. Cocking his head to the side gently as he tried to figure out why she looked familiar, "You!" His fists clenched out of instinct and he could feel the cold air coming off them, "I'm not weak and injured so let's see you try and drag me around
this time. Guess the fact that your here means Skull Face works for HYDRA then? Good to know, thanks for that tid-bit." He smirked before taking a stance and waving for her to make the first move, he couldn't go after Skull Face with her in the way. At the very least he could keep her distracted and make one less person to get in the others way if they do go after Skull Face.
Minerva stood next to connor, and snorted. She did not like skull face ever since he moved into the island. The island was her home long ago, but now she does not belong. She grew more angry at the thought, and her arms turned red as they became armored. She then roared as she flailed her arms angrily. @Crono @Pink Gorilla
Kelai kicks down the guards, and rips Vicky away from the guards. He rips down the corpses, and then he turns to Haven. "Back up you undead.... Insert mean comment here." He says as he jumps kicks at Haven. @Pink Gorilla
Mimic stands in the same stance as Connor. "He doesn't work for HYDRA. Just call them friendly acquaintances." Haven quickly turns around grabs Kelai's foot and slams him into the ground.

"I am quite alive." A muffled voice said.
As redd and cassie head to Ivory, he begins to think. "Why the hell am I helping them? I am not appreciated, not needed, and not wanted. Why should i help these fucking ungrateful brats if I am constantly mistreated? I try to help, and it all becomes ruined when someone bitches about it. Maybe the human won't notice if I...... Kill myself." he thought as cassie shot a couple guards, and redd turns around, and walks in the opposite direction. "Where are you going?!" cassie shouted. "I am going to gather any info I can, don't worry about me........ no one ever does." he said as he walked off, he needed to think a lot before doing something rash. "Maybe i should kill myself, since no one cares anymore....... I am just a broken toy to them....." he muttered, with comms completely turned off. Minerva roared and shot a long beam of electricity at Haven. She then does her berserker punches, landing every hit, and breaking some bones. @Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP @National
Ivory eventually got to Skull Face and tackled him, he put his hands on the face mask and attempted to pull it off, "Finally gotcha! Five bucks says you're actually Old Man Jenkins under this mask!"

@Pink Gorilla
(First of all: lands every hit and breaks some bones? Doesn't that seem a little unfair? Second: lmao off, you are pulling on Skull Face's actual face!)
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](First of all: lands every hit and breaks some bones? Doesn't that seem a little unfair? Second: lmao off, you are pulling on Skull Face's actual face!)

(Yeah I realized, just thought it'd be funny to have Ivory not know)
The beast beside Connor in the hallway had him nervous at first, it was just a hallway afterall and she wasn't exactly small. Then Minerva shot off to join the others in the fight, he also spotted Ivory going after Skull Face. That idiot can't fight him alone! The buddy system that was suggested very late wasn't working, he knew there was no way to help with Mimic in his way so the blonde put his full attention now on Mimic he mused at the fact that she took the same stance. "Either way, intel is intel and can be exploited and used." He winked at her then dipped low and shot his leg out in an attempt to sweep her feet out from under her followed by a second strike with his other leg, as he kept himself up and balanced with his arms.
Kelai glares at Haven and slams His fist into her stomach (if it does hit not saying any auto hits.) His black chi encases his fists. "You almost hurt Vicky-" that made him sound like he had a crush on her, and he quickly tries to change it. "I-i mean the whole group. Prepare to eat shit you alive undead... Meanie " kelai was off his insult game today. @Pink Gorilla
With Warpath getting information from the computers, he finishes, and then leaves the base, and heads back to the ship. as night fell, he turns off his audio receptors, so silence will befall him, and serenity will flow in him. when he gets on the ship, he lays on the deck, and stares at the stars above, thinking, and imagining what it was like in space. Cassie then busts through a door leading to the group fight. "Hope I am not late!" she said as ruin rams into some soldiers, and cassie slices into more undead guards. @Crono @National @LokiofSP
Smasher fell through a weak spot on the floor and landed with little to no difficulty on his part. He ran down those hallways until he noticed Ivory pulling on Skull Face's face. Had it been Finn at the moment he would have facepalmed. This took the cake for the world's most lame villain name. This guy had to be no fun at parties.
Perry shot straight up when he kept hearing about something doing with a villain. They didn't respond to this last message so he'd assume it was actually important. "Alright I'm coming... Just let me put on my suit..." He sighed and groggily stood up from his chair. It seemed like they had it handled though he wanted to make sure. He pressed a button under his desk to launch a spider-bot to see what was really happening and he slowly put on his suit.
(Just wondering if anyone has any free characters. Or if there are am y hero's that want to fight a villain who arn't already)

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