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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor shook his head at Dimitri as the heated hand touched him, "That's the thing, I'm not cold. I don't feel it, I just..." He huffed, his tone lowering into a mumble, "I"m not in control of this." Again he wanted to yell and be angry, and again he stopped himself. It wasn't Dimitri's fault, he'd accepted Connor's decision for the most part, no it was Richie's damn fault and he was lucky he was a friend of Marko's.

But then he walks in with his drink, and he's practically mocking Connor at this point. "Watch yourself raccoon or I'll turn you into a Popsicle!" he snapped angrily, suddenly aware of the ice branching out more.
"Chill, Connor. Richie, what the hell was that? He wasn't even sure if he wanted it, much less was he ready." Dimitri said, angrily.
After finding it, she heads off to a burger place and enters inside it. Walking inside and waited in line so she may order, looking down at the thing
Richie shrugs. "Raccoons have short attention spans." This was true, but not in Richie's case. He was just getting sick and tired of waiting. "You guys have a strange way of saying thank you." Richie sips his drink. "I looked at the scanner, and the best way to control it is by breathing. Control your breathing."

Braziel gets his order, and slides all the food down his throat in one gulp. He picked up a large keg and finished all it'd liquid contents in one swig. "Aahh. How refreshing." He waits at his table, which was a bunch of smaller tables put together to hold the massive plates of food he ordered, for his second enormous order.
When she was done ordering, she picked a random table sitting down on the chair waiting for her order. She pulls out her sketch pad and a pencil, skimming through the pages that were filled with sketches before stopping at a new blank page. Rayne started to sketch, while waiting
(No alerts? Dang it site.)

Steve looked on helplessly as the team went all to heck, He resisted the urge to go to Connor and try to cheer him up or at least give him someone to talk to, but FInn seemed to have that well in hand. Looking around he sat dejected. Well, he had powers, but he was much like Connor, his strengths came from good breeding.
Braziel exhales his breath, and that was enough to break the chair. With a large thud, Braziels large backside slammed into the ground, violently shaking the burger place, the lights swinging, and some people fell over. Braziel grimaces. "Apologies." Two biker looking guys laughed and spat at Braziel, one of them kicking him in the back. "Why don't you go back to your lands weirdo!" They both laughed, and that got Braziel angry. He stands up at his full 8 feet, shadowing the now shivering bikers. Braziel pulls back his hand, prepared to hit the bikers, which would kill them.
Jumps in her seat before looking over, she ran towards the three and got in-between them. "Stop it both of you!" She yells, not caring a scene was taking place. She looks at the bikers, "Get out.." the two nods and ran off before she looks at Braziel and sighs. Rayne then walked back to her alone table and sat down, everyone went back to what they were doing. She goes back to drawing, leaving him alone
Braziel looks at the fleeing bikers before walking over to the girls table. He looks down at her. "You let those sniveling cowards get away after spitting on a warrior. They should have faced punishment. What is your name?"
Rayne places the pencil on top of the sketchpad of the unfinished drawing before looking up at him, "My name is Rayne and so what? What makes you any different from them if you actually did that, huh?" she asks him crossing her arms "It wouldn't make no difference what so ever.."
Braziel huffs. "This is how Greece fell to ruin. Everyone became soft. How saddening. How depressing indeed. If they attack, you should be given the right to strike back." Braziel looks over at her sketching, wondering what she was drawing.
Luna found no use in looking for Finn, instead she heads off to the animal friendly restaurant, where she was treated like royalty. "Hi! How are you luna?" The hostess said as she pets luna's head. "Come, the VIP is this way." She said as she led luna to the booth, where an appetizer of tuna with cheese was served. @anyone
"Well this is not Greece..." she replies back before following his gaze to her sketchbook. She then looks at him, "See something you like?" she asks
Braziel could only stare at the sketchbook. The only drawing Braziel ever did was with the blood of his enemies, but he never truly drew. "They are... I have never seen such art like this. How did you learn such fine artsmanship?" He continues to stare at the picture.
"Oh um....I taught myself how to draw since I was little, sure I wold train to become better with fighting but. The only thing I ever taught myself was how to draw...it's one of my favorite pastimes." She stands to go get her food before coming back, setting the tray down besides her sketchbook as she sits down on the chair. "You may look through the book if you want.."
Braziel gently takes the book and flips through the pages. He could tell most of them were star based and space based. They were all so beautiful, he couldn't believe it. There was only one other female he knew who had drawing talent like this. But she was from his time, and that was 2,000 years ago. "I have never seen such drawings. You have the drawing nature of a master!" He sets the book down as he was called up for his second order. He comes back with a table they made into a makeshift tray for Brazuel, containing pounds of pounds of food. He gulps down the food as he takes swigs from a large barrel of coke. "What brings you to this city?"
Back at Stark tower, Cindy practices her marksmanship with a ww2 rifle known as the M1 Garand. "Excellent shot, soldier! how about we pit you with a .50 caliber?" Shield's finest marksman asked with a smile as he handed her the monstrous rifle. "It's really heavy...... But I've held heavier than this with one hand back at home." She said with a voice of remembrance. "Really? What would that be?" the marksman asked as cindy unloaded the clip quickly in 5 seconds, due to the bolt action system.
"Um thanks, and Me? Well I'm a new member of the team...well one of the new. Plus visiting my friend, she is Vision's daughter. But anyways, what about you?" she asks eating her food
Braziel finishes his food and sets down the table he used as a tray. "I am Braziel, Son of Hercules. I was brought into this time by some unknown forces, so I came here to help these people with large threats they can't do alone."
Sarah comes up to Cindy from behind to watch, she takes a gun for herself and shoots at the target Cindy shot at, abliet more on centre, "You need to spend more time aiming and less time shooting."

@Steel Zinogre
"Well nice to meet you Braziel.." she throws her trash away before standing up. She slings the bag over her shoulders before grabbing her sketch pad and pencil, putting it away. Rayne then pushes the chair in before looking at him, "Where you heading next?"
LokiofSP said:
Sarah comes up to Cindy from behind to watch, she takes a gun for herself and shoots at the target Cindy shot at, abliet more on centre, "You need to spend more time aiming and less time shooting."
@Steel Zinogre
"Spray and pray, is the moto of where i'm from." Cindy said as she grabbed a colt revolver, and shot the clip, 3 out of 6 hitting the bullseye. "So, what brings you here?" she asked sarah as the marksman brings in a rivet gun from Rapture. Like the ones the big daddy alpha series use.

(This is concept art. for those who do not know.)
Braziel sighs. "I am going to sprint off to Arizona. I am going to relieve some stress there by releasing some steam into the isolated dessert there. This place is fragile, so I wanted to blow off some steam into the abandoned dessert. You?"

(Looks like a car engine)
Sarah shook her head, "That motto might get you killed one day. Anyways, I'm here because honestly....After Harry died I was lost, did a bit digging and found out he lied about everything, so I decided to do something worth a damn with my life and join up, and as for why I'm here with you. Lets just say that last time we didn't meet on the best of terms, and I may have said some things that I regret, so I figure that if I do join up I might as well bury the hatchet, I'm sorry for calling you a bitch."

@Steel Zinogre
She shrugs, "Don't know, probably visit some unknown planet...or hang out with my friend and her family. Either one sounds nice, but I guess I'll figure it out sooner or later.."

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