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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Helena turned around quickly. "Nothing! I was mistaken! It wasn't him!" She exclaimed in anger. Her voice had rage, but her eyes showed fear. She threw her coat on and began to run.
"I can help the both of you!! Stop!!" he commanded as he transformed, and landed in front of the two. "Listen, I can help you find the criminal, But i need you to hear me out!" he said as helga caught up, Growling out of frustration. @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla
Helena turned around a groaned. She pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. She began to write something. "Go to these coordinates and put the pieces together. It may not be him, but go there anyway." She handed him the paper. "Now fuck off." Helena turned and walked away.
Steve was thrown from the building at the first blast. Luckily, he held his hand to his chest for a moment and he healed himself. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted, his clothes torn. At least he had spares at his hotel. He called 911 and hoped other supers would show up to help. He ran around, helping survivors. He saw a few others he thought he saw in the battle with Not-Venom, and a few new heroes "Panic on your own time! We have to help people!"
Ivory looked at the paper and looked back up to see her leaving, "WELL FUCK YOU TO!" He turned to Redd and Helga, "Look man, I appreciate the offer, but would you kindly fuck off? I need to do this alone, this is something I need to do for me Redd. Trust me on this." Before Redd could awnser he swung off to the coordinates alone and unseen.

@Steel Zinogre
Finn glared Connor's way for a moment before joining their little party on the floor. "You're the most self-less person." He let off the glare though and grinned. "Seriously though. It's almost scary, you should try to worry about yourself for once."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked at the paper and looked back up to see her leaving, "WELL FUCK YOU TO!" He turned to Redd and Helga, "Look man, I appreciate the offer, but would you kindly fuck off? I need to do this alone, this is something I need to do for me Redd. Trust me on this." Before Redd could awnser he swung off to the coordinates alone and unseen.
@Steel Zinogre
"I'll show them..... I will show them both." he said as helga went sniffing around, picking Skull Face up. "Tally ho!!" he said as he flew above her, following her as she sniffed him out. @Pink Gorilla @LokiofSP
Richie sighs as he looks at the rubble. "That's too bad. Someone is already attacking us. I was hoping for a break."
Skull Face walked down the street. No one really noticed him because everyone was in mass hysteria about Stark Tower. He pulled out the radio. "Is everything all in check?" The coordinates would bring Ivory to an old burned down SHIELD complex.
Connor chuckled, "My brain just doesn't always work that way. Besides, there's always someone deep in something or other...it's just my nature I guess. I mean my weapon of choice is a shield if you hadn't noticed. I'll worry about myself when I'm old and drinking prune juice."
Ivory walked into the complex, it was ruined on the inside and it smelled terrible, he came to a computer and began to attempt to acsess it, but quickly realized he wasn't the computer guy as he began to fail many times. He put a finger to his comm to contact the girls, "Uh, hey. Look I know you guys are bummed but I MAY have a lead. I'm sending coordinates over now."

@Pink Gorilla
John stood there for a few minutes doing (insert magic stuff here). Once finished, he wondered if he should even be doing this for her. But he shrugged away that thought and a spirit started floating off of the grave. @LokiofSP
Tanya looked at the coordinates. At first, she thought nothing of it, but when she took a second look at it. "Why are you there? How did you find that place?" She asked quickly and in fear. The rest of the girls were just as shocked as she was.
Richie gets into his spaceship, and signals it to go. After he jumps off the ship, it goes on autopilot and flies off to an unknown location. He lulls out a locator, and digs in the rubble until he finds a suspicious piece of metal. He sticks it in the locator, and starts to walks down on the street. To Richie's surprise, he was a few feet in front of Skull Face, but Richie didn't know this.
As soon as cassie reached Times Square, a creature known as diablos was being shot at, and it was angry. "That is one angry monster." she stated as she charged the beast, Her sword in hand. She slashed the tail off, and the creature stumbles. The diablos looked at her, and had black smoke coming from its mouth. "That just made it even angrier." she said as she dodged a charge attack.
"Well a girl named Helena gave me the coordinates, I came here and figured I had some kinda lead."

@Pink Gorilla

Fortune wanted to wrap the image in front of her tightly in her arms, but knew she couldn't. The projection seemed to be in some sort of sleep. She began to cry, "Alright, finish the damn spell already! And hurry!"

"Ivory, that is where we and the Boss were made. That is where SHIELD trained child soldiers. Why would Helena give you that place as a lead?" Liona asked. The other girls pondered, but came up with nothing.
Steve stood talking with fire fighters and assorted rescue personnel. He wanted to begin the search for anyone trapped inside of the building when it went down, but there were people that needed healing. He took care of the worst ones and let the medics deal with the slightly injured. There was a call on his phone. "Yeah? Hey Mom. Yeah I got here, but uh. It kinda exploded. I'm doing the healing thing right now. No don't worry Dad, I can handle things here. Uh a deli. Yeah one guy was trapped for 3000 years and was starving. Felt bad for him so I gave him lunch. I'm not sure who everyone else is, but I met Cap's kid. Yeah I was shocked too. He's a really nice guy. One sec. There, Just be careful my power could make you woozy. No not you mom. I haven't run into the Avengers team lead but I hope to be given an assignment soon. Even the Rescue Squad would be nice, at least then I'm a hero to someone. You're just saying that cause I'm your son. Ok, gotta go mom. Yeah I love you too. Bye."

After lifting up some rubble and saving three workers, Steve was getting bolder with each stride. He was running as fast as an Olympian and lifting more than the strongest normal men. Here he could be useful. Here he was a hero.
"Hey, don't get short with me jack ass!" Liona began, but Allison took the mic away.

"What she is trying to say us do you anything that could be important? Documents, photos, computers? If I remember correctly, there is some kind of control room there." She stated.
"Ok, um, look through the files of patients. They should all be children, ranging from age 5 to 15. The files should extend from the 1960's till when the factory was destroyed. If you don't find anything useful, look through the staff." Allison said.

"And be careful of any defense systems in place." Tanya stated. @LokiofSP

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