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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Nods before looking at them, once she relays the message. They calmed down and everyone was practically surrounding the two, greeting them in different languages cause different life forms were in town
Braziel looks around at all the aliens, smiling down at them. They seemed friendly, so he was alright with this. He couldn't understand the alien language, but he felt no hostility
Steve, having a minor hallucination about another world, snaps out of it and shuffles towards Stark Tower and look around. "Is anyone still here?" He yells out. He spies a purse snatcher and flies into action. He picks up an apple, leaving a dollar for the vendor and beans the criminal on the side of the head. "No Problem, Ma'am." He says with a smile and looks around the area for his fellow heroes. Perhaps Connor was around he seemed to know what was going on. He didn't see where he went and he forgot to ask him for his cell number. So he just trudged back to Stark Tower, feeling slightly better that he got to help someone. He never did get his assignment. Maybe someone inside could help him. "I'm back! Random crime just outside the building, so yeah bang up job, guys. Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?"
They began to show them around they're town, she was like a translator for both sides. Whatever the aliens said she would translate for him and then what ever he would say, she translate it to a language they understand
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](I beg to differ! I just need everyone to evacuate it so I can blow it up!)

(Nobody is there!)
Braziel looks around the planet. It was much different than Earth. They had interesting archeology. "They seem to be a peaceful race. No war?"
She asked them, they explain to her before she relays it all to him. "They said they never had one war...." she then thought about it with a small smile "Having no war....that sounds peaceful.." she thought aloud quietly, thinking back. "To not have any arguments with others...to co-exist in peace without trouble....it feels nice."
"It is a peaceful time. I an surprised they had no conflict. That could leave them open for invasions however. No war experience, no weapons. Their planet is open to be eliminated."
(Yay, I get to blow up stuff!) Boss arrived back at Stark Tower and met the girls there. "You guys go get stuff from the base. I think we should actually stay here with the Avengers and help them." She stated. The girls agreed and left. The boss was looking around when she heard someone walk in. Their hat was covering their face. "I am looking for The Boss." He stated and looked up, revealing a burnt and scarred face. The Boss was surprised. Their was something familiar about him.
Braziel looks around. "It is nice though. I wonder how long this shall last." Braziel stretches his large back, examining the vast plains.
Sighs with a small smile, before listening to them explain more about they're history. A child runs up to the two and hands her a flower they aren't use to seeing, she takes it and smiles saying thank you before watching the child run off with her friends. Rayne smiles before looking down at the flower, examining it before she decides to put it in her hair. She started to blush at the comments, but she knew they were just being honest
Braziel watches as three children run up to Braziel and jump around him. Braziel smiles as they used him as like a large climbing gym, climbing up his arms and sliding down his back.
(I am to lazy and to tired to write a discussion between her and Skull Face...) Skull Face began to walk away. "You should have considered my offer. Things would turn out a lot nicer for you in the end." He stated.

"Thanks, but I will take my chances." She replied back.

"Suite yourself." Skull Face walked out of Stark Tower and down the street a good distance. He looked up. "It is a really nice day. So peaceful and quiet, but I prefer a little more noise and unrest." He pulled out a switch and flipped it. Boss heard beeping and she went to investigate. She saw a flashing light and realized it was a bomb. She gasped and it blew up, as did several others in the building. Stark Tower was consumed in flames and began to fall to the ground. @Anyone
(Lmao. Too lazy and tired to write a conversation but not too lazy and tired to blow shit up. Also rip Steve. lol)

"It's nice having you not be an ass again." Connor said with a chuckle as Ivory left. Being content with staying sat right where he was at for the time being, he felt like if he moved or stood up everything would come undone again. So he was going to wait until the last possible moment before he did, "Your far from forgiven..." He started, with Richie sat beside him, "...but I'm glad that you chose to shoot me rather than the other two. If something had gone wrong between them and the mist..." He let out a huff between his breaths.

@National @Reaper @CasualDragon @LokiofSP
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](I am to lazy and to tired to write a discussion between her and Skull Face...) Skull Face began to walk away. "You should have considered my offer. Things would turn out a lot nicer for you in the end." He stated.
"Thanks, but I will take my chances." She replied back.

"Suite yourself." Skull Face walked out of Stark Tower and down the street a good distance. He looked up. "It is a really nice day. So peaceful and quiet, but I prefer a little more noise and unrest." He pulled out a switch and flipped it. Boss heard beeping and she went to investigate. She saw a flashing light and realized it was a bomb. She gasped and it blew up, as did several others in the building. Stark Tower was consumed in flames and began to fall to the ground. @Anyone

"Redd was consumed by the flames, but came out unscathed as he carried luna and helga out. "What the hell was that?!" howard asked redd. "Explosion? Bombing, I don't know!!" Redd shouted out of rage. He looked around as helga woke up. she picked up red skull's scent, and ran off after him. Her Hydra symbol visible now. She remembered Red Skull, since he was the one who abused her as a youngling, and he was the one who worked her continuously until near death. Redd followed helga, making sure she was safe.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](Um, just fyi.... He isn't Red Skull.... He is Skull Face... He is actually really pale.)

(Whoops....... sorry. I saw skull and thought red skull.)
(It's all good, It isn't Red Skull though, Just another psychopath. I am waiting for everyone else to be like " STARK TOWER IS GONE!")
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](It's all good, It isn't Red Skull though, Just another psychopath. I am waiting for everyone else to be like " STARK TOWER IS GONE!")

(Just pretend i said skull face...)

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