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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"It is abandoned. These are our computers." Allison stated.

"More of just Allison's because she seems to be the one who knows how to run these things." Tanya stated.
Richie watches all the computer screens show a loading bar, and the symbol of S.H.I.E.L.D pops above. Suddenly, once the loading bar hit 50%, all of the computer screens turn black. "Okay, explain this then." He says over to the girls.
Allison looked at the screen confused. "Why are there SHIELD symbols on it." When the screen went black, she pressed a few keys, but nothing happened. "What the Hell?"
(Goodnight @Pink Gorilla )

Suddenly, the screens start to fizzle, until a silhouette of a fist appears. The fist appears on every screen, and the fist gets surrounded by something black, and then the fist turns black. Richie's ears droop. "So he is still alive." On all the screens, it shows the black fist.
Connor walks up behind Richie, staring at the screens intently. "Do you think he knows? About ya know...Marko? They we're best friends once right?" This whole keeping yourself calm to keep the powers in check was difficult, and today was the worst day to try. Between Boss, Marko, and now thinking once again of Bob thanks to Kelai he was keeping his fists clenched. Kelai needed to be talked to, for alot of reasons, most possibly personal from Connor but someone had to get him in on the mission to fight Thanos as well.
"Hey, it's mister fisto! When did he become a hacker?" Dimitri said, waking around casually looking at the screens. "And for that matter, where was he in the battle for earth?"
Richie sighs. "After Marko told him that he had to be sacrificed for everyone to live, Kelai was furious. He tried to find so many ways to substitute Marko, but there was no use. On Marko's private funeral day, Kelai showed up, and he didn't say one word. I asked him what was wrong, but all he told me was that he will one day find a way to bring Marko justice. And then, I never saw him again. Until now." He looks at Connor and Dimitri.
Fortune looked at the spirit in front of her and went to touch it, seeing as John had already left. As soon as her fingertips brushed what was left of her brother, beams and tendrils of light wrapped around them both, squeezing and pulling at them. She cried out in pain just before she blacked out...

"Fortune.... Fortune.... Come on get up ya knucklehead."

Fortune got up with a yelp to see her brother above her, she smiled brightly and held him tight. He looked just as he had when he died, minus the throat thing. He had on a hood and jeans with armor underneath, she was so happy, "I-I missed you."

He smiled, "Well you better get used to me, because until you die, Im here. I did some digging and that guy you hired did some kinda voodoo spell people used to tie spirits to themselves, only you can hear me or control me, and Im supposed to be a slave or some shut but I know you wouldn't do that to me..... Would you?"

Fortune had tuned him out after the first word, she had her brother back! Kinda! At least he was with her, and that's all that mattered. All that was left was to get revenge so her damn contract could end.... But that could wait, first she needed to go walk around the city and make everyone think she was crazy by talking to a thing nobody else could see.

(Alright... So Bob's back.... Kinda. Ever see Jojo's Bizzare Adventure? He's kinda like a Stand.)

(Goodnight, and stay FROSTY @Crono )
"The best way for him to bring Marko justice is to protect what Marko died protecting. Each other, this city, this planet and the people on it. To do that Thanos must be stopped, and his best chance of that is with us. I'd guess he wants us to know he's around, but he doesn't wanna bother with showing his face." Connor crossed his arms over his chest, half because he wanted to and half because it put his hands away to an extent.

