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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The girls went to fight Kelai, but Vicky held up her hand to stop them. "Let them deal with him. It is better that they do because I am not in a patient mood right now." She stated.

When she heard Skull Face, she grabbed Kelai's collar with her robotic arm.. "Tell me what you know about him!" She shouted.
Ivory laughed, "Of course Kelai, still to weak to make up your own damn mind, even in light of everything your still just a little asshole who can't even kill an old lady. Pathetic."

Kelai laughs as Vicky grabs him. He quickly uses a kendo technique that did her no harm, but made her drop him. "Now now, a part of my job is to not talk about my clients." He looks over at Ivory, and his laughter ensues. "Oh hey Ivory! How are your parents? With a pathetic excuse of a child like you, they must be in debt because of all the Advil they bought to put up with you. And the old lady Maria? I may have killed my dad, but I am not going to kill my mom." Kelai didn't know if they didn't know or not, but now he spilled the beans.
Connor rolled his eyes at Kelai and Ivory shouting at each other, "Enough of the insults children." Wait, did he just say mom? "Your mom is director Hill?" The blonde asked, mouth practically agape. Shaking his head lightly to rid the questions bustling into his head, this probably wasn't the best time. "Kelai, your former employer killed one of our own. If there was anyone who would get that it'd be you, and if there was ever a reason to break your little merc rule it'd be now. Speaking of which, now that your unemployed your going to help us, but we're not going to hire you. Your just going to do it out of the goodness of your heart." Raising an amused brow Kelai's way for an answer.
Kelai crakcs his knuckles as he looks at Connor. "The hell is a heart? Anyways, yeah, Director Hill is my Mom. Which means I am Kelai Hill. See how that fits so perfectly? One of the most wanted villains is the child of the Director. Anyway, if I give away Skull Faces position, and he finds out, he could send people to kill me. Wait a minute, but then I can kill the people he sends after me and make money by selling their corpses... Fine I'll help."
Kelai shrugs. "Sure, I was just making an analysis." Kelai pulls out his IPhone and types in something before he puts it away again. "Wow, I am THE most wanted villain in the country. But I am so kind. I love puppies and children. What do you need to know about Skull Face?"
Kelai grins. "A 1.5 out of ten. We got the slimmest of a chance, and we might as well grasp it. Skull Face is a smart bastard, and he has a lot of powerful friends." @LokiofSP
Ivory got off the wall, "Which means we're probably dead.... Great." He took off his bandana and hood, "So how about this. Thirty minutes, thirty minutes that's it. Tell your parents you love them, settle anything you have to do because this is going to be one of our toughest challenges yet. This will be one of our first tests as a team, and if we fuck up we die. After thirty minutes we gather the others, come up with a plan then role out. Sound good?"

@Steel Zinogre @National

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Kelai cracks his neck. "Thank god I don't have family. Seeya in thirty minutes." Kelai walks out of the base.

Richie stands up on Strouts shoulder. "Might as well get ready. Cmon Strout, let's go to my spaceship and get ready."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory got off the wall, "Which means we're probably dead.... Great." He took off his bandana and hood, "So how about this. Thirty minutes, thirty minutes that's it. Tell your parents you love them, settle anything you have to do because this is going to be one of our toughest challenges yet. This will be one of our first tests as a team, and if we fuck up we die. After thirty minutes we gather the others, come up with a plan then role out. Sound good?"
@Steel Zinogre @National

"I am strout?" Strout asked richie, saying 'What is going on? what do we have 30 minutes for?' he then looked at ivory and then back at richie, very confused of the situation. Cindy and namor wait at the hospital as she shot perry a message, saying to come to the hospital. Redd and helga were still searching for skull face, but no luck. Luna exits the cafe, and proceeds to find finn, for she was worried about him, and wanted to know if he was fine. Cassie, meanwhile, comes across a firefight between cops and armed criminals. She hops off ruin and stomped the floor, activating her Stoneskin ability. She then walked into the crosshairs, took a gun from a cop, and shot each criminal in the arm and leg. "Your welcome." she said as she walked away, leaving the police in awe.@Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP @National @Pyosimros
Connor simply took his phone out and walked off to the side, calling his father. "Hey dad....yup you guessed it. Yeah I know you know the procedure, and no I'm not sure when I'll be back. Sorry about not dropping by more since the attack, would you stop and just let me apologize? Fine, okay love you both...bye." With that he hung up and walked back over with a twirl of his phone, he and his parents had a procedure of if things we're going to get bad to just get in touch. No long drawn out goodbyes or conversations, simple and short so that he could leave as quickly as was necessary. Guess that was one of the perks of having a former Avenger for a father, the understanding.

