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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"No way. There simply isn't enough to effect all of you. Perhaps we should let chance decide. I mean, if no one wants to step up...." Dimitri said, eyeing the candidates.
Richie walks up to Dimitri and pulls him over to the corner of the room. He whispers into Dimitri's ear so no one could hear, "give me the cue, and I'll blast one of the three." He looks over at the three, and he casually gets his gun ready.
Ivory looked up and Finn and Conner and then back at himself, he laughed and looked at Dimitri, "Why are we still talking about this? We know there's a clear choice here and that choice out of all of us is Conner. I WOULD suggest others but since Dimitri chose us it HAS to be Conner. Sorry to say this but, I have a suit that I still don't even fully understand, and Finn has a raging beast that could potentially kill us all if he has powers, imagine Smasher on fire while he's being mind controlled, yeah we would fucking die. Conner has no powers and is the most well equipped."
"But why is not having powers such a concern? I've done fine my whole life without them." The blonde put his hands on his hips and let out a sigh. "If neither Finn or Ivory are comfortable with it then they shouldn't have to, they understand themselves better than anyone and if the gas makes them nervous then... maybe I should take it afterall." He didn't sound very convincing there at the end, mainly because he hadn't managed to convince himself. This decision was going to change him, that was a fact.
Ivory pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's not about being uncomftorable, it's not about having no powers, it's about fighting FUCKING THANOS WITH NO POWERS!"

Sarah laughed at the gun and begins to walk away, "You guys are to good, sorry saw a chance and I took it."

Richie sighs. "You'll thank me for this." Richie pulls out his gun and fires it at Connor, blasting him back right into the couch. The mist flows into his lungs. Richie pulls out the device and scans Connor to see his powers.
Connor snorted and turned his head to look at Ivory, "Like that's ever stopped me before. Maybe for you guys who have powers it doesn't seem like such a big deal but it is to me. It's a really big fuc--" Catching himself mid-sentence he shook his head before leaning sideways against the wall. "I grew up and trained with friends who all had powers, and when I was young I had always wanted some, not so much jealous as envious. I came to accept that I didn't have them, accept who I am. That I didn't need them to protect people, and I'm fine with the ma-" This time he was cut off by the shot that sent him stumbling back onto the couch, coughing as the mist fought entrance into his lungs, eyes wide in shock.
Eyes wide watching before looking over, watching the two while having her head tilted thinking. She walks over to Richie and looks at the scanner curiously
Ivory fell backwards in surprise, "DAMN DUDE!" He rushed to Conner, "Dammit, check first, there needs to be consent!" He shakes Conner, "Are you okay? Oh god what if it rejected him? What would happen then? What if he turned into a shark? Or even worse, what if he wasn't American anymore?"
LokiofSP said:
Ivory pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's not about being uncomftorable, it's not about having no powers, it's about fighting FUCKING THANOS WITH NO POWERS!"
Sarah laughed at the gun and begins to walk away, "You guys are to good, sorry saw a chance and I took it."

"wait before you go can you hand me his hand back he needs that." "FOR ALL THE PEOPLE i MURDER, and crocheting."
Richie's eyes widen. "What the... Hell...." Richie shakes the scanner to make sure it was working right. He looks at Connor. "Guess you can call yourself The Winter Soldier, ice boy. You can control ice now. No negative effects. You are welcome by the way. Oh and he also can fly. Don't you hate heights Connor?"
Sarah throws the hand back, "There ya go, now I'll let you two have some.......Private time." She walked away.


Ivory looked at Conner and laughed, "Oh my god, that is to damn perfect, the guy who's afraid of heights gets flight? To fucking good!" He puts back on his mask, "See ya later, I got some shit to do, and Conner....Stay frosty." He left again.
(lmao. No, I deny the flying.)

Connor cast Richie and angry glare as he recovered, "I can't believe you just...!" He shouted angrily, about to go off on Richie when he felt the once comfy couch below him...stop being so comfy. Looking down he could see the cushion he was sat on frozen solid under his hand and jumped up in surprise before looking at his hand. "You don't just go screwing with someone's DNA like that!" He noticed the ground below his feet was covered in Ice that was slowly spreading outwards, his hands felt like they we're going to explode from the energy and he walked quickly and angrily out the door.
LokiofSP said:
Sarah throws the hand back, "There ya go, now I'll let you two have some.......Private time." She walked away.

Ivory looked at Conner and laughed, "Oh my god, that is to damn perfect, the guy who's afraid of heights gets flight? To fucking good!" He puts back on his mask, "See ya later, I got some shit to do, and Conner....Stay frosty." He left again.
"it isn't like that." Dru dragged kidpool after him sticking the severed hand back onto his wrist then shooting him in the head to shut him up "I was looking for dimitri I wanted to add kidpool to the team so he can be a hero for once."
Sarah waved him off, "Yeah yeah lover boy I get it, you don't want to admit your feelings, trust me though you'll be glad if ya do." She left

LokiofSP said:
Sarah waved him off, "Yeah yeah lover boy I get it, you don't want to admit your feelings, trust me though you'll be glad if ya do." She left
"I don't like anyone and he is too deranged to like anyone longer than the brain cells carrying the thoughts live. His healing factor is awful." Dru shrugged.
Richie smirks as he takes his gun and puts it away. "Well, that was fun. Galactic Core, report in." Richie says into an earpiece as he sits in the office, searching for a planet for the right to take place in.

Braziel walks around the city, looking for something to do. He walks into a Burger King, and orders the entire menu as he sits down on a reinforced steel chair. It groaned and bent under his weight, but it held.
Rayne quickly excuses herself as she leaves, before looking around and then walks through streets as if looking for something
Finn watched in shock as Connor was propelled backwards. "Connor!" He glared over at Richie as he hurried over, only to slip a little on ice. Connor rushed from the room and Finn moved as if to go after him but stopped for a brief moment. "Congratulations on taking away an important part of who Connor is, sorry was." He turned and left the room. "Connor wait up!"
Connor heard Finn call faintly from behind him as he went about his escape. The blonde pausing in his step, turning to tell Finn to go back, that he was fine. But he wasn't fine, and Finn didn't deserve to get yelled at so he snapped his mouth shut and waited for the boy to catch up. Staring down at the sheet of Ice forming underneath his feet once again, and shoving his hands underneath his armpits.
"Motherfucker..." Dimitri said as he followed Connor. "Connor! Connor I'm sorry, I didn't know he would do that. Look, maybe I can help." Dimitri said, heating his hand up a bit and holding it against Connors chest. "Is that helping at all?"
Richie goes to the refrigerator and grabs a sprite and a cup. After filling the cup with the sugary, beautiful drink, Richie follows Connors ice trail to Connor, Dimitri and Finn, and breaks off an icicle that he puts in his drink. After taking a sip, he looks up at Connor. "Mmm, perfectly chilled."

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