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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

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Nods and then choose a random universe, quickly grabbing his hand and they both appear in space floating in the universe seeing planets, astroids, anything a universe would have they both could see it
Crono said:
Connor heard Finn call faintly from behind him as he went about his escape. The blonde pausing in his step, turning to tell Finn to go back, that he was fine. But he wasn't fine, and Finn didn't deserve to get yelled at so he snapped his mouth shut and waited for the boy to catch up. Staring down at the sheet of Ice forming underneath his feet once again, and shoving his hands underneath his armpits.
He glanced at Connor as he shoved his hands under his armpits. "The 'ole armpit trick huh? It sucks doesn't it? Not knowing if you'll hurt anyone, worrying that you'll loose control. Here's a starting tip l, breath in for five and out for four. It helps to calm you down and slow your heart rate." The ice spread out as the others arrived. "Connor. It's linked to your emotions. You're afraid of them, that much is plain to see. You have to believe in yourself and your abilities."

((@InsaneKiller19 could you please post out of character posts in the out of character thread? Hope I don't sound rude, just this is a pretty fast posting to at times lol. Edit:sorry, just saw that you had a post underneath!))
"Don't think I didn't catch that." He muttered at Dimitri in a mere frustrated tone, Richie's explanation to control his breathing was easier said than done with everything that was happening. Connor had always been in control, always. Having this power made him feel uncomfortable, unpredictable, and for once he didn't actually feel in control. "I'd rather not freeze half of New York or something..." He mumbled as he faced away from Richie to try and calm down, closing his eyes he tried to relax and breath easier. Which was easier said than done especially when he could hear the small ice cracking noises from the floor below.

Finn was giving him tips and even in this situation he made a light smile, "I swear I'll never tease you about those breathing exercises again."
(Didn't see notices sorry)

"Alright, so I was wondering, is there any way to bring a spirit to the physical plane, but without using a physical form. Like what if you could tie a soul to a person."

Richie smirks. "1-2-3 and breathe. Just repeat that." Richie was holding in his laughter.

Braziel looked in awe

He couldn't believe it! He was in space, and he was looking at everything. The stars. The nothingness, the many planets. He was shocked. "This is.. Outstanding!"
Braziels powerful body let him survive the nothingness. He floats around with her, looking around. "How amazing.."
Finn glared Richie's way. "1-2-3 and I'll smash your face in. Do you have any idea of what's going on here? It's not a joke. You took the one thing that he prided in and took it away from him. And just when it seemed like we were gaining a better dynamic." He followed his own breathing for a moment. "Okay. We don't have time for this. Connor, we need to get you comfortable enough that you can fight. I'll help you get rid of the powers once Thanos is gone."
Ivory dropped down, "Nah Finn, I think this is something that's apart of him. Don't mean to sound COLD but Dimitri and Richie never said anything about reversing the effect. So we all just need to CHILL out and help Conner move on."

@CasualDragon @Crono
Jordan had left Earth and was...alright let's be honest, he wasn't even in the solar system at this point, in fact he was a couple of galaxies away and was sitting in the heart of a star, for absolutely no reason other than meditation
Richie snickers. "Yeah Connor. All you gotta do is CHILL out. Everything will be FROSTY. Jut gotta breathe. Cmon, don't give us the COLD shoulder. Don't get COLD feet." Richie fell to his knees, doing his best to contain his laughter.
"Thanks Finn." Connor muttered, and when Ivory showed up he stared to get a headache just from the simple cold references at this point, or maybe it was a brain-freeze now. That wasn't helping. Sorely tempted to put a hand out and just let Ivory freeze, but the fact was he didn't know how it worked or how much measure he'd have to put into it to not actually kill the boy, if he could even freeze to that point. But then Richie had to dip his toe in again, and everything he was shoving down just came bubbling up. This guy had stolen something precious from him, and now he proceeded to constantly mock him and for every bit of mind over matter training he'd ever done he couldn't hold it anymore. "Shut!-" He started as he spun around, hands coming out of his armpits unconsciously, "Up!" He shouted as he glared over at Richie and Ivory.

And then the Ice was spreading quickly from the area around his feet, latching on and climbing up the walls. The air in the room quickly dropping as it seemed like his hands just released freezing air.
Braziel nods. "Yes, let's.maybe a hostile one? Whatever you want to do. This is all amazing."

Richie looks around a bit frightened. His teeth rattle at the shivering cold. He looks at Connor. "Hey man, take it easy. We were just playing around Connor."
Ivory puts his hands up and stops laughing, "Okay, okay I'll COOL it!" He fell down laughing again, "I'm sorry, I know your having a tough time it's just, ya know we haven't had moments were we could just joke and laugh and shit ya know." He gets up cross legged and smiling, "Forgot how great t felt. But if you honestly want to control it, just think about what ya do before you do it. Say you want to not freeze everyone in a ten block radius, envision yourself not doing that, that's how I learned to control mine now."

@Crono @CasualDragon
The moment he saw the fear on Richie's face and the fear in his voice Connor snapped back and shoved his hands back under his arms, he wasn't sure if it helped physically or not but it seemed to help calm or comfort him so the Ice stopped atleast. That is what he didn't want, people to be afraid of him. The blonde looked away from them, almost in shame. "I-I didn't mean to react like that."

"I get what your saying Ivory but this situation, and now? Atleast let me get control first. I'm like that fire guy from earlier...Joe, except I have friends who will help. Except instead of being understanding, they're cracking jokes at my expense before I even come to grips with it." Giving a light snort he turned away from them and sat down directly on the ground and crossed his legs. He wasn't about to run off and try to do this, besides, they'd chase after him anyways. So he closed his eyes once again and started taking in the breaths and regular intervals, focusing on nothing else but the Ice.

This was his body, his power, his life, and he was going to get control back.
Ivory shrugged, "Take it where you can get it."

It was only then that he really noticed Conner, his position, his expression, the way he closed his eyes and concentrated, he noticed his friend was scared. He also felt like he was looking in a mirror from about six years in the past. He sat down cross legged next to Conner, "You want to control it? Alright, before you even DARE focus on the ice, focus on you. Relax, control your body, be aware of everything your doing. This power isn't just some thing you do, it's an extension of yourself, almost like a separate sense or body part. Are you doing it? Good, because now that you've done what I told you, I want you to hold out your hand, and envision the ice forming in your hand. This is YOUR power and YOUR body, the ice is apart of that, and it know that you control it, remind yourself that YOU are in control."

Braziel follows closely, making sure she doesn't lose sight of him.

Richie sits down next to Connor and gets into a meditative state. "Follow my breathing." And Richie breathes in a passive state.
When they hit the atmosphere, everything started to feel fast. She was in a diving position while entering the atmosphere so when she moves in time. She lands onto the ground, though there will probably be a small crater
Braziel slams into the planet, a large earthquake going through the planet. He gets up from the massive crater and jumps up next to Rayne. "Where are we?"
Was still a bit dizzy from that earthquake before regaining her balance and looks around, "Hmm not sure..." She changes into her casual form and was breathing a bit abnormal but nothing to bothersome "That's interesting the air is like earth but somewhat different.. I think it's time for an exploration. I am curious as to what the planet has.." She starts walking, bringing out her sketchbook and pencil

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