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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jordan landed in a vacant lot and the same left burn marks on the lot, but that was the only thing there. Jordan stood up straight and walked away
After hearing gunshots, Alex made his way to the bus stop to investigate. Upon seeing John with a weapon, Alex approached him with nothing to fear. "Were those shots you?" He asked. He didn't sound accusatory, but mostly because guns didn't scare him.

"Yeah,Some thug apparently really needed to learn some manners" John paused for a few seconds "Oh,I didn't kill him of course ,don't worry he's probably in some alley crying himself to sleep" John said while scratching his head
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Steve, still in shock from learning about his new life, walked around the area looking at various things, his feet took him outside, it was so peaceful, A lot had happened today and he never had time to decompress. Stark Tower, gone. Would they even build a new one now that Iron Man was gone? Were they really worthy of carrying on the name Avenger? "Come on this isn't like you." He said to himself as he rubbed his head. It seemed some of the team was an item. That would confuse matters. He really didn't like things that took away from the hero's life. Not that he wasn't interested in girls, he just had no idea how to talk to the non hero versions. Steve placed a hands free stereo on the ground and started combat training. "Karate!" it shouted and he began kata. "Boxing!" It shouted and he started moving his fists and ducking. "Kempo!" His stance changed again and again as he moved through various martial arts. He began to sweat and he enjoyed not thinking for an hour. "Sir? Your belongings." A voice said. A man came out and gave him his various suitcases that were supposed to be left at the hotel. "But how...Mom." he said with a smile. His phone had a monitoring chip in case he was ever kidnapped. She must have set this up. He scooped up his stuff and went back to the base. He found an empty room and placed his stuff in it. He carefully put his two most cherished belongings on the wall next to a bunk. A poster of all the Avengers and an old photo of his dad standing triumphantly over two super villains. "Home sweet home." He said with a grin and started looking for a kitchen.
Alex looked at the man and cocked his head, before seeing the woman with a relieved smile on her face, with a hint of fright. "Oh! You saved her from some trouble! Well good for you, sir. I'm just making sure you weren't starting any. I'm an Avenger, you see." @OnyxTalon
"Oh,I have heard a lot about you guys,you know , the channels are filled with you guys,You did good with Thanos ,even if it did cost much" John said with a smile
Alex thought of Marko, but shook the thought away and accepted the compliment. "Thank you very much mister...." He said, in a way that implied he wanted to know his name.
''Oh right sorry,My name is John Theron,and yours is?'' John said smirking and extending his hand for a handshake
Kelai sits in his room, his apartment door wide open, the breeze gently swaying through the room. Ripping is heard as Kelai shreds up His old work. Now, he had to get ready to assassinate more people. He wish he didn't, however. Deep inside him, he resented all this killing. He didn't want to kill every person who posed a threat. But he got so used to it, he didn't feel it much anymore. It was as routine as breathing. The breeze from his open windows gently ruffle through Kelai's hair as he thinks about everything.
"Alexander Burns." He answered. "Why is it that you look so familiar? I'm sure I've seen you in New York before..." He said, unknowingly recognizing John's father. @OnyxTalon
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Vicky began talking over the comm. "Is everyone ready to go?" She asked reluctantly. She didn't want them to do this but they have no other choice.
Dru was sitting on the roof of a building while Kidpool danced around behind him singing some sort of tine that sounded like the intro to doctor who. Dru had been looking for Damian for a while because he wanted to add Kidpool to the new avengers team.
Kelai grabs his commlink. "Of course I'm ready. When is it time to kill- i mean clean up this world from Skull Face?" Kelai puts on his usual uniform and jumps out of his apartment, forgetting to close his apartment door.
There was maybe only one other person he would have liked to say something to before leaving, Alex Barnes. It felt like not even a month ago Alex had yelled at him for his decision before leaving, Alex's words cut deeper than Connor would like to believe. But time wasn't the same for someone who'd been asleep inside a machine of a crazy person's basement and it had in fact been several. The blonde heard that Alex had re-appeared at some point just before his clone had been found out, but Connor still hadn't heard or seen anything from him.

Connor poked his comm in the frigid room, glad he hadn't hurt the circuitry but it was stark tech afterall. "Yeah, ready when you all are." He said, pulling open the jammed half-frozen door with a grunt before stepping out. Turning to look back he shrugged, it'd melt..right? He shut the door and turned to leave and meetup with the others.
"Alright, everyone get back here then. We head out in 15 minutes." Vicky stated. All the girls were suited up and ready to go. Little do they know, Skull Face is waiting on their arrival. (Sorry, I was finishing the book Coraline)
Kelai gets there early as he walks over to the girls. "Alright, let's get this done with." Kelai noticed Vicky, and Kelai had to admit that she didn't look bad at all. He speaks up. "Alright, so I know here he's located. But knowing him, Skull Face will not make this easy."

Richie walks in as well, his large RPG and modified space rifle on his back. "Alright, I'm ready."
Connor stepped towards them looking from the girls to Kelai, "You all know this guy a little. Any last minute intel you'd care to share before we go knocking at his front door?"
"He will play games. He is going to make it as miserable and as sadistic as possible. Don't let him get you alone, he will catch you in a trap." Vicky stated. "He always has something up his sleeve."
It had been awhile since Maniac had seen the others especially after Marko's death since he was probably the only one that did consider Maniac as a friend. Since then for the next couple of weeks he had been on his own taking care of other matters.And had finally tracked down the others after learning of what happened to the Boss and Stark Towers. Once he had reached the base Maniac kicked the door down and walked in with a fedora on his head and black shades over his mask and a trench coat he looked around for a few seconds before saying "Your favorite douche bad is back motherchuffers.....again" he stated in a terminator voice.

@Pink Gorilla @Crono @anyone else in the base cuz I have no idea where the heck everyone else is at the moment
Ivory looked at Jack and sighed, "Yay, the incompetent asshole who can't take anything seriously or feign emotion for more than five minutes at a time is back. SURELY he'll help us." He was silent for a few minutes before he began to laugh, "Just kidding, the fuck were you Jack, I missed you."

@The Regal Rper
Maniac grinnes under his mask "you guys know me so well" he said brushing a tear away that was actually just a drop of water he placed to simulate a tear. "I've been kinda busy with some stuff how are you doing?

"So the Jack attack is back." Connor said with a smile, he'd have shaken hands or thrown a high-five or something along those lines if he actually trusted his hands at this point. "Hope you haven't been out causing trouble the whole time you've been gone."

@The Regal Rper

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