"I'm good, I would honestly rather not have to explain the whole Ice powers thing right now anyways." He said with a huff, not that he knew exactly how to explain it to himself much less his parents.
"Well, this should be interesting." Tanya stated. Allison nodded her head. "We should probably get ready. The girls left to get in the armor and such.
John had just arrived to New York with the bus and got off to a bus stop that was in really bad shape.he looked shocked at the mess he saw.While walking with a huge traveling bag on his back . He heard a man screaming to a woman "Give me your money he yelled" John calmly took out his Magnum and shot at the legs of the Knife wielding thief. "The next shot won't be a warning" the thief panicked and ran away while the woman thanked John and asked what she can do for him .he just responded with "where's a nice hotel?" She pointed left and said 1 block west to the left" John thanked her and went on his way . He knew this would be a difficult job and place for him.
"Look, shit has been confusing recently and it made me realize a few things. A few days ago I was torn up because I liked Cassie but I also had feelings for others. After Sabahe died and I was able to think more clearly I talked about a few things and realized that didn't matter. Look, sappy confession short, I like you, REALLY like you, and Id perfer that not be something I take to the grave."

@Pink Gorilla
Tanya got a surprised look on her face. "Really? I kind of felt the same way, but I didn't think you liked me." She stated. She blushed and kissed him on the cheek. "I go to go get ready."
Ivory let out a breath, "Yeah, you do that." He pulled out his phone and called his parents, telling them he loved them and such. Afterwards he sat outside and just waited and began to think.
Kelai walks into his apartment, leaving his door open. He quickly closes it, because his apartment alone would raise his criminal record even more. Inside were a stack of jobs on his desk, and there was more. Several newspapers wondering where many important political leaders and celebrities were, all leading down to Kelai. He thought it was pretty funny, being an on and off member if the Avengers and full time most wanted man. How nice. His windows were open to have a bit of fresh air in. Kelai opens his door as well, confident that no one followed him.
Half an hour before the chance of death. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed his dad's number. Finn waited patiently until his father's voicemail message popped up. It wasn't a surprise that he was busy, he was in the presence of the world's smartest people working on cool science things, his son could wait a while. "Hey dad it's Finn. I don't have much time so I'm going to speak quick before I run out of voicemail time. If you happen to have a break and could call me back in the next half hour or so that would be cool. A whole bunch of stuff's come up and the odds aren't good. I'm not trying to bring you back into the hero thing, I know that you're done that, but I just wanted to say that you're a pretty cool dad. Even though your work brings you away from home for long periods of time, it's always great when you're home. Anyways, if things don't work out, then I want you to either donate my organs to science, sell my organs on the black market, or dispose of my body via explosives. But we won't get that far ahead, I'm sure it'll be fine. Anyways, love ya dad." He hurried the end to cram it in before the voicemail cut him off. Anxiously he looked around the room before dropping to the floor to meditate. If there was a time to be completely in control it was now.
CasualDragon said:
Half an hour before the chance of death. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed his dad's number. Finn waited patiently until his father's voicemail message popped up. It wasn't a surprise that he was busy, he was in the presence of the world's smartest people working on cool science things, his son could wait a while. "Hey dad it's Finn. I don't have much time so I'm going to speak quick before I run out of voicemail time. If you happen to have a break and could call me back in the next half hour or so that would be cool. A whole bunch of stuff's come up and the odds aren't good. I'm not trying to bring you back into the hero thing, I know that you're done that, but I just wanted to say that you're a pretty cool dad. Even though your work brings you away from home for long periods of time, it's always great when you're home. Anyways, if things don't work out, then I want you to either donate my organs to science, sell my organs on the black market, or dispose of my body via explosives. But we won't get that far ahead, I'm sure it'll be fine. Anyways, love ya dad." He hurried the end to cram it in before the voicemail cut him off. Anxiously he looked around the room before dropping to the floor to meditate. If there was a time to be completely in control it was now.
Luna and helga lay next to finn, somewhat nervous about the coming fight. Luna then fell asleep as helga gets up, and sniffs the air, seeing if anyone is nearby, so she can relieve herself with no one watching.
Connor watched Finn start meditating with Helga and Luna at his side. A part of him wanted to join but he needed practice more than a calm collected mind right now. So he took this time to move off from the main room, finding a slightly dingy room where he closed the door. "Hopefully they won't care if it gets a little messy in here..." He mumbled as he looked at his hand for a moment. If they we're actually going into a fight, and not just any fight, but a rough one...then he needed to be able to trust himself with these newfound powers. If he couldn't trust himself there was no way he could ask his comrades to trust him.

Raising his hand and balling it into a fist he attempted to re-create what had happened when he hit Kelai, the ice covering his fist had been a surprise but he realized that it'd be really useful. Nothing was happening apart from the room cooling off and the blonde frowned, Your powers are tied to your emotions. Which meant that when he'd punched Kelai, something triggered internally when he found himself in the guy's vicinity. Standing here calm or annoyed won't help, won't get anywhere. So he closed his eyes, thought about things that brought up feelings and emotions that he tried to keep in line. Though he wasn't sure how long he'd been trying this, a cracking noise made him open his eyes once more only to find the small room practically frozen over. An audible groan escaping his lips as he leaned back against the wall, watching his breath materialize as it hit the cold air of the room. Maybe they could plant him beside this person they were after and just piss him off to no end, that'd be the end of it. It was only slightly amusing as he let loose an eyeroll.

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