(Shoo fly shoo. @LokiofSP )
Richie shakes his head. "I know Kelai. If he shows his symbol, the black fist, that means he's here in this room, and it means he means busin-" suddenly, a soft thud is heard from behind Connor as a familiar figure stands up. "Hello everyone." Kelai says with a snicker. @Crono
Connor blinked as he heard Kelai behind him. "Really? You couldn't have mentioned that sooner." He told Richie, turning quickly to face Kelai with a smile. The smile was indeed genuine, but so was the fist Connor had flying at Kelai's face as well. The fist coating itself in a thin layer of Ice as it did. @National
Kelai falls back a little as the fist collides with his forehead. Kelai reels back quickly and throws a mean left hook right at Connor's Stomach. "Looks like Wonderboy is now a bit frosty!" Kelai says, laughing
Finn joined the group laughing when he walked in on Connor punching Kelai. "There was some good control there. But next time use more ice, more force, and less empathy." He joked. It wasn't as funny though when Kelai punched back. "Stand down Kelai."
Steve left a little late, still getting the EMS personnel prepared, but the earpeice led him to the team. "Creepy place? Why not?" He muttered and entered. He saw the group and waved but they all looked a little....well grim. Was it this way back in the Heroic Age? Well time to think about that later, he smiled at Connor, the only one he knew who's morals were straight. He was raised by the best after all. Sure the Raccoon and such were good people, but the Avengers needed to be an ideal, a symbol. Petty fights and arguing among themselves solved nothing. "Unless that's a Villain, stand down! If it is, can I punch them too?"
Connor immediately started shaking his hand as if it was hurt or on fire, but it was more like surprise or shock that it had just been frozen moments before. Which had left him wide open for the hit to his stomach, with a grunt his main focus was not to accidentally Ice the room. "That...was for Bob, since I wasn't around to do it before." Connor told him, though he had to admit he wished he would have hit Kelai in the jaw. "Stand down, like Finn and Steve said." He told them raising his hands, "Just a friendly tap. Though, everytime you throw a punch at me it's always the stomach, what is it with you and hitting me there?"

Shaking his head at Finn he shrugged, "That's the thing. The Ice wasn't my idea, it just sort of...happened." Turning his head he smiled back at Steve and shook his head, "Technically he's one of the most wanted Villains out there. But he's also an okay guy when he wants to be and..." He started as he looked back in Kelai's direction, "...he's done doing his solo sulking and here to help right?" He asked raising a brow.

@Steel Zinogre @Inritz @CasualDragon @Reaper @LokiofSP
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OnyxTalon said:
OOC is there a recap please? im new here
(We have an OOC tab for future reference BTW, use that for out of character. Also check the update tab for what happened.)
Kelai dodges Stouts punt attack and nimbly steps back. "Gee willikers, it looks there are quite a few of you here. If I was here to help Connor, I wouldn't have punched back. I'm a mercenary, and I'm here to do what I was hired for. Destroy all evidence in thus building." Kelai holds up a chip, and crushes it in his hands. "That's done." Kelai looks at Finn and Steve. "Ahh, hey Finn, how are you big guy. And I'm guessing this kid is new to the Avengers, because hw doesn't know how hard it would be to punch me." Kelai looks over at Richie. "Give me the device. Now." Richie shakes his head. "No Kelai. Just join us! Fight with us! Stop doing this stupid solo wolf act please!"
Connor narrowed his eyes at Kelai confused, "Seriously? Your still on that mercenary kick? I would have thought after Bob, after Marko, you'd be doing something worthwhile. Not others dirty work." Uncrossing his arms he keeps himself just between Richie and Kelai, "You want something, there's alot of us to go through to get it." Connor didn't like this, didn't like that Kelai was serious, that he was having to work double time to keep this ice power in check right now.

"If you've been here the whole time then you heard what I said. So why is it your not with us?"
"Hard to punch? No problem." Dimitri said, before zipping in front of Kelai and side kicking him in the stomach. "You're outnumbered. Surrendering would be wise."
Kelai grins. Dimitri might be faster, but Kelai was a fighter. He grabbed Dimitri's leg once it made impact and thrw him into the floor. "It's still me Dimitri." Kelai looks at Richie and tosses to him a small flash drive. "There. You and I both know the plan to finish off Thanos. I don't think it'll work, but that should help you out." Richie nods. "You figured out how to do it? Then why did you need the devi-" kelai cuts him off. "To give you a hard time Richie." Kelai cracks his neck. "Skull Face sent me here to destroy the chip that gives away his location. So I guess I finished my job, and now I am right now unemployed."

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