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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"That's funny considering I fooled those closest to him and those not so close. Only you and the runt showed any doubt." He said with a light growl as Jordan started to leave. Carter rolled his eyes as he heard Pyrite, "You are so damn needy, but your begging is almost adorable so I'll have a look around." The blonde gave a final glance at Jordan before turning to leave, he'd rather find easier prey.

Connor let out a sigh as Ivory went off on Redd, it was complicated. But before he could say anything the bot was gone and Ivory was whisking Cindy back to the hospital. Jack was asking about the mission and Connor found it best to let the girls or someone else explain, the last time he tried to be sympathetic about the situation he got snapped at.
Kelai sits down and looks at the group. How were they supposed to be the new Avengers if all they do is bicker? This will be interesting. He rises up and walks over to the girls. "Should I lead you guys to him now?" He shouts out to everyone so they could all hear.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory retracts his hand and hisses, "Aw damn! That's what Savage felt every time?! That hurts like a bitch Cindy!" Smaller tendrils of his suit squirmed and crawled away from the flame. Ivory picked her up and rushed her back to her bed as he webbed her to it, "Trust me Cindy, this is for your own good." He took off his mask and kissed her on the cheek, "I-Im sorry Cindy. Shits been confusing and weird recently, I've been just so confused and I took it out in the wrong place. I'm becoming something I shouldn't be. Just in case I don't come back I wanted to tell you that Im happy you found Perry, he's better for you than I could ever be, especially with all that's happened. I'll see you later... Alright?" He put back on his mask and left back to the base."
@Steel Zinogre
"It can't be helped..... I guess." Cindy said as Ivory left the hospital. The webbing was extremely strong. Meanwhile, Redd was contemplating his new life, whether he should make a new body or not. "Should i do it Father?" redd asked as howard spoke to him, "You should. You need to make your own decisions, and not rely so heavily on others. Be your own person." he said as redd made blueprints for his new body. "I will be with you, but Not all the time." howard warned. "I know, that is why you are coming with me, to guide me." redd said as we flew off to get parts for his new body.
National said:
Braziel laughs as he sets the children down. Suddenly, Braziel felt something. Not something peaceful. He turns to Rayne. "Is there anything on this island that endagners these people?"
"You sense it too?" she asks, as she was looking around she then looks at them and started speaking out in they're language. They did what they were asked and soon everyone started to close up, hide, while others brought out weapons and armor putting it on ready to battle since they may have not been in a war but they do train just in case and be prepared. She had changed into her hero form, as the people with armor were with them in attack position. They were all looking around, as she could feel someone or someTHINGS were coming at a very fast pace
Braziel gets ready, the hulking behemoth standing at a battle stance. He could sense them coming, and they were quick.
"Get ready for anything.." she replies, bringing her hands up. Soon whatever they sensed came, and they were in a hurd starting to attack everything. She flew off to go help the citizens bringing along some soldiers with her.
Braziel charges at the creatures and starts a slaughter. He picks one up and tips it in half while using the body as a bludgeon against the others. He grabs another and throws it right into its comrade, making them both burst. Braziel helps up a child from his destroyed house. A beast tries to jump on the child, but Braziel punts the monster across the field.
She was helping out who she can, while killing off the beasts in the process. When she was done at her end, she goes to help out more with the other areas in the town while protecting them from the beasts. ( @Steel Zinogre we are in another planet in another universe)
Braziel grabs a hefty monster and cuts it in half with his fist, charging and beating down the monsters in his way. He grabs a large boulder and slams it into one of the creatures head. He continues his onslaught.
Once all the beasts were dead, she..with help puts all the beasts in a huge pile before sending them off to a black hole before closing the portal. Then she goes to help the injured aliens caring them with whatever she could do as others were starting to rebuild and some where burying the dead
Suddenly, Braziel senses something. Something huge. The ground shakes as out of the ground, a giant wormlike beast bursts out of the ground. It towers over the village as it goes to crush the entire village with its next burial. The entire village screams as it dives down. Braziel jumps up and slams the monster worm in the head, sending it reeling back. The monster roars as it comes back for the village. Braziel jumps up and dives at the beast, and the beast opens its mouth and swallows Braziel. The beast dives back into the ground. A few moments pass, and the ground erupts again as the head of the beast is flown out, and Braziel steps out of the decapitated body.
She was shaking from the earthquake before flying over to check it out, she lands next to him and looks at the body before at him "Nicely done..." she replies before watching as all of them surrounding them with cheers and a roar of happiness glad that they're village is safe
Braziel nods. He looks at Rayne. "I'm scared for them. What if this happens again? Truth be told, they would've been slaughtered without us."
Places a hand on his shoulder, "Your not the only one...and I don't think they could come back with us on earth.....who knows what will happen to them there.." she looks around at them before at him "I'm not going to leave them until a solution is found so...I guess I won't be going back to earth....not for a while.." she sighs
"Don't you think I don't know that!" she exclaims before looking at the body "First we should remove the body....and then find a permanent solution..." she replies before walking over towards the body and places her hands on it. She then stares tat it before it disappears as she then walks back. "Now that is done.....all we need is to find a way to keep them safe...when we are not here.."
"I'm not sure..." frowns a bit thinking she then suddenly looks down to see two children pulling at her left hand. She laughs and starts to follow them, as some children did the same to him and follows after the two pulling her along. Ryan was curious and confused as to what they were going to show them
Braziel curiously follows the little children. He looks around the village, curious as to what these children has in store.
They stop at what looks like a hut of something, it looked older than the others. They let go and the children run to both doors, working together to open the two doors up. Afterwards, they pulled them inside and through a hallway with old paintings and other things..probably from the earlier times. She was in awe and amazement, looking around while walking through the hallway
When she looked forwards, she jumps back a bit seeing what appears to be a sacred statue. The kids were giggling at her little jump, she chuckles as well thinking it was pretty funny before looking at the statue. She looks down when one of the kids tugged at her hand, an kneels down listening to what the child was whispering to her about before standing up as she watches the kids surround the statue in a circle and wanted them to join. Rayne smiles and walks over, taking a child's hand before they and her was looking at him
Braziel follows this weird dance around the statue. He felt like it was a type of ritual. Was it? This statue definitely gave off that vibe
National said:
Braziel follows this weird dance around the statue. He felt like it was a type of ritual. Was it? This statue definitely gave off that vibe
( They are just circling around the thing xD you dork lol. Just watch...it's not a dance lol )

The kids start saying a prayer in they're language, she joins in as they all close they're eyes while praying.

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