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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor would say that normally he's a calm individual in situations like this, passionate maybe but calm. Which was why it felt so weird to him that he was so emotionally unstable, and focusing just seemed so much more difficult. That's when he realized what Ivory was saying was right, he was thinking too much on the ice. he was so focused on what could happen with the ice if he didn't focus that he wasn't concentrating.

The sound of dripping water told him the Ice had begun to melt and he smiled lightly, but then Ivory wanted to take it further and the smile disappeared as Connor hesitated. "I'm not sure I should, too fast. I'd just like to stop freezing everything for now." He squirmed with hands planted firmly under his arms.

Braziel node and follows her, looking around the planet for anything suspicous. "I wonder if anything lives here."
"Not sure but it there is life forms we will find them eventually, who knows how they will react. To other life forms we're the aliens, so we better not cause any trouble just in case" She sketches without looking down so she could see where she is going
Braziel nods as he trundles next to her. Braziel was definitely not one of the fastest or stealthiest people, so he carefully walked, trying to make as much minimal noise as possible.
She laughs, after putting her sketchbook and pencil away "Not like that, I meant cause commotion big enough to be heard from miles away and attracting attention. You don't have to be careful when you walk." She replies watching him before looking forwards, they found many things on the planet but no life forms yet. She then stopped, putting an arm out to stop him as Rayne looks around cautiously
Braziel stops, and watches Rayne as she carefully looks around. Braziel looks around, wondering if there was any life form. He was sure they couldve sensed Rayne and himself
Rayne started to smile and motions for him to follow as she was walking down one path, "Looks like there is a small town not far from here..." She replies
Connor wanted to tell Ivory no, to let him go at his own pace. But he knew if he started resisting he'd lose his concentration and the progress he was making so he simply bit his lower lip. "I trust you. It's myself I don't trust." Breaking his rhythmic breathing with a sigh he started concentrating on his hand, on the power that seemed to now flow from it. He could feel it, something was happening...was forming, an almost perfect sphere of dark blue crystal-like Ice. And the moment he opened one eye to get a look, whatever it was shattered abruptly and sent pointed icicles flying upwards and stabbing into the ceiling, causing him to flinch. "I uhh...whoops?" He didn't let it break his breathing or concentration though, instead folding his back down.
Ivory smiled, "No need to be scared, it's progress isn't it?" He stood up and dusted himself off, "You need to keep stepping out of your comfort zone and test limits if you ever want to control these powers, it's different for everyone yeah, but at the core the experience is the same. It's control of mind and body. Learn that and your basically there.....Usually." He began to walk away, "Call me if you need anything else."

@Crono @CasualDragon
When they arrived in town, it was amazing to see new beings different form them walking along and all. Some languages she could understand but others she didn't
Braziel looks at the civilians of this village, all their languages completely foreign to him. He was much larger than mist of them, so a few felt intimidated, but others just welcomed him in their strange language
Knowing what some are saying, she goes to communicate with before walking back to him. Being in her hero form still, she looks at him "They are welcoming us to they're planet.."
Braziel nods as he looks at the citizens. "Tell them I thank them. But they do seem a little troubled. Do they have a problem?"
Steve looked around. "Is this...normal for you guys?" He said in awe. He was neither a master of languages nor a particularly good student of astronomy so he just stood back and tried to look as non threatening as possible. He thought about smiling, but what if they took that as a threat? So he looked calm and just let the others do the talking. This was definitely going in the letter home.
National said:
(Steve came with us?)
(I thought I did, I've been busy packing so I'm lost. If not, just Ignore Last Transmission and I'll just play ping pong with Grape Ape lol. If I did, every once in a while do the @ and inritz to let me know the game's still going since it won't let me follow the game anymore.)
Nods before chuckling, relaying the message in they're language before she looks at him "You really are clueless aren't you.." she had amusement in her voice
Cassie roams New York, Looking for something to do. She then comes upon a murder in an alley. The psychotic murdered shot her in the leg, but the bullet bounced off, since the armor was made from a metal equivalent to Chromium. "Nice try." she said as she slices the murderer in half, his soul going into her massive gauntlet on her right hand. "More energy for my chaos form...... good." she said as she walks, finding a chandelier like object hanging above her. A demon known as Vulgrim appears, and chuckles. "It is finally nice to meet you, young horseman." he said. "Vulgrim..... My father told me about you." she said as the demon giggled. "Did he? He still remembers me after all these years? How flattering." he said as cassie rolled her eyes. "have a message, from Sameal." He said as he handed her a scroll. "the demon lord? what does he want?" cassie asked as she read the message. "So..... A new monster is seeking to destroy new york?" she asked. "Precisely! The creature is known as Diablos." He said as cassie cracked her knuckles. "Never heard of it, but i will slay it." she said as she summoned ruin, and went to central park.

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